The information disclosed in this document, including all designs and related materials, is
the valuable property of NEC Computer Systems Division, Packar d Bell NEC, Inc.
(hereinafter “NEC CSD”) and/or its licensor s. NEC CSD and/or its licensors, as
appropriate, reserve all patent, copyright and other proprietary rights to this document,
including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except to
the extent said rights are expressly granted t o others.
The NEC CSD product(s) discussed in this document are warranted in accordance with the
terms of the Warranty Statement accompa nying each product. However, actual
performance of each such product is dependent upon factors such as system configuration,
customer data, and oper ator control. Since imple ment ation by customers of each product
may vary, the suitability of specific pro duct configurat ions and applications must be
determined by the customer and is not warrant ed by NEC CSD.
To allow for design and specification improve ment s, the information in this document is
subject to change at any time, without notice. Reproduction of this document or portions
thereof without prior written approval of NEC CSD is prohibited.
INTEL is a registered t r ademark of Inte l Corpo r at ion.
MS-DOS is a registered tr ademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Pentium is a registered trademark of Inte l Corpor ation.
All other product, brand, or trade names used in this publication are t he trademarks o r
registered trademarks of their respective trademark owners.
Appendix B System Status Hardware Support Information
System Status Hardware Support Information........................................................................B-2
Equipment Log
vi C ont ents
Using This Guide
The MC2200 User’s Guide provides a quick reference to information about your system. Its
goal is to familiarize you with your syst em and the tasks necessary for system configuring
and upgrading.
This guide contains the following information:
Chapter 1, “System Overview” provides an overview of your system and describes
your system’s major s ystem components. See th is chapter t o familiar iz e yourself with
your system.
Chapter 2, “Setting Up the System” tells you how to select a site, unpack t he syste m,
assemble the rack- mount subsystem, make cable connections, and power on your
Chapter 3, “Configuring Your System” shows you how to configure the system and
run the Resource Configuration Utility (RCU), BIOS Set up Utility, and t he SCSI Select
Utility. Chapter 4 also t ells you ho w t o co n figur e syst em board jumper s t o set specific
o perating parameters . This chapt er also provides information on sys tem b oard jump er
Chapter 4, “Upgrading Your System” provides you with instructions for upgrading
your system with an additional processor, optional memory, options cards, and
peripheral devices.
Chapter 5, “Problem Solving” co nt a ins he lpfu l info r mation fo r so lv ing pr o ble ms t hat
might occur with your system.
Appendix A, “System Cabling” includes cabling informat ion for the two onboard SCSI
controllers, the onboard IDE controllers, and the optional RAID controllers.
Appendix B, “System Status Hardware Support Information” helps you identify a
system status hardware item indicated by one of several software monitoring
“Glossary” defines the standard acronyms and technical terms used in this manual.
“Equipment Log” provides you with a sample equipment log for documenting the
system configuration and future updates you may make to your system.
Using This Guide vii
Text Conventions
This guide uses the following text c onventions.
War n ings, cautions, and not es have the following me anings:
Warnings alert you to situations that could result i n serious personal injury or loss
of life.
Cautions indi c ate situations that can damage the system har dware or software.
Names of keyboard keys are printed as they appear on the keyboard. Fo r example, Ctrl,
Alt, or Enter.
Notes give important inf ormati on about the material being descri bed.
Text or keystrokes that you enter appear as boldface type. For examp le, type abc123 and
press ENTER.
File names are printed in uppercase letters. For example, AUTOEXEC.BAT.
Related Documents
In addition to this guide, the following system documentation is included with your server
either as electro nic files on EXPRESSBUILDER or as paper copy shipped with your server.
System Release Notes
Release Not es provide you with the latest infor matio n about your system. This
information was not available at the time your user’s guide was developed.
Getting Started Sheet
The Getting Started S heet prov ides several easy-to-follow steps to beco me familiar w ith
your server documentation and to complete your installation succes sfully.
Network Operating System Configuration Guide
This guide contains supplement al instructions needed to install and configure the
Windows NT v4.0 Network Operating System. This document is intended to
complement the more detailed procedural documents available from the vendor of this
network operating system.
viii Using This Guide
Safety Notices
Caution: To reduce the risk of electric shock which co uld cause personal injury, follow
all safety notices. T he symbols shown are used in your documentat ion and on your
equipment to indicate safety hazards.
Warning: Lithium ba tteries can be dangerou s . Impr ope r hand ling of lithium ba tt eries
may res ult in an exp losion. Dispose of lithiu m batte ries as required by loca l ordinance or
as normal waste if no local ordinance e x ist s.
Warning: The detachable power supply cords are intended to serve as the disconnect
Warning: This equipment has a 3-wire, grounded power cords. To prevent electrical
hazards, do not remove or defeat the ground prong on the power cords. Replace a power
cord if it gets damaged. Contact your dealer for an exact replacement .
Warning: The DC push-button on/off switch on the front panel does not turn off the
system AC power. Also, +5vdc is present o n t he syste m board whenever the AC power
cords are connected bet ween t he syst em and an AC outlet. Before doing the procedures
in this manual, make sure that your system is powered off and unplug the AC power
cords from the back of the chassis. Fai lure to disconnect power before o p ening your
system can result in personal injury and equipment damage.
In the U.S.A. and Canada, the power cord must be a UL-listed detachable power cor d (in
Canada, CSA-certified), type ST or SJT, 16 AWG, 3-conductor, provided with a molded-on
NEMA type 5-15 P plug cap at one end and a molded-on cor d connecto r body at the other
end. The cord length must not exceed 9 feet ( 2.7 meters).
Outside the U.S.A. and Canada, the plug must be rated for 250 VAC, 10 amp minimum,
and must display an international agency approval marking. The cor d must be su ita ble for
use in the end-user country. Consult your dea ler or the local electrical authorities if you are
unsure of the type of power cord to use in your country. The voltage change occurs via a
switch in the power supply.
Warning: Under no circumstances should the user attempt to disassemble the power
supply. The power supply has no user-replaceable parts. Inside the power supply are
hazardous voltages that can cause serious persona l injur y. A defective power supply
must be returned to your dealer.
Using This Guide ix
Safety Notices for Users Outside of the U.S.A. and Canada
PELV (Protected Extra-Low Voltage) Integrity: To ensure the extra-low vo ltage
integrity of the equipment, connect only equipment with mains-protected electricallycompatible circu its to t he externa l port s.
Remote Earths: To pr event electr ica l shock, connect all loca l ( individua l office)
computers and computer support equipment to the same electrical circuit of the building
wiring. If you are unsure, check the building wiring to avoid remote earth conditions.
Earth Bo ndi n g : For safe o per ation, o nly connect t he equipment to a building supply
that is in accordance with current wiring regulat ions in your count r y. In the U.K., those
regulations are t he IEE.
Care and Handling
Use the following guidelines to pro p er ly handle and care for your syste m.
Protect the system from ext r em ely low or hi gh temper atures. Let
the system warm (or cool) to room temper ature before using it.
Keep the system away from magnetic forces.
Keep the system dry. Do not wash the system with a wet cloth or
pour fluid into it.
Protect the system from bei ng bum ped or dr opped.
Check the system for condensation. If condensation exi sts, allow it
to evaporate befor e poweri ng on the system.
Keep the system away from dust, sand, and dirt.
x Using This Guide
Using This Guide xi
System Overview
System Chassis
Power Supply
Peripheral Bays
SAF-TE (SCSI Access ed Fault Tolerant Enclosure)
System Board Features
System Security
This server is a modular, multiprocessing server based on the Int el Pentium® II chip
set. The combinat ion of computing perfor mance, memor y capacit y, and integrated I/O
provides a high performance environme nt for many server market applications. These
range from large corporations supporting remote offices to small companies looking to
obtain basic connect ivity capa bil it y suc h as file and print serv ices, e -mail, web access,
and web site server.
This server is also co nveniently housed and available as a tower- based syst em or as a
rack-mount syst em (fits into a standard I AE 19- inch rack assemb l y).
Figure 1-1 Tower-Based System Front View
Figure 1-2 Rack-Mount System Front View
1-2System Overview
This s erver system is designed for min imum downtime. To this end, the se rver includes
or has the options to include the following:
Optional power system redundancy; in a system configured w ith two power supplies,
the system will continue to operat e with a single power supp ly failure.
Self-contained power supply units that can be easily installed or removed fro m the
back of the chassis.
SCSI drive bays access ib le from the front of the chassis.
Hot-swap SCSI disk drive backplane; a failed drive can be removed and a new drive
installed without system power being turned off, if an optional Redundant Array of
Independent Disks (RAID ) contro lle r is in s talle d.
High degree of SCSI disk fault tolerance and advanced disk arra y management
features through the use of RAID technolog y, if an optional RAID co nt ro ller is
Chassis that supports up to two power supplies. The second power supply can be
added to provide redundant power.
As application requirements increase, you can expand your server with an additional
processor, additional memory, add-in boards and peripheral devices: tape devices, CDROM, diskette drives and hard disk drives.
Your server features the fo llowing major components:
System board with one Pent ium
II microprocessor. The system board has a
processor upgrade socket for an additional processor. The board may contain up to
two processors.
Single or dual high-perfor mance Pentium II processors packaged in Single Edge
Connector (SEC or SECC2) cartridges.
System board supports 4 EDO DIMM devices for a minimum memory size of 32
MB; total is 512 MB.
System board has t hree I S A slots, two PCI slots, and one shared PCI\ I S A slot for
add-in boards. The syst em board also has onboard external I/O (serial, para llel,
video) interfaces.
System board has two video memory upgrade sockets (512 KB each) containing an
additional 1 MB of video memory.
Chas sis that holds up to 12 drives: s even hot -swap bays for ultr a -2 ( LVD) SCSI ha rd
drives; five removable media expansion bays with a CD-ROM reader already
installed in o ne bay; and a half- heig ht bay with a diskette drive alr e ady ins ta lled in
the bay.
Seven hot-swap SCSI hard disk drive bays acces s ible from the front of the chassis.
The bays are secured behind a lockable front door where the drives can be swapped
in or out of the system without powering it down, if RAID is configured in the
system. (Tower models only.)
SCSI backplane is Ultra-2 (LVD) ready.
System Overview 1-3
One standard power supply module with a slot available for an additional redundant
power supply module. When an additional power supply module is installed, both
the standard and additional redundant power supply module slots become hot
Hardware monitors (temperature, fans, and voltage) and software monitors to
indicate failure s.
Mechanical: Keylock at the front of the chassis and two metal padlocks loops (one at
the back of each side panel). Three intrusion se nso r switches for the front, left and
right side of the chassis. Two of the t hree intrusion sensor switches (left a nd r ight
side intrusion sensor switches only) become power inter-lock switches when two
power supplies are in s talle d. (T ower mo dels only.)
System Chassis
The system chassis is an easy-to-expand, fabricat ed metal struct ure. The major s ystem
compone nts are sho wn in t he following illust rations.
Figure 1-3 System Chassis (Left Side View)
A.Removable media bays (2)
B.Speaker/Switch assembly
C.System board
D.Front input fan
E.Rear exhaust fan
F.Second rear exhaust fan
G.Interlock switch - Side Covers
H.Intrusion swit ch - Front Cover
1-4System Overview
Figure 1-4 System Chassis (Right Side View)
A.CD-ROM drive
B.Removable media bay
C.1.44 MB 3.5"diskette drive
D.SAF-TE board
E.SCSI disk drive bays (7)
F.SCSI backplane board
G.Fans, behind SCSI disk drive bays (3)
I.Interlock switch
J.Standard power supply
K.Power supply module slots (one standard power supply slot
and one optional power supply slot)
L.Power supply status LED
M.DC power Status LED
N.Power available switch
O.Power supply distribution board
System Overview 1-5
Power Supply
The ATX300 watt power supply is switch-selectable for 115 or 230 Vac at an operating
frequency of 50/60 Hz. It is designed to comply with existing emission standards and
provides sufficient power for a fully loaded system configuration. The power supply
voltage selection switch is factory set to 115Vac for systems used in the United States;
it is set to 230Vac for systems used in Europe.
Peripheral Bays
The system supports a variety of standard PC AT-compatible peripheral devices. The
chassis includes these peripheral bays:
A 3.5-inch front panel bay for mount ing the standard 3.5" diskette drive (supports
720 KB and 1.44 MB diskett e media)
Four 5.25-inch removable media
peripheral devices: standard CD ROM drive and optional tape drives, etc.
Seven hot-s w ap SC SI hard disk drive bays for mounting up to seve n SCSI hard disk
drives in easily removable dr ive carriers.
plane that requir e an 80- pin si ngle connector attachment (SCA)
connector on the driv es that you install.
SAF-TE Board
The system has a SAF-TE ( S CSI- Accessed Fault- T olerant Enclosure) board t hat
provides an inter face for the d isk subs ystem to automatically integrat e with periphera l
packaging that supports status signals, hot swapping drives, and enclosure monitoring.
The transport mechanism for the st andardized alert detection and status r epo rting is the
SCSI bus. Disk drives, power supplies, coo ling fans, and temperature are continually
monitored and the conditions then reported over the SCSI bus to the system. When used
with RAID management software the user can be alerted of impending or imminent
disk conditions requiring attent ion. This allows the user to react to conditions that could
normally go unnoticed unt il data loss.
front pa nel ba ys for mounting half-hei ght 5.25-inch
The SCSI hard disk drive bays contain a hot-swap back
1-6 System Overview
System Board Features
Figure 1-5 shows the major components on the system board, while the following
summarizes t he board featur es.
Board set summaryFeature description
Multiple processor supportTwo processor sockets; up to two Pentium II microprocessors on the system
Upgradable memoryFour DIMM sockets on the system board, supporting up to 512 MB memory
using 128 MB DIMMs.
Add-in board supportThree dedicated ISA bus slots on the system board. Two dedicated 32-bit
PCI slots on the system board. One shared PCI/ISA slot on the system
IDE controllerOnboard IDE controller.
SCSI controllerOnboard SCSI-2; ultra wide SCSI channel and narrow SCSI channel
support (PCI-based).
BIOSFlash memory-based BIOS (Basic Input/Output System ) and Setup utilities.
VideoIntegrated super VGA controller ships with 2 MB of video memory.
External device
ClockReal-time clock/calendar (RTC).
System hardware
Configuration utilities
Onboard connectors for two serial ports, parallel port, PS/2-compatible
keyboard and mouse, and VGA monitor.
Detects chassis intrusion and contains sensors for temperature, voltage, and
fan failure.
Resource Config u ration Utility (RCU), BIOS Setup, SCSISelect Utility, and
Event Log Reader.
System Overview 1-7
Figure 1-5. System Board Connector and Component Locations
ISA expansion slots
PCI expansion slots
RAID connector (reserved)
Video DRAM soc kets (2)
I/O riser board connector
Configuration jumpers
DIMM Sockets (4)
IDE connector
Wide SCSI connector
Narrow SCSI connector
*The front panel OFF/ON DC power button is connected to pins 6-31;
nthe front pan el Reset button is c onnected to pin s 7-32.
Front panel connector*
Diskette connector
CPU 2 (optional)
Voltage Module 2 (optional)
Voltage Modu le 1
Speaker connector
Fan connector
Real time clock batte ry
Non-volatile memory
1-8 System Overview
Pentium II Processor
Depending on system configuration, each system includes one or two Pentium II
processo r s. Each Pentium II processor is packaged in a Single Edge Contact (SE C or
SECC2) cartridge. The cartridge includes the processor core with an integrated 16 KB
primary (L1) cache; the secondar y (L2) cache; a thermal plate; and a back cover. The
processor implement s the MMX™ technology and the processor ’ s numeric coprocessor
significantly increases the speed of floating-point operations.
The processo r exter nal inter face operates at a maximum of 66 MHz. The second-level
cache is located on the substr ate of the SEC cartridge. The cache includes burst
pipelined synchronous static RAM (BSRAM) that operates at half the core clock rate.
The L2 cache is offered in 512 KB configurations only, with error correcting code
The system board contains four 168-pin DIMM sockets (Figure 1-5, H). The minimum
system board configuration includes 32 MB of system memory. 4 DIMM sockets allow
for system memory expansion to 512 MB. ECC generation/checking is provided for
detection and correction of memory errors.
: Only use DIMMs approved for use in this server system.
Call your customer service representative f or information.
I/O Expansion Slots
The server's expa nsio n capa bi l it ies meet t he needs of file and application servers for
high performance I/O by providing a combinat ion of PCI local bus and ISA connecto r s.
The system board offers two dedicated PCI slots, three dedicated ISA slots, and one
shared PCI/ISA slot.
The system board contains four ISA I/O (input/output) expansion slots (F igure 1-5, A).
The ISA architecture supports 16-bit memory addressing and 16-bit data transfers.
The system board also co nt ains t hree P CI bus I/ O expansio n slot s ( F igure 1-5, C). The
PCI architecture supports 32-bit memory addressing and 32-bit data transfers. One of
these slots shares a common chassis I/O expa nsio n slot with one of the ISA slots; if you
use this slot as a PCI slot, you cannot use it as an ISA slot .
Real-Time Clock/Calendar
The real-time clock provides syst em cloc k/calen dar information st o red in a non-volatile
memory (NVRAM). The real-time clock battery provides power backup for the realtime clock.
A BIOS and Setup Utility are located in the Flash EP ROM on the system board and
include support for system setup and PCI/ISA Plug-and-Play auto-configuration. A
number of security, reliability, and manageme nt features also have been incorporated to
meet vital server needs.
System Overview 1-9
IDE Controller
The system includes an IDE inter face controller on the system board ( Figure 1-5, I)
supporting a master and slave device. This provides support for optional tape devices.
SCSI Controller
The system includes two onboard SCSI controllers, providing both ultra wide (Figure 23, J) and fast narrow (Figure 1-5, K) SCSI support.
The fast/narrow SCSI-2 controller (Adaptec® AIC-7860) supports data paths of 8-bit
(fast/narrow SCSI) at a data transfer rate of 10 MB/sec and the ultra wide SCSI-2
controller (Adaptec® AIC-7880) supports data paths of 16-bit (fast/wide or ultra /wide
SCSI) at a data transfer rat e of 20 MB/sec or 40 MB/sec. On t he PCI bus, t hese
controllers support burst data transfer rates up to the maximum of 133 MB/sec. On this
server, the ultra wide contro ller is cabled to the Ultra- 2 S CSI backplane t hat suppo rts up
to seven Ultra-2 SCA drives. The fast narrow contro ller is cabled to the internal ly
mounted CD-ROM drive and can also be cabled to the optional SCSI devices in the
5 1/4-inch removable media drive bays.
Video Controller
The system has a high-performance SVGA subsystem that suppo rts the following:
BIOS compatibility with VGA, EGA, CGA, Hercules Graphics, and MDA
2 MB of Video Random Access Memory (VRAM) video buffer
16-bit bus for high-speed displa y memor y access
Hardware accelerated bit block transfers ( BIT BLT )
Display power mana gement syste m
Supports 72Hz refresh, non-interlaced at: 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, or
1280x1024 resolutions
Displays of up to 16M colors at 640x480 and 800x600 resolutions, 64K colors at
1024x768 resolutions and 256 colors at 1280x1024 resolutions.
Peripher al C o ntroller
The advanced integrated peripheral contro ller supports two serial ports, one parallel
port, diskette drive, PS/2-compatible keyboard and mouse, and integrat ed Real Time
Clock (RTC). The system provides the connect or interface for each po rt.
Serial Ports
Both serial ports ar e relocat able. E ach serial port can be set to one of four different
COM ports and can be enabled separately. When disabled, serial port interrupts are
available to add-in boards.
1-10System Overview
Parallel Port
One IEEE 1284-compatible 25-pin bidirectional EPP (supporting levels 1.7 and 1.9)
parallel port is pro vided. B IOS progra mming enable s the pa rallel port and d etermines
the port address and interrupt. When disabled, the interrupt is available to add-in
External Device Connectors
The external I/O connectors provide support for a PS/2 compatible mouse and a
keyboard, connectors for VGA monitor, 2 serial port connectors, and a parallel port
System Security
The front panel of the tower- based syst em contains a mechanical lock to prevent access
to the front of the computer chassis. I n add it ion, eac h side cover contains a padlock
loop (padlock not provided) located o n the rear of the chassis to prevent remova l o f the
side covers and access to t he inside of the computer chass is
The computer chassis includes a n intr usion switch for the front cover and interlock
switches for bot h t he left side and the right-side covers (as viewed from the front).
When any these covers are opened, the switch tr ansmits an a larm signal to the syste m
board, where server management software processes t he sig nal. The side co ver sw itches
also operate as inter lock sw itches controlling power shut do wn to the system for safety
Security with the rack-mount system is ident ical t o the tower-based system stated
above, except that t here is no front cover associated with the rack-mount s yste m.
Software Locks via the BIOS Setup
The BIOS has softwar e featur es that let you control access t o o ne or more parts of the
Set and enable an administrative password.
Set and enable a user password.
Enable password on boot.
Disable writing to the diskette drive when secure mode is set.
System Overview 1-11
Packard Bell NEC
Setting Up the System
Selecting a Site
Unpacking the System
Rack-Mount Subsystem Assembly
Getting Familiar with the System
Making Connections
Setting the Line Voltage
Connecting the Power Cord(s)
Powering On Your System
This chapter describes how to select a site, unpack the system, make cable connect ions,
and power on the tower-based o r rack- mount syst em unit s. Also , provided are the
instruct ions for assembling the rack-mount s ystem unit.
Selecting a Site
The system operates r eliably in a t ypical o ffice en vironme nt .
Choose a site that is:
Near grounded, three-pronged power outlets.
15R outlets for 100- 120 V A C or NEMA 6-15R outl ets for 200-240
VAC. For other internat ional sites, this means three-pronged power
outlets applic able for the electrical code of the region.
Be sure the power service connec tion is through a properly
grounded outlet.
When two power supplies are installed in the system the power plug
from each of the power supplies must be plugged into the same
common ground power outlet s.
Clean, dust-free, and well ventilated. Front and rear ventilating openings kept free of
For the United States and Canada, thi s means a NEMA 5-
obstructions. Away from sources of heat, vibration or physical shock.
Isolated from strong electromagnetic fields and electrical noise produced by
electrical devices (such as air conditioners, large fans, large elect ric motors, radio
and TV transmitters, and high-frequency security devices)
Spacious enough to provide at least five inches (13 centimeters) behind the system
and three inches (eight cent imeters) o n each side of the system for prop er coo ling,
airflow, and cable clearance.
Easily accessible for system maintenance and installation of system upgrades.
2-2 Setting Up the System
Unpacking the System
Your system weighs approximately 65 pounds (29.25 kg). If y our
system contai ns numerous optional boards and peripheral dev ices, it
will weigh more. To avoid personal injury, make sure you hav e
someone help you lift or m ov e the system.
When you receive your system, inspect the shipping co ntainers prior to unpacking. If
the shipping boxes are damaged, note the damage, and if possible, photograph it for
reference. After re moving the contents of the containers, keep the cartons and the
packing materials. If the content s appear damaged when you unpack t he boxes, file a
damage claim with the carrier immediate ly.
Rack-Mount Subsystem Assembly
This section prov ides t he instr uctions for assembling the rack-mount ser ver unit into a
standard EIA 19-inch rack cabinet.
Before You Begin
Before you begin, please review the following cautions, warnings, and general
Be sure that power to the system is tur ned off and unplugged. All
voltage is removed only when the power cords are unplugged.
Avoid excessive vibration and shock. Dropping an electronic component can cause
serious damage.
Do not disconnect or remove parts other than those spec ified in the pro cedur e.
Do not touch I/O connector pins.
All screws are phillips-head, unless otherwise specified.
On completion of any assembly or r eassembly, perform a power-on test. If a fault
occurs, verify that the assembly or reassembly was performed corr ect ly. If the
problem persists, see Chapter 5, Problem Solving".
Setting Up the Syste m 2-3
Static Precautions
An electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage disk drives, option boards, and other
components. You can prov ide so me ESD protection by wearing an antistat ic wrist strap
attached to chassis ground when handling syste m co mpone nt s.
Electronic devices can be easily damaged by static electricity. To prevent damage, keep
them in their protective packaging when they are not insta lled in your syste m.
This section describes ho w to assemble your rack-mount server unit into a standard E IA
19 inch rack cabinet.
Ensure that the locati on of the rack-mount server unit does not
create an unstable condition when installed i n the rack cabinet.
Select an appropriate location in your rack cabinet for the rack-mount server unit.
To improve rack st abilit y, mou nt heavier items towards t he bott om of the rack
cabinet you should c onsi der the length of the cables that
interconnect system components.
Locate the two support brackets (D). Using four self tapp ing screws (E) supplied
When planning y our system c onfiguration for the rack
with the rack cabinet for each support bracket, attach the two support brackets to the
vertical mounting rails (A and B) of the rack cabinet.
Install the four caged nuts (C) that secure the front of the rack-mount server unit to
the rack cabinet. Pos ition the caged nuts to align with the screw holes in the front
bezel of the rack-mount server unit.
rails of the rack cabinet by insert ing one side of the nut into the slot
and squeeze while pressing the opposite side until it snaps int o
The caged nuts are secured int o the ver tical mounting
2-4 Setting Up the System
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