NEC Express5800-HX4000 User's Guide

Server HX4000
User’s Guide
Copyright © 1997 Packard Bell NEC, Inc.
Adaptec is a registered trademar k of Adaptec Corporation DigiBoard is a registered trademark of Digi Int er nat ional INTEL is a registered trademar k of I nt el Corpor at ion Mylex is a registered trademark of M y lex Corporat ion MS-DOS is a registered trademar k of M icr osof t Corpor ation Pentium is a registered tradem ar k of I ntel Corporation PS/2 is a trademark of Int er nat ional Business Machines Corporation Other product and company names are registered trademar ks and trademarks of their respect ive holders.
Printed in the United States of America.
PN: 904167 8/97


Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. Th ese lim its are designed to provide reasonable protection agai nst harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used according to this manual, th e equipm ent may cause harmful interference wi t h radio and televi sion communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in any particular installation.
Note: To meet Class B emission limits, the user must observe the followin g requirem ents:
Use only shielded I/O cables to co nnect this digital dev ice with any per ipheral (such as a
printer, modem, monit or, et c.). The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
If this equi pment does cause interference with radio or television reception, which you can determi ne by turning the equipment off and on, tr y to correct the int erference by using one or more of the fol lowing measures :
Move the digital device away from the affected receiver.
Reposition (turn) the digital device with respect to the affected receiver.
Reorient the affected receiver's antenna.
Plug the digital device into a different AC outlet so the digital device and the receiver are on
different branch circuits. Disconnect and remov e any I/O cables that t he digital devic e does no t use. (Unter minated I/O
cables are a pot ential source of high RF emission le vels.) Plug the digital devic e into only a gr ounded out let rece ptacle. Do not use AC adapte r plugs.
(Removing or cutting the line cord ground may increase RF emission levels and may also present a lethal shock hazard to the user.)
If you need add itional help, consult yo ur dealer, manufactur er, or an e xperienc ed radio or
television te chnician for help.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may no t cause harmful interf erence , and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
Canadian Regulatory Information - This Class B digital apparatus m eets a ll requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulation.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
VDE Manufacturer's Declaration - Hiermit wird bescheinigt, daß dieses Gerät in Übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen der BMPT-AmtsblVfg 243/1991 funk-entstört ist. Der vorschriftsmäßige Betrieb mancher Geräte (z. B. Meßsender) kann allerdings gewissen Einschränkungen unterliegen. Beachten Sie deshalb die Hinweise in der Bedienungsanleitung.
Dem Bundesamt für Zulassungen in der Telekommunikation wurde das Inverkehrbringen dieses Gerätes angezeigt und die Berechtigung zur Überprüfung der Serie auf die Einhaltung der Bestimmungen eingeräumt. This product complies to EN55022 Class B. To ensure continued compliance, only options that are EN55022 Class B can be added.

Safety Notices

Caution: To reduce the risk of electric shock which could cause personal injury, follow all safety notices. The symbols shown are used in your documentation and on your equipment to indicate safety hazards.
Warning: Lithium batteries can be dangerous. Improper handling of lithium batteries may result in an explosion. Dispose of lithium batteries as required by local ordinance or as normal waste if no local ordinance exists.
Warning: T he detachable power supply cords are inten ded to serve as disconnect devices.
Warning: This equipment uses 3-wire, grounded power cords. To prevent electrical hazards, do not remove or defeat the ground prong on the power cords. Replace a power cord if it gets damaged. Contact your dealer for an exact replacement.
In the U.S.A. and Canada, the power cord must be a UL-listed detachable power cord (in Canada, CSA-certified), type ST or SJT, 16 AWG, 3-conduc t or, provide d wit h a m ol ded-on NEMA type 5-15 P plug cap at one end and a molded-on cord connector body at the other end. The cord length must not exceed 9 feet (2.7 meters).
Outside the U.S.A. and Canada, the plug must be rated for 250 VAC, 10 amp minimum, and must display an international agency approval marking. The cord must be suitable for use in the end-user country. Consult your dealer or the local electrical authorities if you are unsure of the type of power cord to use in your country. The voltage change occurs via a switch in the power supply.
Warning: Under no circumstances should the user attempt to disassemble the power supply. The power supply has no user-replaceable parts. Inside the power supply are hazardous voltages that can cause serious personal in jury. A defective power supply must be returned to your dealer.
Safety Notices for Users Outside of the U.S.A. and Canada
PELV (Protected Extra-Low Voltage) Integrity: To ensure the extra-low voltage integrity of the equipment, connect only equipment with mains-protected electrically-compatible circuits to the external ports.
Remote Earths: To prevent electrical shock, connect all local (individual office) computers and computer support equipment to the same electrical circuit of the building wiring. If you are unsure, check the building wiring to avoid remote earth conditions.
Earth Bonding: For safe operation, only connect the equipment to a building supply that is in accordance with current wiring regulations in your country. In the U.K., those regulations are the IEE.

Care and Handli ng

Use the following g uidelines to properly h andle and care for your system.
Protect the system from extremely low or high temperatures. Let the system warm (or cool) to room temperature before using it.
Keep the system away from magnetic forces.
Keep the system dry. Do not wash the system with a wet cloth or pour fluid into it.
Protect the system from being bumped or dropped.
Check the system for condensation. If condensation exists, allow it to evaporate before powering on the system.
Keep the system away from dust, sand, and dirt.

Bill GrahamContents

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Features
Chapter 3 Setup
Chapter 4 Configuring Your System
Chapter 5 Upgrades and Options
Chapter 6 Problem Solving
Appendix A Cabling
Appendix B Memory Configurat ions
Appendix C Option Boards
Appendix D Devices
Appendix E Network Operating Systems
Equipment Log
Bill Graham
Chapter 1


Organization ........................................................................ 1
Notational Conventions ......................................................... 3
Bill Graham
This guide tells you how to configure and upgrade your server. Its g oal is to familiarize you with your serv er and the tasks n ecessary f or system co nfiguratio n and upgrading.
Chapter 1
Introduc tion Introduces you to the purpose and structure of this guide.
Chapter 2
Features Gives you an over view of the server and describes majo r system co mponents.
Chapter 3
Setup  Tells you how to select a site, unpack the system, get familiar with the sy stem, make cable connections, and power on the system.
Chapter 4
Configuring Your System Tells you how to configure the system and provides instructions for running the System Configur ation Utility (SCU), the BIO S Setup Utility and the SCSISelect Utility. This chapter also tells you how to configure function select switches and system board ju mpers in or der to set specif ic operatin g parameters.
Chapter 5
Upgrades and Options Provides you w ith instructions for upgrading your system with optional processor, memory, options cards, and peripheral devices.
Chapter 6
Problem Solving Con tains helpful inf ormation for solving p roblems that migh t occur with you r system.
Appendix A
System Cabling Inc ludes cabling in formation fo r the onboard SCSI controller and the RAID controller.
Appendix B
Memory Configurations  Defines the allowable memory configurations for your system.
Appendix C
Option Board s Reserves a section of your user’s guide to stor e add-in adapter board installation procedures.
Appendix D
Devices Reserves a section of your user’s guide to store add-on device installation procedures.
Appendix E
Network Operating Systems Re serves a sectio n of your user’s guide to store your Network Operating System Configuration Guide.
Glossary  Defin es the standar d acrony ms and technical terms used in this manual.
Equipment Log  Provides you with a sample equipment log for documenting the system config uration and updates.
Notational Conventions
The notation al conven tions listed below ar e used throughout this manual.
F1 A letter, nu mber, symbol, or word in CAPs represen ts a
key on your keyboard. For example, the instruction press F1 means press the key labeled F1 on your keyboard.
ENTER The ENTER key is interchan geably used as RET URN
and CARRIAGE RETURN. CTRL + ALT Two or th ree key n ames, separated by plus sign (s),
indicate multiple-key en tries. For example, CTRL + ALT + DEL means hold down the CTRL and ALT keys and press the DEL key.
The special notices listed below are used throughout this manual to emph asize specific in formation:
Warning : Warning in dicates a hazard th at can cause serious personal injury or death if the hazard is not avoided.
Caution: Caution indic ates a hazard that mig ht cause personal injury.
Notice: Notice indic ates the potential to d amage equipment or data is present if the user do es not take the nece ssary prec autions rec ommended by the Notice.
Note: Notes are use d to identify or amplify a point to the reader . A Note may be use d to emphasize a recommended sequence of steps.
Chapter 2


Overview............................................................................. 1
Expanding the Server as Needs Grow ................................ 2
Configuration Constraints ................................................. 3
System Feature Summary ................................................ 4
Chassis Front F eatures and Controls...................................... 6
Status LED Indicator Descriptions..................................... 8
Resetting the System....................................................... 9
Chassis Rear Featur es and Controls...................................... 10
Power Supply Stat us Lamp Descriptions ........................... 11
System Board Features........................................................ 12
Processor ...................................................................... 15
Memory ......................................................................... 15
Bus Master I/O Expansion Slots ....................................... 16
Real-Time Clock/Calendar ............................................... 16
BIOS .............................................................................16
SCSI Controllers ............................................................17
Peripheral Controller ....................................................... 18
External Device Connect ors .............................................18
Keyboard and Mouse ...................................................... 18
Peripheral Devices ......................................................... 18
SCSI-3 Hard Drive Bays.................................................. 19
SCSI Drive Hot-swap Backplane ...................................... 20
Removable Media Drive Bays...........................................21
Power System .....................................................................22
Number of Power Supplies in a Configuration....................22
Server Security...................................................................22
Mechanical Locks and Monitoring.....................................22
Software Locks via the BIOS Setup..................................24
User Passwords ............................................................. 24
Hot Swap Power ..................................................................24
Hot Swap FAN ....................................................................25
Bill Graham
The server is a modular, multiprocessing server based on the Intel Pentium® Pro chip set. The chip set incorpo rates a modular sc aleable arch itecture th at integrate s a 64-bit bus interfac e with a pr imary and peer Peripheral Component Interconn ect (PCI) bus and an Extende d Industry Standard Arc hitectur e (EISA) bus. The ar chitectu re suppor ts Symmetrical Multiprocessing (SMP) and a variety of operating systems. Th e chassis and sy stem board are designed to meet the needs of the server marketplace.
The combin ation of compu ting perfor mance, memo ry capacity, and integr ated I/O prov ides a high performan ce envir onment for many application s includin g networ k server s and multi-use r systems.
The server is designed for use in applic ations where downtime must be minimized. To this e nd, the ser ver includes or has the option to include the following:
Optional power system redundancy; in a system
configured with a redundant power supply, the system will contin ue to operate with a sing le power supply failure.
Self-con tained power supply un its that can be easily
installed or r emoved fr om the back of th e chassis. SCSI drive bays accessible from the front of the
chassis. Hot-swap SCSI disk drive back planes; a failed d rive
can be remo ved and a new drive installed without system power being turned off.
High degree of SCSI disk fault tolerance and
advanced disk array man agement fe atures thro ugh the use of RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) technology.
Hardware monitors (temp erature an d voltage) an d
software mon itors to indic ate failures. Easy access to all parts for ser vice.
Expanding the Server as Needs Grow
A typical minimum system configuration could include the following:
Board set with 64 MB memory bo ard, system bo ard,
and two processor boards with one Pentium microprocessor.
Diskette dr ive
One SCSI hard drive
CD-ROM drive
Network add- in boards
RAID controller board
Two 330 Watt power supplies
Two SCSI drive backplanes
Five chassis hot swap fan modules (eight fans)
Onboard 1 M B video memor y.
As server/client needs grow, you can expand system processor capacity, memory, drives, an d the number of power supplies.
System board h as two slots for processo r boards.
Each proc essor board may contain u p to two processors, for a configur able range of one, two, three, or four processors.
System board h as two vide o memory u pgrade
sockets (512 K B each) for an additional 1 M B of video memor y.
Memory board supports 16 DIMM devices for a
minimum memory size of 64 MB; max imum is 4 GB. System board h as four EISA slo ts and six PCI slot s
for add-in boards. The system board also h as a riser board for extern al I/O (serial, parallel, v ideo) interface s.
Chassis can ho ld 18 drives: 12 h ot-swap bays f or
3 1/2-inch ultra wide SCSI-3 hard drives; four 5 1/4-inch half-heig ht bays for r emovable media drives with a CD-ROM re ader already installed in one bay; and two 3 1/2-in ch half-h eight bays w ith a diskette driv e already installed in one bay.
Chassis suppor ts up to four power sup plies.
Configuration Constraints
Power supplies are hot-swappable and are easily removed an d installed. The third or fo urth powe r supply provides redundant power when located in the redundant power supply slot in the power cage (see Figure 2-9, Power Supply M odule Features). The redundant power supply provides redundant power so that if one of the three power supplies fail, the system will continue to oper ate and the failed power supply can be hot swapped. That is, the failed power supply is removed an d replace d without tu rning po wer off.
The system h as four 5 1/4- inch half- height bay s accessible from the front. These bays are convenient for diskette, tape, and CD-RO M drives (r emovable media) . Because of the EMI generated by hard drives, the increased susc eptibility to ESD, and coolin g requirements, hard drives shou ld not be installed in the 5 1/4-inc h half-h eight bays.
System Feature Summary
The follow ing prov ides a summary of the system features:
Feature Description
Modular boar d se t System is intended f o r use with a modular board set
based on Pentium Pro processor technology; from one to four processors and up to 4 GB of memory.
Add-in board suppor t Rail and back panel slots su ppo rt up to 10 add-in boards
(four EISA and six PCI). 3 ½-inch diskette drive 3 ½-inch diskette drive is externally accessible. One location for a 3 ½-inch
removable media device
One externally accessible 3 ½-inch half-height bay is
available. Twelve locations for 3 ½-inch
SCSI-2 hard drives
Hot swap-capable bac k p lanes A hot swap-capable backplane is part of e ach 3 ½-inch
Four loc atio ns for 5 1/4-inch removable media devices
Power supply From two to fo ur 330 Watt autoran ging power supplies
Hot swap-capable cooling fans Each power supply has two integral cooling fans. Eight
The hard disk drive bays can hold twelve 3 ½-inch hot-
swappable ultra wide SCSI-2 hard drives. The bays are
secured behind a lockable metal EMI door; drives can be
swapped in or out of the system without powering it
down, with a Redundant Array of Independent Disks
(RAID) controller module is installed. The array of drives
allows easy setup o f RAI D applications.
drive bay assembly for SCSI drives. The backplane is
designed for wide ultra SCSI-3 devices that use the
industry standard 80-pin Single Connecto r Attach (SCA)
connector. The two backplanes consists of two rows of
three drive connectors.
Three externally accessible 5 1/4-inch half-height bays
are available for diskette, CD-ROM, and/or tape drives.
are easily removed/installed for service. In a thr ee or four
power supply system, the fourth supply is redundant if
installed in the proper slot.
more fans provide cooling for boards and drives.
Security Mechanical: Key lock at the front and up to six metal
padlock loops (one at the back of the top panel cover, one across the botto m o f e ach power su pply and power supply cage). Two intrusion sensors for the h ot-swap SCSI drive bay EMI doors and one power inter-lock sensor at the top front of the chassis.
BIOS: Password enable.
Software: utilities, setup BIOS Setup, System Configuration Utility, an d
SCSISelect Utility.
Chassis Front Features and Contr ols
Figur e 2-1 shows th e server front ch assis features an d controls.
Figure 2-1. Front Chassis Features And Controls
A Key lock Secures both front external doors. B Load/eject button , CD-ROM
Press to load CD an d e je ct CD.
C Activity light, CD-ROM reader When lit, drive is in use. D Ejec to r button, 3 1/ 2- inch
Press to eject diskette.
diskette drive
E Activity lig ht, 3 1/2-inc h
When lit, drive is in u se.
diskette drive
F DC power switch (convex
G Reset switch (concave button) Press to cause a hard reset to the system;
H Power-on LED, green When green, power is present in system
I System status LED When g reen the system is OK. See Table
J Disk activity LED When green, internal disk drives are
K L CD panel Displays information about processor
L SCSI drive status LEDs Left to right: Dr ive present/power on;
Press to turn system DC power on or off.
the power-on self test (POST) will run.
(+5 and +12 VDC). When off, power is turned off or power source is disrupted. See Table 2-1 for a list and description o f the LED sy ste m status indicators.
2-1 for a list and desc ription of the L ED system status indicators.
being accessed. See Table 2- 1 f o r a list and description of the LED sy ste m status indicators.
type and system failures (error and diagnostic in f o rmation).
drive active; drive faulty. Each drive has three LEDs visible above the bay from the front. See Table 2-2 for a list of SCSI disk drive status L ED indicator descriptions.
Status LED Indicator Descriptions
Table 2-1 lists the sy stem status LED indic ators along with a descr iption of each LED indicator . Table 2-2 lists the disk dr ive status LED pan el indicator s along with a description of each LED indicator.
Table 2-1. System Status LED Indicators
LED Status Description Response
Power Off Power OFF None required (normal)
Green Power ON None required (normal) Amber System power supply failure Replace failed power
supply module.
Status Off Power OFF None required (normal)
Green No alarms None required ( nor m al) Amber Abnormal condition
(see Table 2-3).
Disk Off Not accessing disk drives None required (normal)
Amber Internal disk drive failure Replace disk drive Green Accessing disk drives None required (normal)
Replace failing part.
Table 2-2. Disk Dr i ve Status LED Panel Indicators
LED Status Description Response
Disk Drive Power
Disk Drive Activity
Disk Drive Status
Off Disk drive power is OFF None required (normal)
Green Disk drive power is ON None required (normal) Off Not accessing disk drives None required (normal)
On Accessing disk drives None required (normal Off No alarms None required (normal)
Amber Internal disk drive failure Replace disk drive.
Table 2-3. System Status Abnormal Conditions
LED (Amber) Conditions
System Status Unit fan alarm
Memory multi-bit error (SERR) P6 bus error (SERR) Thermal sensor (from SCSI distr ibut ion board) Temperature sensor ( hecet a) Voltage sensor (heceta) CPU thermal trip (heceta) Chassis intrusion detection (front EMI door s) PCI PERR# (OPB/ESC detect ) PCI SERR# CPU interna l error WDT IOCHK
Resetting the System
There are several ways to reset the system:
Reset button - p ressing th is button clear s system
memory, restarts POST, and reloads th e operating system. Power on/off - turning the power off and then on
with the po wer button on the fr ont of the sy stem has the same eff ect as pushin g the Reset bu tton, except th at power is halted to all peripherals.
Chassis Rear Features and Contr ols
Figur e 2-2 shows th e server rear ch assis features an d controls.
Figure 2-2. Rear Chassis Features and Controls
A AC input power
B Power supplies (four
C Security padlock loops One at the back of the top panel cover, one on the power
One at the lef t- hand side of the power supply c age that supplies AC power for all the power supplies.
Possible configurations, installed from left most bay: 2 supplies (nonredundant) positio ns 1 and 2
3 supplies (nonredundant) positio ns 1, 2, and 3 3 supplies (redu ndant) positions 1, 2, and R 4 supplies (redu ndant) positions 1, 2, 3, and R
supply cage, and one on each power supply module.
D Keyboard PS/2-compatible 6-pin mini-DIN connector.
E Mouse PS/2-compatible 6-pin mini-DIN connector. F Reserved G COM2 COM2 serial port 9-pin connector. H COM1 COM1 serial port 9-pin connector. I External-SCSI Narrow-SCSI 50-pin connector
J Function select
See Configuring Switch and Jumper Settings in Chapter 4 of this User’s Guide.
K Dump butto n See Configuring Switch and Jumper Settings in Chapter 4
of this User’s Guide.
L VGA VGA monitor 15-pin connector. M Printer LPT1 25-pin Centronics-compatible parallel port
N PCI slots Six PCI add-in board slot locations. O EISA slots Four EISA add-in bo ard slot locations. P Knocko uts Available to rou te SCSI signal cables to per ipheral boxes. Q Knocko uts Available to rou te SCSI signal cables to per ipheral boxes. R Power supply status
See Table 2-4 for status description s.
S Main line switch Press to turn system AC power ON or OFF.
Power Supply Status Lamp Descriptions
Table 2-4 lists the pow er supply status lamps.
Table 2-4. Power Supply Status
LED Status Description Response
DC Power Off Power is Off None required (normal)
Green Power is On None required (normal)
Alarm Off No alarm None required (normal)
Amber Powe r failure
Abnormal power temperatur e Power FAN alarm DC-Power alar m
Replace power supply Clean air passages Replace power supply Replace power supply
System Board Featur es
The board se t includes th e system board, one memory board, and two proce ssor boards. F igures 2-3, 2-4, and 2-5 show th e major compo nents on th e system board , processor board, and memory boar d, while th e following summarizes the bo ard set featur es.
Board set summary Feature description
Multiple processor support
Upgradable memor y Sixteen DIMM sockets on the memory bo ard, supporting up to
Add-in board suppor t Four dedicated EI SA bus slots and six dedicated 32-bit P CI
SCSI controller Two onboard SCSI-2; ultra wide SCSI channel and narrow
BIOS Flash memory-based BIOS (Basic Input/Output System ) and
Video Integrated super VGA controller ships with 1 MB of video
External device connectors
Clock Real-time clock/calendar (RTC). System hardware
Two processor sockets; up to two Pentium Pro microprocessors on each processor board.
4 GB memory using 256 MB DI MMs.
slots on the system board.
SCSI channel support (PCI-based).
Setup utilities.
memory. F o r optional 1 MB of video memory, two onboard upgrade so ckets (512 KB eac h) are available th at i ncreases total video memor y size to 2 MB.
Onboard connectors for two serial ports, parallel port, narrow SCSI port, PS/2-compatible keyboard and mouse, and VGA monitor.
Detects chassis intrusion and contains sensors for temperature, voltage, and fan failure.
Configuration utilities
System Configuration Utility (SCU) and SCSISelect Utility.
Figure 2-3. System Board Connector and Component Locations
EISA expansion slots
Configuration jumpers
PCI expansion slots
Fan connector (CPU Rear)
Real time clock battery
I/O riser board connector
Processor #1 board connector
Processor #2 board connector
Optional Video DRAM sockets
Narrow SCSI connector
SCSI status cable connector
Memory board connector
Dis kette con n ector
Front panel connector
Fan connector (CPU Front)
Non-volatile memory
Wide SCSI connector
Fan connector (Option Board).
Figure 2-4. Processor Board Component Locations
DC to DC converter for processor #0 or #1
DC to DC converter for processor #2 or #3
Processor #2 or #3
Processor #0 or #1
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