NEC 2000 IPS User Manual

February, 2005
2000 IPS
General Description
NEC Unified Solutions, Inc.
NEC Unified Solutions, Inc. reserves the right to change the specifications, functions, or features, at
any time, without notice.
NEC Unified Solutions, Inc. has prepared this document for use by its employees and customers. The information contained herein is the property of NEC Unified Solutions, Inc. and shall not be
reproduced without prior written approval from NEC Unified Solutions, Inc.
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NEC Unified Solutions, Inc.
NEAX2000 Product Management
6535 North State Highway 161
Irving, TX 75039-2402
Copyright 2005
NEC Unified Solutions, Inc.
Printed in the U.S.A
REGULATORY INFORMATION....................................................................................................1
EGULATORY REQUIREMENTS ..........................................................................................................1
PART 15 REQUIREMENTS .........................................................................................................1
PART 68 REGISTRATION ...........................................................................................................2
IRECT-INWARD DIALING (DID) CALLS.............................................................................................5
EGULATORY INFORMATION ON ANALOG TELEPHONES ..................................................................5
EARING AID COMPATIBILITY ............................................................................................................6
NDUSTRY CANADA CS-03 ................................................................................................................6
AFETY CERTIFICATIONS...................................................................................................................7
AFETY INSTRUCTIONS......................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................10
ARDWARE ARCHITECTURE ............................................................................................................12
OFTWARE ARCHITECTURE.............................................................................................................15
ECHNICAL TERMS...........................................................................................................................16
RUNKING DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................................17
2000 IPS
2000 IPS
EMOTE PIM OVER IP.....................................................................................................................20
2000 IPS ....................................................................................10
CHAPTER 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION.............................................................................24
ODULE CONFIGURATION ...............................................................................................................24
NSTALLATION METHODS .................................................................................................................26
ODULES AND INSTALLATION HARDWARE ......................................................................................29
IRCUIT CARDS................................................................................................................................32
SYSTEM CONDITIONS ...............................................................................................................33
EMOTE PIM OVER IP SYSTEM OUTLINE .......................................................................................40
EMOTE PIM OVER IP SYSTEM CONDITIONS .................................................................................41
SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ..........................................................................38
CHAPTER 3 TERMINALS .........................................................................................................47
SN716 DESK CON...........................................................................................................................48
SERIES I ANALOG TERMINALS.............................................................................................53
SERIES I (TDM) DIGITAL TERMINALS..................................................................................60
SERIES E (TDM) DIGITAL TERMINALS................................................................................66
TERM CORDLESS TERMINALS .......................................................................................................72
IRELESS DTERM PS HANDSET.....................................................................................................78
TERM SOFTPHONE (SP20)...........................................................................................................81
TERM SOFTPHONE (SP30)...........................................................................................................84
CHAPTER 4 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION............................................................................92
ODULES .........................................................................................................................................92
NSTALLATION HARDWARE...............................................................................................................93
YSTEM POWER...............................................................................................................................93
OMMON CONTROL CARDS.............................................................................................................94
INE/TRUNK (LT) CARDS.................................................................................................................95
PPLICATION PROCESSOR (AP) CARDS.......................................................................................101
CHAPTER 5 FEATURE DESCRIPTION................................................................................105
USINESS/HOTEL MOTEL FEATURES............................................................................................105
IRELESS FEATURES ....................................................................................................................145
CHAPTER 6 SYSTEM OVERVIEW............................................................................................148
PERATING ENVIRONMENT ...........................................................................................................148
ROUNDING REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................148
POWER REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................................................149
YSTEM ADMINISTRATION .............................................................................................................150
2000 IPS DOCUMENTATION LIST......................................................................................155
CHAPTER 7 SPECIFICATIONS..................................................................................................156
OWER ...........................................................................................................................................158
YSTEM CAPACITY.........................................................................................................................160
REMOTE NETWORK CAPACITY ..................................................................................................166
INE CONDITIONS...........................................................................................................................172
ONE TRANSCEIVER LINE CONDITIONS.........................................................................................173
RAFFIC CAPACITY ........................................................................................................................174
(DEVICE REGISTRATION SERVER) .......................................................................................174
SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS .........................................................................171
CHAPTER 8 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE ..............................................................................175
RANSMISSION CHARACTERISTICS................................................................................................175
OTARY DIAL PULSE AND DTMF SIGNALING ...............................................................................176
UDIBLE TONES AND RINGING SIGNAL .........................................................................................178
UILT-IN MODEM ON MP CARD.....................................................................................................178
IMENSIONS AND WEIGHT .............................................................................................................179
Regulatory Information
Regulatory Requirements
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has established rules that permit the PBX to be directly connected to the telephone network. A jack is provided on party lines or coin lines.
The telephone company may make changes in its technical operations and procedures. If such changes affect the compatibility or use of the PBX, the telephone company must provide adequate notice of the changes.
This equipment complies with the requirements in Part 15 of FCC Rules for a Class A computing device. Operation of this equipment in a residential area may cause unacceptable interference to radio and TV reception requiring the operator to take whatever steps are necessary to correct this interference.
FCC Part 15 Requirements
In compliance with FCC Part 15 Rules, the following statement is provided:
Warning: This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if
not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference.
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 1 NDA-24345, Issue 3
FCC Part 68 Registration
Company Notification
Before installing the PBX to the telephone network, the telephone company must be provided with the following:
• Your telephone number
• The FCC registration numbers:
PBX AY5JPN-20542-PF-E AY5USA-21582-PF-E
Hybrid AY5JPN-20543-MF-E AY5USA-21583-MF-E
Key System AY5JPN-20586-KF-E AY5USA-21584-KF-E
The Ringer Equivalence Number is 1.6B; the required USOC jacks are RJ21X, RJ2EX, RJ2GX, and RJ49C.
Note: Limitations on features exist if the system is registered as a KF system. Refer to
Features and Specifications for details.
Location of FCC Compliance Labels
Labels stating the NEAX2000 IPS FCC registration number and compliance with FCC Parts 15 and 68 are attached on the inside of the system's front cover. Label examples are as follows:
“This equipment complies with the requirements in Part 15 of FCC Rules for a Class A computing device. Operation of this equipment in a residential area may cause unacceptable interference to radio and TV reception requiring the operator to take whatever steps are necessary to correct the interference.”
NEAX2000 IPS Complies With Part 68 FCC Rules FCC Registration Numbers Ringer Equivalence: 1.6B NEC Unified Solutions, Inc. MADE IN USA
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 2 NDA-24345, Issue 3
FCC Requirements for Private Line Operations
In order to connect this system to the private line network, provide the telephone company with:
• The quantities and USOC numbers of the required jacks (See the following table.)
• The sequence in which the trunks are to be connected
• The facility interface codes by position
• The Ringer Equivalence Number or service order code, as applicable, by position
Port ID
PN-AUCA 0L13A, 0L13B, 0L13C RJ21X 9.0F PN-20DTA TL11M RJ2EX 9.0F PN-20DTA TL31M RJ2GX 9.0F PN-24DTA 04DU9-BN N/A 6.0P PN-24DTA 04DU9-DN N/A 6.0P PN-24DTA 04DU9-1KN N/A 6.0P PN-24DTA 04DU9-ISN N/A 6.0P PN-24DTA 04DU9-IZN N/A 6.0P
PN-BRTA 02IS5 RJ49C 6.0Y
PN-24PRT-A 05DU9-BN N/A 6.0P PN-24PRT-A 04DU9-BN N/A 6.0P PN-24PRT-A 04DU9-1KN N/A 6.0P PN-24PRT-A 04DU9-1SN N/A 6.0P PN-24PRT-A 04DU9-1ZN N/A 6.0P PN-24CCT-A 04DU9-BN N/A 6.0P PN-24CCT-A 04DU9-DN N/A 6.0P PN-24CCT-A 04DU9-1KN N/A 6.0P PN-24CCT-A 04DU9-1SN N/A 6.0P PN-24CCT-A 04DU9-1ZN N/A 6.0P PN-24DTA-C 04DU9-BN N/A 6.0P PN-24DTA-C 04DU9-DN N/A 6.0P PN-24DTA-C 04DU9-1KN N/A 6.0P PN-24DTA-C 04DU9-1SN N/A 6.0P PN-24DTA-C 04DU9-1ZN N/A 6.0P
PN-2BRTC 02IS5 N/A 6.0Y
Facility Interface
Service Order
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 3 NDA-24345, Issue 3
Service Requirements
In the event of equipment malfunction, all repairs will be performed by NEC or an authorized distributor. It is the responsibility of users requiring service to report the need for service to NEC or to one of their authorized distributors.
If trouble is experienced with this equipment, please contact NEC America, Inc., at 800­TEAM NEC (800-832-6632) for repair and/or warranty information. If the trouble is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you remove the equipment from the network until the problem is resolved.
If the equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. If advance notice is not practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible. Also, you will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary.
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures that affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens, the telephone company will provide advance notice so that you can make necessary modifications in order to maintain uninterrupted service. NO REPAIRS CAN BE DONE BY THE CUSTOMER.
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Direct-Inward Dialing (DID) Calls
Allowing this equipment to be operated in such a manner as to not provide for proper answer supervision is a violation of Part 68 of the FCC's rules.
a.) This equipment returns answer supervision to the PSTN when DID calls are:
Answered by the called station Answered by the attendant Routed to a recorded announcement that can be administered by the CPE user Routed to a dial prompt
b.) This equipment returns answer supervision on all DID calls forwarded to the PSTN.
Permissible exceptions are: A call is unanswered A busy tone is received A reorder tone is received
This equipment is capable of providing users access to interstate providers of operator services through the use of access codes. Modification of this equipment by call aggregators to block access dialing codes is a violation of the Telephone Operator Consumers Act of
Caution: The use of a monitoring, recording or listening devices to eavesdrop, monitor or
record telephone conversations or other sound activities, whether or not contemporaneous with its transmission, may be illegal in certain circumstances under federal or state laws. Legal advice should be sought prior to implementing any practice that monitors or records any telephone conversation. Some federal and state laws require some form of notification to all parties to the telephone conversation, such as using a beep tone or other notification methods or require the consent of all parties to the telephone conversation, prior to monitoring or recording a telephone conversation. Some of these laws incorporate strict penalties.
Regulatory Information On Analog Telephones
NEC single-line telephones comply with Part 68 of FCC Rules. On the bottom of the equipment is a label that states, among other information, the FCC registration number and ringer equivalence number (REN) for the equipment. If requested, this information should be provided to the telephone company.
The equipment uses the following USOC jacks: RJ11C. The equipment should be used only behind a PBX or KTS. The REN is used to determine the
number of devices that may be connected to the telephone line. Excessive RENs on the telephone line may result in the devices not ringing in response to an incoming call. In most, but not all, areas, the sum of RENs should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of the number of devices that may be connected to the line as determined by the total RENs, contact the telephone company to determine the maximum REN for the calling area.
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 5 NDA-24345, Issue 3
Hearing Aid Compatibility
The Dterm terminals provided for the NEAX2000 IPS are hearing aid compatib le. FCC rules prohibit the use of non-hearing aid compatible telephones.
NEC-type single-line telephone sets used in conjunction with the NEAX2000 IPS are hearing aid compatible. If other than NEC-type single-line telephone sets are to be used with this system, ensure that these are hearing aid compatible.
Industry Canada CS-03
Certification number: 140 5976 A Load Number of the equipment: 1.0 NOTICE: The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. The certification means
that the equipment meets certain telecommunications network protective operational and safety requirements. The department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user's satisfaction.
Before installing the equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities of the local tel ecommu nications company . The e quipment must also b e insta lled using an acceptable method of connection. In some cases, the company's inside wiring associated with a single line individual service may be extended by means of a certified connector assembly (telephone extension cord). The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions might not prevent degradation of service in some situations.
Repairs to certified equipment should be made by an authorized Canadian maintenance facility designated by the supplier. Any repairs or installations made by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request that the user disconnect the equipment.
Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines, and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This protection may be particularly important in rural areas.
Caution: Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should
contact the appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician, as appropriate.
NOTICE: The Load Number assigned to each ter minal device denotes the percentag e of the total load to be connected to a telephone loop which is used by the device, to prevent overloading. The termination on a loop may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the total of the load numbers of all the devi ces does not exceed
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 6 NDA-24345, Issue 3
Safety Certifications
This equipment has been listed by Underwriters Laboratories and found to comply with all the applicable requirements of the standard for telephone equipment U.L. 1459. This equipment complies with Canadian Standards Association's standard C 22.2 No. 225.
Safety Considerations
When using telephone equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and injury. Precautions include the following:
Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm. Never install a telephone jack in a wet location, unless the jack is specifically designed
for wet locations.
Never touch an uninsulated telephone wire or terminal, unless the telephone line has
been disconnected at the network interface.
Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.
Note: More detailed precautions are included in this manual.
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 7 NDA-24345, Issue 3
Safety Instructions
1. Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.
2. Neve r install telephone j acks in wet locations unless the ja ck is specifically designed for wet locations.
3. Never touch un-insulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has been disconnected at the network interface.
4. Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.
5. Read and understand all instructions.
6. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product.
7. Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
8. Do not use this product near water, for example, under water pipes near a bathtub, sink, or laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool.
9. Do not place this product on an unstable cart, stand, or table. The product may fall, causing serious damage to the product.
10. Slots and openings in the cabinet and the back or bottom are provided for ventilation, to protect it from overheating, these openings must not be blocked or covered. The openings should never be blocked by placing the product on a bed, sofa, rug, or other similar surface. This product should never be placed near or over a radiator or heat register. This product should not be placed in a built-in installation unless proper ventilation is provided.
11. This product should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the marking label. If you are not sure of the type of power source available, consult with your local power company.
12. This product is normally connected with a three-wire grounding type plug, a plug having a third (grounding) pin. This plug will only fit into a grounding type power outlet. This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug into the ou tlet, contact an electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the grounding type plug.
13. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not locate this product where the cord will be abused by persons walking on it.
14. Do not overload wall outlets and extension cords as this can result in the risk of fire or electric shock.
15. Never push objects of any kind into this product through cabinet slots as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short out parts that could result in a risk of fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the product.
16. To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not disassemble this product, but take it to a qualified serviceman when some service or repair work is required. Opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltages or other risks. Incorrect reassembly can cause electric shock when the appliance is subsequently used.
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 8 NDA-24345, Issue 3
17. Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditions:
a.) When the power supply cord or plug is damaged or frayed. b.) If liquid has been spilled into the product. c.) If the product has been exposed to rain or water. d.) If the product does not operate normally by following the operating instructions.
Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating instructions, because improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will often require
extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the product to normal operation. e.) If the product has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged. f.) If the product exhibits a distinct change in performance.
18. Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm. There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.
19. Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.
20. Warning for US and Canada only
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 9 NDA-24345, Issue 3
Chapter 1 Introduction
This manual provides an overview of the NEAX®2000 IPS (Internet Protocol Server) stored program control digital electronic PBX. An introduction to the technical characteristics is included, along with a description of available system applications.
System Information - NEA X®2000 IPS
The NEAX®2000 IPS (Internet Protocol Server) is a full-featured IP based communications system providing a rich feature set with pure Voice over IP (VoIP) communications (peer to peer connections), across corporate Local and Wide Area Networks (LAN and WAN). The NEAX 2000 IPS DtermIP telephones are designed to provide a converged infrastructure at the desktop, with a 100 Base T Ethernet connection to the LAN and built-in hub for a PC connection to the telephone itself. The system can provide peer-to-peer connections between DtermIP telephones with voice compression, offering existing Dterm Series i telephone features. On the WAN side, the system can provide peer-to-peer connections over IP networks with the voice compression, on a CCIS basis (CCIS over IP) or Remote PIM (Remote PIM over IP).
NEAX 2000 Internet Protocol Server (IPS)
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 10 NDA-24345, Issue 3
The NEAX 2000 IPS can provide legacy station/trunk interfaces to support the existing Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) based infrastructure, such as analog telephones, analog networks, and digital networks (T1/E1, ISDN etc.). At maximum configuration, the system can provide 1020 ports for IP and legacy devices, and 256 ports for Application cards. Communications between legacy stations/trunks and DtermIP telephones/IP networks are made via IP PAD, which converts packet­based voice data to TDM-based voice data, and vice versa. Both peer-to-peer connections and TDM-based connections are controlled the Main Processor (MP) card. The MP card incorporates a built-in Device Registration Server (DRS) and a single interface point of IP connection to IP telephone, MATWorX, and OAI/ACD servers.
NEAX 2000 IPS users have access to hundreds of service features that ar e used in building unique telephony applications that enhance productivity, reduce operating costs and improve communications efficiently. The innovative modular hardware and software design allows efficient, effective growth within each module from its minimum to its maximum configuration. The N EAX 2000 IPS software design is as advanced as its hardware. It ensures the system will support evolving applications and have the reliability needed to compete in today's world and into tomorrow's. The software is designed with modularity in mind. Together, these modular building blocks allow customers to initially buy what they need and add cap acity and cap abilities as the bus iness demands, resulting in a greater degree of cost control for new installations and for upgrades to features, capacities and the software versions.
MATWorX (via RS232C)
Client PC
Switching Hub
Switching Hub (100Mbps
IPT(H.323 Handler)
H.323 GK
MATWorX (via LAN)
OAI Server
Dterm Assistant
CCIS over IP
Internet /Intranet
DHCP Server
Remote PIM over IP with Survivability
Client PC
Dterm SP30
Figure 1-1 System Outline of an IPS
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 11 NDA-24345, Issue 3
Hardware Architecture
Hybrid System of IP (peer-to-peer connection) and TDM Switching
The NEAX 2000 IPS supports both pure IP switching (peer-to-peer connections) and Time Division Switching (TDM). The pure IP switching is provided for communications between DtermIPs and for CCIS/Remote PIM connections with another NEAX 2000 IPS/ NEAX IPS IP or Remote PIM over IP). On the other hand, the TDM switching is provided for communications between legacy stations/trunks. Connections between DtermIP/CCIS or Remote PIM over IP and legacy stations/trunks are made via IP PADs, which converts packet-based voice data to TDM-based voice data, and vice versa.
Powerful, One-board Main Processor (MP) with Integrated Functionality
The NEAX 2000 IPS Main Processor (MP) is the heart of pure IP connections and TDM-based connections. The MP employs a high-speed CPU, which is equivalent with Pentium. With this processing power and System On Chip (SOC) technology, the MP integrates Device Registration Server (DRS), AP01 (OAI) functions, which are provided by an additional card in the prev ious IVS series. Also, by means of today’s advanced LSI technology, the MP card size is minimized and On­board Ethernet Interface card is mounted on the MP without using an additional slot space in the PIM. This interface card is linked with LAN for call control processing of DtermIP and inter-work with MATWorX and OAI server.
The MP provides LAN control function, System-based Device Registration Server (DRS), Built-in FP, Built-in OAI, Built-in SMDR, Built-in CCH-IPT, 33 MHz PCI BUS, Memory (Basic/Expansion), TDSW (1024 CH × 1024 CH), 16-line CFT, PB Sender, Clock, PLO two ports (Receiver Mode/Source Mode), two RS-232C Ports, two-line DAT (Recording duration: a maximum of 128 seconds), DK, 4-line PB Receiver, Modem for remote maintenance (33.6 kbps), internal Music-on-Hold Tone, BUS Interface. BUS Interface functions as a driver/receiver of various signals, adjusts gate delay timing and cable delay timing, monitors I/O Bus and PCM BUS. One card is required per system.
/2400 IPX (CCIS over
Reduced Hardware with IP based Architecture
The DtermIPs connected to the LAN do not require DLC cards because they can be interfaced directly with the LAN and connected with peer-to-peer basis. When the DtermIP is connected to a station/trunk that is using TSW, the speech path between LAN and TSW is made via IP PAD under the call processing control of the MP. The DtermIP can be expanded simply adding the terminal itself and IP PAD if traffic volume is increased. With this system architecture, the hardware such as DLC, PIM, Power Supply etc. is reduced and easy moves, adds, and changes can be realized.
Standard TDM Hardware Peer to Peer IP Hardware
Line & Trunk Cards Application Processors
Firmware Processors
* The PN-24IPLA is a daughter board for the 8IPLA when up to 32 IP PADs for desired.
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 12 NDA-24345, Issue 3
Enhanced Built-in Firmware Processor (FP) on MP
The Firmware Processor card (FP) provides Line/Trunk interface, Memory (RAM 768 KB), and inter-module BUS interface. BUS interface functions as a driver/receiver of various signals, adjusts gate delay timing and cable delay timing, and monitors I/O Bus and PCM BUS. When the system consists of three PIMs or more, one each of this card is mounted respectively in PIM 2, PIM 4, and PIM 6.
Extended Application Processor (AP) Port Capacity
The NEAX 2000 IPS provides maximum 256 AP ports and it is independent of the 512 ports for the Line/Trunk (LT), therefore, more AP cards such as T1/E1 digital link cards can be used in the system.
Universal Slot
One PIM provides 12 card slots for Line/Trunk (LT). Also, these card slots can be used for Application Processor (AP) cards without complicated limitation. This makes easy quotation and installation, and more AP cards can be mounted in one PIM.
Unified Circuit Card Size
All circuit cards for the NEAX 2000 IPS are designed in one size (PN-type), and installed in the PIM. This maximizes the efficiency of slot utilization of the PIM.
High Density Line/Trunk Cards
The major line/trunk cards used in the NEAX 2000 IPS are provided with 8 circuits per card. This allows the physical system size to be compact.
DC/DC Power Supply for –48V
The PIM houses optional DC/DC Power Supply for the cards which require –48V power such as the CSI card used for interface of Zone Transceiver of wireless system. Since this power supply is mounted in the space under the AC/DC power, no additional Power Module/card slots are required.
Built-in DRS (Device Registration Server) on MP
The NEAX 2000 IPS incorporates DRS (Device Registration Server) on the MP. DRS provide Log­in/Log-out management of DtermIP including Registration and Authentication. Also, the built-in DRS can be inter-worked with DHCP server to provide easy administration on IP address.
Office Data Backup Enhancement
The office data of the NEAX 2000 IPS is stored in Flash ROM; therefore the backup period is extended compared with previous IVS series which were using RAM with battery.
Various Installation Methods
To meet the specific needs of the customer’s environment, the NEAX 2000 IPS provides the following installation methods:
Floor Standing Installation Wall-mounting Installation IEC standard 19 inch Rack-mounting Installation
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 13 NDA-24345, Issue 3
Station to Station Connection
For DtermIP to DtermIP connection (Peer to Peer connection), the voice data is transmitted and received directly between DtermIPs on the LAN. For Dterm Legacy terminal connection, the IP­PAD card and VCT card are required to transmit and receive the voice data. These c ards are used to control and convert the voice data. The MP card in either of the connections above manages the control signals.
CCIS Connection
DtermIP to DtermIP connection (Peer to Peer connection) via CCIS is available only when the destination office is NEAX 2000 IPS or NEAX 2400 IPX. The system provides only Point to Multipoint connection.
MATWorX IPS is used as the maintenance program for the NEAX 2000 IPS. Direct connection (RS-232C), Modem connection and LAN (TCP/IP) connections are available to connect to the MAT (Maintenance Administration Terminal).
Dual MP System
The system complies with dual control system on Main Processor.
Note: Since the system employs Cold Standby processing in MP changeover, the calls in progress are terminated as a result of the MP changeover. Also, during the MP changeover, the call originating/receiving and service feature access are not effective. (It takes about 30 to 60 seconds to complete the MP changeover.)
Remote PIM over IP with Survivability
The NEAX 2000 IPS can have a PIM installed at a remote site through an IP network. At the main site, the NEAX 2000 IPS/NEAX IPS
are installed at the remote site. The main site controls call processing and servi ce feature
is installed and NEAX 2000 IPS/NEAX IPSDM/ NEAX
access for station users located at both the main and remote sites. When the Remote PIM cannot be connected with main site due to the IP network and/or main PBX failure, the Remote PIM initializes the system and re-starts operation by its own Main Processor (survival mode). In the survival mode, almost all service features are provided to the station users accommodated in Remote PIM. When the IP network/main PBX recovers, the Remote PIM can be restored to normal mode with a system initialization by manual operation or automatically (Selectable by system data setting).
with CP24-A MP
with CP31-A MP
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 14 NDA-24345, Issue 3
Software Architecture
Generic Program
Description Remarks
64 Port Sys Software (FD)
Note: The MP (PN-CP24) comes with 48 Ports of basic software, which supports up to 48 LT Ports & 1 T1.
Description Remarks
Key Keeper (FD) Floppy Disk that holds selected Key Files for Capacity Options
LT 64 Ports
CCIS Link (1) Adds support for one CCIS Link CCIS Link (4) Adds support for four CCIS Links CCIS Link (8) Adds support for eight CCIS Links IPT Card (1) Adds support for PTP CCIS or one IP Trunk Card IPT Card (4) Adds support for up to four IP Trunk Cards IPT Card (8) Adds support for up to eight IP Trunk Cards ECCIS Adds Event Based CCIS capability (used w/CCIS keys) Wireless Adds Wireless Capability Supports 128 ZT’s & 256 PS’s Wireless – 8 PS License Adds additional licenses (increments of 8) for over 256 PSs T1/E1 6 to 10 Cards Expands T1/E1 Capacity between 144 to 240 Channels.
ISDN DCH 5 to 8 Cards
R-PIM 1 Site License
IPT Card (1) Adds support for PTP CCIS or one IP Trunk Card
8 Seat License
Soft-Phone 4 Seat License
SP30 - 4 Seat License
Basic Business/Hotel/Motel Features for: 64 LT Ports, 5 T1’s /E1’s, 5 ISDN-PRI DCH’s, 48 ISDN-BRI Trunks.
Capacity options (used w/Key Keeper)
64 Port Line/Trunk Key (incremental)
Software and provides LT Port Licenses in 64 port increments from 64 to1020 ports. Stand alone system maximum 512 LT ports, Remote PIM Network maximum 1020 LT ports.
Expands ISDN PRI Capacity between 5 DCH Cards and 8 DCH
Site License for DMR/IP Remote PIM.
One License required per Remote Site.
Required for eight or less Dterm IP Terminals and IP Soft-Phones. Incremental eight Seat License for Peer to Peer IP
Note: IP Seat Licenses are Accumulative. (i.e. 24 IP = three 8 Seat
4 seats Dterm SP20 licenses - Requires an available 8 SEAT LICENSE seat per Soft-phone seat activated.
Note: Soft-Phone 4 Seat Licenses are used in addition with 8 Seat License when using the SP20 SoftPhone
4 seat Dterm SP30 license. Incremental one seat used for each Soft-Phone client.
Note: Soft-Phone 4 Seat Licenses are used in addition with 8 Seat License when using the SP20 SoftPhone
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 15 NDA-24345, Issue 3
Technical Terms
SMDR/Hotel Application Card
AP01 OAI Interface Card LDT LD Trunk Card
Analog Universal Circuit Card (Long Line Circuit, DID Trunk) External Music Source for D
Back Ground Music Service Basic Rate Interface Trunk Card
CCH Common Channel Handler Card MDF Main Distribution Frame
CFT 6/10 Party Conference Trunk Card MEM Main Memory
Call Information System
CIR CALLER ID Receiver Trunk Card MLDT Melody Trunk
COT C.O. Trunk Card MODEM Modem
CSI CS/ZT Interface Card MP Main Processor Card
Cell Station (For Australia/Others)
Zone Transceiver (For North
America/ Latin America)
DAT Digital Announcement Trunk Card PMS Property Management System
DCH D-channel Handler Card OAI Open Application Interface
DID Trunk Card
DK External Relay/Key Interface Card PBR PB Receiver Card
Digital Line Circuit Card
(for D
DPC Data Port Controller Card PLO Phase Locked Oscillator DSS DSS Console PS Personal Station
Data Terminal Equipment
Digital Trunk Interface Card
DTG Digital Tone Generator TDSW Time Division Switch
Ethernet Control Card
EXPMEM Memory Expansion Card VCT CODEC Card
ICH ISDN-channel Handler Card VM Voice Mail Card
ISDN Line Circuit Card
IPT IP Trunk Card KEY External Key
Line Circuit Card (for Single Line Telephone)
V.35 DTE Interface Card
Optical Interface Card
Maintenance Administration Terminal
MF Receiver/ MFC Receiver/Sender Card
Power Failure Transfer
OD Trunk Card (2/4 wire E&M)
PB Sender
ISDN Primary Rate Interface Trunk Card Station Message Detail Recording
Tone/Music Source Interface Card
16 Circuit Four Party Conference Trunk
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 16 NDA-24345, Issue 3
Trunking Diagram
This figure shows a typical trunking diagram of the NEAX2000 IPS system.
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 17 NDA-24345, Issue 3
The NEAX IPSDM (Internet Protocol Server Distributed Model) is equipped with all the features and
functions of the NEAX 2000 IPS, with a smaller space requirement. It is a full-featured PBX that supports advanced networking, pure peer-to-peer IP telephony connectivity and traditional TDM switching capabilities. Designed primarily for pure converged IP networks, the NEAX IPS
also accommodate a mixed (i.e., TDM and IP) converged IP network or standalone solution. The NEAX IPS
supports up to 956 peer-to-peer IP stations and 40 TDM ports in a single modular chassis. Up to three chassis can be stacked providing maximum capacity of 120 legacy TDM ports while still supporting as many as 828 peer-to-peer IP stations or more depending on the amount of TDM stations used. It uses the same CPU, line/tr unk cards, application processor cards and software of the NEAX 2000 IPS and comes equipped for 19” rack mounting. It offers superior port density; each chassis only occupies two Rack Units (2RU).
Characteristics of the NEAX IPS
Compact and Small Size MODULAR CHASSIS
One MODULAR CHASSIS provides 6 card slots /40LT ports and up to 3 MODULAR CHASSIS can be used per system. (24 virtual LT ports are available per MODULAR CHASSIS in addition to 40LT ports.)
2 types of MP (Main Processor)
MP can be selected from the following options by customer requirements.
PN-CP24-A for IPS
PN-CP31-A for IPS
, the same MP as the NEAX 2000 IPS.
, the following functions are removed from the CP31: DAT / DK00 /
1 RS232C Port for MAT / MN Alarm Indication
Power Failure Transfer (PFT)
Power Failure Transfer (PFT) for the IPS the NEAX 2000 IPS is not available for the IPS
is provided with PZ-4PFTA card. The PZ-8PFTB for
Installation Methods
Wall Mount Installation is not available. The NEAX IPS
can be installed on the desktop or into
the 19-inch rack.
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 18 NDA-24345, Issue 3
NEAX® 2000 IPS
been optimized for Remote PIM over IP applications. The NEAX IPS
(Internet Protocol Server Distributed Model Remote) is a NEAX IPSDM that has
uses the SPN-CP31 as the Main Processor. The SPN-CP31 is a cost down CPU to compete with Mitel 3100, NBX25, and CISCO 2600 Series. This system targets users who have up to 15 relatively small offices that accommodate 10-30 extensions at the Remote Site.
The MP card at Remote Site has the same system data as that at Main Site, because Remote Site automatically gets the data from Main Site at the time of setup. In normal operation, Main Site automatically copies the system data to Remote Site through the network once a day.
Because the CP31 is a cost down CPU, the following options that are built-in on the CP24 are not available with the CP31:
No built-in modem.
No built-in DAT.
Only one RS Port.
No built-in DK (external/relay key).
No MN Alarm Indication
System Outline
The MP card at Main Site controls system processing, and Remote Site follows the Main Site.
Remote Site can accommodate most terminals and trunks such as Dterm, Single-Line telephone, PS, DtermIP, COT, ISDN, etc. The Attendant Console, Dterm Attendant position , Add-on Module and DSS/BLF are not supported at the Remote Site.
Local Switch (TDSW) at Remote Site controls connections within the Remote Site if possible.
In the case of connections between Main-Remote and Remote-Remote, the voice path is connected via Peer-to-Peer or IP-PAD.
If the communications between Main-Remote are interrupted, the Remote Site survives by itself after the system reset.
The system regards the terminals accommod ated in both Main Site and Remote Site as the extensions in the same office. Therefore, the service transparency is superior to CCIS.
Remote PIM over IP has no limitation of distance between Main and Remote.
Remote Site has a switching function at local. This provides the effective configuration of
C.O. line. In addition, the Remote Site can accommodate AP cards. This is an advantage to accommodate ISDN lines especially.
The Remote Site survives by itself even if the link between Main and Remote is disconnected. Therefore, the impact to users at Remote Site will be smaller if the link between Main and Remote is disconnected.
This feature can reduce the bandwidth used on the WAN that is connected to CO lines at Remote Site, rather than DtermIP at remote location or the Media Converter (MC) accommodation.
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 19 NDA-24345, Issue 3
Remote PIM over IP
Remote PIM over IP targets users who have 1-15 relatively small offices that accommodate 10-30 extensions at the Remote Site. When IPS connected to a 2000 IPS or IPS
at main site over IP network, the Main Site system controls and
and 2000 IPS PIM are installed at remote site, and
maintains the remote DM and PIM operation as one single system. If a communication failure occurs between the Main Site and Remote Site, the Remote Site automatically changes over to a survival mode and operates as a stand-alone system.
: IPS Distributed Model Remote (with CP31-A)
: IPS Distributed Model (with CP24-A/B)
The NEAX IPS-DMR is designed primarily for distributed IP networking but also supports traditional analog and digital trunks for connection to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). The NEAX IPS-DMR supports up to 128 peer-to-peer IP stations and 40 TDM ports in a single modular chassis. Up to two chassis can be stacked providing maximum capacity of 80 TDM ports while still supporting as many as 128 peer-to-peer IP stations.
Note: The MP card at Remote Site has the same system data as the CPU at the Host Site; the Host Site automatically downloads system data to the Remote Site at the time of setup. In normal operation, Main Site automatically downloads a copy the system data to Remote Site through the network once a day.
Because the CP31 is designed as a Remote PIM CPU, the following options that are bui lt-in on the CP24 are not available with the CP31:
No built-in modem.
No built-in DAT.
Only one RS Port.
No built-in DK (external/relay key).
No MN Alarm Indication
Network Conditions and Payload
Item Requirement Remarks
Protocol TCP/IP transparent
Delay Time
120ms(one way)/240ms(return) 150ms(one way)/300ms(return)
Support the quality class A,
B of IP Telephone
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 20 NDA-24345, Issue 3
Bandwidth Requirement
Voice Calls
Control 4.1 Kbps 4.1 Kbps 4.1 Kbps
Voice 31.8/37.8 Kbps 48 Kbps 432 Kbps
Control 4.3 Kbps 4.3 Kbps 4.3 Kbps
Voice 42.4/50.4 Kbps 64 Kbps 576 Kbps
Control 4.3 Kbps 4.3 Kbps 4.3 Kbps
Voice 63.6/75.6 Kbps 96 Kbps 864 Kbps
Control 4.5 Kbps 4.5 Kbps 4.5 Kbps
Voice 84.8/100.8 Kbps 128 Kbps 1152 Kbps
Control 4.5 Kbps 4.5 Kbps 4.5 Kbps
Voice 127.2/151.2 Kbps 192 Kbps 1728 Kbps
Control 4.9 Kbps 4.9 Kbps 4.9 Kbps
Voice 169.6/201.6 Kbps 256 Kbps 2304 Kbps
Control 4.9 Kbps 4.9 Kbps 4.9 Kbps
Voice 254.4/302.4 Kbps 384 Kbps 3456 Kbps
Control 5.8 Kbps 5.8 Kbps 5.8 Kbps
Voice 339.2/403.2 Kbps 512 Kbps 4608 Kbps
Control 5.8 Kbps 5.8 Kbps 5.8Kbps
Voice 381.6/453.6 Kbps 576 Kbps 5184 Kbps
Control 6.7 Kbps 6.7 Kbps 6.7 Kbps
Voice 508.8/604.8 Kbps 768 Kbps 6912 Kbps
With G7.23.1
With G729a ( 8k)
Note: This information is an estimation based on an established call. Slightly Higher Control values will occur at time of call origination and termination.
Base values
Originating from a station: 9.6 Kbps/Call (estimated)
Terminating to a station: 5.76 Kbps /Call (estimated)
Originating to C.O: 11.5 Kbps/Call (estimated)
Terminating from C.O: 5.76 Kbps/Call (estimated)
Keep Alive to Remote Site: 0.032Kbps (estimated)
Other control packets for Remote Site: 4Kbps (estimated)
G.723.1 voice: 5.3Kbps (one-way)
G.729a voice: 8Kbps (one-way)
G.711 voice: 64Kbps (one-way)
The above base values are primarily used for call setup with the exception of keep alive; 0.032Kbps with no voice traffic. Connections between IP PAD are half duplex, established call utilization is G.711 voice: 64Kbps, G.723.1 voice: 5.3/6.3Kbps, or G729a voice: 8Kbps. Peer-to-Peer IP station calls are full duplex, compression can be specified by location numbers in system data. Peer-to Peer IP station calls even though full duplex will utilize one-way for Bi-directional networks such as T 1. Peer-to Peer IP station calls over Asymmetrical networks such as ADSL may realize higher bandwidth utilization, compression can be specified by location numbers in system data.
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 21 NDA-24345, Issue 3
The system regards the terminals accommodated in both Host Site and Remote Site as the extensions in the same office. Feature transparency is superior to CCIS.
The Digital Remote PIM cannot accommodate AP cards; Remote PIM over IP can accommodate AP cards such as ISDN PRI and T1.
This feature can reduce the bandwidth used on the WAN that is connected to CO lines at Remote Site, rather than Dterm
IP at remote locations.
Since all Remote PIM over IP sites are treated as extensions in the same office, software and applications only have to be implemented in the host site. This provides centralized use of application for example distributing ACD agents in the DMR locations. CCIS requires each location to have separate software and applications.
CCIS over IP can be combined with Remote PIM over IP to accommodate larger network configurations. Up to 255 host sites can be connected via CCIS, each host site can have up to 15 Remote PIM over IP locations.
Service Conditions
1. Host site can be NEAX 2000 IPS, NEAX IPS DM, or NEAX 2000 Retrofit system. Remote PIM over IP is available in any combination of the following CPUs.
Main Site: CP24-A/B, CP27-A, CP26-A, CP28-A Remote Site: CP31-A, CP24-A/B, CP27-A, CP26-A, CP28-A
2. Software and Key FD for the whole system must be loaded at the Host Site. No software or key’s can be loaded into the Remote Site.
3. All system data changes f or the whole system must be performed in the Host Site. No system data changes can be done in the Remote Site.
4. The CPU card at Re mote Site has the same system data as the CPU at Main Site; the Host Site automatically downloads its system data to the Remote Site at the time of setup. In normal operation, Host Site automatically copies the system data to Remote Site through the network once a day.
5. Remote Site automatically operates by itself (survival mode) when Keep Alive signal (sent every 30 sec) between the Host Site and Remote Sits is interrupted. When Keep Alive is interrupted the Remote Site is reset to change the operation from normal mode to survival mode.
6. Remote Site in survival mode checks at 30 seconds intervals if the co mmunications to Main Site are possible. When Keep Alive is detected, the Remote Site automatically is reset to change the operation from survival mode to normal mode.
7. When unstable conditions occur in the network, the Remote Site can be manually set to survivable mode (override automatic) until stability in the network is established. This prevents the Remote Site from resetting normal mode to survivable mode etc.
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 22 NDA-24345, Issue 3
Required Hardware and Software
Host Site
Equipment Name Remarks
PZ-M606-A On board Ethernet Interface card
SPN-8IPLA IP PAD 8 Port PAD with built-in compression
PZ-24IPLA 24 Port PAD Expansion, mounts on SPN-8IPLA
R-PIM 1 Site License 1 required for each Remote site
Note: Registration of Host CPU and software required
DMR Site
Equipment Name Remarks
PZ-M606-A On board Ethernet Interface card
SPN-8IPLA IP PAD 8 Port PAD with built-in compression
PZ-24IPLA 24 Port PAD Expansion, mounts on SPN-8IPLA
Note: Registration “not” required
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 23 NDA-24345, Issue 3
Chapter 2 System Configuration
Module Configuration
The NEAX® 2000 IPS consists of single or multiple Port Interface Modules (PIM) depending on the system configuration, and there are two types of PIMs; “Physical” PIM and “Virtual” PIM. The Physical PIM is “hardware” PIM which is used to accommodate an MP, FPs, IP PADs, legacy LT cards, AP cards, and power supply units. One Physical PIM provides up to 64 LT ports and up to 8 Physical PIMs can be accommodated in a Stand Alone system. The Virtual PIM is a “software” PIM and provides up to 64 ports per PIM for use by system programming as DtermIP telephones, Wireless PS stations or Peer to Peer (PTP) CCIS trunks. The system consists of up to 16 PIMs, by the combination of Physical PIMs and Virtual PIMs, thus providing 1020 ports. When the use of Virtual PIMs exceeds 8 then the number Physical PIMs is reduced by one for each additional Virtual PIM required.
The illustration below shows examples of 1020-port configuration by the combination of TDM LT ports, Dterm IP telephones, Wireless PS stations and Peer to Peer (PTP) CCIS trunks.
Figure 2-1 System Configuration with Dterm IP (1020-Port Configuration)
Example 1 Example 2
PIM #3
PIM #2
PIM #1 PIM #5
PIM #0 PIM #4
448 LT ports + 64 IP-PADs
PIM #7
PIM #6
PIM #11
PIM #10
PIM #9 PIM #13
PIM #8 PIM #12
252 D 128 Wireless + 128 PTP CCIS
PIM #15
PIM #14
IPs +
Physical PIM
PIM #3
PIM #2
PIM #1 PIM #5
PIM #0 PIM #4
192 LT ports + 64 IP-PADs
PIM #7
PIM #6
Virtual PIM
PIM #11
PIM #10
PIM #9 PIM #13
PIM #8 PIM #12
508 D 128 Wireless + 128 PTP CCIS
PIM #15
PIM #14
IPs +
NEAX 2000 IPS General Description Page 24 NDA-24345, Issue 3
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