NEC 1700, 1765 User Manual

1765 Network Printer
Configuration Guide
September 1996
The information disclosed in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the valuable property of NEC Corporation (NEC) and/or its licensors. NEC and/or its licensors, as appropriate, reserve all patent, copyright and other proprietary, rights to this document, including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights are expressly granted to others.
The NEC product(s) discussed in this document are warranted in accordance with the terms of the Warranty Statement accompanying each product. However , actual performance of each such product is dependent upon factors such as system configuration, customer data, and operator control. Since implementation by customers of each product may vary, the suitability of specific product configurations and applications must be determined by the customer and is not warranted by NEC.
To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is subject to change at any time, without notice. Reproduction of this document or portions thereof without prior written approval of NEC is prohibited.
Silentwriter and Print Navigator are registered trademarks of NEC Corporation. Windows and Windows 95 are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
All other product, service, brand, or trade names used in this publication are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. NEC disclaims any responsibility for specifying which marks are owned by which companies or organiza t i on s.
First Printing—September 1996 Document Number: 808-875036-001A
Copyright 1996 NEC Technologies, Inc. 1414 Massachusetts Avenue Boxborough, MA 01719 All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 1996 NEC Corporation 7-1 Shiba 5-Chome, Minato- Ku
ii 1765 Network Printer Configuratio n Guide
Tokyo 108-01, Japan All Rights Reserved.
Overview 1-1 Features 1-1 Compatibility 1-3
Qualifications an d Assumptions 1-6 Where to Go Next 1-6
Overview 2-1 Upgrading from the 1760 2-2
Connecting and Verifying the Silentwriter 1765 2-8
Hardware Requirements 1-3 Software Requirements 1-4
2 1765 SET U
Unpack the 1760 Upgrade Kit 2-2 Install RAM 2-4 Install the LAN Card 2-6
Identify the LAN Card Panel 2-8
Printing a Configuration Page 2-8 Restoring Factory LAN Card Settings 2- 8
Connect the Network Cable 2-9
Connecting Thin Coaxial Cable 2-9 Connecting Twisted Pair Cable 2-10 Connecting LocalTalk cable 2-10
Turn On the Printer 2-12 Print a Configuration Page 2-13
Overview 3-1 Using Silentwriter Software with the
Silentwriter 1765 3-1
NEC 1765 Software 3-2 Installing NEC 1765 Software for NetWare 3-4
Installing NEC 1765 Software for TCP/IP 3-10
The Windows PCL 5e Driver 3-1 The Windows PostScript Driver 3-1
Precautions 3-4 Preparing to Install 3-5
Verifying IPX/SPX Protocol in
Windows 3.1x 3-5
Verifying IPX/SPX Protocol in
Windows 95 3-5
Installing NEC 1765 Administration Software
for NetWare in Windows 3.1x 3-6
Installing NEC 1765 Administration Software
for NetWare in Windows 95 3-6
Installing NEC 1765 Client Software for NetWare in
Windows 3.1x 3-8
Installing NEC 1765 Client Software for NetWare in
Windows 95 3-8
Precautions 3-10
NEC 1765 S
Preparing to Install 3-11
Verifying TCP/IP Protocol in
Windows 3.1x 3-11
Verifying TCP/IP Protocol in
Windows for Workgroups 3-11
Verifying TCP/IP Protocol in
Windows 95 3-11
Installing NEC 1765 Administration Software for
TCP/IP in Windows 3.1x 3-12
Installing NEC 1765 Administration Software for
TCP/IP in Windows 95 3-12
Installing NEC 1765 Client Software for TCP/IP in
Windows 3.1x 3-14
Installing NEC 1765 Client Software for TCP/IP in
Windows 95 3-14
Installing NEC 1765 Software for AppleTalk Systems 3-16
Preparing to Install 3-16 Installing NEC 1765 Software for AppleTalk 3-16
Overview 4-1 Description of Configuration Process 4-2 NetWare with PCONSOLE 4-3
Select the Operating Mode 4-3
Local Printers 4-3 Network Printers 4-3 Remote Printers 4-4
Install NetWare Client Software at
the Workstation 4-6
Identify the Printer 4-6
Set the Printer Name 4-6 Set the Printer Operating Mode 4-6
Establish the Printer on the NetWare Network
Define the Print Queue 4-8 Define the Print Server 4-8 Define the Password 4-8 Configure the Print Server 4-9 Configure the Print Queue 4-9 Set the LAN Card Password 4-10
Enable the Remote Printer 4-11
Enable the Remote Printer if the Print Server
Resides on a File Server (NLM Print Server) 4-11
Enable the Remote Printer if the Print Server
Resides on a Workstation (Dedicated DOS Print Server) 4-11
Enable the Remote Printer if it is Connected to
a Workstation With a Parallel Cab le 4-11
NetWare with NetWare Administrator 4-13
Select the Operating Mode 4-13
Local Printers 4-13 Network Printers 4-13 Remote Printers 4-14
Install NetWare Client Software at
the Workstation 4-16
Identify the Printer 4-16
Set the Printer Name 4-16 Set the Printer Operating Mode 4-16
Establish the Printer on the NetWare Network
Create a Print Queue Object 4-18
vi 1765 Network Printer Configuration Guide
Create a Printer Object 4-18 Create a Print Server Object 4-18 Assign the Print Queue Object to the
Printer Object 4-18
Assign the Printer Object to the Print
Server Object 4-19
Exit NetWare Administrator 4-19
Enable the Remote Printer 4-19
Enable the Remote Printer if the Print Server
Resides on a File Server (NLM Print Server) 4-19
Enable the Remote Printer if the Print Server
Resides on a Workstation (Dedicated DOS Print Server) 4-19
Enable the Remote Printer if it is Connected to
a Workstation With a Parallel C able 4-19
Windows 95 Using TCP/IP Protocol 4-20
Install Software 4-20
Install the Windows 95 Printing System
Utility 4-20 Install TCP/IP Protocol on Win dows 95 4-22 Verify Printer Driver Installation 4-22
Establish the Printer on the Network 4-23 Define New Printer Ports 4-24
Windows NT Using TCP/IP Protocol 4-25
Install the Software 4-25 Identify the Printer 4-26
UNIX Using TCP/IP Protocol 4-27
Identify the Printer 4-27 Establish the Printer on the Host Computer 4-28
Add the Silentwriter to the /etc/
printcap File 4-28
Set Up Remote Printing 4-28
Send Documents to the Printer 4-29
Printing With the lpr Command 4-29 Printing With the ftp Command 4-29
Windows NT Using DLC Protocol 4-30
Install the Software 4-30 Identifying the Printer 4-31
AppleTalk 4-32
Select the Network 4-32 Select the Printer 4-33
LAN Manager v2.2 4-34
Install Software 4-34 Identify the Printer 4-35 Print a Document 4-35
OS/2 Warp Server or LAN Server v4.0 4-36
Install Software 4-36 Identify the Printer 4-37 Print a Document 4-38
SNMP 4-39
Overview 5-1 NEC 1765 Software 5-1 NEC 1765 Administration Software for NetWare 5-3
5 NEC 1765 A
Using NEC 1765 Administration Software for
NetWare 5-3
Displaying Available Printers 5-3 Displaying LAN Card Parameters 5-4 Changing the Printer Name 5-4 Changing the Printer Polling Rate 5-4
Changing the Busy Timeout Time 5-5 Displaying NetWare Network Number and
MAC Address 5-5 Changing NetWare Print Server Name 5-5 Changing the Printer Operating Mode
for NetWare 5-6 Changing NetWare Remote Printer Name
and Number 5-6 Limiting the Silentwriter to a Single File
Server 5-7 Changing NetWare File Server Scanning 5-7 Changing NetWare File Server
Scan Interval 5-7 Changing NetWare File Server Queue Polling
Rate 5-8 Changing NetWare Password 5-8 Changing TCP/IP IP Address 5-9 Changing the TCP/IP Subnet Mask 5-9 Setting the TCP/IP Auto IP Address 5-10 Displaying Silentwriter
Printer Configuration 5-11 Displaying Silentwriter Printer Options 5-12 Changing the Status Polling R ate 5-12 Changing the Response Timeout 5-13 Using Online Help 5-13
NEC 1765 Printer Administration Window 5-14 Printer Administration Menu Bar 5-15 Printer Administration Buttons 5-16 LAN Card Parameters Dialog Box 5-17 NetWare Configuration Dialog Box 5-18
File Server Connection 5-18 Operating Mode 5-19
Remote Printer Information 5-19 Change Password Dialog Box 5-19 NetWare Queue Configuration Dialog Box 5-20
Adding a Queue Assignment 5-20
Removing a Queue Assignment 5-20 Login Dialog Box 5-21
TCP/IP Parameters Dialog Box 5-22 Network Printer Configuration Dialog Box 5-23 Printer Options Dialog Box 5-24 Network Number Dialog Box 5-24 Option Dialog Box 5-25 About NEC Printer Administration Dialog Box
NEC 1 765 Admin istration Software for TCP/IP 5-27
Using NEC 1765 Administration Software for
TCP/IP 5-27
Displaying Available Printers 5-27
Displaying LAN Card Parameters 5-28
Changing the Printer Name 5-28
Changing the Printer Polling Rate 5-29
Changing the Printer Busy
Timeout Time 5-29 Displaying NetWare MAC Address 5-30 Changing NetWare Print Server Name 5-30 Changing NetWare Operating Mode 5-30 Changing NetWare Remote Printer Name and
Number 5-31 Limiting the Silentwriter to a Single File
Server 5-31 Changing NetWare File Server Scanning 5-32 Changing NetWare File Server
Scan Interval 5-32
viii 1765 Network Printer Configuration Guide
Changing NetWare File Server Queue Polling
Rate 5-33 Changing TCP/IP IP Address 5-33 Changing TCP/IP Subnet Mask 5-33 Setting TCP/IP Auto IP Address 5-34 Displaying Silentwriter Printer
Configuration 5-35 Displaying Silentwriter Printer Options 5-35 Changing the Status Polling R ate 5-36 Changing the Response Timeout 5-36 Using Online Help 5-37
Printer Administration Window 5 -38 Printer Administration Menu Bar 5-39 Printer Administration Buttons 5-40 LAN Card Parameters Dialog Box 5-41 NetWare Configuration Dialog Box 5-42
File Server Connection 5-42 Operating Mode 5-43 Remote Printer Information 5-43
TCP/IP Parameters Dialog Box 5-44 Network Printer Configuration Dialog Box 5-45 Printer Options Dialog Box 5-46 IP Address Filter Dialog Box 5-46 Time Definition Dialog Box 5-47 Preference Dialog Box 5-48 About NEC 1765 Administration Dial og Box 5-49
NEC 1765 Software for AppleTalk 5-51
Using NEC 1765 Software for AppleTalk 5-51
Displaying Available Printers 5-51 Displaying LAN Card Configuration 5-52 Changing the Printer Polling Rate 5-52
Changing the Busy Timeout Time 5-52 Changing AppleTalk Entities 5-53 Displaying Silentwriter Printer
Information 5-53 Displaying Silentwriter Printer Options 5-54 Changing the Printer Name 5-54 Changing the Printer’s AppleTalk Zone 5-54 Changing the LAN Card Polling Rate 5-55 Changing the LAN Card Response
Timeout 5-55 Using Online Help 5-5 5
Printer Administration Window 5-56 Printer Administration Menu Opt i ons 5-57 Printer Administration Buttons 5-57 LAN Card Configuration Window 5-58 AppleTalk Entity Window 5-59 Network Printer Configuration Window 5-60 Printer Options Window 5-61 Printer Name Window 5-61
Changing the Printer Name 5-61
AppleTalk Zoner Window 5-62 Time Definition Window 5-63 About Window 5-63
Overview 6-1 NEC 1765 Client Software 6-1 NEC 1765 Client Software for NetWare 6-2
6 NEC 1765 C
Using NEC 1765 Client Softwar e for NetWare 6 -3
Displaying Printer Status 6-3 Displaying Current Print Jobs 6-3
Deleting Your Current Print Jobs 6-3 Attaching File Servers 6-4 Detaching File Servers 6-4 Displaying Silentwriter
Printer Information 6-4 Displaying Silentwriter Printer Options 6-4 Changing the Status Polling R ate 6-5 Changing the Response Timeout 6-5 Using Online Help 6-5
NEC 1765 Network Printer Client
Access Window 6-6 Network Printer Client Access Menu Bar 6-7 Network Printer Client Access Buttons 6-7 Time Definition Dialog Box 6-8 File Servers Dialog Box 6-9 Login Dialog Box 6-9 Printer Configuration Dial og Box 6-10 Printer Options Dialog Box 6-11 About NEC 1765 Client Software Dialog Box 6-11 Minimized Icon Display 6-11
NEC 1765 Client Software for TCP/IP 6-12
Using NEC 1765 Client Software for TCP/IP 6-12
Displaying Printer Status 6-12 Changing the LAN Card Status
Polling Rate 6-12
Changing the LAN Card Response Timeout
Time 6-12 Displaying Error Messages 6-13 Displaying Silentwriter
Printer Information 6-13 Displaying Silentwriter Printer Options 6-13 Using Online Help 6-13
Client Access Window 6-14 Client Access Menu Bar 6-15 Client Access Buttons 6-15 Option Dialog Box 6-16 Printer Configuration Dialog Box 6-17 Options Dialog Box 6-18 About NEC 1765 Client Dialog Box 6-18 Minimized Icon Display 6-19 Error Dialog Box 6-19
Overview 7-1
NEC Technical Support 7-2
Assistance Nearby 7-1
Help From Within Your Company 7-1 Help From Your Dealer 7-1
How to Contact NEC 7-2
Contacting NEC Technical Support by
Telephone 7-2
Contacting NEC Customer Service by
Telephone 7-2 Sending Internet Electronic Mail 7-2 Sending a Fax 7-2 Using FastFacts—NEC’s
Information Retrieval System 7-2 Reaching the NEC Bulletin Board System 7-2 Reaching NEC on Compuserve 7-2 Reaching NEC on America Online 7-3 Reaching NEC on the World Wide Web 7-3 Writing NEC 7-3
x 1765 Network Printer Configuration Guide
NEC Warranty and Service 7-3
NEC Service Contracts 7-3
Printer Messages A-1
Overview B-1 Installing a Flash-ROM Upgrade With NetWare B-2
Installing a Flash-ROM Upgrade With ftp B-3
Installing a Flash-ROM Upgrade With FWTOOL B-5
Installing a Flash-ROM Upgrade with AppleTalk B-8
Preparing to Install B-2 Installing the Upgrade in NetWare B-2
Preparing to Install B-3 Installing the Upgrade in Windows 95 B-3 Installing the Upgrade in Windows for
Workgroups B-4
Preparing to Install B-5 Unloading the Software B-5 Installing the Upgrade B-6
Preparing to Install B-8 Installing the Upgrade across AppleTalk B-8
xii 1765 Network Printer Configuration Guide
This guide includes the information you need to prepare and operate your NEC® Silentwriter® 1765 for network printing. This guide contains informa tion about network utilities and configurations only. Please refer to the User’s Guide for general operating information. The seven chapters of this guide are described below.
Chapter 1, “Introduction”
Provides an overview of the Silentwriter 1765 networking capabilities and features.
Includes system and software requirements for network printing with the Silentwriter 1765.
Chapter 2, “1765 Set Up”
Shows how to upgrade your 1760 to a 1765 by installing your new LAN (Local A rea Network) Card and extra RAM.
Tells how to prepare your printer for network installation.
Chapter 3, “Installing NEC 1765 Software”
Provides instructions for installing the NEC 1765 software you’ll use to operate your printer on the network.
Chapter 4, “Configuring Your Network Printer”
Provides information about adding the Silentwriter 1765 to your network.
Tells how to configure both network and printer to work together.
Chapter 5, “NEC 1765 Administration Software”
Shows how system administrators can use NEC 1765 Administration software to
Configure the network
Set printer parameters
Supervise the network
Chapter 6, “NEC 1765 Client Software”
Shows how 1765 users can use NEC 1765 Client software to
Set printer parameters
Monitor user print requests
Chapter 7, “If You Need Help”
Contains sources of technical support. For general problem solving see Chapter 8, “Troubleshooting,” in the User’s Guide.
If you have not yet set up your printer, begin with the
Easy Printer Setup Guide
. It covers assembly, installing printer options, and installing printer driver software.
See the
User’s Guide
for information about operating and maintaining your printer, and using printer driver software.
iv 1765 Network Printer Configuration Guide
This chapter provides the following information about the Silentwriter 1765.
Features: Lists the features of the Silentwriter 1765 (or an upgraded Silentwriter 1760)
Compatibility: The Silentwriter 1765 can work with several different operating systems and network operating systems. This section describes the system requirements for using the 1765 with each platform.
Qualifications and Assumptions: The instructions provided in this guide assume that you have basic working knowledge about your computer networks. This section further describes these assumptions.
Where to Go Next: Lists the steps you’ll need to complete to set up and operate the Silentwriter 1765 and where to find the information you need.
You may already be familiar with the benefits of the Silentwriter 1760—its speed, ease of use, and high quality output. The networking capabilities of the Silentwriter 1765 enhance this usefulness. The 1765 network printer has the following features in addition to the standard features of the 1760.
Runs with several operating systems and network
operating systems including NetWare®, Micr osoft® Windows® 3.1x, Microsoft Windows for Wo rkgroups® (WFW), Microsoft Windows NT®, Microsoft Windows® 95, UNIX®, Mac™ OS 7.1 or greater, and IBM® OS/2® with Microsoft LAN Manager®, IBM WARP Server®, or IBM LAN Server®.
Provides three network ports in addition to the
Silentwriter’s bidirectional parallel port
- Thin wire coaxial Ethernet® (10Base2)
- Unshielded twisted pair Ethernet (10BaseT)
Network printing does not increase the
Silentwriter’s size because the LAN card is installed inside the 1765.
Uses flash-ROM, a rewritable memory that allows
users to upgrade LAN card firmware.
Supports several frame types, including IEEE 802.2,
IEEE 802.3, Ethernet_II, and Ethernet_SNAP.
System administrators and network clients can use NEC 1765 softwar e to si m plif y se tt in g up and o per ati ng the Silentwriter 1765. The NEC 1765 Administration software allows network administrators to define the network and manage the printer. Administrators can
Display a list of printers on the network
Change printer names
Monitor printer status
Check printer configuration
Toggle operation between network and remote printer modes (NetWare only)
NEC 1765 Client software allows users to
Confirm or delete their own print jobs
Monitor printer status
Check printer configuration
1–2 1765 Network Printer Configuration Guide
The Silentwriter 176 5 can be used on several different platforms and operating systems. This section describes the system requirements to run the Silentwriter 1765 in different hardware and software environments.
Tab le 1-1: Cables and Connectors
Network Type Cable Type Connector Form
Thin Ethernet Thin Ethernet coaxial cable
UTP Ethernet Twisted pair cable
Apple® LocalTalk Mini-DIN 8
(LocalTalk shielded cable)
Hardware Requirements
Table 1-1 describes the cables and connectors you need to connect to different networks.
Compatibility 1–3
Software Requirements
Table 1-2 shows the operating systems and network software you will need to configure the Silentwriter 1765.
Table 1-2: Software Requirements
In addition to your network software, the Silentwriter 1765 comes with software to help administer your Silentwriter across the network. Table 1-2 sh ows which configurations are supported by NEC 1765 software.
To use th is
with this operating system you will need this network software
IPX/SPX MS-DOS® Client software for NetWare version 3.11,
3.12, or 4.1
MS-DOS and Windows 3.1x Client software for NetWare version 3.12 or
MS-DOS and Windows for Workgroups 3.11
Windows 95 network software included with Windows 95
TCP/IP MS-DOS and Windows 3.1x a third party TCP/IP stack, for example,
MS-DOS and Windows for Workgroups version 3.11
Windows 95 network software included with Windows 95
Windows NT version 3.1 or 3.5x (server or workstations)
UNIX any System V or
DLC Windows NT Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1
Client software for NetWare version 3.12 or
system software
Chameleon by NetManage, Inc. (for Windows 3.1x) or LAN Workplace by Novell®
network software included with Windows for Workgroups system software
system software
network software included with Windows NT system software
BSD compatible system
Windows NT Server 3.5x Windows NT Workstation 3.5x
This NEC 1765 software is
NEC 1765 Adm inistration and NEC 1765 Client for NetWare
NEC 1765 Adm inistration and NEC 1765 Client for NetWare
NEC 1765 Adm inistration and NEC 1765 Client for NetWare
NEC 1765 Adm inistration and NEC 1765 Client for TCP/IP
NEC 1765 Adm inistration and NEC 1765 Client for TCP/IP
NEC 1765 Adm inistration and NEC 1765 Client for TCP/IP Windows 95 Printing System
NEC 1765 Adm inistration and NEC 1765 Client for TCP/IP
1–4 1765 Network Printer Configuration Guide
Table 1-2: Software Requirements (Continued)
To use th is
with this operating system you will need this network software
EtherTalk® Mac OS version 7.1 or greater network software included with Mac OS
system software
LocalTalk® Mac OS version 7.1 or great er network software included with Mac OS
system software
NetBEUI MS-DOS and Windo ws Microsoft LAN Manager version 2.1 or 2.2
OS/2 Warp version 3.0 IBM LAN Server version 3.0 or 4.0
IBM Warp Server version 4
This NEC 1765 software is
NEC 1765 software for AppleTalk®
NEC 1765 software for AppleTalk
Compatibility 1–5
Qualifications and Assumptions
This guide assumes that you are familiar with your system and network layout. Installing the LAN card and adding the Silentwriter 1765 to your network will be easier if you
have used your network operating system
have the proper network software
have a fully operational system
In addition, to complete installation and configuration on the network you must have access to the supervisor account, or have access to an account that has supervisor and print server operator privileges.
Where to Go Next
The rest of this document describes the tasks necessary to complete network installation of the Silentwriter
1765. You will need to complete the following steps:
1. S et up the Silentwriter 1765 or upgrade the Silentwriter 1760. See Chapter 2, “1765 Set Up.”
2. Install the NEC 1765 Administration software and NEC 1765 Client software. See Chapter 3, “Installing NEC 1765 Software.”
3. Connect the Silentwriter to your Network. See Chapter 4, “Configuring Your Network Printer.”
4. Use NEC 1765 Administration softwar e to configur e the network and printer. See Chapter 5, “NEC 1765 Administration Software.”
Once the Silentwriter has been connected to the network and configured properly, users can use NEC 1765 Client software to manage individual printing jobs. See Chapter 6, “NEC 1765 Client Software.”
1–6 1765 Network Printer Configuration Guide
1765 S
This chapter describes how to prepare your new Silentwriter for network printing. It contains the following information.
Upgrading from the 1760
Connecting and verifying the Silentwriter 1765 We assume that you have completed the steps described
in the Easy Printer Setup Guide.
If you are upgrading your 1760, begin with the next section.
If you are ready to connect your Silentwriter 1765, proceed to page 2-8.
Upgrading from the 1760
Upgrading a 1760 printer to a 1765 network printer requires the following steps.
1. Unpack the upg rade kit and verify its contents.
2. Install extra RAM (not included).
3. Install the LAN card.
Unpack the 1760 Upgrade Kit
Your upg rade kit should include the following components
LAN card (part 805-874292-003A)
1765 Network Printer Configuration Guide (part 808-875036-001A)
Four NEC 1765 software diskettes (part 819-058006-000)
- Windows® 95 Printing System and OS/2®
Support Software (part 819-055006-000)
- Network Utilities: NetWare® for Windows®
(part 819-055006-001)
- Network Utilities: TCP/IP for Windows®
(part 819-055006-002)
- Network Utilities: AppleTalk® for Mac™ OS
(part 819-055006-003)
T-shaped BNC connector (for 10 Base2 network connections)
Warranty card (part 819-300017-000)
2–2 1765 Network Printer Configuration Guide
Silentwriter 1760 Upgrade Kit Contents
LAN Card
NEC 1765 software
2 1765 Set Up
T-shaped BNC
1765 Network Printer Configuration Guide
Upgrading from the 1760 2–3
Install RAM
The Silentwriter 1765 has two Singl e In line Memory Module (SIMM) slots that support 72-pin with parity (36 bits) industry stan dar d RAM SIMM s, availa ble fr o m many third party vendors. NEC recommends RAM speeds of 70 nanoseconds or faster. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 MB SIMMs are available, and you can add up to 48 additional MB of RAM. The 1760 comes with 4 MB as standard equipment. The Silentwriter 1765 requires a minimum of 6 MB for network printing. To upgrade a 1760 to a 1765 you need to pur ch ase and install at least 2 additional MB for a minimum of 6 MB.
To see how much memory is already installed, print a test page.
1. On the operator panel, press the Online button to
turn the indicator light off and take the printer offline. The display changes from
2. Press Menu.
3. Press Next five time s until
the display.
4. Press Select.
5. Press Select to print the test page.
6. Press Online to put the printer back online.
PAPER HANDLING appears on the
TEST PRINT appears on
TEST PRINT TEST PAGE appears on the
Follow these steps to install a SIMM , as illustrated on the next page.
main controller board while installing RAM.
• Hold the board by its edges to avoid touching the
connectors or components.
• Do not use magnetic tools when handling the board.
• Wear charge-dissipative straps and work on antistatic
surfaces while handling the main controller board.
• Avoid carpets in coo l, dry areas where static may build
1. Turn off the printer power and unplug the power cord.
2. Detach the power cord from the printer (A).
printer when the power is on. Always turn off the printer power and unplug the power cord before accessing the main board.
3. Loosen, but do not remove, the two finger tight screws fastening the main controller board to the printer. Using the loosened screws as handles, gently slide the main controller board out of the printer (B).
4. Hold the module so that the notch is on the left side and the metal edge faces toward the m emory socket (C).
5. Hold the module at a 30 degree angle and firmly push it into the socket. Push the module into the back of the socket to fully seat it. Then, rotate the module up. You will feel and hear a “click” when the module snaps into place (D).
Take the following steps to protect the
Hazardous voltages are present in the
2–4 1765 Network Printer Configuration Guide
Install a RAM Memory Expansion Module
2 1765 Set Up
Loosen screws and pull to slide out
Upgrading from the 1760 2–5
Install the LAN Card
Follow these steps to install the LAN card, as shown on the facing page.
main controller board while installing the LAN card.
• Hold the board by its edges to avoid touching the connectors or components.
• Do not use magnetic tools when handling the board.
• Wear charge-dissipative straps and work on antistatic surfaces while handling the main controller board.
• Avoid carpets in cool, d ry ar eas where static may build up.
Take the following steps to protect the
1. Place the main controller board flat on a table so
that the LAN card socket and brack et ar e on top (A).
2. Rotate the LAN card bracket 90 degrees (B).
3. Slide the LAN card onto the main controller board, so that the LAN card plugs into the main controller board and the LAN card panel fits through the main controller board (C).
4. Insert the LAN card screws into the main controller board panel above and below the LAN card panel. Tighten the screws finger-tight. Rotate the LAN card bracket 90 degrees so that it supports the LAN card (D).
5. Slide the main controller boar d back into the printer. Make sure the board is positioned between the rails inside the printer (E).
6. Tighten the two screws finger-tight to fasten the main controller board to the rear of the printer (F).
2–6 1765 Network Printer Configuration Guide
Install the LAN Card
2 1765 Set Up
Upgrading from the 1760 2–7
Connecting and Verifying the Silentwriter 1765
This section describes the steps to connect the network cable to your 1765 and verify its operation. The steps are
1. Identify the LAN card panel.
2. Connect the network cable.
3. Turn on the printer.
4. Print a configuration page. After completing the tasks in this section you will be
ready to install NEC 1765 software and connect the Silentwriter to your network.
Identify the LAN Card Panel
The diagram shows the LAN card panel and its components
Configuration Button: Use this button to print a configuration page or restore the LAN card to its factory default settings.
Green LED: Lights up when the Silentwriter is receiving a packet or downloading flash-RO M information
Red LED: Lights up when transmitting a packet
you restore factory default settings. Before restoring, print a configuration page so you have a record of custom settings.
To use this button as a reset button
1. Turn the power off.
2. Press and hold the button.
3. Turn the printer power on.
4. Continue to press the button for at least 15 seconds.
5. Release the button.
LAN Card Panel
Twisted Pair Ethernet Connector
Thin Coaxial Ethernet Connector
Any custom settings will be lost when
LocalTalk (AppleTalk) connector
Printing a Configuration Page
To print a configuration page, turn on the printer and press the configuration button. For more information about the configuration page, see “Print a Configuration Page” on page 2-13.
Restoring Factory LAN Card Settings
You can use the configuration button to restore the LAN card to factory default settings.
2–8 1765 Network Printer Configuration Guide
Green LED
Configuration Button
Connect the Network Cable
Before connecting any cables make sure your printer is turned off. The LAN card has three cable ports, two for Ethernet networks and one for LocalTalk networks. If you have an Ethernet network, you may use either thin coaxial cable or twisted pair cable to connect the 1 765 to your network. Your Silentwriter uses Automatic Interface Monitoring (AIM) to determine which interfaces are connected. For more information about AIM, see the User’s Guide.
any network cable.
simultaneously could result in errors w hile transmitting and printing data. Connect only one Ethernet cable type at a time. You may connect one Ethernet connection and LocalTalk at the same time.
network, the connection must be made quickly to minimize interruptions to the network.
If you are connecting to an active Ethernet
Turn the printer off before connecting
Using both Ethernet connectors
Connecting Thin Coaxial Cable
Use the BNC T-adaptor to connect the Silentwriter to a network with thin coaxial Ethernet cable. Follow these steps.
1. If you are connecting the Silentwriter into the middle of the network, connect Ethernet cable to both cable connectors of the BNC T-adaptor.
2. If you are connecting to the end of a cable segment, connect Ethernet cable to one cable connector and connect a 50 phm Ethernet terminator to the other side.
3. Attach the BNC T-adaptor to the bottom connector on the LAN card panel (A).
4. Rotate the BNC T-adaptor clockwise to make sure the connector is firmly attached (B).
Connecting Thin Coaxial Cable
2 1765 Set Up
Connecting and Verifying the Silentwriter 1765 2–9
Connecting Twisted Pair Cable
Unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable connects to the middle connector of the LAN card panel.
1. Connect one end of the twisted pair cable to the middle connector on the LAN card panel.
2. Connect the other end of the twisted pair cable to a UTP wall outlet or other Ethernet source.
Connecting Twisted Pair Cable Connecting LocalTalk Cable
Connecting LocalTalk cable
LocalTalk cable connects to the top connector of the LAN card panel. You can connect LocalTalk cable directly to your Macintosh or to a LocalTalk network. Follow these steps to connect your Silentwriter to a LocalTalk network using RJ-11 cable.
1. Connect LocalTalk cable and converter box to the top connector of the LAN card panel.
2. If the Silentwriter is at the end of a LocalTalk network, connect RJ-11 cable to one RJ-11 connection in the converter box. If necessary, connect a 120-ohm terminator in the other RJ-11 connection in the converter box (A).
3. If the Silentwriter is in the middle of a LocalTalk network, move one cable from a workstation to one RJ-11 connection in the converter box. Connect a new RJ-11 cable from the Silentwriter to the workstation (B).
2–10 1765 Network Printer Configuration Guide
Connecting the Silentwriter to a LocalTalk Network
2 1765 Set Up
add this cable
move this cable
Connecting and Verifying the Silentwriter 1765 2–11
Turn On the Printer
Turn on your printer and wait until it displays the
READY message.
The printer automatically prints a demo page when you turn it on. You use the demo page to verify that the printer is ready to provide quality output. Follow these steps.
1. Turn on the printer power (A).
2. The following messages appear on the operator
panel display (B) in sequence.
3. The printer issues the demo page and the following message appears on the operator panel display.
Operator Panel
display, see the User’s Guide.
2–12 1765 Network Printer Configuration Guide
For more infor mation about the operator panel
+ 166 hidden pages