NCR 7401 User Manual

NCR EasyPoint 7401
Release 2.5
Hardware User's Guide
B005-0000-1254 Issue H
The prod uct s d es cr ibed in thi s b ook are licensed products of N C R Corporation. MicroTouch is a re gi st e red t rad emark of Micr oT o uch .
NCR and EasyPoint are regist ere d t rademarks of NCR Corporati on. Novell and Netware are registe red trademarks of Novell, Inc. Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. Power Mon II is a registered trade mar k of Systems Enhancement Corp oration. Sound Blaster is a registered t rad emark of Creative Technol ogy, L t d. SoundFusion is a registere d t rademark of Cirrus Logic, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trad emarks of Microsoft Corporation. Symantic and Ghost are registered trademarks of Symantec Corporation in the United States and other countries.
It is the policy of NCR Corporation (NCR) to improve products as new technology, components, software, and firmware become available. NCR, therefore, reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.
All features, functions, and o perat ions described herein may not be marketed by NCR in all pa rts of the world. In some instances , photograph s a re of equipment prototypes. Ther efore, befor e using this d ocument, consult with your NCR representative or NCR office for information that is applicable and current.
To maintain the quality of our publications, we need your comments on the accuracy, clarity, organization, and value of this book.
Address correspondence to: Manager, Information P roducts
NCR Corporation 2651 Satellite Blvd. Duluth, GA 30096
Copyright © 2002 By NCR Corporati on Dayton , Ohio U. S.A. All Rights Reserved

Safety Warnings



This book is writt en for h ard ware installer/service p e rs onn el, system integrators, and field engineers.
Notice: This do cume n t is NCR p roprie ta ry information and is n o t to be disclosed or reproduced without consent.
Caution: This product does not contain user serviceable parts. Servicing s hould only be perform e d by a qu a lifie d service technicia n .
Fuse Replacement
Caution: For continued protection against risk of fire, replace only with the same type and ratings of fuse.
Attention: Pour prévenir et vous protéger contre un risque de feu, remplacer la fusible avec une autre fusible de même type, seulement.
Power Supply Cord Used as Disconnect Means
Caution: The power supply cord is used as the main disconnect device. Ens u re tha t the socket outlet is loca te d / ins ta lle d near the equipment and is easily a cce ssible.
Attention: Le cordon d'a lim e n t at ion est utilisé comme inte rrupt e u r général. La pris e de co u ra n t doit êt re situé e ou inst a llée å prox imité du matériel et être facile d'accés.
Lithiu m Battery Warning
Caution: Danger of exp losion if battery is in corre ct ly repla ced . Replace only with the same or equivalent type as recommended by the manufacturer. Discard used batteries according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Attention: Il y a danger d' explosion s' il y a rempla ce m e n t inco rrect d e la batterie. Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du même type ou d'un type recommandé par le constructeur. Mettre au rébut les batteries us a g é es co n formé m e nt aux ins t ru ct ions du fabrica n t .
Battery D isposal (Switzerl a n d )
Refer to Annex 4.10 of SR814.013 for battery disposal.
IT Power System
This product is su it able for co n n e ct ion t o an IT powe r sys t em wit h a phase-to-phase voltage not exceeding 240 V.
Periphera l Usage
This terminal should only be used with peripheral devices that are certified by th e ap p ro p ria t e sa fety agency for the country of ins t a llat io n (UL, CSA, TUV, VDE) or those which are recommended by NCR Corporation.
Caution: DO NOT connect or disconnect a printer, keyboard, or any other terminal-powered peripheral while the terminal is powered on. Doing so may res u lt in peripheral or system damage.
System Weight Considerations
Warning: The NCR 7401-1xxx and 7401-2xxx terminals must be mounted securely to prevent a hazard. They must be installed in accordance with lo ca l building codes. The post or wall on which the unit is mounted should be able to withstand four tim es the weight of the unit, which is approximately 20 lbs. (9 kg). The NCR 7401-4xxx is a desk-top unit that has an assembled weig ht of approximately 90 lbs. (40.8 kg).
Environmental Consciousness
NCR is demonstrating its concern for the environment by designing an intelligen t p o we r man ag eme n t sys t em in t o th is te rminal that operates efficiently whether the system is in a stand-alone or network environment.
Grounding Instructions
In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, grounding provides a path of least resistance for electric current to reduce the risk of electric shock. This product is equipped with an electric cord having an equipment-grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be plugge d into a matching outle t t hat is properly inst a lle d a n d ground ed in a cco rda n ce wit h all loca l co de s and ordinan ce s. D o not modify th e plug p ro vid e d – if it will n o t fit the outle t , h a v e the pr ope r outlet installed by a qualified e le ct rician. Im proper conn e ctio n of t h e equipm ent -grounding con ductor can result in a risk o f electr ic s hock. The conductor with insulation having an outer surface that is green with or without yellow stripes is the equipment-grounding conductor. If repair or replacement of the electric cord or plug is necessary, do not connect the equipment-grounding conductor to a live terminal. Check with a qualified e lect rician or se rvice p e rsonnel if the groun ding instruct io n s ar e not co mp le t e ly un d ers to o d, o r if in do u bt as t o whe the r the product is properly grounded.
Use only 3-wire extension cords that have 3-prong grounding plugs and 3-pole receptacles that accept the product’s plug. Repair or replace
damaged or worn cords immediately.


NCR EasyPoint 7401 Hardware Service Guide (B005-0000-1341)
NCR EasyPoint 7401 Site Preparation Guide (B005-0000-1255)
NCR EasyPoint 7401 Interface Guide (B005-0000-01405)
NCR EasyPoint 7401 ATX 38 Printer User’s Manual
NCR EasyPoint 7401/7454 Retail Terminal Parts Identification Manual
NCR FitClient Software User's Guide (B005-0000-1235)
NCR EasyPoint 7401 Migration Guide (B005-0000-1500)
NCR Retail Platform Software Terminal Utilities Guide

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: 7401-2xxx and 3xxx Product Overview
Introduction.................................................................. 1-1
Serial Number/Model Number Label........................ 1-2
Fixed-Angle Mount Label......................................1-2
Tilt-Mount Label ....................................................1-3
Hardware Modules......................................................1-4
Base Uni t.................................................................1- 4
Hardware Options.................................................1-5
Terminal Components not Supported..............1-7
System Co nfiguration Dia gr a m...................................1-8
Kit Configuration Diagram..........................................1-9
Hardware Module Descriptions................................ 1-10
Processor Board .................................................... 1-10
Processor/Chip Set.......................................... 1-10
Video Subsystem.............................................. 1-11
Ethernet 10/100Base-T LAN
Communications.............................................. 1-12
Wireless LAN Communications..................... 1-13
Universal Serial Bus......................................... 1-14
Serial Ports........................................................ 1-14
Hardware Monitor........................................... 1-15
PCI Expansion Header.................................... 1-15
IDE Header....................................................... 1-15
Audio................................................................ 1-16
Magnetic Stripe Reader ................................... 1-16
Touch Screen Controller.................................. 1-16
Processor Board Connectors ........................... 1-17
NCR Retail Specific Hardware........................ 1-18
Board BIOS....................................................... 1-22
Operator Display.................................................. 1-26
LCD Adapter Board......................................... 1-26
LCD Backlight Inverter Module ..................... 1-26
Touch Screen.................................................... 1-27
Features....................................................................... 1-28
Magnetic Stripe Reader........................................ 1-28
Printer Options..................................................... 1-29
7401-K590 Self-Service Printer ........................ 1-29
7401-K580 Self-Service Printer
(Discontinued) .................................................. 1-30
7158 Printer....................................................... 1-31
7167 Printer....................................................... 1-31
7194 Printer....................................................... 1-32
7197 Printer....................................................... 1-32
Other Integrated Devices and Indicators........... 1-33
Hard Disk Drive............................................... 1-33
Reset Switch......................................................1-33
Internal Speaker............................................... 1-33
POS Connector Board...................................... 1-34
Motion Sensor.................................................. 1-34
Power/Status LED ........................................... 1-35
Power OK LED................................................. 1-35
LAN Status LEDs............................................. 1-35
Power Supply................................................... 1-36
Uninterruptible Power System (Optional) ..... 1-36
Integrated Scanner Module (Optional)...........1-36
Integrated Speaker Module (Optional) .......... 1-37
Compact Flash (Optional)............................... 1-37
USB RS-232 Port Server ................................... 1-37
Integrat ed CD -R OM Driv e (Tilt Mou n t
Model)............................................................... 1-38
Additional Connectors (Pentium III Board)....... 1-39
Compatibility.............................................................. 1-40
LAN Communications......................................... 1-40
Applicat ion Programmability ............................. 1-40
Operating System Information............................1-40
Retail Applications............................................... 1-41
Retail Peripherals................................................. 1-41
Retail Systems....................................................... 1-42
Platform............................................................ 1-42
Networks .......................................................... 1-42
Platform Load...................................................1-42
Chapter 2: 7401-4xxx Product Overview
Introduction.................................................................. 2-1
Serial Number/Model Number Label........................ 2-2
Hardware Modules...................................................... 2-3
Base Uni t.................................................................2-3
Hardware Options................................................. 2-4
Terminal Components not Supported..............2-5
System Co nfiguration Dia gr a m...................................2-6
Hardware Module Descriptions.................................. 2-7
Processor Board ...................................................... 2-7
Processor/Chip Set............................................ 2-7
Video Subsystem................................................ 2-8
Ethernet 10/100Base-T LAN
Communications................................................ 2-8
Wireless LAN Communications....................... 2-9
Universal Serial Bus......................................... 2-10
Serial Ports........................................................ 2-11
Hardware Monitor........................................... 2-12
PCI Expansion Header.................................... 2-12
IDE Header....................................................... 2-12
Audio................................................................ 2-12
Magnetic Stripe Reader ................................... 2-13
Touch Screen Controller.................................. 2-13
Processor Board Connectors ........................... 2-13
NCR Retail Specific Hardware........................ 2-14
Board BIOS....................................................... 2-17
Operator Display.................................................. 2-21
LCD Adapter Board......................................... 2-21
LCD Backlight Inverter Module ..................... 2-21
Touch Screen.................................................... 2-22
Features....................................................................... 2-23
Secure Cabinet with Integrated Speakers...........2-23
Ruggedized Keyboard with Trackball................ 2-23
Pin Pad .................................................................. 2-24
Motorized Card Reader....................................... 2-24
Magnetic Stripe Reader........................................ 2-25
Full Page Printer................................................... 2-25
Other Integrated Devices and Indicators........... 2-26
Hard Disk Drive............................................... 2-26
Integr a t e d CD-ROM ........................................ 2-26
Reset Switch......................................................2-26
Compact Flash.................................................. 2-27
Internal Speaker............................................... 2-27
POS Connector Board...................................... 2-27
USB Camera......................................................2-27
Motion Sensor.................................................. 2-28
Power/Status LED ........................................... 2-28
Power OK LED................................................. 2-29
LAN Status LEDs............................................. 2-29
Power Supply................................................... 2-29
Motorized Card Reader Power Supply.......... 2-30
Full Page Printer Power Supply...................... 2-30
Integrated Speakers......................................... 2-30
EasyPoint 45 Pedestal...................................... 2-31
Chapter 3: 7401-2xxx and 3xxx Hardware Installation
Introduction.................................................................. 3-1
Installation Summary............................................. 3-1
Installation Restrictions................................................3-2
Connecting the Cables..................................................3-3
Fixed-Angle Mount (F504).....................................3-3
Fixed-Angle Mount (F503).....................................3-5
Cable Routing.....................................................3-7
Cable Connector Identification.........................3-9
Tilt Mount............................................................. 3-10
Cable Routing................................................... 3-11
Cable Connector Identification....................... 3-12
Installin g Peripherals ................................................. 3-13
Installin g a Tran sa ct ion Printer........................... 3-13
RS-232 Installation ........................................... 3-13
USB Installation................................................ 3-14
7401-K590 Self-Service Printer ........................ 3-15
Installin g a Cash Drawer ..................................... 3-16
Installin g a Second Cash Dra we r.................... 3-17
Installin g PC Card s .............................................. 3-18
Mounting a Fixed-Angle Mo un t Terminal............... 3-21
7401-K522 Pedestal Mount.................................. 3-22
7401-K521 Wall Mount ........................................ 3-23
7401-K521 Wall Mount with 7401-K530 Pole
Brackets................................................................. 3-25
Installing a K501 Tilt Mount Terminal ...................... 3-32
7401-K533 Wall Mount ........................................ 3-33
Wall Mounting a 7401-K502 Core Module............... 3-34
7401-9212 LCD No-Cabinet (12.1-inch)..................... 3-36
Installation Guidelines......................................... 3-37
Mounting Specification Illustrations .................. 3-38
7401-9512 LCD No-Cabinet (15-inch)........................ 3-39
Installation Guidelines......................................... 3-39
Mounting Specification Illustrations .................. 3-40
4055 Uninterruptible Power System (UPS) .............. 3-42
Installin g the UPS................................................. 3-42
Installin g the Power Mon II  Software.............. 3-43
Configu r ing t he P o wer M on II  Software......... 3-43
Finalizing the Installation .......................................... 3-44
Completing the OS Installation (Win2000).... 3-44
Completing the OS Installation (WinXPe) ..... 3-44
Completing the OS Installation (WinNT).......3-45
Complet ing the OS Installation (W in 9 8 ) -
(Discontinued) .................................................. 3-45
Setting Auto-Logon (WinNT Terminal)....................3-47
Installin g a Seria l Mouse............................................ 3-52
Calibrating the Touch Screen .................................... 3-53
Calibration Using MicroTouch (Windows)........ 3-53
Calibration Using Microcal (DOS)...................... 3-55
Calibration From the BIOS.................................. 3-56
Summary .......................................................... 3-57
Out-of-Box Failures.............................................. 3-57
Chapter 4: 7401-4xxx Hardware Installation
Introduction.................................................................. 4-1
Installation Summary............................................. 4-1
U.K. Keyboard Configuration...............................4-1
Windows 2000....................................................4-1
Windows XPe..................................................... 4-2
Windows NT......................................................4-3
Installation Restrictions................................................4-4
Connecting the Cables..................................................4-5
Cable Routing.....................................................4-5
Cable Connector Identification.........................4-5
Installin g Peripherals ................................................... 4-6
Installin g the Angled Magn e t ic St ripe Reader
Installing Country Keyboards............................... 4-8
Using the Full Page Printer........................................ 4-13
Loading the Paper................................................ 4-13
Removing Paper from the Printer Feed Rolls.... 4-14
Removing Power from the Printer...................... 4-14
Using the Printer Test and Display Panel.......... 4-15
Display LED Indicators ................................... 4-15
Panel Switches .................................................. 4-16
Full Page Printer Diagnostics and Setup............ 4-17
Installing a 7401-4xxx on a Table Top Mount .......... 4-18
Mounting Proce dures.......................................... 4-18
Accessing the Mounting Screws..................... 4-19
Installing a 7401-4xxx on the EasyPoint 45 Pedestal 4-21
4055 Uninterruptible Power System (UPS) .............. 4-22
Installin g the UPS................................................. 4-22
Installin g the Power Mon II  Software.............. 4-23
Configu r ing t he P o wer M on II  Software......... 4-23
Finalizing the Installation .......................................... 4-24
Completing the OS Installation (Win2000).... 4-24
Completing the OS Installation (WinXPe) ..... 4-24
Completing the OS Installation (WinNT).......4-25
Complet ing the OS Installation (W in 9 8 ) -
(Discontinued) .................................................. 4-25
Calibrating the Touch Screen .................................... 4-27
Calibration Using MicroTouch (Windows)........ 4-27
Calibration Using Microcal (DOS)...................... 4-29
Calibration from the BIOS................................... 4-30
Summary .......................................................... 4-31
Out-of-Box Failures.............................................. 4-31
Chapter 5: Setup
Introduction.................................................................. 5-1
Entering Setup without a Keyboard..................... 5-1
Entering Setup Using a Keyboard......................... 5-2
How to Select Menu Options ................................ 5-2
Setti n g t he Da t e a n d Ti me..................................... 5-3
Setting Passwords.................................................. 5-3
Configuring a Hard Drive.....................................5-4
Setti n g Me mo ry Cache...........................................5-4
Setti n g Me mo ry Shado w....................................... 5-5
Setting Boot Options.............................................. 5-5
Allocating Interrupts.............................................. 5-5
Restori n g Factor y Set t ings.....................................5-6
BIOS Default CMOS Values (7401-
22xx/35xx/45xx BIOS Version 2.2.1.x)................. 5-7
Main Values........................................................5-7
Advanced Values...............................................5-8
Security Values................................................. 5-13
Power Values....................................................5-13
Boot Values....................................................... 5-13
Exit Values........................................................ 5-14
Interrupts (7401-22xx/35xx/45xx BIOS
Version 2.2.1.x)..................................................... 5-14
Memory Map (7401-22xx/35xx/45xx BIOS
Version 2.2.1.x)..................................................... 5-16
BIOS Default CMOS Values (7401-26xx/46xx
BIOS Version 2.3.x.x)............................................ 5-17
Main Values...................................................... 5-17
Advanced Values............................................. 5-18
Security Values................................................. 5-23
Power Values....................................................5-23
Boot Values....................................................... 5-23
Exit Values........................................................ 5-24
Interrupts (7401-26xx/46xx BIOS
Version 2.3.x.x)..................................................... 5-24
Memory Map (7401-26xx/46xx BIOS
Version 2.3.x.x)..................................................... 5-26
BIOS Default CMOS Values (7401-21xx/31xx
BIOS Version - Discontinued).................. 5-27
Main Values...................................................... 5-27
Advanced Values............................................. 5-29
I/O Devi ce Configu r a t ion............................... 5-29
PCI Configuration............................................ 5-29
Interrupts (7401-21xx/31xx BIOS
Version - Discontinued) ........................... 5-30
Memory Map (7401-21xx/31xx BIOS
Version - Discontinued) ........................... 5-31
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m Re cov e ry
Introduction.................................................................. 6-1
Prerequisites ........................................................... 6-1
Updating Procedures.............................................6-3
Completing the OS Installation (Win2000)...... 6-5
Completing the OS Installation (WinXPe) ....... 6-5
Completing the OS Installation (WinNT).........6-6
Complet ing the OS Installation (W in 9 8 ) –
(Discontinued) .................................................... 6-6
Gold Disk Contents...................................................... 6-8
Microsoft Operating System License
Operating System Restrictions.............................. 6-9
Standby and Hibernate Mode Restriction........ 6-9
NCR 7401-22xx/25xx/32xx/35xx Win2000 Operating System Recovery Software (Version
NCR 7401-26xx/46xx Win2000 Operating System Recovery Software
(Version ............................................. 6-11
NCR 7401-45xx Win2000 Operating System
Recovery Software (Version 6-14
NCR 7401-22xx/25xx/32xx/35xx WinXPe Operating System Recovery Software
(Version ............................................. 6-16
NCR 7401-26xx/46xx WinXPe Operating System Recovery Software
(Version ............................................. 6-18
NCR 7401-/22xx/25xx/26xx/32xx/35xx NT Operating System Recovery Software
(Version ............................................. 6-20
NCR 7401-21xx/31xx NT Operating System
Recovery Software (Version 6-22
NCR 7401-4xxx NT Operating System Recovery
Software (Version 6-24
NCR 7401-22xx/25xx/32xx/35xx Win98 Operating System Recovery Software
(Version ............................................. 6-26
NCR 7401-21xx/31xx Win98 Operating System
Recovery Software (Version 6-28
OS Recovery from a Larger Disk Image................... 6-29
Chapter 7: BIOS Updating Procedures
Introduction.................................................................. 7-1
Prerequisites ........................................................... 7-1
Updating Procedures.............................................7-2
BIOS Crisis Recov e r y................................................... 7-5
Recove r y Pr ocedure s............................................. 7-6
Cable/Connector Pin-Out Information...................... 7-9
Chapter 8: NCR 7401/7890 or 7892 Scanner Differences
Introduction.................................................................. 8-1
Starting the 7401 Scanner Motor and Laser..........8-2
Programming the 7401 Scanner Using
Programming Tags.................................................8-3
Programming the 7401 Scanner Through the
RS-232 Interface...................................................... 8-4
7401 Scanner Default Settings ............................... 8-5
Appendix A: Cables
7401 Cables ............................................................ A-1
Appendix B: Feature Kits
7401 Kits..................................................................B-1

Revisi on Re cor d

Issue Date Remarks
A Aug 00 First issue (separated 7401 and 7454 sections out of
B Feb 01 Updated to Release 2.2
Removed hardware service informat ion from this documen t which was previo us ly ca lled t h e 7401
Web Kiosk Har d war e Ins tal lation and Servic e Gui d e (B005-0000-1254) and renamed it the 7401 Web Kiosk Hardware User's Guide (B005-0000-1254). The
hardware service information wa s placed in a new document, the 7401 Web Kiosk Hardware Se rvi c e
Guide (B005-0000-1341). C June 01 Updated to Release 2.3 D Sept 01 Updated BIOS screens. Added PC Card
E Dec 01 Additional updates for Release 2.3 F M ay 02 Updated to Release 2.4.
Changed Web Kiosk to EasyPoint 7401.
Added EasyPoint 7401-45xx terminal F A ug 02 Add EasyP oint 45 Pedestal G Sep 02 Add Country Keyboards to 7401-45xx H Dec 02 Updated to Release 2.5
Added 7401-26xx and 7401-46xx models
Changed 7401-45xx references to 7401-4xxx

Radio Frequency Interference Statements

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Information to User
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectio n against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operati on of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his o wn expense.
NCR is not re sponsible for any radi o or t e l evision interference caus ed by unauthorized modification of this equipment or the substitution or attachment of connecting cables and equipment other than those specified by NCR. The correction of interference caused by such unauthorized m odi fication, substitution or attach ment will be the responsibility of the user. The user is cautio ned t hat changes or modifications not expressly approved by NCR may void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

Canadian Department of Communication s

This Class A digital apparatus c omplies with Canadian ICES -003. This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions
from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Co m muni cat ion s .
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est confor me à la nor me NMB-003 du Canada. Le présent appareil numérique n'émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les
limites applicables aux apparei ls nu mériques de la classe A prescrites dans le règlement sur le brouillage radioélectriques édicté par le ministrère des Communicatio ns du Canada.

Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI)


International Radio Frequen cy Interf erence Statement

Warning: This is a Class A p ro d uct. In a d o mestic environment this p roduct ma y
cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.

IEC & EN Laser Product Label


Laser Power

Class IIa Laser Product. Avoid Long-term Viewing of Direct Laser Light.
Appareil à Laser de classe IIa Eviter Toute Exposition Prolongèe de la vue à la lumiè re laser directe.
CAUTION: Lase r radiation when open and interlock defeated. DO NOT STARE INTO BEAM.
(Label is attached to laser module inside the cabinet.)
Class IIa Producto Laser. Tratè De no ver directamente èl Rayo Laser por mucho tiempò.
This laser module does not comply wi th 21C FR1040. USE O N LY A S A Component.
The NCR 7401 Scanner is not intended for long-term viewing of direct laser ligh t. Ho wev e r, the unit is safe if used as int e nded. This scanner meets the following laser/LED power re quire m e n ts.
Class IIa CDRH (Center for Devices and Radiological Health)
Class IIa Las e r—Avo id lo ng-t er m viewing of direct laser light
Class 1 EN60-825 (Europäische Norm)
Following is the radiant energy of the las er/ L ED lig h t as app lie d t o each of the specified requirements.
Accessible E m ission Limit (CD R H Calculation) 0.99 Milliwatt s Accessible Emission Limit EN60 825-1:1994+AII:1996 0.81 Milliwatts Caution: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures
other than specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.

Declaration of Conformity

Manufacturer's Name Manufacturer 's Address
NCR Corporation NCR Corporation
Retail Solu t io n s Division – Atlan t a 2651 Satellite Boulevard Duluth, GA 30096-5810
Type of Equipment Model Number Electrical Ratings (Input)
Informat io n Technology Equipment Class 7401-2xxx and 7401-3xxx 100-120 V/200-240 V, 2.0 A/1.0 A, 50-60 Hz
NCR Corporation, 1700 South Patterson Boulevard, Dayton, OH 45459, USA, declares that the equipment specified above conforms to the referenced EU Directives and Harmonized Standards.
EU Directive Harmonized Standard(s)
89/336/EEC (EMC) EN 55022
EN 55024 EN61003-2 EN61003-3
73/23/EEC (Low Voltage) EN 60 950: A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + All
NCR Corporation Retail Solu t io n s Division — Atlan t a 2651 Satellite Boulevard Duluth, GA 30096-5810
European Contact:
International IP Counsel 206 Marylebone Road London, NW1 6LY, England
Declaration of Conformity
Manufacturer’s Name Manufacturer’s Ad dr ess
NCR Corporation NCR Corporation
Retail Solu t io n s Division – Atlan t a 2651 Satellite Boulevard Duluth, GA 30096-5810
Type of Equipment Model Number Electrical Ratings (Input)
Informat io n Technology Equipment Class 7401-4xxx 100 - 240 V, 5.0 A, 50-60 Hz
NCR Corporation, 1700 South Patterson Boulevard, Dayton, OH 45459, USA, declares that the equipment specified above conforms to the referenced EU Directives and Harmonized Standards.
EU Directive Harmonized Standard(s)
89/336/EEC (EMC) EN 55022
EN 55024 EN61003-2 EN61003-3
73/23/EEC (Low Voltage) EN 60 950: A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + All
NCR Corporation Retail Solu t ions Division — Atlan ta 2651 Satellite Boulevard Duluth, GA 30096-5810
European Contact:
International IP Counsel 206 Marylebone Road London, NW1 6LY, England

Chapter 1: 7401-2xxx and 3xxx Product Overview



Tilt Mount Fixed-Angle Mount
The NCR EasyPoin t 7 401 is an in te ra ctiv e to u ch screen t ermin a l wit h retail functionality that supports a variety of kiosk and self-service applications. The 7401 is housed in an integrated, compact cabinet and can be tilt mounted, fixed-angle mounted or flush mounted.
The major hardware features of the 7401 are a 12.1-inch or 15-inch flat panel display with touch screen input and LAN connectivity, plus optional magnetic stripe reader, infrared reader, scanner, stereo audio, self service printer and wireless LAN. It also supports custom kiosk environments.
The 7401 is Internet/Intranet ready. System loading occurs from a network server, and software and data content are delivered from a server through standard Internet protocols.
1-2 Chapter 1: 7401-2xxx and 3xxx Product Overview

Serial Number/Model Number Label

The unit's serial number, model number, tracer number, and date of manufa cture are include d on a label o n th e back o f the Core Mod u le. Refer to following sections for additio n a l in form a t ion.
Note: The serial number is repeated on the non-MSR side of the Core Module.

Fixed-Angle Mount Label

To view the label:
For non-hinged mounts, remove the Core Module from the mount.
For hinged mounts, the Core Module does not have to be removed.
NCR 7401-3000-8000
Date: 11/15/01 F000,F005,F024,F031,F050,F101,F200,F422,F503
Class/Model Serial Number
Date Ma nufacture d Feature Number(s)

Tilt- M ount Label

Chapter 1: 7401-2xxx and 3xxx Product Overview 1-3
To view the label, tilt t h e Core M odule a n d rem ove the cable cov e r.
NCR 7401-2000-8000
Mfg Date: 11/15/01 F000,F005,F024,F031,F050,F101,F200,F422,F503
Class/Model Serial Number
Date Manufactured Feature Number(s)
1-4 Chapter 1: 7401-2xxx and 3xxx Product Overview

Hardware Modules

Base Unit

Processor Board
Pentium III/Celeron processor
SVGA chipse t (1 2-inch monitor)
XGA chipse t (15-in ch monitor)
MPEGII chipset
1 MB Flash BIOS (not CMOS)
Four RS-232 ports (two optionally powered)
10/100BaseT Ethernet LAN chipset, Wake-on-LAN support,
and RJ-45 port
PC Audio with an internal mono speaker
Two USB type A ports
PS/2 keyboa r d po r t
External VGA display port
Dual d isplay suppo rt
External stereo speaker port
Internal PS/2 mouse (dedicated to the touch screen)
One SODIMM (Sm a ll Ou t lin e DI MM ) RAM socket
64 MB memory on board
IDE support for a hard disk, a CD ROM, and an optional
Compact Flash disk in place of the hard disk
16 compatible audio chipset
Chapter 1: 7401-2xxx and 3xxx Product Overview 1-5
POS Connector Board
Cash drawer port (supports two drawers via a Y-cable)
Internal parallel port (dedicated to the optional customer
12.1-inch Operator Display – active capacitive touch LCD
15-inch Operator Display – active LCD with capacitive or resistive
2.5-inch lo w or hig h capacity hard d isk
Integrated Motion Sensor, capable of waking up the terminal from
a low power state
Integrated Power Supply
Reset swit ch which can be use d to recov er fro m a lock-up cond itio n
3-meter Ethernet cable
U.S. power cord

Hardware Options

Intel Pe nt ium III Pr o cessor
Integrated 3-track ISO MSR
Integrated Scanner Module
Integrated Stereo Module
Integra t e d CD-ROM
Integr a t e d Infrared Sensor
PCMCIA (for wireless LAN)
Mounting opt ions: Table-top, Pedestal, P o le, Wall, Tilt / S wive l
256 MB Compact Flash
64/128/256 MB memory
1-6 Chapter 1: 7401-2xxx and 3xxx Product Overview
Cash drawers
2113 Cash Drawer (modular)
2189 Cash Drawer (modular)
2260 Cash Drawer (modular)
Dual cash drawer cable
7158 Thermal Receipt/Impact Printer
7167 Thermal Receipt/Impact Printer
7194 Thermal Receipt Printer
7197 Thermal Receipt Printer
Remote printer cables
Signal extenders for remote printers
7401-K590 Self-Service Printer
7401-K580 Self-Service Printer (Discontinued)
PC keyboard
Keyboard Shelf
USB RS-232 Port Server
USB Serial Converter
4055 Uninterruptible Power System (UPS)
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