National Semiconductor LM98640CVAL User Manual

Electronic Component Distributor. Source::Texas Instruments
P.N:LM98640CVAL Desc:EVAL BOARD FOR LM98640 Web: Phone:(+86) 075583794354
September 2009
LM98640CVAL Evaluation Board User’s Guide
LM98640QML Dual Channel Analog Front End Evaluation Board
Copyright 2009 National Semiconductor Corporation
LM98640QML Evaluation Board User’s Guide
Electronic Component Distributor. Source::Texas Instruments
P.N:LM98640CVAL Desc:EVAL BOARD FOR LM98640 Web: Phone:(+86) 075583794354
1.0 Introduction............................................................................................................................3
2.0 Board Assembly....................................................................................................................3
3.0 Functional Description .........................................................................................................4
3.1 Power Supply Connections .........................................................................................................................................................4
3.2 AFE Analog Input Section ...........................................................................................................................................................4
3.3 AFE Input Clock Circuit ...............................................................................................................................................................5
3.4 AFE Data Output .........................................................................................................................................................................5
3.5 AFE Serial Interface ....................................................................................................................................................................5
4.0 Schematic Drawing LM98640QML....................................................................................6
4.1 Page 1: Top Level Block Connectivity.........................................................................................................................................6
4.2 Page 2: Analog Front End Section ..............................................................................................................................................7
4.3 Page 3: Analog Input Section......................................................................................................................................................8
4.4 Page 4: Clock Input Section ........................................................................................................................................................9
4.5 Page 5: Data Output Section.....................................................................................................................................................10
4.6 Page 6: Daughter Board Connector ..........................................................................................................................................11
4.7 Page 7: Power Input Section.....................................................................................................................................................12
5.0 Evaluation Board Specifications.......................................................................................13
6.0 Bill of Materials....................................................................................................................14
7.0 Appendix A: Using the AFEval software and the Wavevision 5 Data Capture Board
7.1 Connecting the WV5 board and LM98640CVAL board for the first time...................................................................................17
7.2 Proper Board Connection and Power Sequencing....................................................................................................................17
7.3 Starting the AFEval software.....................................................................................................................................................18
7.4 LM98640QML Main Configuration Panel ..................................................................................................................................20
7.5 Register Access Panel ..............................................................................................................................................................21
7.6 AFE Timing Generator Window.................................................................................................................................................22
7.7 AFEval Data Display .................................................................................................................................................................23
8.0 Appendix B: Using the AFEval software and the Total Phase Aardvark SPI
8.1 Install the device drivers for the Aardvark device......................................................................................................................24
8.2 Connecting the Aardvark SPI device and LM98640CVAL board for the first time ....................................................................24
8.3 Aardvark SPI Communication via AFEval .................................................................................................................................25
9.0 Appendix C - Installing and running the AFEval software............................................26
9.1 Uninstall previous versions of AFEval Software........................................................................................................................26
9.2 Install the AFEval Software. ......................................................................................................................................................26
9.3 Microsoft .NET Framework.....................................................................................................................................................26
9.4 Windows Driver .........................................................................................................................................................................26
Electronic Component Distributor. Source::Texas Instruments
P.N:LM98640CVAL Desc:EVAL BOARD FOR LM98640 Web: Phone:(+86) 075583794354
1.0 Introduction
The LM98640CVAL Board is designed to allow quick evaluation and design development of National Semiconductor’s LM98640QML Analog Front End. This development board is designed to function in several different configurations.
The primary configuration connects the LM98640QML evaluation board to National Semiconductor’s Wavevision 5 Data Capture Board (WV5). The AFEval software is used to communicate to the LM98640QML’s SPI port as well as retrieve Data Output from the device for display or external analysis. The present revision of the WV5 board is limited to 30k samples per channel. Future revisions will allow for very deep memory capture (up to 8MB total).
The LM98640QML evaluation board also comes with an auxiliary adapter card. This card allows the LM98640QML output to be routed to one of three connectors for external data capture and analysis. To facilitate this configuration, a Total Phase Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter is supplied to perform the SPI communication using the AFEval tool.
A PCB footprint for and external clock oscillator is provided on board to allow testing without the need of an external clock source. An SMA connection is available for connecting an external clock source when a variable frequency may be desired.
The power supply for the LM98640QML and surrounding circuitry can be made through the WV5 board or from external bench top supplies when the WV5 board is not being implemented.
The CCD signal inputs are made via SMD type connections. The signals can be routed directly to the AFE, AC coupled, emitter follower buffered, or sent into a video multiplexer to create a CCD type signal from a non CCD source.
2.0 Board Assembly
The LM98640CVAL Evaluation Board comes pre-assembled. Refer to the Bill of Materials in
Section 6 for a description of components, to Figure 1 for major component placement and to Section 4 for the Evaluation Board schematic.
The Evaluation Board comes as a single board with two distinct partitions. The Evaluation partition is on the right side, and the Adapter Card is on the left. The two partitions should be carefully separated to connect the AFE data output to the desired Adapter Card connector.
Figure 1. Evaluation Board Layout
Electronic Component Distributor. Source::Texas Instruments
P.N:LM98640CVAL Desc:EVAL BOARD FOR LM98640 Web: Phone:(+86) 075583794354
3.0 Functional Description
The LM98640CVAL Customer Evaluation Board schematic is shown in Section 4.
3.1 Power Supply Connections
The power supplies on the LM98640CVAL Customer Evaluation Board are configurable to provide several options in powering the AFE and other devices on board. There are two main supplies for the device, +3.3V and +1.8V. The sources for these supplies are selectable by setting jumpers JP6 and JP7.
The default power configuration for the LM98640CVAL Customer Evaluation Board is a single +5V supply connected through the JR1 connector. The +3.3V and +1.8V supplies are generated from this +5V supply using on board regulators.
The user also has the option to use external +3.3V and +1.8V supplies through the JR2 and JR3 connectors.
The third option will allow the external +3.3V supply to be sourced from the data output HMZD connector. This configuration allows the WV5 board to supply power to the LM98640QML without the need for any other external supplies.
Power for the optional analog input emitter followers is derived from the Vext supply only. This allows the emitter follower to be powered up to 18V to allow signals from a CCD Sensor with a high voltage range.
Power for an onboard pseudo CCD signal generator is supplied by the external +5V and - 5V connections.
The polarity of the external power supply connections are shown below.
3.2 AFE Analog Input Section
The Analog signals for the LM98640CVAL Board enter through SMA connectors and there are a variety of options onboard to modify or condition the input signal to meet the specifications of the LM98640QML analog inputs.
Signals can be AC coupled using capacitors C2 and C5, the bias point for the AFE side of the AC coupling capacitor can be set by using the internal CLPIN features of the AFE or by using the onboard resistor divider of R18, R19 and R20, R21.
Signals can also be driven DC coupled and can be 50 terminated near the SMA or near the AFE input. Signals can also be filtered using capacitors C43 and C44.
For signal sources that cannot drive a 50 load an onboard emitter follower can be used. The emitter follower has a dedicated supply through Vext (JR5) and can be powered up to 18V.
A pseudo CCD signal generator can be used to create a custom CCD signal for test and evaluation purposes. The pseudo CCD signal generator takes two signals and switches between them based on the input clock. These two signals can be set to create a CCD waveform with a fixed reference level and varying video level. The pseudo CCD signal generator is powered from the +5V and -5V supply connectors (JR1 and JR2).
The VCLP voltage signal can be supplied from SMA J103 or generated by the internal VCLP DAC of the AFE. If using the external VCLP the user must ensure the internal VCLP DAC is disabled. The VCLP signal can be externally tied to the OS
+ pins using jumpers J40 and
To enable or disable any of these circuits the appropriate solder bump jumpers must be opened or closed. Refer to the Analog Input schematic on sheet 2.
Figure 2. External Power Supply Connections
Electronic Component Distributor. Source::Texas Instruments
P.N:LM98640CVAL Desc:EVAL BOARD FOR LM98640 Web: Phone:(+86) 075583794354
3.3 AFE Input Clock Circuit
The clock for the LM98640QML can be supplied by one of three methods. External clocks can be provided at either the JF1, 20 pin dual row header on pin 1, or the J106 SMA connector. An on board crystal oscillator (Y1) is configured as the primary source. Changing the clock source from the on board oscillator to one of the external sources involves reconfiguring the solder bump jumpers shown on schematic page 4.
Jumper Configuration
J32 J31 J33
On Board
Oscillator Y1
short open open
Clock at JF1
Dual Row
open open short
clock on J106 SMA Connector
open short Open
3.4 AFE Data Output
The LM98640QML LVDS output signals are run to an HMZD connector (JF2). The Wavevision 5 Data Capture Board mates directly to this connector.
IMPORTANT: The Wavevision 5 Data Capture
board is loaded with an FPGA image to deserialize the LM98640QML data outputs. At the time of this publishing, the FPGA image supports Quad Lane output mode through the entire operating range (i.e. 5MHz to 40MHz). Dual Lane Mode will function from 5MHz to 35MHz. If the LM98640QML is configured in Dual Lane Mode and the frequency is greater than 35MHz, unexpected results may occur.
To facilitate other methods of evaluation, the LM98640CVAL Customer Evaluation boards come with a daughter board that has three types of connectors: a 3M MDR Camera Link connector, an Agilent Soft Touch connector, and an 18 pin dual row header. To select a particular connector the associated HMZD connector should be connected to the HMZD connector of the main AFE board.
Each connector of the daughter board has termination resistors at the connector. These resistors can be lifted from the board if the end receiver has its own termination resistors.
3.5 AFE Serial Interface
The LM98640QML uses a 4-wire Serial Interface to read/write the configuration registers. The Customer Evaluation Board provides a 2x5 pin header (JF3) to directly interface to the AFE Serial Interface.
When the Wavevision 5 Data Capture board is connected, the serial communication will be automatic. The J49, J50, J51, and J52 solder jumpers must be connected to enable the WV5 communication.
In the case where the WV5 board is not being used, the Total Phase Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter can provide the SPI communication. This device connects to the 2x5 pin dual row header and a USB connection to a PC.
In either instance (WV5 or Aardvark), the AFEval software provides the GUI interface for the communication. See Appendix A and B for more information on the Register Configuration Software.
Electronic Component Distributor. Source::Texas Instruments
P.N:LM98640CVAL Desc:EVAL BOARD FOR LM98640 Web: Phone:(+86) 075583794354
4.0 Schematic Drawing LM98640QML
4.1 Page 1: Top Level Block Connectivity
Electronic Component Distributor. Source::Texas Instruments
P.N:LM98640CVAL Desc:EVAL BOARD FOR LM98640 Web: Phone:(+86) 075583794354
4.2 Page 2: Analog Front End Section
Electronic Component Distributor. Source::Texas Instruments
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4.3 Page 3: Analog Input Section
Electronic Component Distributor. Source::Texas Instruments
P.N:LM98640CVAL Desc:EVAL BOARD FOR LM98640 Web: Phone:(+86) 075583794354
4.4 Page 4: Clock Input Section
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