National Instruments AT-MIO-16X User Manual

User Manual
Multifunction I/O Board for the PC AT/EISA
October 1997 Edition
Part Number 320640B-01
© Copyright 1992, 1997 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
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The AT-MIO-16X is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of shipment, as evidenced by receipts or other documentation. National Instruments will, at its option, repair or replace equipment that proves to be defective during the warranty period. This warranty includes parts and labor.
The media on which you receive National Instru ments software ar e warranted not to fail to execute pro grammi ng instructions, due to defects in materials and workmanship, for a period of 90 days from date of shipment, as evidenced by receipts or other documentation. National Instruments will, at its option, repair or replace soft ware media that do not execute programming instructions if National Instruments receives notice of such defects during the warranty period. National Instrument s does not war rant that the oper ation of the softwar e shall be un interr upted or error free.
A Return Material Authorization (RMA) number must be obtained from the factory and clearly marked on the outside of the package before any equipment will be accepted for warranty work. National Instruments will pay the shipping costs of returning to the owner par ts whi ch are cov ered by w arranty .
National Instruments believes that the information in this manual is accurate. The document has been carefully reviewed for technical accuracy. In the event that technical or typographical errors exist, National Instruments reserves the right to make ch anges to subsequent editions of this document without prior not ice to holders of th is edition. The reader should consult National Instruments if errors are suspected. In no event shall National Instruments be liable for any damages arising out of or related to this docum ent or the in format ion contai ned in it.
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, N
. N
. This limitation of the liability of National


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About This Manual
Organization of This Manual........................................................................................xv
Conventions Used in This Manual................................................................................ xvi
Related Documentation.................................................................................................xvii
Customer Communication....... .....................................................................................xvii
Chapter 1 Introduction
About the AT-MIO-16X...............................................................................................1-1
Analog Input...................................................................................................1-2
Analog Output................................................................................................1-2
Digital and Timing I/O...................................................................................1-3
What You Need to Get Started.....................................................................................1-3
Software Programming Choices...................................................................................1-4
National Instruments Application Software...................................................1-4
NI-DAQ Driver Software...............................................................................1-5
Register-Level Programming.........................................................................1-6
Optional Equipment......................................................................................................1-7
Chapter 2 Configuration and Installation
Board Configuration.....................................................................................................2-2
AT Bus Interface............................................................................................2-2
Base I/O Address Selection............................................................................2-3
Interrupt and DMA Channel Selection...........................................................2-7
Analog Input Configuration..........................................................................................2-7
Input Mode........................... ...... ...... ..............................................................2-7
DIFF Input (Eight Channels)...........................................................2-8
RSE Input (16 Channels).................................................................2-9
NRSE Input (16 Channels) ..............................................................2-9
Input Polarity and Input Range.......................................................................2-10
Considerations for Selecting Input Ranges......................................2-10
Analog Output Configuration.......................................................................................2-11
National Instruments Corporation v AT-MIO-16X User Manual
Table of Contents
Digital I/O Configuration............................................................................................. 2-12
Board and RTSI Clock Configuration..........................................................................2-12
Hardware Installation ................................................................................................... 2-13
Signal Connections.......................................................................................................2-14
Field Wiring Considerations......................................................................................... 2-42
Cabling Considerations for the AT-MIO-16X with 50-Pin I/O Connector ................. 2-43
Cabling Considerations for the AT-MIO-16X with 68-Pin I/O Connector ................. 2-44
Analog Output Reference Selection...............................................................2-11
Analog Output Polarity Selection.................................................................. 2-12
Signal Connection Descriptions..................................................................... 2-17
Analog Input Signal Connections..................................................................2-19
Types of Signal Sources................................................................................. 2-21
Floating Signal Sources................................................................... 2-21
Ground-Referenced Signal Sources.................................................2-21
Input Configurations...................................................................................... 2-21
Differential Connection Considerations (DIFF Input
Configuration)............................................................................... 2-22
Differential Connections for Ground-Referenced Signal
Sources.......................................................................................... 2-23
Differential Connections for Nonreferenced or Floating
Signal Sources ..............................................................................2-24
Single-Ended Connection Considerations....................................... 2-26
Single-Ended Connections for Floating Signal Sources
(RSE Configuration).....................................................................2-27
Single-Ended Connections for Grounded Signal Sources
(NRSE Configuration).................................................................. 2-28
Common-Mode Signal Rejection Considerations........ ................... 2-29
Analog Output Signal Connections................................................................ 2-29
Digital I/O Signal Connections......................................................................2-31
Power Connections ........................................................................................ 2-32
Timing Connections for Data Acquisition and Analog Output..................... 2-33
SCANCLK Signal ........................................................................... 2-33
EXTSTROBE* Signal............................................ ...... ...... ............. 2-33
EXTCONV* Signal.........................................................................2-34
EXTTRIG* Signal............................................. ..... .........................2-35
EXTGATE* Signal.......................................................................... 2-36
EXTTMRTRIG* Signal.................................................................. 2-36
Counter Signal Connections............................................................2-37
AT-MIO-16X User Manual vi
National Instruments Corporation
Chapter 3 Theory of Operation
Functional Overview.....................................................................................................3-1
PC I/O Channel Interface Circuitry..............................................................................3-2
Analog Input and Data Acquisition Circuitry...............................................................3-5
Analog Input Circuitry ...................................................................................3-6
Data Acquisition Timing Circuitry................................................ ..... ............3-8
Multiple-Channel Data Acquisition ...............................................................3-12
Analog Output and Timing Circuitry.............................................................3-15
DAC Waveform Circuitry and Timing...........................................................3-18
Digital I/O Circuitry......................................................................................................3-24
Timing I/O Circuitry.....................................................................................................3-25
RTSI Bus Interface Circuitry ........................................................................................ 3-29
Table of Contents
A/D Converter..................................................................................3-6
Analog Input Multiplexers............................................................... 3-6
Analog Input Configuration............................................................. 3-6
PGIA ................................................................................................3-7
ADC FIFO Buffer.............. ..... ...... ...................................................3-7
Analog Input Calibration .................................................................3-7
Single-Read Timing........... ..... .........................................................3-8
Single-Channel Data Acquisition Timing........................................3-9
Continuous Scanning Data Acquisition Timing..............................3-13
Interval Scanning Data Acquisition Timing ....................................3-14
Data Acquisition Rates.....................................................................3-15
Analog Output Circuitry..................................................................3-16
Analog Output Configuration..........................................................3-17
Analog Output Calibration...............................................................3-17
DAC Waveform Circuitry................................................................3-18
DAC Waveform Timing Circuitry....................................... ...... ......3-20
FIFO Continuous Cyclic Waveform Generation.............................3-22
FIFO Programmed Cyclic Waveform Generation...........................3-23
FIFO Pulsed Waveform Generation ................................................3-23
Chapter 4 Register Map and Descriptions
Register Map.................................................................................................................4-1
Register Sizes .................................................................................................4-3
Register Description Format...........................................................................4-3
Configuration and Status Register Group.......................................................4-4
Command Register 1........................................................................4-5
Command Register 2........................................................................4-9
National Instruments Corporation vii AT-MIO-16X User Manual
Table of Contents
Command Register 3.......................................................................4-13
Command Register 4.......................................................................4-20
Status Register 1.............................................................................. 4-25
Status Register 2.............................................................................. 4-30
Analog Input Register Group......................................................................... 4-31
ADC FIFO Register..................................... ...... ..............................4-32
CONFIGMEM Register .................................................................. 4-35
Analog Output Register Group......................................................................4-41
DAC0 Register ................................................................................4-44
DAC1 Register ................................................................................4-45
ADC Event Strobe Register Group............................................. ...... ............. 4-46
CONFIGMEMCLR Register........................................................... 4-47
CONFIGMEMLD Register............................................................. 4-48
DAQ Clear Register.........................................................................4-49
DAQ Start Register..........................................................................4-50
Single Conversion Register.................... ..... ...... ..............................4-51
ADC Calibration Register ....................................................... ........ 4-52
DAC Event Strobe Register Group............................................. ...... ............. 4-53
TMRREQ Clear Register.................................................................4-54
DAC Update Register................................................... ...... ............. 4-55
DAC Clear Register..................................... ...... ..............................4-56
General Event Strobe Register Group............................................................4-57
DMA Channel Clear Register..........................................................4-58
DMATCA Clear Register................................................... ..... ...... ..4-59
DMATCB Clear Register................................................................4-60
External Strobe Register..................................................................4-61
Calibration DAC 0 Load Register ................................ ...... ..... ........ 4-62
Calibration DAC 1 Load Register ................................ ...... ..... ........ 4-63
Am9513A Counter/Timer Register Group....................................................4-64
Am9513A Data Register ................................................................. 4-65
Am9513A Command Register........................................................4-66
Am9513A Status Register............................................................... 4-67
Digital I/O Register Group............................................................................. 4-68
Digital Input Register ...................................................................... 4-69
Digital Output Register....................................................................4-70
RTSI Switch Register Group......................................................................... 4-71
RTSI Switch Shift Register .............................................................4-72
RTSI Switch Strobe Register........................................................... 4-73
AT-MIO-16X User Manual viii
National Instruments Corporation
Chapter 5 Programming
Data Acquisition Programming Functions ...................................................................5-14
Programming the Digital I/O Circuitry.........................................................................5-36
Programming the Am9513A Counter/Timer................................................................5-37
RTSI Bus Trigger Line Programming Considerations .................................................5-37
Table of Contents
Register Programming Considerations...........................................................5-1
Resource Allocation Considerations............................ ..... ...... .......................5-1
Initializing the AT-MIO-16X.........................................................................5-2
Initializing the Am9513A ................................................................5-3
Programming the Analog Input Circuitry.......................................................5-5
Single Conversions Using the SCONVERT or
EXTCONV* Signal ......................................................................5-5
Generating a Single Conversion.....................................................................5-6
Reading a Single Conversion Result..............................................................5-7
Programming Single-Channel Data Acquisition Sequence............................5-7
Programming Data Acquisition Sequences with Channel Scanning..............5-10
Continuous Channel Scanning Data Acquisition.............................5-10
Interval-Channel Scanning Data Acquisition.................................................5-12
Clearing the Analog Input Circuitry...............................................................5-14
Programming Single-Analog Input Channel Configurations.........................5-15
Programming Multiple-Analog Input Channel Configurations .....................5-15
Programming the Sample-Interval Counter....................................................5-16
Programming the Sample Counter(s).............................................................5-17
Sample Counts 2 through 65,536.....................................................5-18
Sample Counts Greater than 65,536 ................................................5-18
Programming the Scan-Interval Counter........................................................5-20
Applying a Trigger.........................................................................................5-21
Servicing the Data Acquisition Operation......................................................5-22
Resetting the Hardware after a Data Acquisition Operation..........................5-22
Resetting a Single Am9513A Counter/Timer..................................5-23
Programming the Analog Output Circuitry....................................................5-25
Cyclic Waveform Generation.........................................................................5-26
Programmed Cycle Waveform Generation....................................................5-28
Pulsed Cyclic Waveform Generation.............................................................5-30
Waveform Generation Programming Functions............................................5-32
Clearing the Analog Output Circuitry..............................................5-32
Selecting the Internal Update Counter.............................................5-32
Programming the Update-Interval Counter.................................................... 5-32
Programming the Waveform Cycle Counter..................................................5-34
Programming the Waveform Cycle Interval Counter ....................................5-34
Servicing Update Requests..............................................................5-35
National Instruments Corporation ix AT-MIO-16X User Manual
Table of Contents
RTSI Switch Signal Connection Considerations.......................................................... 5-38
Programming the RTSI Switch .................................................................................... 5-39
Programming DMA Operations..................................................................... 5-41
Interrupt Programming................................................................................... 5-43
Chapter 6 Calibration Procedures
Calibration Equipment Requirements........................... ...... ......................................... 6-7
Calibration DACs.........................................................................................................6-8
Reference Calibration................................................................................................... 6-8
Analog Input Calibration.............................................................................................. 6-9
Analog Output Calibration........................................................................................... 6-10
Appendix A Specifications
Appendix B I/O Connector
Appendix C AMD Am9513A Data Sheet
Appendix D Customer Communication


Figure 1-1. The Relationship between the Programming Environment,
NI-DAQ, and Your Hardware.......... ...... ............................................... 1-6
Figure 2-1. AT-MIO-16X with 50-Pin I/O Connector Parts Locator Diagram....... 2-1
Figure 2-2. AT-MIO-16X with 68-Pin I/O Connector Parts Locator Diagram....... 2-2
Figure 2-3. Example Base I/O Address Switch Settings.......................................... 2-3
Figure 2-4. AT-MIO-16X 50-Pin I/O Connector.....................................................2-15
AT-MIO-16X User Manual x
National Instruments Corporation
Table of Contents
Figure 2-5. AT-MIO-16X 68-Pin I/O Connector.....................................................2-16
Figure 2-6. AT-MIO-16X PGIA ..............................................................................2-20
Figure 2-7. Differential Input Connections for Ground-Referenced Signals...........2-23
Figure 2-8. Differential Input Connections for Nonreferenced Signals...................2-24
Figure 2-9. Single-Ended Input Connections for Nonreferenced or
Floating Signals .....................................................................................2-27
Figure 2-10. Single-Ended Input Connections for Ground-Referenced Signals........2-28
Figure 2-11. Analog Output Connections...................................................................2-30
Figure 2-12. Digital I/O Connections......................................................................... 2-32
Figure 2-13. EXTSTROBE* Signal Timing..............................................................2-33
Figure 2-14. EXTCONV* Signal Timing ..................................................................2-34
Figure 2-15. EXTTRIG* Signal Timing....................................................................2-35
Figure 2-16. EXTTMRTRIG* Signal Timing............................................................2-36
Figure 2-17. Event-Counting Application with External Switch Gating...................2-38
Figure 2-18. Frequency Measurement Application....................................................2-39
Figure 2-19. General-Purpose Timing Signals...........................................................2-41
Figure 3-1. AT-MIO-16X Block Diagram...............................................................3-1
Figure 3-2. PC I/O Channel Interface Circuitry Block Diagram..............................3-3
Figure 3-3. Analog Input and Data Acquisition Circuitry Block Diagram..............3-5
Figure 3-4. ADC Conversion Timing.......................................................................3-8
Figure 3-5. Single-Channel Posttrigger Data Acquisition Timing...........................3-10
Figure 3-6. Single-Channel Pretrigger Data Acquisition Timing.............................3-11
Figure 3-7. Scanning Posttrigger Data Acquisition Timing.....................................3-13
Figure 3-8. Interval Scanning Posttrigger Data Acquisition Timing........................3-14
Figure 3-9. Analog Output Circuitry Block Diagram...............................................3-16
Figure 3-10. Analog Output Waveform Circuitry......................................................3-19
Figure 3-11. Posted DAC Update Timing..................................................................3-20
Figure 3-12. Analog Output Waveform Circuitry......................................................3-21
Figure 3-13. FIFO Cyclic Waveform Generation with Disable.................................3-22
Figure 3-14. FIFO Programmed Cyclic Waveform Timing.......................................3-23
Figure 3-15. FIFO Pulsed Waveform Generation Timing .........................................3-23
Figure 3-16. Digital I/O Circuitry Block Diagram.....................................................3-24
Figure 3-17. Timing I/O Circuitry Block Diagram....................................................3-26
Figure 3-18. Counter Block Diagram.........................................................................3-27
Figure 3-19. RTSI Bus Interface Circuitry Block Diagram.......................................3-29
Figure 5-1. Initializing the Am9513A Counter/Timer.............................................5-4
Figure 5-2. Single Conversion Programming...........................................................5-6
Figure 5-3. Single-Channel Data Acquisition Programming...................................5-9
Figure 5-4. Scanning Data Acquisition Programming.............................................5-11
Figure 5-5. Interval Scanning Data Acquisition Programming................................5-13
Figure 5-6. Resetting an Am9513A Counter/Timer.................................................5-24
National Instruments Corporation xi AT-MIO-16X User Manual
Table of Contents
Figure 5-7. Cyclic Waveform Programming ........................................................... 5-27
Figure 5-8. Programmed Cycle Waveform Programming....................................... 5-29
Figure 5-9. Pulsed Cyclic Waveform Programming................................................5-31
Figure 5-10. RTSI Switch Control Pattern.................................................................5-40
Figure 6-1. AT-MIO-16X EEPROM Map ............................................................... 6-2
Figure 6-2. Revision and Subrevision Field............................................................. 6-5
Figure 6-3. Configuration Memory Depth Field...................................................... 6-5
Figure 6-4. ADC and DAC FIFO Depth Field......................................................... 6-6
Figure 6-5. Area Information Field..........................................................................6-6
Figure B-1. AT-MIO-16X 50-Pin I/O Connector............................................. ...... ..B-2
Figure B-2. AT-MIO-16X 68-Pin I/O Connector............................................. ...... ..B-3


Table 2-1. Default Settings of National Instruments Products for the PC.............. 2-4
Table 2-2. Switch Settings with Corresponding Base I/O Address and
Table 2-3. Available Input Configurations for the AT-MIO-16X..........................2-8
Table 2-4. Actual Range and Measurement Precision Versus Input Range
Table 2-5. Recommended Input Configurations for Ground-Referenced and
Base I/O Address Space........................................................................2-5
Selection and Gain.................................................................................2-11
Floating Signal Sources......................................................................... 2-22
Table 4-1. AT-MIO-16X Register Map..................................................................4-1
Table 4-2. DMA Channel Selection ....................................................................... 4-12
Table 4-3. DMA and Interrupt Modes....................................................................4-16
Table 4-4. Interrupt Level Selection.......................................................................4-19
Table 4-5. Board and RTSI Clock Selection..........................................................4-21
Table 4-6. Analog Output Waveform Modes......................................................... 4-22
Table 4-7. Straight Binary Mode A/D Conversion Values..................................... 4-33
Table 4-8. Two’s Complement Mode A/D Conversion Values............................. 4-34
Table 4-9. Input Configuration...............................................................................4-39
Table 4-10. Analog Output Voltage Versus Digital Code (Unipolar Mode)............ 4-42
Table 4-11. Analog Output Voltage Versus Digital Code (Bipolar Mode) .............. 4-42
Table 5-1. Am9513A Counter/Timer Allocations..................................................5-2
Table 5-2. RTSI Switch Signal Connections.......................................................... 5-38
Table 6-1. EEPROM Factory Area Information..................................................... 6-2
Table 6-2. Calibration DACs..................................................................................6-8
AT-MIO-16X User Manual xii
National Instruments Corporation
Table of Contents
Table A-1. Equivalent Offset Errors in 16-Bit Systems ..........................................A-3
Table A-2. Equivalent Gain Errors in 16-Bit Systems.............................................A-4
Table A-3. Typical Multiple-Channel Scanning Settling Times .............................A-5
Table B-1. Signal Connection Descriptions............................................................. B-4
National Instruments Corporation xiii AT-MIO-16X User Manual
This manual describes the mechanical and electrical aspects of the AT-MIO-16X board and contains information concerning its operation and programming. Th e A T-M IO -16X is a high-pe rf orman ce, multifunction analog, digital, and timing I/O board for the IBM PC AT and compatibles and EISA perso nal comp uters (PCs).

Organization of This Manual

The AT-MIO-16X Us er Man ual is orga nized a s fo llows:
Chapter 1, Introduction, describes the AT-MIO-16X, lists the contents of your AT -M IO-1 6X kit, the o ptiona l so ftware, and optional equipment, and explains how to unpack the AT-MIO-16X.
Chapter 2, Configuration and Installation, ex plains bo ar d configuration, installation of the AT-MIO-16X into the PC, signal connections to the AT -MIO -1 6X, an d ca ble c onsid eration s.
Chapter 3, Theory of Operation, contains a functional overvie w of the AT-MIO-16X and explains the operation of each functional unit making up the AT-MIO - 16X.
Chapter 4, Register Map a nd D escriptions , describes in detail the address and function of each of the AT-MIO-16X control and status registers.
Chapter 5, Programming, contains program ming instruc tions f or operating the circuitry on the AT-MIO-1 6X.
Chapter 6, Calibration Procedures, discusses the calibration resources and proc edur es fo r the A T-MI O-16 X an alog in put a nd analog output circuitry.
Appendix A, Specifications, lists the specifications of the AT-MIO-16X.
Appendix B, I/O Connector, describes the pinout and signal names for the AT-MIO-16X 50-pin I/O conn ector and the 68 -pin I/O connector.
National Instruments Corporation xv AT-MIO-16X User Manual
About This Manual
Appendix C, AMD Am9513A Data Sheet, contains the manufacturer data shee t f or the AM D Am95 13A System T iming Controller integrated circuit (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.). This controller i s use d on the A T-M IO -1 6X.
Appendix D, Customer Communication, contains forms you can use to request help from National Instruments or to comment on our products.
•The Glossary contains an alphabetical list and description of terms used in this manual, including abbreviations, acronym s, metric prefixes, mnemonics, and symbols.
•The Index cont ains an alphabet ical li st of key terms and topics used in this manual, including the page where you can find each one.

Conventions Used in This Manual

The following conventions are used in this manual:
<> Angle brackets containing numbers separated by an ellipsis represent a
range of values associated with a bit or signal name (for exam ple, DBIO<3..0>).
This icon to the left of bold italicized text denotes a note, which alerts you to important information.
bold italic Bold italic text denotes a note, caution, or warning.
italic Italic text denotes emphasis, a cross reference, or an introduction to a
NI-DAQ NI-DAQ is used throughout this manual to refer to the NI-DAQ
PC PC refers to the IBM PC AT and compatibles, and to EISA personal
AT-MIO-16X User Manual xvi
This icon to the left of bold italicized text denotes a caution, which advises you of precau tions to take to av oid injury , d ata lo ss, or a system crash.
key concept.
software for DOS/Windows/LabWindo ws unless otherwise no ted.
computers. The Glossary lists abbreviations, acronyms, metric prefixes,
mnemonics, symbols, and ter ms.
National Instruments Corporation

Related Documentation

The following document contains information that you may find helpful as you read this manual:
IBM Personal Computer AT Technical Reference You may also want to consult the following Advanced Micro D evices
information if you plan to prog ram the Am9 513 A Coun ter/Ti mer u sed on the AT-MIO-16X:
Am9513A/Am9513 System Timing Controller

Customer Communication

National Instruments want to receive your co mments on ou r products and manuals. We are interested in the applications you develop with our products, and we want to help if you have problems with them. To make it easy for you to contact us, this manual contains comment and configuration forms for you to complete. These for ms are in Appendix D, Customer Communication, at the end of this manual.
About This Manual
National Instruments Corporation xvii AT-MIO-16X User Manual
This chapter describes the AT-MIO-16X, lists the contents of your AT-MIO-16X kit, the optional sof tware, an d optional equi pment, and explains how to unpack the AT-MI O-16 X.

About the AT-MIO-16X

Congratulations on your p urcha se of the Na tional I nstrume nts AT-MIO-16X. The AT -MIO-1 6X is a high-perf ormance , software-configurable 16-bit DAQ board for laboratory, test and measurement, and data ac quisition and contro l a pplication s. The board performs high-accu racy measurements with self-calibration, high-speed settling to 16 bits, noise as low as 0.8 LSBrms, and a maximum DNL of ±0.5 LSB . Because of its large FIFO s and dual-channel DMA, the AT-MIO-16X can achieve high performance, even when used in environments that may have long interrupt latencies, such as Windows.
Because off-the-shelf instrumentation amplifiers require 500 µsec and more to settle to 16-bit accuracy at high gains when sampling multiple channels , Na t i o nal Instruments devel o pe d the NI-PGIA. The NI-PGIA, which is used on the AT-MIO-16X, is an instrumentation amplifier that settles to 16 bits in 40 µs, even when the board is used at its high est gain of 100.
A common problem with DAQ boards is that you cannot easily synchronize several mea sur em ent fu nctio ns to a c ommon trig ger o r timing event. The AT -MI O- 1 6X has the Real-Time System Integ rat io n (RTSI) bus to solve this pr oble m. T he RT SIbus co nsists of our custom RTSI bus interface chip and a ribbon cable to route timing and trigger signals between several functions on one or more DAQ boa rds in your PC.
The AT-MIO-16X can interface to the Signal Conditioning eXtensions for Instrumentation (SCXI) system so that you can acquire over 3,000 analog signals from therm oco uples, RT Ds , strain ga ug es, v oltag e sources, and curr en t sou rc es . You c a n also ac qu ire or ge nera te dig ital
National Instruments Corporation 1-1 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
Chapter 1 Introduction

Analog Input

signals for communication and control. SCXI is the instrumentation front end for plug-in DA Q b oards .
The AT-MIO-16X is a high-performance multifunction analog, digital, and timing I/O boar d for the PC. The AT-M IO- 16X has a 10 µsec, 16-bit, sampling ADC that can monitor a single input channel, or scan through the 16 single-ended or 8 differential channels (expandable with National Instruments multiplexing products) at a programmable gain of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, o r 100 fo r unipo lar or bip olar inp ut r ange s. A 512-word ADC FIFO buffer can perform seamless data acquisition at the maximum rate without data loss. Internal or external triggering and sampling are supported. If signal conditioning or additional analog inputs are required, you can use the SCXI signal conditioning modules, SCXI multiplexer products, or the AMUX-64T multiplexer board.
You can use the NI-DAQ software included with the AT-MIO-16X to calibrate the analog input circuitry. This software adjusts the offset and gain errors to zero by means of board-level calibration DACs. You can store calibration DAC constants resulting from the calibration procedure in the onboard EEPROM for later use. See Chapter 6, Calibration Procedures, for additional information on calibration procedures for the AT-MIO-16X.

Analog Output

The AT-MIO-16X also has two deglitched, double-buffered, multiplying, 16-bit DACs that may be configured for a unipolar or bipolar voltage output range . An o nbo ar d, + 10-V refe renc e is th e internal reference to the circuitry of the DAC. A 2,048-word DAC FIFO buffer allows seamless wavefo rm genera tion at the maximum ra te without data loss. The DAC FIFO can perform cyclic waveform generation directly from the FIFO, independent of the PC interface. You can use the analog output circuitry for internal timer an d external signal update capability for waveform generation.
You calibrate the analog output circuitry through the NI-DAQ software provided with the boar d. Th is soft ware a djusts th e DAC offset and gain errors of each channel to zero by means of board-level calibration DACs. Calibration DAC constants resulting from the calibration procedure may be stored in the onboard EEPROM for later use. See Chapter 6, Calibration Procedures, for additio nal info rmati on on calibration pro ce du res f or t he AT -M IO-1 6X .
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National Instruments Corporation

Digital and Timing I/O

In addition to the analog input and analog output capabilities of the AT-MIO-16X, the AT-MIO -16X al so ha s ei ght digital I/O lines th at can sink up to 24 mA of current, and three independe nt 16-bit counter/timers for frequency counting, event counting, and pulse output applications. The AT-MIO-16X has timer-generated inte rrupts, a high-performance RTSI bus interface, and four triggers for system-level timing.
You can use the AT-MIO-16X, with its multifunction analog, digital, and timing I/O, in many applications, including machine and process control automation, level monitoring and control, instrumentation, electronic testing, and many others. You can use the multichannel analog input for signal and transient analysis, data logging, and chromatography. The tw o ana log outp ut cha nnels a re use ful for machine and process co ntro l, a nalog fu nc tion g en eration, 16- bit resolution voltage source, and pro grammab le signal attenu ation. You can use the eight TTL-compatible digital I/O lines for machine and process control, intermac hine co mmunic ation, and r elay switching control. The three 16-bit counter/timers are useful for such functions as pulse and clock gener ation , time d con trol o f labo ratory equipm e nt, and frequency, event, and pulse-width measurement. With all these functions on one bo ard, yo u ca n au to matica lly m onitor and co ntro l laboratory processes.
Chapter 1 Introduction
The AT-MIO-16X is interfaced to the National Instruments RTSI bus. With this bus, National Instru ments A T Se ries b oa rds ca n se nd timing signals to each other. T he A T-M IO-16 X can send sign als from th e onboard counter/timer to another board, or another board can control single and multiple A/D con version s on the AT -MIO -16X .
Detailed specifications for the AT-MIO-16X are listed in Appendix A, Specifications.

What You Need to Get Started

To set up and use y our AT -MIO -16X Serie s b oa rd, y ou will nee d the following:
One of the following boards:
AT-MIO-16X 50-pin AT-MIO-16X 68-pin
National Instruments Corporation 1-3 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
Chapter 1 Introduction
AT-MIO-16X User Man ual
❑ ❑ One of the following software packages and documentation:
ComponentWorks LabVIEW for Windows LabWindows/CVI fo r W indo ws Measure NI-DAQ for PC Compatibles VirtualBen ch
Your comp uter

Software Programming Choices

You have several options to choose from w hen progra mming you r National Instruments DAQ and SCXI hardware. You can use National Instruments application software, NI-DAQ, or register-level programming.

National Instruments Application Software

ComponentWorks con tains tools for data acq uisition and instr ument control built on NI-DAQ driver softw are. Component Works provide s a higher-level programming interface for building virtual instruments through standard OLE controls and DLLs. With ComponentWorks, you can use all of the configuration tools, resource management utilities, and interactive control utilities included with NI-DAQ.
LabVIEW features interactive graphics, a state-of-the-art user interface, and a po werf ul g raphic al progr am ming langua ge. The LabVIEW Data Acquisition VI L ibra r y, a se ries of V Is fo r using LabVIEW with National Instruments DAQ hardware, is included with LabVIEW. The LabVIEW D ata A cquisitio n VI Libr ar y is functiona lly equivalent to NI-DAQ software.
LabWindows/CVI features interactive graphics, state-of-the-art user interface, and uses th e ANSI standa rd C pr ogr am ming la nguage . The LabWindows/CVI Data Ac quisition Lib rary, a se ries of fun ctions f or using LabWindows/CVI with National Instruments DAQ hardware, is included with the NI-DAQ software kit. The LabWindow s/CVI Data Acquisition Library is functionally equivalent to the NI-D AQ sof twar e.
AT-MIO-16X User Manual 1-4
National Instruments Corporation
VirtualBench features virtual instruments that combine DAQ products, software, and your co mputer to creat e a stand-alone in strument with the added benefit of the processing, display, and storage capabilities of your computer. VirtualBench instruments load and save waveform data to disk in th e s ame form s th at ca n be u sed i n pop ular sp re ad she et programs and w ord proc e ssors.
Using ComponentWork s, LabVIE W, LabWindo ws /CVI, or VirtualBench software will greatly reduce the development time for your data acquisition and control application.
NI-DAQ Driver Software
The NI-DAQ driver sof tware is included at no ch ar ge with all National Instruments DAQ hardware. NI-DAQ is not packaged with SCXI or accessory products, except for the SCXI-1200. NI-DAQ has an extensive library of functions that you can call from your ap plicatio n programmin g enviro nment. These func tions in clude r outines for anal og input (A/D conversion), buffered data acquisition (high-sp eed A/D conversion), analog outp ut ( D/A con version ), wavef orm g eneration (timed D/A conversion), digital I/O, counter/timer operations, SCXI, RTSI, self-calibration, messaging, and acquiring data to extended memory.
Chapter 1 Introduction
NI-DAQ has both high-level DAQ I/O functions for maximum ease of use and low-level DAQ I/O functions for maximum flexibility and performance. Ex am ples of h igh- leve l func tions are stre aming data to disk or acquiring a certain number of data po ints. An examp le of a low-level function is writing directly to registers on the DAQ device. NI-DAQ does not sacrifice the performance of National Instruments DAQ devices because it lets multiple devices operate at their peak.
NI-DAQ also internal ly addr esses many of the co mplex i ssues bet wee n the computer and the DAQ hardware such as programming interrupts and DMA controllers. NI-DAQ maintains a consistent software interface among its different versions so that you can change platforms with minimal modifications to your code. Whether you are using conventional programming lan guages o r Na tional I nstrum ents application software, your ap plication use s the NI-DAQ driv er software, as illustrated in Figure 1-1.
National Instruments Corporation 1-5 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
Chapter 1 Introduction
Programming Environment
SCXI Hardware
Figure 1-1. The Relationship between the Programming Environment,
Register-Level Programming
The final option for programming any National Instruments DAQ hardware is t o wr it e r eg iste r- lev el softw are . Writ ing re gist er-l ev el programming software can be very time-c on sum ing and ine ffi cient, and is not recomm en de d f or mo st u s ers .
DAQ or
LabWindows/CVI, or
Driver Software
Computer or
NI-DAQ, and Your Hardware
Even if you are an experienced register-level programmer, using NI-DAQ or applica tion sof tware to pro gram you r Nation al Inst rume nts DAQ hardware is ea sier than, and as flexib le as, regi ster- lev el programming, and can sa ve w ee ks of deve lopment time.
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National Instruments Corporation

Optional Equipment

National Instruments offers a var iety of pr odu cts to use w ith yo ur AT-MIO-16X board, inclu ding cables, c onnector bloc ks, and other accessories, as follows:
Cables and cable assemblies, shielded and ribb on
Connector blocks, shield ed and uns hielde d 50 a nd 68-pin scr ew terminals
Real Time System Integration (RTSI) bus cables
SCXI modules and accessories for isolating, amplifying, exciting, and multiplexing signals for relays and analog output. With SCXI you can condition and acquire up to 3,072 channels.
Low channel count signa l con ditioning module s, bo ards, and accessories, including co nditionin g for strain ga uges a nd RT Ds, simultaneous sample and ho ld, and re lays
For more specific information about these products, refer to your National Instruments catalogue or call the office nearest you.
Chapter 1 Introduction


Your AT-MIO-16X board is shipped in an antistatic package to prevent electrostatic damage to the board. Electrostatic discharge can damage several com ponents on the board. To avoid such damage in handling the board, take the following pre cautions:
Ground yourself via a ground ing strap or by hold ing a grounded object.
Touch the antistatic package to a metal part of your computer chassis before removing the board from the package.
Remove the board fro m the package and in spect the board for loose components or an y o ther sig n o f dama ge. No tif y Nationa l Instruments if the board appears da maged in any way. Do not install a damaged board into your computer.
Never touch the exposed pins of connectors.
National Instruments Corporation 1-7 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
Configuration and
This chapter explains board configuration, installation of the AT-MIO-16X into the PC, signal connections to the AT-MIO-16X, and cable considerations.
1 Product Name, Assembly Number, and Revision Letter 2Fuse 3 U112 4 Spare Fuse
Figure 2-1.
National Instruments Corporation 2-1 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
AT-MIO-16X with 50-Pin I/O Connector Parts Locator Diagram
Chapter 2 Configuration and Installation
1 Product Name, Assembly Number, and Revision Letter 2Fuse 3 U112 4 Spare Fuse
Figure 2-2. AT-MIO-16X with 68-Pin I/O Connector Parts Locator Diagram

Board Configuration

The AT-MIO-16X contain s one DIP switch to conf igure the base address selection for the AT bus interface. The remaining resource selections, such as DMA and interrupt channel selections, are determined by programming the individual reg isters in the AT-MIO-16X register set. The general location of the registers in the I/O space of the PC is determined by the base address selection, whereas the specific location of the registers within the register set is determined by the AT-MIO-16X dec ode c irc uitry.

AT Bus Interface

Operation of the AT-MIO-16X multifunction I/O board is controlled through accesses to registers within the board register set. Some of th e registers in the register set retain data written to them to determine board operation. Other registers in the register set contain impo rtant status information necessary for proper sequencing of events. Still other registers perform functions by accessing them either by reading from or writing to their location. However, these registers do not retain pertinent data when written to, nor do they provide pertinent status information when read.
AT-MIO-16X User Manual 2-2
National Instruments Corporation
The PC defines accesses to plug- in boa rds to be I/O mappe d acc esses within the I/O space of the computer. Locations are either written to or read from as bytes or words. Each register in the register set is mapped to a certain offset from the base address selection of the board as read or write, and as a word or byte location as defined by the decode circuitry.

Base I/O Address Selection

The AT-MIO-16X is conf igur ed a t the f actor y to a ba se I /O addre ss of 220 hex. This base address setting is suitable for most systems. However, if your sy stem has othe r har dw are at this ba se I/O a ddre ss, you must change either the AT-MIO-16X base address DIP switch or the other hardware base address to avoid a conflict. Figure 2-3 shows a graphical representation of the b ase add ress se lection D IP switc h, a nd also shows how to reconfigure the selected base address.
Switch up for 1
Switch down for 0
Chapter 2 Configuration and Installation
A. Switches Set to Base I/O Address of Hex 000
Switch up for 1
Switch down for 0
B. Switches Set to Base I/O Address of Hex 220 (Factory Setting)
Figure 2-3.
National Instruments Corporation 2-3 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
Example Base I/O Address Switch Settings
Chapter 2 Configuration and Installation
The base address DIP switch is arranged so that a logical 1 or true state for the associated address selection bit is selected by pushing the toggle switch up, or toward the top of the board. A lternate ly, a logical 0 or false state is selected by pushing the toggle switch down, or toward the bottom of the board. In Figur e 2-3B, A 9 is up (tr ue), A8 thro ugh A6 are low (false), and A5 is up (true). This repres ents a binary value of 10001XXXXX, or hex 220. The Xs indicate don’t care bits and are the five least significant bits (LSBs) of the a ddre ss (A 4 throu gh A0 ) use d by the AT-MIO-16X circuitry to decode the individual register selections. The don’t care bits indicate the size of the register space. In this case, the AT-MIO-16X u ses I/O a ddress he x 2 20 th rough h ex 23 F in the factory-default setting.
Note: If you change the AT-MIO-16X base I/O addres s, yo u must make a
corresponding change to any so ftware pac kage s you use with the AT-MIO-16X. Table 2-1 lists the default settings of other National Instruments products for the PC. Table 2-2 lists the possible switch settings, the corresponding base I/O address, and the base I/O address space used for that setting. For more information about the I/O address of your PC, refer to the technical reference manual for your computer.
Table 2-1. Default Settings of National Instruments Products for the PC
Board DMA
AT-A2150 None* None* 120 hex AT-AO-6/10 Channel 5 Lines 11, 12 1C0 hex AT-DIO-32F Channels 5, 6 Lines 11, 12 240 hex AT-DSP2200 None* None* 120 hex AT-GPIB Channel 5 Line 11 2C0 hex AT-MIO-16 Channels 6, 7 Line 10 220 hex AT-MIO-16D Channels 6, 7 Lines 5, 10 220 hex AT-MIO-16F-5 Channels 6, 7 Line 10 220 hex AT-MIO-16X None* None* 220 hex
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National Instruments Corporation
Base I/O
Chapter 2 Configuration and Installation
Table 2-1. Default Settings of National Instruments Products for the PC (Continued)
Board DMA
Base I/O
AT-MIO-64F-5 None* None* 220 hex GPIB-PCII Channel 1 Line 7 2B8 hex GPIB-PCIIA Channel 1 Line 7 02E1 hex GPIB-PCIII Channel 1 Line 7 280 hex Lab-PC Channel 3 Line 5 260 hex PC-DIO-24 None Line 5 210 hex PC-DIO-96 None Line 5 180 hex PC-LPM-16 None Line 5 260 hex PC-TIO-10 None Line 5 1A0 hex
* These settings are software configurable and are disabled a t sta rt up ti m e.
Table 2-2. Switch Settings with Corresponding Base I/O Address and
Base I/O Address Space
Switch Setting
A9 A8 A7 A6 A5
Base I/O
Address (hex)
Base I/O
Address Space
Used (hex)
0 0 X X X 000 - E00 Reserved 0 1 0 0 0 100 100 - 11F 0 1 0 0 1 120 120 - 13F 0 1 0 1 0 140 140 - 15F 0 1 0 1 1 160 160 - 17F 0 1 1 0 0 180 180 - 19F 0 1 1 0 1 1A0 1A0 - 1BF
National Instruments Corporation 2-5 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
Chapter 2 Configuration and Installation
Table 2-2. Switch Settings with Corresponding Base I/O Address and
Base I/O Address Space (Continued)
Switch Setting
A9 A8 A7 A6 A5
Base I/O
Address (hex)
Base I/O
Address Space
Used (hex)
0 1 1 1 0 1C0 1C0 - 1DF 0 1 1 1 1 1E0 1E0 - 1FF 1 0 0 0 0 200 200 - 21F 1 0 0 0 1 220 220 - 23F 1 0 0 1 0 240 240 - 25F 1 0 0 1 1 260 260 - 27F 1 0 1 0 0 280 280 - 29F 1 0 1 0 1 2A0 2A0 - 2BF 1 0 1 1 0 2C0 2C0 - 2DF 1 0 1 1 1 2E0 2E0 - 2FF 1 1 0 0 0 300 300 - 31F 1 1 0 0 1 320 320 - 33F 1 1 0 1 0 340 340 - 35F 1 1 0 1 1 360 360 - 37F 1 1 1 0 0 380 380 - 39F 1 1 1 0 1 3A0 3A0 - 3BF 1 1 1 1 0 3C0 3C0 - 3DF 1 1 1 1 1 3E0 3E0 - 3FF
AT-MIO-16X User Manual 2-6
National Instruments Corporation

Interrupt and DMA Channel Selection

The base I/O address selection is the only resource on the AT-MIO-16X board that must be set manually before the board is placed into the PC. The interrupt level and DMA channels used by the AT-MIO-16X are selected via registers in the AT-MIO-16X register set. The AT-MIO-16X powers up with all interrupt and DMA requests disabled. To use the interrupt capability of the AT-MIO-16X, an interrupt level must first be selected via register programming, then the specific interrupt mode must be enabled. The same method holds for DMA channel selection. To use the DMA capability of the board, one or two DMA channels must be selected through the appropriate register, then the specific DMA mode must be enabled. It is possible to have interrupt and DMA resourc es con cur rently en ab led.
The interrupt lines supported by the AT-MIO-16X hardware are IRQ3, IRQ4, IRQ5, IRQ7, IRQ10, IRQ11, IRQ12, and IRQ15. The DMA channels supported are Channe ls 0 through 3, and Channe ls 5 through 7. If you use the AT-MIO-16X in an AT-ty pe compute r, you should only use DMA Channels 5 through 7 beca use these are the only 16-bit channels available. If you use the board in an EISA computer, all channels are capable of 16- bit transfers an d you can use them . The AT-MIO-16X does not use and cannot be configured to use th e 8-b it DMA Channels 0 throug h 3 o n the PC I /O chan ne l fo r 16-bit tra nsf ers.
Chapter 2 Configuration and Installation

Analog Input Configuration

The analog input section of the AT-MIO-16X is software configurable. You can select different analog in put config urations by progr amming the appropriate register in the AT-MIO-16X register set. The following paragraphs describe in detail each of the analog input categories.

Input Mode

The AT-MIO-16X offer s th ree diff er ent inpu t m odesSE) inp ut, referenced single-en de d (RSE ) in put, and diff eren tial (DI FF) input. The single-ended input conf igura tions use u p to 16 cha nnels. T he DIFF input configuration uses up to eight channels. Input modes are programmed on a per chann el basis for multimode scanning. For example, the circuitry can be conf igured to effectively sca n 12 channels, four diffe rentia lly c onfigur ed cha nne ls and ei ght single-ended channels. The in put configura tions are de scribe d in Table 2-3.
National Instruments Corporation 2-7 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
Chapter 2 Configuration and Installation
Table 2-3.
Available Input Configurations for the AT-MIO-16X
Configuration Description
DIFF Differential configurationnput of the PGIA tied to
the multiplexer output of Channels 8 thro ugh 15.
RSE Referenced single-end ed configurationve ( –) input
of the PGIA referenced to analog ground.
NRSE Nonreferenced single-ended configurationative (–)
input of the PGIA tied to AI SENSE and not connected to ground.
While reading the following paragraphs, you may find it helpful to refer to the Analog Input Signal Connections section later in this chapter, which contains diagrams showing the signal paths for the three configurations.
DIFF Input (Eight Channels)
DIFF input means that each input signal has its own reference, an d the difference bet ween each sign al and its re ference is me asured. The signa l and its reference are assigned an input channel. This is the recommended con figura tion. With this inpu t c onfigur ation , th e AT-MIO-16X can monitor up to eigh t different ana log input signals. This configuration is se lect ed v ia softwa re. See th e co nfig uration memory register a nd T abl e 4-9 i n Cha pt er 4, Register Map and Descriptions. The results of this configuration are as follows:
One of Channels 0 thro ugh 7 is tied to the p ositive (+) inpu t of the PGIA.
One of Channe ls 8 thro ugh 15 is tied to the neg ative (–) inp ut o f the PGIA.
Multiplexer control is configured to control up to eight input channels.
AI SENSE may be driven by the board analog input ground or left unconnected.
Considerations for using the DIFF input configuration are discussed in the Signal Connections section later in this chapter. Figure 2-8 shows a schematic diagram of this configuration.
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+ 300 hidden pages