National Instruments 9238 Calibration Manual

NI 9238
4-Channel, ±0.5 V, 24-Bit Simultaneous, Channel-to-Channel Isolated Analog Input Module
This document contains the verification and adjustment procedures for the NI 9238. For more information about calibration solutions, visit
Documentation.......................................................................................................................... 2
Test Equipment......................................................................................................................... 2
Test Conditions......................................................................................................................... 3
Initial Setup............................................................................................................................... 3
Verification ............................................................................................................................... 4
Accuracy Verification....................................................................................................... 4
Reverification ........................................................................................................................... 7
Where to Go for Support .......................................................................................................... 7
Calibrating the NI 9238 requires the installation of NI-DAQmx 14.1 or later on the calibration system. You can download NI-DAQmx from NI-DAQmx supports LabVIEW, LabWindows™/CVI™, ANSI C, Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, and Microsoft Visual C#. When you install NI-DAQmx, you only need to install support for the application software that you intend to use.
Consult the following documents for information about the NI 9238, NI-DAQmx, and your application software. All documents are available on software.
NI cDAQ-9174/9178 Quick Start
NI-DAQmx installation and hardware setup
NI 9238 Operating Instructions and Specifications
NI 9238 specific information, specifications, and calibration interval
NI-DAQmx Readme
Operating system and application software support in NI-DAQmx
LabVIEW Help
LabVIEW programming concepts and reference information about NI-DAQmx VIs and functions and help files install with the
NI-DAQmx C Reference Help
Reference information for NI-DAQmx C functions and NI-DAQmx C properties
NI-DAQmx .NET Help Support for Visual Studio
Reference information for NI-DAQmx .NET methods and NI-DAQmx .NET properties, key concepts, and mapping C enums to .NET enums
Test Equipment
Table 1 lists the equipment recommended for the performance verification and adjustment procedures. If the recommended equipment is not available, select a substitute using the requirements listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Recommended Equipment
Calibrator Fluke 5500A Use a high-precision voltage source with an accuracy
of 60 ppm and offset error 6µV.
Chassis NI cDAQ-9178
2 | | NI 9238 Calibration Procedure
Test Conditions
The following setup and environmental conditions are required to allow the NI 9238 to meet the performance levels shown in Table 2:
Keep connections to the NI 9238 as short as possible. Long cables and wires act as
antennas, picking up extra noise that can affect measurements.
Verify that all connections to the NI 9238 are secure.
Use shielded copper wire for all cable connections to the NI 9238. Use twisted-pairs wire
to eliminate noise and thermal offsets.
Maintain an ambient temperature of 23 °C ± 5 °C.
Keep relative humidity below 80%.
Allow a warm-up time of at least 10 minutes to ensure that the NI 9238 measurement
circuitry is at a stable operating temperature.
Initial Setup
Refer to the NI cDAQ-9174/9178 Quick Start for information about how to install the software and hardware and how to configure the device in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).
Complete the following steps to set up the NI 9238.
1. Install NI-DAQmx.
2. Make sure the NI cDAQ-9178 power source is not connected.
3. Connect the NI cDAQ-9178 to the system safety ground.
a. Attach a ring lug to a 14 AWG (1.6 mm) wire.
b. Use the ground screw to connect the ring lug to the ground terminal on the side of the
NI cDAQ-9178.
c. Attach the other end of the wire to the system safety ground.
4. Install the module in slot 8 of the NI cDAQ-9178 chassis. Leave slots 1 through 7 of the
NI cDAQ-9178 chassis empty.
5. Connect the NI cDAQ-9178 chassis to your host computer.
6. Connect the power source to the NI cDAQ-9178 chassis.
7. Launch MAX.
8. Right-click the device name and select Self-Test to ensure that the module is working
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