Table of Contents
Keypad Controls and Indicators ................................ 5
Arming your System (When Leaving) ....................... 6
Bypassing Zones ..................................................... 6
Protecting Yourself While Home ............................... 7
Emergency Keys ....................................................... 8
Disarming the System ............................................... 9
Silencing an Alarm..................................................... 9
Special Functions ..................................................... 10
Programming User Codes ......................................... 11
System Troubles ....................................................... 12
Glossary ................................................................... 15
Important - Test Your System Weekly !
Bell / Battery Test
Test your bell or siren by pressing
This will cause the bell, or siren to sound for 2 seconds and
also initiate a test of the battery .
Central Station Communication Test
(This test should only be performed on weekends or at a
time designated by your alarm company)
1. Notify Central Station of the impending test.
followed by
System Information
Central Station Phone Number: ____________________
Central Station Account Number: ____________________
For Service Call: ____________________
Entry Delay: ____________________
Exit Delay: ____________________
Alarm Time-out: ____________________
2. Secure all zones to light Ready Light on your keypad.
3. Enter your user code to Arm the system.
4. Violate your alarm by opening a window / door etc.
5. The siren or bell should sound and the system will send
the alarm signals to the Central Station
6. Enter your user code to silence the bell or sounder.
7. Call Central Station to insure that the alarm signals were
received properly.

Key Used to enable
special functions and options. Press
the corresponding Special Function number Option (See Special Functions, Page 10)
and then
Numerical Keys 1-9, 0. Used to enter
User Codes, Zone numbers, etc.
Keypad Controls and Indicators
Armed Light
and will flash when system is in Alarm
Ready Light
and system is ready to be Armed.
will light when system is Armed,
will light when all zones are secure
Bypass Key Used to
bypass zones. Press
Bypass and the corresponding zone number,
and then Arm system.
Emergency Keys Press
simultaneously to signal
an emergency condition.
Auxiliary Emergency or
gency. (Programmable)
for Police Emer-
99 Key Press to display any present
System troubles. Only available when
99 System Light is lit.
(See System troubles, Page 12)
99 System Light will light and the Keypad
sounder will pulse to indicate that a system trouble is present.
(See System troubles, Page 12)
Zone Lights (
that the corresponding Zone is open, and will
flash to indicate a zone in alarm.
Key - (Reset) used to clear miss-entered
codes, reset Alarm Memory, etc..
1 through 4) will light to indicate

Arming Your System
Arming Your System When Leaving
Before arming your system, make sure the Green
ective zones are secure. If any zones are open, the correspondin
zones before proceedin
Enter your user code. The Green
Easy Arm
Bypassing Zones
If you make a mistake enterin
Leave the premises through the Exit/Entry door. If the keypad gives a steady tone you have taken
too long. Enter your code again to disarm system and then re-enter code and leave.
The Easy Arm feature allows the system to be armed by simply pressing
allow the easy arming of the system by someone who is not a regular system user.
If an open zone cannot be immediately fixed it can be left unprotected, or
system is Armed. To Bypass a zone:
Enter your user code. The Green Ready light will go out and the Red Armed light will light.
Leave the premises through the Exit/Entry door.
light is ON. This indicates that all of your prot-
Zone light will be ON. Secure these
. If any zones cannot be secured, see Bypassing zones below.
light will go out, the Red
your code, press
followed by the zone number to be Bypassed. The Bypassed zone’s light will flash slowly.
and re-enter the code.
light will light.
followed by
,while the rest of the
. This will
When the system is subsequently disarmed, all bypassed zones will be reset, ready to be armed again.
If it is necessary to bypass any inoperative zone(s), it is important to have the zone(s) repaired as soon as
possible. A bypassed zone does not provide any protection, compromising system security.