WI850A GEM-P800 Installation Instructions
The GEMINI GEM-P800 control panel provides up to
6 hardwired/wireless zones, a 2-wire fire zone and 2
wireless only zones. Up to eight 4-digit user codes
can be programmed. Ambush, when selected, us es
User 8 code as an Ambush code.
The GEM-P800 is wireless ready. When used with a
GEM-RECV-XP8 receiver, the control panel can support up to 8 wireless zones, 4 wireless smoke detectors and 4 Keyfobs.
The GEM-RP8 keypad provides complete control of
the GEM-P800 control panel. Information on system
status, bypassed zones, system troubles etc. can be
viewed at the keypad.
The control panel can be easily and quickly programmed from the keypad. The panel can also be
locally or remotely downloaded using PCD3000 software and a PCI 2000/3000 interface or PCL2000A
local Download cable. See Downloading Section (pg.
5) for more information.
Control Panel
8 Zones
2-wire Fire Zone
3 Keypad Panics
Wireless Ready
Bell Supervision
Line Cut Detection
Answering Machine Override (Second Call)
50 Event Log
2 Telephone Numbers
Backup Reporting
Pager Format
Point ID Format
Individually Report 8 Users
Opening after Alarm Report (Canc el Code)
For Technical Assistance, Contact the NAPCO Toll Free Helpline
(800) 645-9440
NAPCO Security Systems, Inc.
333 Bayview Avenue
Amityville, New York 11701
For Sales and Repairs, call Toll Free: (800) 645-9445
General Information..........................................2
GEM-P800 Features.........................................2
UL Compatible Smoke Detectors......................4
Listings and Approvals .....................................4
Ordering Information ........................................4
Optional Accessories........................................4
Programming the Panel....................................5
Keypad Operation ............................................7
Panel Operation ...............................................8
Bypassing ........................................................9
User Program Mode.........................................10
GEM-P800 Commands ....................................10
Dealer Commands ..........................................11
Wireless Operation (Signal Strength) .............12
Zone Features..................................................13
System Times..................................................14
System Features..............................................15
Telephone Number 1 Programming..................16
Backup Telephone Programming .....................17
Pager Programming .........................................18
Telephone Number 3 Programming..................18
Report Codes...................................................19
Enhanced Communicator Features..................19
Dealer Programming ........................................22
System Troubles ..............................................23
GEM-P800 WIRING DIAGRAM........................27