NAPCO StarLink Connect, StarLink Connect SLECDMA-CB-TF-C, StarLink Connect SLECDMA-CB-C Installation Instructions Manual

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© NAPCO 2018
StarLink™ Connect Series
Multi-Function Alarm Communicators
WI2247ALF 8/18
The StarLink™ Connect models SLECDMA-CB-C and
SLECDMA-CB-TF-C are multi-function Commercial / Resi-
dential Burglary and Residential Fire alarm radio communi­cators and supervised system interface modules. They pro­vide several options to the user:
1. A monitoring path to a central station through a digital CDMA radio and optionally through a TCP/IP network to the Internet using a hardwired or optional Wi-Fi connec-
If required, mount the unit to a single-, dual-, or three-gang
StarLink SLE Series radios use proprietary data-capture
The StarLink radio model names are as follows:
2. Notification alerts of alarm system changes to a mobile device. Notifications use iBridge Messenger SMS text messaging and/or emails to inform the user and/or deal­er of system state changes. For this release, these noti­fications are enabled in the iBridge Connected Home Services website at;
3. Both radio models are compatible with most 12VDC alarm control panels, including Honeywell and DSC (always adhere to the documentation provided by the control panel manufacturer). Residing in the Windows System Tray, the StarLink Connect application allows you to use your customary control panel communication software for remote programming and communication:
 DSC DLS  Honeywell Compass
NAPCO control panels are programmed in the tradition-
al way using PCD-Windows Quickloader software. StarLink Connect is available on the enclosed CD.
electrical box and route the wires through the back knock­out(s), or as specified by local codes. See WI2140 for pro- gramming instructions (all manuals are available for download at
technology that captures the alarm report from the control panel and transmits the alarm signals to the SLE Control Center (the Napco "NOC"); the alarm signals are then for­warded to ANY central station via Contact ID or Sur-Gard System II or Sur-Gard System V central station receivers via TCP/IP using standard line security. The SLE Control Cen­ter reports a trouble signal in the event that the network does not receive the expected supervision signal from the wire­less communicator. In addition, both StarLink radio models can be powered directly from the control panel.
SLECDMA-CB-C - Commercial / Residential Burglary and
Residential Fire Network Compatible CDMA alarm cap­ture radio communicator in white metal housing. Pow­ered directly from control panel (no power supply, no transformer).
SLECDMA-CB-TF-C - Commercial / Residential Burglary
and Residential Fire Network Compatible CDMA alarm capture radio communicator in white metal housing. In­cludes SLE-ULPS-R power supply and TRF12/T123 plug-in 16.5V / 20VA transformer.
following sub-assemblies are available:
SLE-WIFI-MODULE - Allows your StarLink
device to connect to the Internet by means of a wireless (Wi-Fi) link, eliminating a wired Ethernet cable connec­tion.
SLE-DLCBL - Download Cable, 6 feet. SLE-ANTEXT30 - Extended antenna with 30 feet of cable. SLE-ANTEXT50 - Extended antenna with 50 feet of cable. SLE-ANTEXT75 - Extended antenna with 75 feet of cable.
(Any suitable external cellular antenna is permitted by
UL). Always follow the manufacturer's installation in­structions. Note: Antennas are not Listed by UL. For 3/4G radios where an External Antenna needs to be installed outside of the room in which the radio is in­stalled (maximum 30 meters (98 feet) in Residential ap­plications), please use RF Transmitter Board 9GPS5320EXAPSLD available from our Customer Ser­vice Department, if not provided. The 9GPS5320EXAPSLD is identified by "two red dots" lo­cated on the lower right corner of the board. See WI2222 included with the 9GPS5320EXAPSLD for the simple installation procedure.
The following specifications apply to all StarLink radio mod-
els in these installation instructions unless otherwise stated:
Electrical Ratings for +12V (both models powered by the
control panel)
 Input Voltage: 10-15VDC (power-limited output from con-
trol panel). Do NOT connect to full-wave rectified (FWR) power.
 Input Current:
Electrical Ratings for the IN 1 Burg/Fire Input:
SLECDMA-CB-C standby current: 100mA (110mA
with telco EOLR)
SLECDMA-CB-TF-C standby current : 100mA
(110mA with telco EOLR)
Transmission current (all models): 200mA max.
 Input Voltage: 9-15VDC.  Maximum Input Current: Up to 2mA from control panel
supply circuit
StarLink™ Connect SLECDMA-CB Series Alarm Communicators -- Installation Instructions 1
Electrical Ratings for IN 2 and IN 3:
 Maximum Loop Voltage: 15VDC max.  Maximum Loop Current: 1.2mA  End of Line Resistor (EOLR) Value: 10K
Electrical Ratings for 3 PGM Outputs:
 Open Collector Outputs: Maximum Voltage 3V when
active; 15V maximum when not active
 Maximum PGM Sink Current: 50mA (up to 15VDC)
Physical (W x H x D)
 Metal Housing: 11½ x 9½ x 3½" (29.2 x 24.1 x 8.9cm)  Mounting: Metal housing includes two keyhole slots for
wall mounting (see measurements on page 15)
 Operating Temperature: 0°C - 49°C (32°F - 120°F)  Humidity: Maximum 93% Non-Condensing  Indoor / dry location use only
Configure all inputs and outputs using the Management Center (the Napco "NOC" located at Located at the bottom of the StarLink radio PC board, the 20 terminals are described as follows:
TB1: PWR (+) +10 - 15VDC. Do NOT connect to FWR power.
TB2: PWR (–) TB3: PGM1 (–): Open collector output. PGM1 is nor-
mally on (active low). When it is triggered (for exam­ple, a trouble is detected) it becomes open collector/ high. To have a zone dedicated to an StarLink radio trouble, insert one side of the end of line resistor into this PGM1 terminal, and wire the other side of the resistor to the positive terminal of the zone.
TB4: PGM2 (–): Open collector output. This output is
normally open collector / high. When a report fails to communicate anywhere in the communications path, the output is active low.
TB5: PGM3 (–): Open collector output. This output is
normally open collector / high. Use the Napco "NOC" to configure options for PGM activation.
TB6: IN 1: Active high input for wiring to the control
panel bell output. When this input detects a pulsing temporal 3 high, it sends a Fire alarm; a pulsing tem­poral 4 (CO Alarm), a CO alarm is sent. For this in­put to report to a central station, the StarLink radio must be configured with the central station telephone number and correct reporting formats and codes.
TB7: IN 2: See TB9, below . TB8: GND: Common ground terminal. TB9: IN 3: Both terminals IN 2 and IN 3 default to 'User
Defined'; no end-of-line resistor supervision required. Wire the common ground terminal GND (terminal TB8) to the relay common. When used as ar m/ disarm status input, a low indicates "armed" and a
high indicates "disarmed". For these inputs to report to a central station, the radio must be configured with the central station telephone number and correct re­porting formats and codes.
TB10: PANEL TIP: See wiring diagram(s ). TB11: PANEL RING: See wiring diagram(s). TB12: CLK: See wiring diag ram(s). TB13: DATA: See wiring diagram(s). TB14: R: Red w ire. See TB17. TB15: B: Blue wire. See TB17. TB16: G: Green w ire. See TB17. TB17: Y: Yellow wire. Do NOT connect if using the SLE
-DLCBL Download Cable.
TB18: EGND: Earth ground (optional)
TB19: RX: See wiring diagram(s). TB20: TX: See wiring diagram(s).
The PC board contains several LEDs, as follows:
GREEN RF SIGNAL STRENGTH LED Labeled "D3", this LED is located at the lower right corner
of the PC board (see image).
Every 30 seconds, the StarLink radio receiver section
turns on and listens to the cell tower. Depending on the signal strength detected, it will blink the Signal Strength LED from 1 to 8 times, providing a signal strength indicator that is updated constantly and is always displayed. Refer to the Coverage Table:
LED Blinks 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Green LED Operation
Signal strength (as received by the radio) is displayed by
this LED blinking 1 to 8 times at a constant rate (with a short delay between blink cycles). Acceptable power level is greater than or equal to -91dBm (minimum 4 blinks at the mounting location).
Labeled "D4", this yellow LED is located at the bottom right
of the PC board. Operation is as follows:
Normal Standby Condition:
 Blinks on momentarily every 10 seconds: Unit is in
Processing Alarm Conditions:
 When processing an alarm, this yellow LED will blink
Power (dBm)
-55 -65 -75 -85 -91 -95 -99 -105
standby waiting for an alarm to report.
2 StarLink
Connect SLECDMA-CB Series Alarm Communicators -- Installation Instructions
variably during each part of the process (dialing, hand­shaking, data transmission, etc.).
 This yellow LED will light when communicating with the
phone app and when notifications are transmitted.
Labeled "D5", this LED is located at the bottom right of the
PC board. Operation is as follows:
 1 Blink: Low Aux Power input voltage  2 Blinks: Battery trouble  3 Blinks: Alarm report Failed to Communicate (will
restore only when both paths are operational)
 4 Blinks: RF trouble (antenna connection or cellular
 5 Blinks: Radio poll or check-in failure (radio only).
The unit must only fail on one path to trigger the trouble, but for the trouble to clear, unit requires both IP and ra­dio polling / checkins to be operational.
 6 Blinks: Unit disabled (reporting or control panel
downloading not allowed)
 7 Blinks: Unit was shutdown and has no functionali-
ty; requires a restart (full power down and full power up sequence) to restore operation.
Labeled "D7", this LED is located in the middle of the PC
board. One blink indicates a weak or non-existent signal from the network (green LED is off). If this red LED is blinking in any other manner, please contact technical sup­port.
Labeled "DS14" (green), "DS15" (yellow) and
"DS16" (red), these LEDs are located at the bo ttom right of the PC board.
The green LED labeled "DS14" describes the IP network
connection type or the connection quality, as follows:
 When DS14 is off = No network cable detected  When DS14 is flashing rapidly = No IP connection
(occurs just after power on while trying to obtain an IP address; therefore has priority over any other green flashing LEDs)
 When DS14 is flashing slowly = Normal operation:
 1 Slow Blink: Static IP Address (as programed by
the NOC)
 2 Slow Blinks: DHCP (default)  3 Slow Blinks: Auto IP (if unable to acquire DHCP
address, after 5 minutes radio will convert to Auto IP.
The Yellow LED labeled "DS15" describes the status of
the IP network.
 When DS15 is off = No power  When DS15 is flashing rapidly = Push button on Wi-Fi
module is being pressed
 When DS15 is flashing steady with 1 quick blink off eve-
ry 2 seconds = Reporting signal to NOC
 When DS15 is flashing steady with 2 quick blinks off
every 2 seconds = Downloading to control panel or the module
 When DS15 is flashing slowly:
 1 Slow Blink: Ethernet available (must detect that
the CAT5 cable is connected and must be connected to the Internet via customer router, etc.)
 2 Slow Blinks: Wi-Fi Station Mode  3 Slow Blinks: Wi-Fi APN Mode (Access Point)
The red LED labeled "DS16" describes the IP network
 When DS16 is off = No network troubles detected  When DS16 is flashing rapidly = No IP connection
(occurs just after power up while the radio tries to obtain a DHCP IP address
 When DS16 is flashing slowly:
 1 Slow Blink: No network cable detected  2 Slow Blinks: No network cable access to the
Internet (mutually exclusive with "1 Blink"). If the radio is configured for only an Ethernet connection (no Wi­Fi) and the Ethernet cable is connected but the router is non-functional, the radio will detect the loss of ac­cess to the Internet within a programmable amount of seconds. The default of 500 seconds (8-1/3 minutes) is intended to display a trouble to the installer sooner in case the account is set for 1-hour, 24-hour or 7-day Supervisory Failure
 3 Slow Blinks: Ethernet failed to communicate  4 Slow Blinks: Ethernet poll / chec k -in failure  5 Slow Blinks: Wi-Fi enabled but the SLE-WIFI-
MODULE is not detected
 6 Slow Blinks: = No Wi -Fi access to the Internet.
May occur when the Wi-Fi and the network cable each access the Internet via separate means (for example two different routers). Note: This indication may be combined with the "2 Blinks" indication if both the Wi- Fi and network cable use the same ISP.
 7 Slow Blinks: Wi-Fi failed to communicate  8 Slow Blinks: Wi-Fi poll / checkin fail  9 Slow Blinks: Wi-Fi serial data error or no serial
data response
 10 Slow Blinks: Wi-Fi Security / Authentication failed
Labeled "D607" (green) and "D606" (red), these LEDs indi-
StarLink™ Connect SLECDMA-CB Series Alarm Communicators -- Installation Instructions 3
cate the status when connected to a DSC or Honeywell control panel (when connected to a NAPCO control pan­el, both LEDs remain off). The LED labeled "D44" is not used.
When connected to a Honeywell control panel, D607
(green) flashes once every 5 seconds, and:
 When D606 (red) is off = No troubles  When D606 (red) is flashing rapidly = Bootloader mode  When D606 (red) is flashing 1 = Keypad bus fault  When D606 (red) is flashing 3 = Configuration memory
When connected to a DSC control panel, D607 (green)
flashes twice every 5 seconds and:
 When D606 (red) is off = No troubles  When D606 (red) is flashing rapidly = Bootloader mode  When D606 (red) is flashing 1 = Keypad bus fault
(radio terminals 12 and 13)
 When D606 (red) is flashing 2 = DSC download con-
nection faulted (radio terminals 19 and 20)
Control panels can provide power through their Auxiliary
Power terminals if the available standby current is reduced by the SLE standby power. If the control panel Auxiliary Power is insufficient to power the communicator, a suitably rated power limited Residential Fire or Commercial / Resi­dential Burglary power supply may be used (such as the model GEMC-12V2APS).
Create a new account and register specific StarLink radio
modules at Accounts and mod­ules registered via the Internet are enabled for activation within 24 hours.
The mounting location should be indoors within the protect­ed area and selected based on RF performance. It is HIGHLY recommended that the installer carefully adhere to the following recommendations BEFORE any wires are installed.
 Generally, high locations are best. DO NOT mount ra-
dio in basements or below grade as unpredictable per­formance may result.
 DO NOT mount the radio in non-climate controlled envi-
ronments (i.e. attics may become extremely hot in sum­mer, garages may become extremely cold in winter).
 Avoid mounting locations within 3 feet of AC power
lines, fluorescent light fixtures, or large metal objects (air conditioners, metal garage doors, etc.) as these loca­tions have been shown to have a detrimental effect on signal strength.
 A fair amount of care may be required to mount the ra-
dio so as to achieve an optimal RF path. The installer
should spend as much time as needed to obtain the highest signal level possible.
a. Before applying power, be sure to connect the
antenna. Temporarily connect power to the ra­dio from a fully charged 12V (4AH minimum) bat­tery. DO NOT mount the StarLink radio at this time. Press Tamper switch to send a signal.
b. Position the unit in the desired mounting location,
with antenna oriented vertically. The signal strength is displayed by the Green "Signal Strength LED" labeled "D3" (located at the lower right corner of the PC board). The CDMA radio tower signal strength may fluctuate from day to day, therefore it is best to try to find a mounting location where the LED pro­vides a minimum of 4 blinks.
c. Once a location has been selected based on signal
coverage, permanently secure the unit using #8 screws (not supplied) in the two mounting holes.
WARNING: To ensure user safety and to satisfy FCC
RF exposure requirements, this unit must be installed so that a minimum separation distance of 60cm (24") is al­ways maintained between the antenna of the transmitting device and nearby persons.
22-gauge wire may be used if mounted up to 50 feet from the control panel, and 18-gauge wire should be used for up to 100 feet. Reference the wiring diagrams further in this manual. All wiring methods must be performed in accord­ance with NFPA70, Articles 725, and 800
 Attach antenna before applying power !  Apply 12 VDC to terminals 1 and 2.
STEP 5: SIGNAL VERIFICATION After triggering channels, use the StarLink radio Signal Ver-
ification to ensure that the StarLink radio Network has properly received the signals.
 Verify Online: To verify that the signals have been
received by the StarLink radio Network online, go to, log in with your Username and
Password, enter your Company ID number and the StarLink Radio Number, then click Signal Log.
IMPORTANT: Verify that the signals transmitted by the
StarLink radio have been properly received by your central station before leaving the premises.
NOTE: This equ ipment has been test ed and found to
comply with the limits for a Class B Unintentional Radiator, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the In­struction Manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that in­terference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or tele­vision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to cor-
4 StarLink
Connect SLECDMA-CB Series Alarm Communicators -- Installation Instructions
rect the interference by one of more of the following measures: 1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna; 2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiv­er; 3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differ­ent from that to which the receiver is connected; 4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
To program the central station receiver reporting format,
use PCD-Windows Quickloader download software. Open the Digita l Communications screen, Central Station Receiv- ers tab, as shown in the following image:
A "Point ID" (also called "Contact ID") receiver format pro-
gramming example:
The radio can transmit to any central station capable of re-
ceiving Contact ID or the DSC Sur-Gard System II or Sur­Gard System V central station receivers via TCP/IP.
Note: A receiver reporting format must be entered for
each telephone number used, but each telephone number may be assigned a different format.
CAUTION: The installer should always be certain an area code is programmed into the control panel. Optional: If you wish the StarLink radio to report a code and zone number (Contact ID by default) to the central station in response to a triggered input event, see the table on page
6. Note: These event codes and zone numbers c an be changed from the Management Center screen (located at
Programming StarLink Radio Troubles
It is required that if a StarLink radio or control panel trouble is
detected, that it is reported to the central station.
When the StarLink radio detects and sends a trouble to the
control panel, the control panel must be programmed to an­nunciate this trouble. The radio can detect multiple troubles as indicated by the "Red Trouble LED" ("D5"). For these troubles to be annunciated at the control panel, there are
several methods, some of them are configurable at the Man­agement Center screen (
Wire the radio PGM1 output to a dedicated control panel
zone (input) to annunciate the trouble (activate a trouble sounder) when an open is detected. With Napco control panels, program a dedicated zone for Day Zone, Mini­sounder on Alarm and No bell on Alarm. Wire the zone as indicated in the wiring diagrams further in this manual.
For radio models powered by the control panel Aux Power
terminals, wire the radio directly to the PGM1 output of the control panel (program the radio to report all troubles on PGM1).
You can also wire to the positive terminal of the dedicated
zone on a GEMC-EZM8. Thus when a radio trouble is de­tected, the radio PGM activates the control panel zone, and the control panel generates a trouble.
StarLink Panel / Radio Supervision of Tip/Ring Wiring
The StarLink radio connection to the control panel shall be
supervised with local trouble annunciation and report to the central station if the Tip/Ring wiring is cut or shorted.
For local annunciation of radio troubles, the control panel
must be programmed for Telco line supervision that will pro­duce a local trouble at the premises (refer to control panel programming).
To report the radio trouble to the central station:
1. Program the unit (select "Y") for the "Tip/Ring Wiring Fault Report" feature located in the Advanced Features screen of the Napco "NOC" (at
2. Install the supplied 10K EOLR across the control panel terminals normally intended to be wired to the home tele­phone if Telco service was used (shown in the wiring diagram examples).
Note: Some control panels may require a different dura-
tion than the default time of 3 minutes. See also the alter­nate supervision method described below, "Telco Line to
Alarm Panel Supervision (For Primary Mode Only)".
Supervision Time Schedule Considerations
If a status change (alarm trouble, etc.) is transmitted, the ra-
dio supervision timer is restarted.
For example, if a status change is sent, the next regular su-
pervision transmission will occur at the interval determined by your rate plan.
Telco Line to Alarm Panel Supervision
A 10K ohm resistor (5% tolerance) can be placed across the "house side" of the telephone line circuit (see wiring diagrams). Use this resistor instead of using a relay on the alarm control panel to trip an input on the radio to supervise the connection between the alarm control panel telco circuit and the radio.
REMEMBER: Enable the feature " Tip / Ring Wiring Fault Report" in the NOC ( to supervise the telephone line connection to the control panel.
StarLink™ Connect SLECDMA-CB Series Alarm Communicators -- Installation Instructions 5
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