The NAPCOFreedom Deadbolt-Activated Home ProtectionSystem, arevolutionary newconcept in residentialsecurity,com-bines intuitiveinteractivearming witha passive disarmingscheme,providingasystem whichis not only effortlessto use,but also100%false alarm resistant duringthe critical arming and disarmingsequences.
The system is armed with a simple pushof a button(Lor M) onthe F-TPTouchpadcontrol module,followed bythe
locking of the home’s deadbolt. To disarm, simply unlock thedeadbolt.
The microprocessor controlledF-TPTouch-pad receives information regarding thestatus of the deadbolt and doorthroughits integralreceiver,from the F-LTRANS wireless transmitterand anintegral PIR sensor toensurefool-proof operation.
The F-LTRANS wirelesstransmitterdeter-mines the status ofthe deadbolt (locked orunlocked) throughthe F-TAB deadboltsensor,which isinstalled in the deadbolt strike hole. Thedoorstatus(open or closed) is supplied to the F-LTRANS wirelesstransmitter via a reedswitch ordoorcontactsensor (notprovided) wiredinto it.This information istransmittedtothe wireless re-ceiver insidethe F-TPTouchpad, andis used toarmand/or disarm the system.Therearenomov-ing parts inthe F-TAB deadbolt sensor tobreakorwear out; itsadaptiveinductivesystem ensures trouble freeuse.Ifthe position ofthe bolt inthedeadboltstrike holechangesovertime due to thedoorsagging, deadbolt replacement, etc.,theF-TPTouchpad microprocessor will automatically ac-count for, and make, the necessary adjustments for thesechanges.
The F-TP Touchpad’s integral wide-angle PIR motionsensoracts as an occupancy sensorthat provides the microprocessor with activityinformation whichprevents the userfrom making er-rors duringthecritical exitand entryperiods. Forexample,iftheUser presses the AWAY button,opens andclosesthedoor andlocks thedeadboltbut does not leave,thePIR will sensetheUser’s presence in the homeand automatically default toSTAYmode arming, preventing a false alarm.
Ifthe system is armedintheAWAY mode, the F-TPTouch-pad PIR will generate an alarm if an intruderis detected.After anintruder has been detected,the system may only besilenced byinsertingtheF-IFOBdigitalkey intothe F-IFOB slot ontheF-TPTouchpad.
By allowing this level ofsystemcontrol without traditionalnumeric keypad interaction, theNAPCOFreedomSystem willpro-vide asignificantreductionin falsealarmsdue to usererrorandalso provide comfortable useofthesystemtothose customerswhose technophobic tendencies would preventthemfromarming
and disarming the systemusing a traditional keypad.
The NAPCO Freedom System is also designedto preventthe armingofthe alarm system if all deadbolts are not engaged, a high security featurenormally found only invery elaborate high-end installations.
The F-TPTouchpadincorporates anintegral RFreceiver.This receiverreceivestransmissionsONLYfrom the F-LTRANSwirelesstransmitter (no other transmitterswillwork withthisre-ceiver).Thesystemusestwo different frequencies toreduce"nulls" andprevent noise on asinglefrequencyfrom disrupting
communication. Rolling codes are alsoused to prevent transmissions frombeingrecorded and re-transmittedto defeat the system.The minimumfree air distance is about600feet,but wallsand other obstructions maysignificantlyreduce this distance. ThePrimarytransmittershouldnever have arange problem as itshouldbeplaced withinthe sameroomas the F-TPTouch-pad as requiredfor theintegralPIR toprotect the interior deadbolt latch. However, the signal rangeshould be taken into accountwhen consideringtheuseof a second transmitter tooptionallyprotect a second door
The NAPCO Freedom System utilizesthehome’sexisting deadboltsand requiresonly thatthe F-TABdeadbolt sensor be installedinto the deadboltstrike hole in thedoorjamb. This sensorenablesthesystemtodetect the statusof thedeadbolt and
iscompatiblewith all ¾" diameterdeadbolts with a5/8" throworgreater.Simplyremove the strikeplateand dust cup,run the2conductor wire fromthe deadbolt hole to a F-LTRANSwireless transmitter,and insert theF-TABdeadboltsensor intothestrike hole.The F-TPTouchpad installs on a 4-wire bus andalsoincludesan integralsiren that produces 85dB(at 10feet) asre-quired forULResidential Burglar andFire. The Touchpaddoes not haveto be located nexttothe door, butcan be mounted any-where that allowsthe integral PIRto protect the door latch, andallows theuser tohearthe siren chirpwhenexiting andarmingAWAY.The F-LTRANSwireless transmitter is typically mountedadjacent to thedoorframe. It maybemountedhighenough tobeunobtrusive, yet accessiblefor inspection and battery replacement.
The F-TPTouchpad includes 1 optional on-board input foran auxiliary devicesuchasa motion sensor, glass-break detector or other device.In less timethan ittakesto install a traditionalkey-pad, thiscomprehensive module consistingof the Touchpad, deadbolt sensor, door contact, motionsensorandsiren can beinstalled.
Thismanual containsthe Installation Instructionsfor the F-TPTouchpad, F-TABdeadboltsensorand the F-LTRANSwirelesstrans-
mitter.It is intendedto beused in conjunction withtheF-8Panel InstallationInstructions (WI1431)
and the F-8 Panel Programming Instructions (WI1432).
an acoustic glass-break sensor (connected to the F-TP Touchpad
Aux. Zone) should be installed to insure the integrity of the system.
The F-TP Touchpad is powered by the keypad bus of the
F-8 Control Panel. Each F-TP Touchpad draws 55mA (nominal)
at 12V DC and an additional 105mA in alarm. Deduct these values from the system standby current, as described in the wiring
The wireless Freedom system can include up to two F-TP
Touchpads, and each wireless Touchpad can include up to two
F-LTRANS wireless transmitters supervising two doors.
IMPORTANT: For a single F-TP Touchpad installation
with two doors protected by two transmitters, one transmitter
must be configured as a Primary (NO shunt connector installed
into the address jumper) and the other transmitter must be configured as a Secondary (with the shunt connector installed). The
Primary transmitter should always be installed to protect the door
most often used to ARM the system and EXIT the premises. The
Secondary transmitter should be used to protect a second door
that will be used only for ENTRY (or to disarm when armed Stay).
Although the Secondary door can, in theory, be used as an
exit door, to do so you must always be certain the Primary door
deadbolt is locked before arming, thus defeating the foolproof
nature of the Freedom system. The Ready light will NOT indicate
the status of the Primary door deadbolt (the Ready light will
ONLY indicate the status of the Secondary door deadbolt).
Therefore, pressing Away and exiting through the Secondary
door (with the Primary door deadbolt remaining unlocked) will
result in the system automatically reverting to an unarmed state
after the exit delay expires. As a result, the homeowner should
be instructed to use the door protected by the Secondary transmitter FOR ENTRY ONLY (or to disarm when armed Stay).
Similarly, with a single F-TP Touchpad installation with
one exit door protected by one transmitter, the Ready light will
always be on regardless of the position of the protected deadbolt.
This is designed to allow the arming of the system with the exit
door open.
Furthermore, because the Touchpad integral PIR may not
always be able to supervise the Secondary transmitter, care must
be taken to ensure an intruder can not disarm the system by turning the deadbolt latch at the Secondary transmitter. Using an
additional PIR to generate an alarm before the intruder can turn
the deadbolt latch may not be sufficient (standard PIR’s false
alarm features may cause it to take too long to detect an intruder).
Additional perimeter and/or interior intruder detection devises,
such as window foil, glass breaks or additional PIR’s, may be required to ensure the intruder will be detected by the system before the deadbolt latch at the Secondary transmitter can be
thrown. Note: If the Secondary transmitter deadbolt is unlocked,
the READY light will be out; if the READY light is out when attempting to arm the system, all monitored deadbolts (except at
the primary door) must be examined and locked before the system can be armed.
Test the Secondary Transmitter
The Secondary transmitter should always be tested prior to
installation, as follows: After installing and learning the Primary
transmitter, place the Secondary transmitter in the selected
mounting location and remove the cover. Remove the F-TP
Touchpad from its backplate and have someone observe the receiver LED as the Secondary transmitter tamper switch is
pressed and released. The receiver LED should flicker several
times. If it does not, try another mounting location. If a location
cannot be found, a second F-TP Touchpad must be used.
When learning transmitters into the F-TP Touchpad receiver, it is necessary to keep the Touchpad faceplate open in
order to examine the receiver LED and operate the Mode button
(with a pen tip). There are three receiver Modes: Learn Mode,
Replace Mode, and Clear Mode.
Learn Mode
Learn Mode allows the learning of the first transmitter detected by the receiver. To make learning transmitters as easy as
possible, when power is first applied to the F-TP Touchpad, the
receiver LED flashes rapidly, indicating the Touchpad receiver is
in Learn Mode. The LED not flashing upon power-up indicates
the presence of a previously learned transmitter within the Touchpad receiver. In Learn Mode, you cannot re-learn a transmitter that has previously been learned. You will either need to clear
ALL data from the receiver, or add a second transmitter to the
• To clear all data, refer to the Clear Mode section below.
• To learn a Secondary transmitter, press the Mode Button to
re-start Learn Mode (the LED will begin to flash rapidly) and
a Secondary transmitter can be learned. See page 5, step
17 for this procedure.
Learn Mode is used when installing new systems, or adding a
new Secondary transmitter to an existing system.
Replace Mode
Replace Mode is used when an existing transmitter within
an existing system must be replaced. Replace Mode allows a
new transmitter to replace (overwrite) existing transmitter data.
To enter Replace Mode, start in Learn Mode (rapid flashing), then
press the Mode Button again (with a pen tip) and the receiver will
slowly flash. This slowly flashing LED indicates the receiver is in
Learn Mode. The receiver will overwrite either the Primary or
Secondary transmitter data, depending on the state of the transmitter shunt connector (if the shunt connector is removed from the
address jumper, the Primary transmitter will be overwritten; if the
shunt connector is placed on the address jumper, the Secondary
transmitter will be overwritten).
Clear Mode
You can erase ALL pre-existing transmitter data from the
receiver Touchpad at any time. Simply press and hold the Mode
Button (about 6 seconds--use a pen tip) until the LED turns on
steady. (While holding the Mode Button, the LED will flash rapidly--after about 6 seconds the LED will then turn on steady). Release the button and the LED will resume flashing rapidly, indicating the receiver is once again in Learn Mode with all pre-existing
data erased.
Primary and Secondary Transmitters
The Primary transmitter that is located in
the same room as the Touchpad is designated as "Transmitter #1", and its jumper must NOT be installed.
If there is a Secondary transmitter installed ("Transmitter #2"), it MUST have
a shunt on the Address jumper.
Jumper not install ed
Jumper installed
Installing the NAPCO F-TP Touchpad, F-TAB Deadbolt Sensor and the F-LTRANS wireless transmitter
Open the F-TP
Touchpad. Remove
the front of the
Touchpad housing by inserting a screwdriver into
the (2) slots in the bottom
of pad. Twist screwdriver
to remove cover.
Cut access hole
Install (4)wall anchorsand cut
access hole in wall. Pull 4 con-ductor bus wire from F-8 Panel intoopening. If necessary, remove a smallamount of insulation in the hole. Besure that the hole is located to allowthe antenna wire to be positionedstraight down as shown.
Warning:Use caution when cuttingholes. Theremay be high voltagewiring in the wall. Wood beams may obstruct the antenna installation. Chose the location carefully.
Future Location
of antenna wire
(to be kept
Mark the holes.
The F-TP Touchpadcan be mounted
anywhere, provided its PIR directlysupervises thedeadbolt latch on the pro-tected door.Note: Select a location thatwill allowtheantenna to be positionedstraightdown as shown inStep 3.
Place the template against the selectedwallat a height of approx. 60" (to the top ofthe Touchpad).
Markor punch through the 4 oval mountingholes and the wire access opening.
Make Connections and
Create Service Loop
Punch holes with an awl in
the F-TP Touchpad base fitting
the wire sizes used. Pull wires
through base. Secure base to
wall. Wire to F-TP Touchpad
using wiring diagram as a guide.
Push all excess wire back into
wall leaving a short loop (about
3”-4”) of slack wires for service
purposes. Test fit the cover, but
do not secure.
Use only an F-TAB deadbolt sensor as shown be-
Remove the strike plate
Remove the two screws
securing the deadbolt
strike plate to the door
frame. If there is a dust cup
installed, it must be removed.
Strike Plate
Door Frame
F-TAB deadbolt sensor
Test fitthe F-TAB sensor
into the deadboltstrike hole.
Forincreased kick-in protec-tion, place the sensor"tab" closer to theinside(protected) side of theprem-ises. Determine if thedead-bolt holewill need enlarging.
The F-TABsensor requiresa
depthof approximately 1".Inaddition, onesideof thedeadbolt holemust beenlarged toaccommodate the sensor "tab".
Place "tab" closer to the
inside (prot ected) sid e of the
premises. The "tab" side of
the deadbolt hole must be
enlarged if necessary.
Enlarge thedeadbolt hole us-
ing the supplied drilling guide.Securethe drilling guideto the bolthole using the strikeplate screws.With a ¼"bit, hold the drill level anddrill through the (2) holes of theguidematching the locationofthe sensor"tab" to a depth ofapproximately1½".
Remove thedrill guidewhen done.
The template is usedas aguide for enlarging theexisting deadbolt hole.
To increase the depthof thedead-bolt hole, use a 1" spade bit
Remove the remainingwood fromthedeadbolt hole opening using a rotarywoodrasp. The opening must not obstruct theinstalled F-TAB deadbolt sensor or the closed deadbolt.
Locate the F-LTRANS
wireless transmitter:
Mount the F-LTRANS inside a
drop ceiling, above the door
frame, or in any location suitable
for the installation (see illustration
for possible locations). Using its
mounting base as a template,
mark the mounting holes and wire
access hole (leaving at least ¾"
from the edge of the door molding
to allow for the greater width of the
F-LTRANS case). Drill the wire
access hole as necessary.
Drill access hole for
F-TAB sensor
Drill a 3/8” hole in the deadbolthole (A) for a two conductorwire to be run from the F-TAB deadboltsensor to the edge ofthe doorjamb. From this point,the wirecan emergefromthewalland be placed next to the door jamb or can continue through the wall to the F-LTRANS wirelesstransmitter,as necessary.
Install Recessed Door
The door contact sensorwiresmustbe connected tothe F-LTRANS wirelesstransmitter.
Insert wire snake into the F-LTRANSwire accesshole andout through thedoor contact sensor hole in the doorframe.Connect theend ofthesensorwires tothe wire snake andpullwiresinto door frame and out the F-LTRANSwire access holein wall.
Drill Door Contact Hole
Drilla hole (B) fora 3/8” re-cesseddoor contact sensor.Tomaintain Door Kick-in Protection,the sensor must be placed onthe"latch side" of the insidedoorframe or the topof thedoor frame (header).Install the door contact magnetinto the door.When thedoorisclosed, themagnet must be adjacent tothesensor.Warning:When drilling through door frame, alwaysstayclear of highvoltage wiringwhichmay be present inthe wall cavity.
Install F-TAB
deadbolt sensor
Using a wire snake, pull
wire from the deadbolt
strike hole and into the FLTRANS wire access
hole in wall. Place the FTAB sensor into deadbolt
hole. If the plastic F-TAB
sensor flanges protrude
past the area covered by
the strike plate, it may be
trimmed with a knife (see
(cut to
Flange (cut to size)
Place "tab" closer to the
inside (protected) side of
the premises.
Install strike plate
Place strike plate over
the F-TAB deadbolt
sensor. Align properly over
screw holes and punch
through the plastic
flange of the F-TAB
deadbolt sensor with an
awl or other sharp tool. Replace the 2 screws to secure
the strike plate. Ensure that
the F-TAB deadbolt sensor
hole is centered in the strike
plate opening.
Install the F-LTRANS
(Note: Do NOT install battery until
wiring is complete). Mount the Transmitter base (screws provided) with all wires
from the wall hidden under the Transmitter. Wire the F-LTRANS as follows:
• Twist together one wire from the F-TAB
deadbolt sensor and one from the door
contact and screw into center terminal.
• Insert remaining F-TAB deadbolt sen-
sor wire into left terminal and secure.
• Insert the remaining door contact wire
into the right terminal and secure.
Do NOT install the Transmitter cover.
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