CICP1300 2 Door Intelligent Controller
(requires optional 2M board) and you have a 2-reader network panel
capable of storing 125,000 card-holders.
Up to 63 CIC Intelligent Controllers (MicroTerm, MiniTerm, SmarTerm,
SuperTerm, Turbo SuperTerm or Super-Two) can be intermixed on the
same communications port. Ports with only the Turbo Superterm and
the Super-Two can communicate with the server at 57.6 Kbps. Multiple
communication networks (ports) can be connected to the CardAccess®
server (or to multiple CardAccess® communication servers) for
maximum system expansion and faster communications between the
controllers and the server(s). Controller communication choices include:
hardwire (repeat or multi-drop mode), LAN/WAN, dial-up or fiber optics
for maximum flexibility. Continental Instruments supports RS-232 and
RS-422 communication formats for optimal system configuration.
In addition to memory expansion capabilities, the Super-Two will
accept up to three input/output expansion boards. The input and output
expansion boards are mounted in a separate enclosure(s) within 24
The two-reader Super-Two (CICP-1300) supports 2 readers
and has 8 inputs, 1 tamper alarm and 5 relay outputs. A
locking steel enclosure, power supply and 7AH battery are
included. Plug-in network interface, memory expansion,
X-Y matrix keypad support and input/output expansion
are optional. In addition to power for the controller and
two readers, 1.2A at 12VDC is provided for accessories,
including power strikes and mag-locks.
Super-Two is an expandable intelligent controller capable of supporting
all access control functions for one or two doors. This distributed
processor-based controller will operate as a standalone unit in the event
communications with the server are interrupted. The Super-Two is
programmed via Continental Instruments Corp CardAccess® software
program, a Windows based access control, security management and
video integration solution. Once programmed, the controller does not
require continuous server communications, as it automatically stores
systems transactions in its internal memory. The Super-Two’s memory
is field expandable, allowing for greater cardholder populations and/or
a larger transaction buffer. The controller’s Flash EPROM firmware
is easily upgraded when additional features or system enhancements
are required. All Continental Instruments’ controllers feature extensive
multi-stage lightning/transient protection on-board for maximum
reliability, even in harsh environments. The Super-Two accepts industry
standard Weigand output devices and supports virtually all card/reader
technologies. Proximity, Smart, Biometric, Magnetic Stripe, Barcode,
Weigand and Keypad readers are easily connected and controlled. The
Super-Two can store multiple (up to 10) card bit formats in its internal
memory, making it a cost-effective retrofit panel. Supporting multiple
bit formats allows existing card populations and readers to remain in
place when upgrading to the Super-Two controller.
To allow the Super-Two to be the most advanced and most flexible panel
to date, Continental Instruments has integrated a Network Interface
(optional) to allow the Super-Two to be directly connected to a localarea-network (LAN). Combine that with a total of 2.5M of memory
inches of the Super-Two enclosure. One Alarm/Relay Expander Board
provides 16 supervised inputs and 16 relay outputs.
Super-Two Capacities
Cards 20,000 standard (expandable to 125,000)
Readers 2 (Weigand output)
Keypads Support for 2 Weigand or X-Y matrix
(optional interface required)
Reader’s w/keypad Simultaneous support for 2 Weigand readers +
2 Weigand keypads or 2 X-Y Matrix keypads
X-Y matrix keypad interface Optional (required for X-Y matrix Keypads)
Standard Memory 512KB (upgradeable)
Memory expansion 2 MB optional (CIC P1300XYB2)
Network interface plug-in 10-100 base T optional (CICE-PNETBD)
Standard Inputs 8 Supervised
Expanded Inputs 48 Additional inputs (Supervised)
Standard Outputs 5 Form C rated at 2.5A@24VDC/VAC
Expanded Outputs 48 Additional Form C rated at 3A@24VDC/VAC
Transaction Buffer 1000 standard (expandable to145,000)
Time Schedules 255
Access Groups 1,000
Holidays 100
Power Input 120VAC/60Hz to 230VAC/50Hz
Power per reader 100mA@5VDC, 200mA@12VDC
Accessory Power 1.2A@12VDC available for powering
strikes,mag-locks and other accessories
Battery Backup 7AH 4-6 hours(included)
Enclosure Size 20”H x 16” Wand 3.5” D, 23 lbs.
UL Listing;CUL Listing UL 294, CSA C22.2
Continental Instruments, Division of Napco Security Group • 355 Bayview Ave., Amityville, NY 11701
(631) 842-9400 • FAX (631) 842-9135 www.cicaccess.com GSA GS-07F-00039H A494A

To allow the Super-Two to be the most advanced and most
Door Contact
Door Strike
Required if server is not located
RS422 Repeat Mode Communications Network
' max. distance between controllers.
Up to 63 controllers on a Repeat Mode Network.
Door Lock
Power Supply
RS422 to Panels
RS422 Multi-drop Mode Communications Network
4000' overall max. distance. Up to 63 controllers on a Multi-drop Mode Network.
Instruments llc
ard Reader
to Exit
equired after every ten (10) Controllers placed on a multi-drop network.
NOTE: Request to Exit motion detectors will require
an additional 12VDC power cable. Exit devices are
typically mounted on the egress side of door.
RS422 Repeat Mode Communications Network
' max. distance between controllers.
Up to 63 controllers on a Repeat Mode Network.
flexible panel to date, Continental Instruments has integrated
a Network Interface (optional) to allow the Super-Two to be
directly connected to a local-area-network. Combine that with
a total of 2.5M of memory (requires optional 2M board) and
you have a network panel capable of storing 125,000 cardholders.
In addition to the rechargable standby battery, each Super-two
includes a on-board lithium battery for up to one year of data
UL294 (Access Control System Unit)
Typical Door Configuration
See Continental Instruments Configuration Guide for
additional detailed system wiring information.
Superterm-8 Components
QTY. Part No. Description
NOTE: A maximum of 3 Expansion Boards may be added to a Super-Two panel. Requires additional enclosure.
CICP1300 Two (2) reader processing panel (for
use with CA3000 V 2.0.25 and above)
512K memory standard upgradable
to 2.5M total memory capacity with
up to a 125,000 card capacity, 8 EOL
supervised alarm inputs, tamper, 5
Relay outputs. Support for on-board
LAN adapter, 57.6Kps, 6 Access
Groups per card-holder Unit shipped
complete in a lockable steel enclosure
including battery standby for memory
and system operation UL294 and CUL
CICP1300BD Same as above-Circuit Board Only
Optional interface when using 7-wire
X-Y matrix keypads with the Supertwo (not required for keypad with
wiegand output)
FOR SUPERTWO - up to 125,000
card capacity
FOR SUPERTWO - Optional plug-in
adapter for communicating with the
Super-Two over TCP/IP(LAN/WAN).
Optional board adds 16 supervised
inputs and 16 relay outputs.
Continental Instruments, A Napco Security Group Company • 355 Bayview Ave., Amityville, NY 11701
(631) 842-9400 • FAX (631) 842-9135 www.cicaccess.com GSA GS-07F-00039H
CardAccess® and CI SQL 3000™ are trademarks of Continental/NAPCO. © Continental Instruments/NAPCO, 2003.
CICP1300 Two Door intelligent Controller
Continental Instrument’s Controllers can connect to the
CardAccess Server via hardwire (shown below), LAN/WAN
dial-up modem or fiber optics. See the CIC Configuration
Guide for additional detailed system information.