The SoundSpace™ 5 Stereo Music System for Your Personal Space
The i nve ntive mind s of Nak amich i hav e c ombin ed th eir lege ndary abiliti es in
stere oph onic repro duc tion with sensi tiv ity t o you r need f or "g etawa y"
personal space. The result is SoundSpace 5, a stereo music system designed
for personal stereo satisfaction in places where full-sized audio co mponents
are n ot appro priat e.
Sound Spa ce 5 is idea l for the librar y, office, ki tchen or bedro om - anyplac e
you w ant to b e alo ne with your music .
Impre ssi ve So und Q ualit y, Stun ning Desig n
The remarkable SoundSpace 5 system delivers stereo reproduction that rivals
the conc ert-h all qual ity of ful l-siz ed Nakam ichi com ponen ts. Its th ree units,
style d i n con tempo rar y bru shed metal an d acr ylic, ar e des igned to b e
arran ged in a vari ety of w ays - stan din g, ti lted like eas el fr ames, or even
hung on the w all. Cha rcoal , blu e or gre en sp eaker gr illes are
Up to 3 discs can be conveniently loaded without
the use of trays or magazines.
The m ain unit hous es a Mus icBan k™ 3- disc CD ch anger, FM /AM t uner and prea mplif ier.
Funct ion cont rol b uttons a re ar range d c onven ientl y o n the top panel . A front wind ow allow s
you t o s ee th e ope ration o f the chan ger, whic h can be illu minat ed subtl y in blue or amber
(user se lecta ble).
The MusicBank changer need s no magazine , and is as e asy to load as a single-disc CD pla yer.
It pe rmi ts fa st, s afe d isc hand ling and neve r tou ches the disc ’s playi ng su rfa ce. T his c hanger
allow s f ull c ontro l o ver p layba ck fu nct ions, incl uding al l-dis c mem ory play, ra ndom pla y, a ll
repea t a nd me mory rep eat p lay.
Nakam ich i’s FM/A M tun er pr ovi des f or pr ese tting of 2 0 FM and 10 A M sta tions as well as
conve nie nt pr eset scan or seek tunin g. A high -perf orm ance quart z synthe sis t uning sy stem
provi des stab le, h igh -qual ity r ecept ion .
Left and righ t spe akers ha ve be en de vel oped espec ial ly fo r thi s sys tem , usi ng Na kamic hi’ s
exten siv e exp ertis e in hig h-end audi o s ystem s. Th e spe ake rs in corpo rat e the ir ow n power
ampli fie rs, a nd ea ch has a 2.5c m sem i-d ome t ype t wee ter a nd a 10 cm co ne-ty pe
midra nge /bass unit . T he po wer a mplif ier s are indi vid ually opti miz ed fo r the spea ker s the y
must dri ve, p ermit tin g sup erb r eproduct ion o f ste reo imag es an d wide d ynami c ran ge. Ti me
delay ha s bee n eli min ated throu ghout th e fre quenc y r ange to re ali ze cl ean, power ful soun d
previ ous ly un imagi nab le in a co mpact sy stem.
Three different colour grilles
are included to coordinate
with your decor.
Numerous Features
The SoundSp ace 5 provi des optical dig ital output for
supplying CD signals to an MD recorder. There are RCA
Analog inputs and outputs plus
an optical digital output provide
interface options.
input and o utput conne ctor s for a cas sette deck and
RCA A UX input connec tors for vi deo source inte rface.
The RCA-typ e subwoofer out put permits connection of
an addition al subwoofer wi th a built- in low-pass fil ter
for dynamic sound repr oduc tion. Use o f headphone s
automatical ly mutes th e speakers.
The main wi reless remote c ontrol unit engages al l th e
functions o f the Sound Space 5, includ ing disc ej ect.
The seconda ry remote u nit controls ma jor functio ns
75 and 300 ohm antenna
and allows blind key o pera tion.
inclu ded for coord ina tion with any r oom deco r.
Ea se l- sty led sup por ts all ow Sou ndS pac e 5 to be an gle d
wh en f ree st an di ng. K ey hol es a re pro vid ed on eac h u nit
fo r wa ll- mou nt in g.
CD Player 3-disc MusicBank system
D/A Converter 20-bit dual D/A converter with
8-times oversampling digital filter
Total Harmonic Distortion 0.005% or less (1kHz, 0dB)
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Better than 95 dB (IHF A-WTD)
Dynamic Range Better than 95 dB
Channel Separation Better than 90 dB
Inputs 2 (Tape, Aux)
Recording Output 1 (Tape)
Subwoofer Output 1
Optical Recording Output 1 (CD signal only)
Headphone Output 40mW / 40 ohms
Tone Controls
Bass 20 Hz ± 10dB
Midrange 1 kHz ± 10dB
Treble 20 kHz ± 10dB
Loudness 100 Hz + 7 dB / 10 kHz + 5 dB
FM Frequency Range
USA / Canada 87.5 - 107.9 MHz in 200-kHz steps
Other Areas 87.5 - 108.0 MHz in 50-kHz steps
AM Frequency Range
USA / Canada 530 - 1,710 kHz in 10-kHz steps
Other Areas 530 - 1,710 kHz in 10-kHz steps or
531 - 1,602 kHz in 9-kHz steps
Speaker Units
Bass / Midrange Driver 10 cm round cone type
Tweeter 2.5 cm semi-dome type
Enclosure Bass reflex type
Power Source AC 120V, 60 Hz or
AC 110-220V or 220-240V
(AC adaptor provided)
Main Unit 220(W) x 270(H) x 94(D) mm
8-11/16(W) x 10-5/8(H) x 3.11/16(D) in.
Speaker Unit 220(W) x 270(H) x 95(D) mm
8-11/16(W) x 10-5/8(H) x 3.11/16(D) in.
All control functions and disc loading slot are
located on top of the main unit.
Authorised Distributor’s Stamp
Full-function and simple
remote control supplied
*Dimensions do not include protruding parts. Height is panel height.
Specifications and design are subject to change for further improvement without notice.
Nakamichi SoundSpace and MusicBank are trademarks of Nakamichi Corporation.