NAT05 XS Operation
5.1 Front Panel Buttons and Handset Keys
The NAT05 XS can be operated either from its front panel
buttons or from the remote handset (switched to tuner
mode). The handset also provides control of station preset
memory and recall facilities. Section 6.1.3 describes preset
memory and recall. The front panel buttons and handset
keys operate as follows (handset keys are shown in
mode: Toggles the tuner through three operational
modes: frequency, scan and preset. Preset
mode is covered further in Section 6.1.3.
down: In frequency mode, the down button or left (3)
(3) key adjusts tuning frequency downwards in
50kHz steps or continuously if held.
In scan mode, the down button or left (3) key
causes the tuner to “scan” down the FM band
searching for signals above a preset level. The
tuner will stop at each tuned station and, using
the remote handset, the option to store the
station as a preset will be available (see Section
6.1.3). If no satisfactory signals are found during
the first scan, a second scan at a lower preset
signal level will automatically commence.
In preset mode, the down button or left (3)
key causes the tuner to step sequentially down
through previously stored stations.
up: Controls the tuner in a similar manner to the
(4) down button and left (3) key.
mono: Combines the left and right channels to
(mon) produce a mono output signal. Switching to
mono can reduce background noise with weak
stereo signals. The mono setting is stored when a
station is saved as a preset.
Note: The front panel mono button indicator will illuminate
when mono is selected.
5.2 Output Socket Selection
A pair of RCA-phono output sockets are fitted on the
NAT05 XS rear panel to provide an alternative to the
preferred DIN socket. Proceed as follows to select the RCAphono sockets.
Press and hold the remote handset mode key (handset
in tuner mode), or the front panel mode button, until
the mode button indicator flashes. Further operations
of the mode key or button will now cycle through each
combination of the two socket types (DIN only, RCA-phono
5 NAT05 XS Operation
Once the NAT05 XS is installed and all connections are secure it can be switched on. If an
upgrade power supply is connected this should be switched on first. After switch-on the
tuner will remain muted for 25 seconds while control systems and circuits stabilise. During
this time all four front panel buttons will illuminate.
only or both). The selected option is indicated on the tuner
display as shown below:
Socket Option Tuner Display
Both O
To avoid compromised sound quality, do not select both
socket types unless their simultaneous use is unavoidable.
Press and hold the mode key or button a second time to
exit from socket selection mode. Socket selection mode
will automatically exit after five minutes if no key or button
is pressed.
5.3 Front Display and Indicators
The NAT05 XS front panel display and indicators provide
visual feedback on tuner operation.
Displays tuned frequency, selected preset number or “--”
indicating that no preset number is allocated to a specific
tuned frequency. Allocation of tuned frequencies to preset
numbers is covered in Section 6.1.3.
stereo: Indicates that both a stereo signal is received and
stereo operation is selected.
freq: Indicates that the tuner is operating in frequency
scan: Indicates that the tuner is operating in scan
preset: Indicates that the tuner is operating in preset
5.4 Fault Conditions
The NAT05 XS will indicate that a power supply or link plug is
incorrectly installed by flashing all four front panel buttons.
The output of the tuner will be muted in this state.
If the mains voltage drops too far below its nominal level
the tuner output will be muted and all four front panel
buttons will illuminate. After the mains voltage recovers
there will be a 2 second delay before the output returns to