PPoowweerrMMuusstt 665500 OOffffiiccee
PPoowweerrMMuusstt 665500 OOffffiiccee
USB 2.0
Ø Surge-type UPS for home and office use
Ø Microprocessor control for high reliability
Ø Built-in USB port
Ø Protection for modem, phone line & network
Ø Audible Alarm in case of abnormal conditions
Ø Free Software-CD
Ø Intelligent Battery Management
Ø Easy handling
Product Type Uninterrupted power supply / surge protection
Capacity 650 VA / 390 W
Input Voltage Range 120 VAC or 220/230/240 VAC
Phase Single
Output Voltage Range 120 VAC or 220/230/240 VAC ± 10%
Output Wave Form Modified Sine Wave
Frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz ± 1 Hz
Transfer Time 2 – 6 ms
Type / No 12 V 7 Ah x 1 pc
Recharging Time 24 h up to 90 % after complete discharge
Backup Time
(for 1 PC with 17" monitor)
Indicator LED : Power On, Backup Mode
Audible Alarm
Battery Mode 1 alert signal every 10 seconds
Battery Low 1 alert signal every 2 seconds
Battery Replacement 1 alert signal every 2 seconds
Malfunction Continuous Tone
Protection Deep Discharge/ Overcharge & Short Circuit
Dimensions 297 x 192 x 90 mm
Weight 6.2 kg
NEMA type 6 outlets (2 for bypass, 4 for backup)
Schuko type 4 outlets (1 for bypass, 3 for backup)
French type 4 outlets (1 for bypass, 3 for backup)
Temperature 0 C° - 40 C°
Humidity 20 % ~ 90 %
Interface USB port;
Accessory USB cable, User Manual, Installation Guide, Software
MMuusstteekk OOppttiicc--CCoommppuutteerr && CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall GGmmbbH
HHaannsseemmaannnnssttrr.. 6633,, DD--4411446688 NNeeuussss TTeell..:: ++4499 ((00))22113311 11662266--00 FFaaxx:: ++4499 ((00))22113311 110033883300 wwwwww..mmuusstteekk..ddee
18 minutes
Protection; RJ 45 Modem/Telephone Protection x 3
Windows b95/98/NT/2000/ME/XP, Novell, Linux
All specifications are subject to change without notice