Muratec IF-200 User Manual

Office Bridge IF-200 Internet Fax Machine
IF-200 Operating Instructions
Copyright © 2001 Muratec. All Rights Reserved. All contents of this document are subject to change without notice and do not represent a commitment on the part of Muratec. Every
effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information. However, due to ongoing product improvements and revisions, Muratec cannot guarantee the accuracy of this material, nor can it accept responsibility for errors or omissions. No warranties of any nature are extended by the information contained in these copyrighted materials. Use or implementation of any one of the concepts, applications, or ideas described in this document or on Web pages maintained by Muratec-may infringe one or more patents or other intellectual property rights owned by third parties. Muratec does not condone or encourage such infringement. Muratec makes no warranty with respect to such infringement, nor does Muratec waive any of its own intellectual property rights which may cover systems implementing one or more of the ideas contained herein. Procurement of appropriate intellectual property rights and licenses is solely the responsibility of the system implementer. The software referred to in this document is provided under a Software License Agreement. Refer to the Software License Agreement for complete details governing the use of the software.
All names, products, and services mentioned herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective organizations and are the sole pr operty of their res pective owners.
IF-200 from Muratec
Regulatory Information
Safety Symbols
Ringer Equivalen ce NOTICE: The Ringer Equivalence Number (RE N) assigned to each
The exclamation poi nt wi thin an equilateral tri angl e is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servi cing) instructions in the literature accompan ying the equipment.
The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol w i thin an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence o f uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure t hat may be of suffi cient magnitude to constitute a r isk of electric shock to persons. To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove cover (or back). No user-serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing t o qualified service per sonnel.
terminal device provides an indication of the maximum number o f terminals allowed to be connect ed to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may consist of any com bination of devices subject only to t he requirement that the sum of the Ringer Equivalence Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 5.
The REN of this device is 0.8B.
Additional Regulatory and Compliance Information can be found in Appendix B, Regulatory Information section of this guide.
Complies with Part 68, FCC Rules for Class A, Part 15. FCC Registration No.:
Ringer Equivalence No.: USOC: RJ11C Connecting Method UL compliance registration Industry Canada (CP-01, Part I, Section
IF-200 Installation and Operation Guide
(REN) 0.8B
To 885 10935 A
1. Introduction
Revised January, 2001
IF-200 from Muratec
1. Introduction
1.1. The Muratec Office Bridge IF-200 IP Fax System
The Muratec Office Bridge IF-200 captures the power of the Internet for fax users by sending fax documents over the Internet and corporate Intranets. The product converts fax documents into an e-mail format and sends them to any e-mail address, for both PC e­mail users and fax machines. The IF-200 allows you to take advantage of the vast reach and cost savings of the Internet for fax and e-mail capability. The IF-200 is simple to use. It connects in-line between the fax machine and the telephone line and directly to the LAN. A document is placed in the fax machine, the recipient's number is dialed on the fax machine, and the fax machine sends the document. The IF-200 intercepts the fax document, converts it into an e-mail format, and sends the e-mail document over an IP network or the Internet, to the recipient's e-mail address. The IF-200 also checks for e-mail messages you have received and downloads the messages to the fax machine for printing.
The IF-200 is compatible with all ITU Group 3 fax and multi-function devices. It automatically sends a fax over the public switched telephone network if it is unable to send it over an IP network or the Internet. The following terms are used in this guide:
E-Mail: Electronic mail, the method of transferring information over the Internet or
Mailbox: The e-mail address where you receive Internet faxes
LAN: Local Area Network through which you are connected to the Internet
Table of Contents
Regulatory Information..................................................................... 2
1. Introduction................................................................................ 4
1.1. The IF-200 IP Fax System ........................................................ 4
2. Installation.................................................................................. 7
2.1. Before You Begin..................................................................... 7
2.2. Connecting the IF-200 .............................................................. 7
2.2.1. First Time Setup................................................................ 7
3. Quick Start ................................................................................. 9
3.1. Front Panel Controls.................................................................9
3.2. Initial Setup............................................................................. 10
3.3. Entering Your ISP and Mailbox Information.......................... 11
3.4. Phone Book............................................................................. 13
3.4.1. Adding a Phone Book Entry (ADD)............................... 14
3.4.2. Editing a Phone Book Entry (EDIT).............................. 14
3.4.3. Sorting a Phone Book (SORT)....................................... 15
3.4.4. ESC ................................................................................. 15
1. Introduction
4. Using The IF-200...................................................................... 16
4.1. Sending a Fax.......................................................................... 16
4.1.1. Sending a Fax as E-mail.................................................. 16
4.1.2. Sending a Fax Over the Telephone Network.................. 16
4.2. Receiving a Fax....................................................................... 18
4.2.1. Receiving Conventional Fax Messages........................... 18
4.2.2. IP Network or Internet Faxes.......................................... 18
4.2.3. Automatic Routing of Fax Messages to Email ............... 19
5. Group Phone Book................................................................... 20
5.1. Adding, Editing or Deleting a Group...................................... 20
5.2. Viewing a Group Phone Book................................................ 20
5.3. Adding a Group Phone Book.................................................. 20
5.4. Editing a Group Phone Book.................................................. 21
5.5. Deleting a Group Phone Book................................................ 21
6. Updating Information After Setup......................................... 23
6.1. ISP/Mailbox Information........................................................ 23
6.2. System Settings....................................................................... 24
7. Advanced Settings.................................................................... 27
7.1. Expert Settings........................................................................ 27
7.2. Ping Network.......................................................................... 30
7.3. Delete Phone Book ................................................................. 30
7.3. Network Statistics................................................................... 30
7.5. Update Firmware..................................................................... 31
IF-200 from Muratec
7.6. Factory Defaults...................................................................... 31
7.7. Send Registration.................................................................... 32
8. Customer Service..................................................................... 33
2. Installation
2.1. Before You Begin
Remove the IF-200 from the box carefully and remove all packing material. Verify that you have the following items:
IF-200 product
AC adapter
Telephone line cord
Category 5 patch cable
Installation Guide and Operation Guide
2.2. Connecting the IF-200
All connections are made on the rear panel of the IF-200. Figure 1 illustrates the real panel of the IF-200.
Figure 1. Rear Panel
Make sure the IF-200 power switch is in the OFF position before making any
connections. To avoid any danger of shock from the telephone line, connect the
telephone line cord to the IF-200 before connecting it to the wall jack. Do not
install this equipment during lightning storms.
2.2.1. First Time Setup
1. If you are using an existing fax machine, unplug the telephone line cord from the
back of the fax machine (the one that goes to the telephone wall jack). Do not touch the metal contacts on the end of the cord. Now, plug that line cord into the “TEL LINE” jack on the back of the IF-200.
If you are installing your fax machine for the first time, plug the telephone line cord that came with your fax machine into the “TEL LINE” jack on the back of the IF-200. Plug the other end of the telephone cord into the RJ-11 telephone wall jack.
IF-200 from Muratec
2. Plug one end of the telephone line cord that came with the IF-200 into the “telco” or “line” jack on the fax machine. Plug the other end of the cord into the “FAX” connector on the IF-200 rear panel.
3. Plug one end of the Category 5 patch cable (supplied) into the LAN jack (RJ-45) on the rear panel of the IF-200. Connect the other end of the Category 5 Patch cable to the 10 Base T Ethernet connection. The green LED is lit when the IF-200 is connected to the network. The yellow LED lights up whenever there is activity across the LAN connection.
4. Plug the AC power adapter cord into the 12 VAC 1AMP connector on the IF-200 rear panel. Plug the adapter into a 110 VAC wall outlet.
3. Quick Start
3.1. Front Panel Controls
Before you begin using the IF-200, you must enter some information using the control keys and the keyboard. The front panel of the IF-200 contains a control panel, a four-line Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), and a computer-style keyboard.
4-Line LCD Panel
Control Keys
Help Key
Scroll Keys
Figure 2. Front Panel Controls
Table 1. Buttons
Softkeys These keys change function depending on the menu screen being displayed. Help Key Displays information about IF-200 screens. Four
Located below the Help key, these are used to move the cursor around the LCD display: up, down, right, left.
Keys Keyboard Enter mailbox, ISP and other setup information. The keyboard includes all
of the standard keys found on most PC keyboards.
Table 2 Control Keys
Receive Poll (call) the ISP and download new messages. Print Provide the option of printing the Phone Book, Journal, IF-200’s IP
Settings, or Help information. Resend Resend a message if there has been a transmission failure. Cancel Stop any current transmission action.
IF-200 from Muratec
3.2. Initial Setup
Step 1: Refer to the IF-200 Worksheet in Appendix A of this guide for the required information. Complete the Worksheet under "Settings for your ISP/Mailbox.” Your network system administrator can provide the data required to complete the worksheet. Step 2: After you have completed the IF-200 Worksheet, turn on the IF-200 using the power switch on the rear panel. The LCD screen shows messages. Follow the instructions on the LCD screen and use the keys on the front panel to enter information. After the IF­200 has been set up, the information remains in memory, even if the power is turned off.
After the power is turned on, the Welcome screen appears after a few seconds.
Press any key to start the setup process.
WELCOME to the world
of IP Fax Mail!
<Press any key>
Make sure your fax machine is connected
Connect FAX machine to FAX port on the IF-200
<Press any key>
to the IF-200. Press any key to continue the setup process.
If you have not already completed the
Print IF-200 worksheet detailing required ISP info? YES NO
Worksheet in the appendix of this guide, press YES to print out a Worksheet. If the Worksheet is completed, press NO and go to section 3.3, “Entering your ISP and Mailbox Information”.
If you pressed YES above, you see the
Did worksheet print OK?
screen shown to the left. Press YES if the Worksheet printed.* Press NO to try again.
*Using this blank Worksheet or the sample Worksheet in the back of this guide, ask your local LAN or IT administrator to provide the information requested. It will be required in the next section of this Guide to attach the IF-200 to the LAN.
3. Quick Start
3.3. Entering Your ISP and Mailbox Information
Once you have completed the Initial Setup and received the LAN information from your LAN administrator, the IF-200 asks you to input the LAN information in a series of screens. Use the keyboard to enter the information and press OK to move to the next screen. Use the ESC key to go back one screen.
Enter the current date and press OK.
Enter the current time and press OK.
0:00 AM
Enter the time zone for your geographic
Time Zone: GMT Greenwich
region. Scroll through the options using the PREV and NEXT soft keys, and press OK when the correct time zone is displayed.
From this point in the Setup sequence, please enter the LAN information from the Worksheet as provided by your LAN administrator.
Enter your mailbox name (the name you
MailBox Name: _
choose to refer to your mailbox, not your full e-mail address, up to 60 characters) and press OK.
The screens below request you to enter several IP addresses. The correct format of an IP address is: where x is a digit, 0 –9.
The dot, “ . “, is also part of the address and must be supplied when entering IP addresses.
Enter the Netmask IP Address from the
Netmask IP Address:
Worksheet and press OK.
IF-200 from Muratec
Enter the IP Address of gateway server
Gateway IP Address:
The IF-200 is capable of determining its
Enter the IP address of the Primary DNS
Primary DNS Addr:
Enter the IP address of the Secondary DNS
Secondary DNS Addr: 0
Enter the name or IP address of the SMTP
SMTP Server Address: _
Enter the name or IP address of the POP3
POP Server Address: _
Enter the name of the POP email account
POP Username: _
from the Worksheet and press OK.
own IP address (if supported by your LAN) using DHCP, RARP, an Auto Assign method or a Static IP (manual input from the keypad). Use the PREV and NEXT keys to select the method of determining the IF-200’s IP address.
server (Domain Name Server) from the Worksheet and press OK.
(Domain Name Server) from the Worksheet and press OK (this field is optional, to skip, leave blank and press OK).
(Simple Mail Transport Protocol server) from the Worksheet and press OK. This is how the IF-200 sends mail.
server (Point of Presence server) from the Worksheet and press OK. This is how the IF-200 receives mail.
for this IF-200 and press OK.
Enter the password for this email account.
POP Password: _
Re-enter the password for this email
POP Password: _ Re-enter password OK ESC
The IF-200 displays its email address based
Your E-Mail Address: **
account to ensure you know the password.
on your input. If this email address is correct, press OK. Otherwise, press ESC to correct the information.
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