Thank you for choosing MTX to help you reach your ultimate goal with your vehicle. The MTX JackHammer
enclosure has a true 22" subwoofer with power and performance beyond anything ever attempted in the
mobile audio world. This behemoth, is capable of handling 6,000 watts of RMS power. Designed for those
who want to show off the biggest woofer ever made no matter the price, the JackHammer will fi t into most
full-sized SUVs and some shorter models, like Escalades, with the third seat removed.
There are two versions of the JackHammer built for different applications. The SPL model (T9922-22) is
perfect for excessive bass and competition use, while the SQL model (T9922-44) offers increased sound
quality for “real life” listening. Both of these kits will work in the same motor for easy installation of either unit.
You can order either of these models or just a re-cone replacement kit for the other and switch between the
two without reinstalling the entire woofer. For more information, see the Piston Change (Re-cone Kit) section
in this manual or call 1-800-CALL-MTX.
The most enormous subwoofer to date, the JackHammer is just the newest example of how MTX is the
biggest, baddest, boldest car audio...ever!
It is very important that you have your JackHammer enclosure installed by an authorized MTX Elite Status
retailer, preferably MECP certifi ed. Before installation, make sure you have read the instructions carefully and
have the following equipment:
• Fork Lift (or another means of lifting approximately 525 lbs.)
• 5⁄32", 3⁄8" hex keys • 3mm hex wrench (if re-coning)
A factory electrical system will not be able to handle the power requirements of the amplifi ers that are
needed to drive the JackHammer. You will need to upgrade your vehicle’s electrical system with both
additional batteries and alternators. MTX Audio recommends West Co. SVR80 or SVR100 because they are
a sealed battery that can be mounted in any confi guration and supply the power needed and high-output
alternators from either Ohio Generator or PowerMaster. Also, it is recommended to use anywhere from 3 to 6
StreetWires capacitors to help control the fl ow of power, call 877.STREET1 for more information. The diagram
below shows the wiring needs of your entire vehicle. Please see the Strapping Thunder Amplifi ers section for
further information.
Often overlooked, the installation components used to connect the entire system need to match the maximum
capability of the system or you will lose performance. MTX Audio recommends using StreetWires 4 AWG
cable as the speaker wire.
Dual Voice Coil Wiring
JackHammer Superwoofers are available in a dual 2 Ohm (T9922-22) or dual 4 Ohm (T9922-44) voice coil
confi guration for either SPL or SQL uses. The voice coils are labeled VC1 and VC2.
Note: Both voice coils should always be connected. See the section on Strapping Thunder Amplifi
Parallel Confi guration
T9922-44 – Wiring the voice coils in a parallel confi guration will have a total fi nal load of 2 Ohm. Connect each
of the dual voice coil’s positive terminals together so that they share the same source (amplifi er). Do the same
for the negative terminals. This can be done with the included shorting bars. This connection is ideal when
using two Thunder TA92001 amplifi ers.
T9922-22 – Wiring the voice coils in a parallel confi guration will have a total fi nal load of 1 Ohm. Connect each
of the dual voice coil’s positive terminals together so that they share the same source (amplifi er). Do the same
for the negative terminals.
Note: The wiring of the dual voice coils will affect impedance for the amplifi er system. Care must be taken
to assure that the resulting impedance does not exceed the amplifi er’s requirements.