MTD 660, 679, Yard Machines 660, Yard Machines 679 Owner's Manual

Model Series
660 thru 679
covered, brush-covered or grass-covered land unless the engine's exhaust system is equipped with a spark arrester meeting applicable IocaI or state iaws (if any). It a spark arrester is used, it should be maintained in effective working order by the operator.
In the State of California the above is required by law (Section 4442 of the California Public Resources Code). Other states may have
similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal lands, A spark arrester for the muffler is available through your nearest engine authorized service dealer or contact the service department, P.O. Box 368022 Cleveland, Ohio 44136-9722.
Your lawn mower was built to be operated accordingto the rules for safe operation in this manual. As with ]
_b DANGER: anytype of power eguipmmt, oarelessnessor erroron the part ofthe operatorcan resultin injury, This lawn
mower is capable of amput_ting handsandfeel and throwing objects. Failureto observe thefollowing salety
instructions couldresultin _eriousinjuryor death,
t. _ _d_d follow all instructions in the nanual and
on the machine beforestarting. Keepthis manuai in a sate place for future and regular reference and for ordering eplacement
2 OnLyallow responsible individuals familiar with the nstructions
to operate the machine. Know controls and how to stop the
machine quickly.
3 Do not put hands or feet under cutting deck or rrar rotating
parts ,_
4 Clearthe area of objects such as rocks, toys, wire etc. which
could be picked up andthrov_nby the blade. A sinai object may have beenoverlooked and could beaccidentally th own by the
mower in any direction and cause miury to you or _ bystanden ToheIp avoid athrown objects injury, keep children bystanders and helpers at least 75 feet from tile mower while L1is in opera- tion Always wear safety glasses or safety goggles _uringoper- ation or while performing an adjustment or repai, to protect eyes from foreign objects Stop Pie btade(s) wh_,n crossing
graveldrives, walks or roads.
5 Be sure the area is clear of other people before m]wing. Stop
machine if anyo_leentersthe area,
6. Never carry passengers.
7. Oisengageblade(s) before shifting into reverseand backing up. Alwayslook down and behind before and while bacdng.
8 Be aware of tile mower and attachment discharge [irection and
do not point it at anyone Do not operate the mc_er without edherthe entiregrass catcher or the chute guard in piece.
9 Slow down before turning. Operate the machin_ smoothly.
Avoid erratic operation and excessive speed,
t0. Never leave a running machine unattended. Always turn off
blade(s), place transmission in neutral, set park brake, stop engine and removekey beforedismounting.
11. Turn off blade(s)when not mowing t2. Stop engine and waLtuntil blade(s) comes to a c( replete stop
before (a) removing grass catcher or unclogging :hute,or (b) making any repairs, adjusting or removing any gra! s or debris.
13. Mow only in daylight or good artificial light.
14. Do not operatethe machine while under the infiuen eof alcohol or drugs
15. Watchfor traffic wilen operating near or crossing r ladways.
16. Use extra care when loading or unIoading the m;chine into a trailer or truck. This unit should not be driven u _or down a
ramp onto a trailer or truck under power, becauset _eunit could tip over, causing serious personaI injury, The L/it must be
pushed manually on a ramp to load or unload propmly.
17. Never makea cutting height adjustment while engi leis running
it operator must dismount to do so ,&
18 Wear sturdy, rough-soled work shoes and close- itting slacks
andshirts Do not wear loose fitting clothes or jew_Iry. They can be caught in moving parts. Never operate a unit in bare feet,
sandals, or sneakers.
19. Check overheadclearance carefully before driving under power lines, wires, bridges or low hanging tree branches, oefore enter- ing or leaving buiIdings, or in any other situatirn where the operator may be struck or pulled from the unit, which could
result in serious injury.
20. Disengage a!l attachment clutches, thoroughly depress the brake pedal, and shift into neutral before attempting to start engum.
21. Your mower is designed to cut normal residentiaI grass of a height no more than 10" Do not attempt to mow through
unusually tail dry grass (e.g., pasture) or piles of dry leaves. Debris may build up on the mower deck or contact the engine exhaust presenting a potential fire hazard.
Slopesare a major factor relatedto loss of control and tip-over acci- dents which can result in severe injury or death.All slopes require
extra caution. If you cannot back up the slope or if you feel uneasy on it, do not mow it
Foryour safety,use the slope gauge included as part of this manual
to measure slopes before operating this unit on a sloped or hilly
area. If the slope is greaterthan 150 as shown on the slope gauge, do not operatethis unit onthat areaor serious injury could result.
Mow up anddown slopes, not across. Removeobstacles such as rocks, limbs, etc. Watch for holes, ruts or bumps, Uneventerrain could overturn the machine.Tall grasscan hide obstacles.
Use slow speed,Choosea low enough gear so that you wilt not have to stop or shift while on the slope. Always keep machine in gear
when going down slopes to takeadvantageof engine braking action, Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for wheel weights or
counterweights to improve stability.
Use extra care with grass catchers or other attachments. These can
change the stability of the machine.
Keepall movement on the slopes slow and gradual. Do not make sudden changes in speed or direction, Rapid engagementor braking
could cause the front of the machine to lift and rapidly flip over backwards which could causeserious injury.
Avoid starting or stopping on a slope, if tires lose traction, disen- gagethe blade(s) and proceed slowly slraight down the slope.
Do notturn on slopesunless necessary;then. turn slowly and grad- ualty downhill, if possible, Do not mow near dmp-offs, ditches or embankments.The mower could suddenIy turn over if a wheel is over the edge of a cliff or ditch, or if an edgecaves in,
Do net mow on wet grass. Reducedtraction could causesliding. Oo not try to stabilize the machine by putting your foot on the
ground. Donot use grasscatcher on steepslopes.
III. CHILDREN Tragic accidents can occur if the operator is not alert to the presence
of children. Children are often attracted to the machine and the
mowing activity, Never assume that chiIdren wig remain where you lastsaw them.
1. Keepchildren out of the mowing areaandin watchful care of an adult other than the operator.
2. Bealert and turn machine off if chiIdren enter the area,
3 Before and when backing, look behind and down for small
4. Nevercarry children, even with the blades off. They mayfalI off and beseriously injured or interfere with the safe machine oper- ation.
5. Neverallow children under 14 years old to operatethe machine. Children 14 years and over should only operate machine under close parental supervision and proper instruction,
6. Use extra care when approaching blind corners, shrubs, trees or other objects that may obscure your vision of a child or other
7. Remove key when machine is unattended to prevent unauthorized operation.
1. Useextreme care in handling gasoline and otherfueis, They are extremely flammable and thevapors areexplosive. a. Useonly an approved container, b. Never remove fuel cap or add fuel with the engine running.
Allow engine to cooI at leasttwo minutes before refueling
c. Replacefuel cap securely andwipe off any spilled fuei before
starting the engine as it maycause afire or explosion
d. Extinguish nil cigarettes, cigars, pipes and other sources of
e, Never refuel the machine indoors because fuel vapors wiil
accumulate in the area.
f. Never store the fuel container or machine inside where there
is an open flame or spark, such as a gas hot water heater spaceheater or furnace.
2. Never run a machine inside aclosed area.
3 To reduce fire hazard, keepthe machine free of grass, leaves or
other debris build_up. Clean up eli or fuel spillage, Allow machine to cooIat least 5minutes before storing,
4. Before cleaning, repairing or inspecting, make certain the blade
and nil moving parts have stopped. Disconnect the spark plug wire. and keep the wire away from the spark ping to prevent
accidental starting,
5. Checktheblade and engine mounting bolts at frequent intervals for proper tightness. Also, visually inspect blade for damage
(e.g., excessive wear,bent. cracked) Replacewith blade which meets original equipment specifications.
6. KeepalI nuts, bolts and screws tight to be sure the equipment is in safe working condition
7. Nevertamper with safety devices, Checktheir proper operation regularly. Useall gourds as instructed inthis manual.
8. After striking a foreign obiect, stop the engine, removethe wire from the spark plug andthoroughly inspect the mower for any damage. Repair the damage before restarting and operating the
9 Grass catcher components are subject to wear, damage and
deterioration, which could expose moving parts or allow objects to be thrown, Foryour safety protection, frequently check corn_
ponents and replace with manufacturer's recommended parts
when necessary.
10. Mower blades aresharp andcan cut Wrap the blade(s) or wear gloves and use extra caution when servicing blade(s).
11. Check brake operation frequently. Adjust and service as
12. Muffler, engine and belt guards become hot during operation
andcan causea burn. Allow to cool down beforetouching.
13. Do not change the engine governor settings or overspeed the
engine, Excessiveengine speeds are dangerous.
14, Observe proper disposal laws and regulations. Improper dis-
posaIof fluids and materials can harmthe environment andthe ecology.
a. Prior to disposal, determinethe proper method to dispose of
v,,astefrom your local Environmental Protection Agency.
Recycling centers are established to properly dispose of materialsin an environmentally safefashion.
b Useproper containers when draining fluids, Donot usefood
or beverage containers that may misIead someone into drinking from them Properly dispose of the containers
immediately following the dramieg of fluids
c DONOTpooroil or other fluids into the ground, down a drain
or into a stream, pond, lake or ether body of water. Observe
Environmental Protection Agency regulations when dispos- ing of oil, fuel, coolant, brakefluid, filters, batteries, tires and
other harmful waste.
Restrict the use of this power machine to persons who read. understand and foflow the warnings and instructions in this
manual and on the machine,
1. Remove all screws from the top of the cr4te using a 1/4" hex head socket or a flat blade scn;wdriver.
2. To remove ends, grasp top board on the _=nd,and pull towards you in a downward motion.
3. Set panel aside to avoid tire punctures.
4. Repeat procedure for each side of the cr_te.
6. Loose parts (may include the owner's guide, steering wheel, optional oil drain sleeve, battery
fluid, chute deflector, optional mulching kit, etc.)
are on the seat or in a box wrapped in plastic. Carefully cut and remove the plastic wrap. Remove the loose parts.
7. Make certain brake is released. Raise the deck and push the unit off the skid.
5. Remove and discard plastic bag whicl covers unit.
IMPORTANT: After assembly, service engine] E.
with gasoline, and check oil level as ins:ructed
in the separate engine manual packed wi :h your unit. E
NOTE: Reference to right or left hand side of the unit is observed from the driver's seat, fa,;ing for-
(1) 1/4" socket wrench or flat blade screwdriv._r (1) 1/2" wrench or socket wrench* (1) 9/16" wrench or socket wrench (2) 7/16" wrenches or socket wrenches
NEVER connect or disconnect charger clips to battery while charger is turned on as it can cause sparks.
Keep all lighted materials (cigarettes, matches, lighters) away from the battery as the hydrogen gas generated during charging can be combusti-
ble. As a further precaution, only charge the battery in
a well-ventilated area.
*Always shield eyes, protect skin and clothing
when working near batteries.
*If your steering wheel cap is square, you mu_t have a
socket wrench in order to install the steering _zheel.
A. Battery acid must be handled with great care as
contact with it can burn and blister the nkin. It is also advisable to wear protective clothing
(goggles, rubber gloves and apron) wher working
with it.*
Should battery acid accidentally splatter into the
eyes or onto the face, rinse the affec ed area
immediately with clean cold water. If the'e is any
further discomfort, seek prompt medical attention.
C. If acid spills on clothing, first dilute it wth clean
water, then neutralize with a solution of ammonia/ water or baking soda/water.
D. Since battery acid is corrosive, do not p( ur it into
any sink or drain. Before discarding empt!' electro- lyte containers, rinse them with a neutrali_ ing solu-
Battery contains sulfuric acid. Refer to warning
at right. Antidote: EXTERNAL--Flush with water.
INTERNAL--Drink large quantities of water or milk. Follow with milk of magnesia, beaten eggs or
vegetable oil. Call physician immediately. EYES:
Flush with cool water for at least 15 minutes, then
get prompt medical attention. Since batteries produce explosive gases, keep
all lighted materials (cigarettes, lighters,
matches, etc.) away. Be sure to charge battery
only in well-ventilated areas. Make certain venting
path of battery drain tube (if equipped) is always
CHARGE THE BATTERY after the 30 minute standing
period. Battery P/N 725-1705B--Charge at 2-3 amps for one hour. Battery PiN 725-1707B and 725-
0453E--Charge at 6 amps for one hour. NOTE: If you charge the battery at a Iower AMP rate,
use a hydrometer to make sure the battery is com-
pletely charged. The hydrometer should read 1,260
minimum at an electrolyte temperature of 60-110°E DO NOT CHARGE AT MORE THAN 6 AMPS.
Type "A"
Type "B"
Compare the battery in your lawn tractor (located under the seat) with the illustration above. Type "A"
batteries are activated and are ready to use. Type "B" batteries must be filled with battery fluid (acid) and
charged before they are put into service. Follow the instructions which apply to the battery in your lawn
(TYPE "B" BATTERY ONLY) Do not activate battery (fill with battery acid) until battery is actually placed in service. Be certain to read previous battery warnings before activating the battery.
1. Pivot the seat forward. Unhook the strap which secures the battery (hook is on rear frame, under fender). Disconnect the positive cable from the positive terminal. Save the hardware for reassem- bly.
2. Remove the battery from the lawn tractor, paying attention to how the battery is placed in the unit,
and how the drain tube (attached to the battery) is
3, Activate the battery as instructed in the "Quick
Start" brochure included with the battery fluid.
Read instructions carefully.
NOTE: You can continue assembling the lawn tractor
while battery is standing for 30 minutes (after filling with acid), and later while you are charging the battery.
IMPORTANT: To obtain the maximum life from your battery, it MUST BE CHARGED prior to initial use.
1. The hardware for attaching the steering wheel has been packed inside the steering wheel, Carefully
pry off the steering wheel cap and remove the
2. Remove the steering bellow from the lift lever on the right hand side of lawn tractor. Place steering
bellow over the steering shaft extending through
the dash.
NOTE: tf the openings on each end of the steering bel-
low are two different sizes, the smaller end goes down
against the dash of the lawn tractor.
3. With the wheels of the tractor pointing straight forward, place the steering wheel over the steer- ing shaft, positioning steering wheel as desired.
4. Place the washer with the cupped side down over the steering shaft. Secure with hex lock bolt.
NOTE: If your steering wheel cap is square, you must
use a socket wrench.
5. Place the steering wheel cap over the center of the steering wheel and seat itwith your hand.
Wheel Cap
Hex Lock ""_
7 °[
Remove the four screws which secure the seat to the seat pivot bracket. Turn the seat around and place in
position against the seat pivot bracket, lining up the slotted holes in the pivot bracket with the holes in the
seat. Select desired position for the seat, and secure
with the four screws. See figure 2.
NOTE: Your seat may have been shipped in a box. Remove the four screws from the bottom of seat and
place seat in position against the seat pivot bracket.
Follow the directions above to attach the seat.
\ Hax Nuts
The chute deflector must be attached to the right side of the deck so that it covers the chute opening.
_ ARNING: Do not operate your unit
unless the chute deflector has been properly instaned.
1. Make certain deck is raised to its highest position (lift lever pulled all the way back).
NOTE: Your mowing deck may be equipped with a optional mulching plug. Remove the mulching plug by removing the wing nut on top of the deck. Grasp the mulching plug and pull out of the deck,
2. Remove the hex head cap screws, cupped washers and hex nuts which are attached to the
deck next to the chute opening. Place the chute deflector in position as shown in
figure 3. Secure with hardware just removed. Cupped sides of washers go against the chute deflector.
If you wish to mulch, lift up the chute and insert optional mulching plug through chute opening.
Line up the bolt on mulching plug with the hole in the top of deck. Push up on the end of the mulch-
ing plug and secure with the wing nut.
The tires on your unit may be over-inflated for shipping purposes. Reduce the tire pressure before operating the unit. Recommended operating tire pressure is approximately 12 p.s.i.
WARNING: Maximum tire pressure under any circumstances is 30 p,s.i, Equal tire
pressure should be maintained on all
eckHanger =C_=
Positive Terminal
Inside Rubber Boot)
Cable Negative Battery
FIGURE 5. Terminal Compartment
With unit on hard, level surface, measure the distance from the bottom edge of the center of the left side of deck to the ground. Measure the same distance on the center of the right side of the deck, just behind the
chute area. Or, place the blades in a straight line, and measure the distance from the outside edge of the blade tips to the ground.
If adjustment is needed, proceed as follows.
1. Remove the hairpin clip and flat washer from the bottom of the adjustable lift link on the left side of the deck. (Hairpin clip and flat washer are on the inside of the lift link.)
2. Pull the adjustable lift link out of the deck hanger channel. See figure 4. Turn the adjustable lift link
up or down as necessary to level the deck. Usually only one or two turns are needed,
3. Insert the end of the adjustable lift link into the hole in the deck hanger channel. Recheck the adjustment. Readjust if necessary.
4. When deck is level, secure end of adjustable lift
link with fiat washer and hairpin clip.
NOTE: If battery is put into service after date shown on top of battery, charge for minimum of 1 hour at 6-10
1. Lift the seat.
2. Remove the plastic cover from the negative terminal.
3. Remove the hex bolt and nut from the negative (black) cable. Attach negative cable to the nega-
tive terminal with this bolt and nut.
1. Lift the seat.
2. Make certain both the negative (black) cable and
the positive (red) cable are routed up through the
battery compartment as shown in figure 5.
3. Replace the battery into the battery compartment in the same position as it was before (positive ter-
minal is toward the front of the unit).
4. Attach the positive (red) cable to the positive terminal of the battery, Secure with hex bolt and
nut previously removed. Slide rubber boot down over the positive terminal.
5. Remove the hex bolt and nut from the negative (black) cable. Attach negative cable to the nega-
tive terminal with this bolt and nut.
6, Secure battery by hooking battery strap into slot in
rear frame, under the fender. See figure 6,
7. Insert the drain tube through the hole in the trans- axle reinforcement bracket located on the right side of the unit. See figure 6. Be certain drain tube is routed away from the wheel rim.
8. Trim excess end of drain tube if necessary (about 4" should extend past the bracket or cable tie).
Choke / '
_. Optional)
Shift Lcver
The throttle control is used to regulate th_ engine
speed. To get maximum efficiency from cul:ing, the throttle should be in the FAST position when cperating the mower. See figure 7.
The choke control is located on the dashboard and is operated manually. Details for the choke oper _tionare
covered in the separate engine manual pacced with your unit. See figure 7.
The shift lever is located in the center of the console and has three positions, FORWARD, NEUTI{AL and
REVERSE. See figure 8. The clutch-brake pe Jal must be depressed and the lawn tractor must not b_ moving when shifting gears. Do not force the shft lever. Release the clutch-brake pedal slightly to lin ; up the shifting collar in the transmission. Then try to shift
The speed control lever is located either on :he con-
sole or on the right fender. See figure 8. Th_= speed control lever allows you to regulate the grourd speed of the lawn tractor. To select the ground speed, depress clutch pedal. Move speed control lev,_r out of
the notches and backward to slow lawn tractor forward to increase speed. When desired speed his been
obtained, release lever in that position. _Ahenever clutch is released, unit will automatically go to the pre-
set speed.
The engine is started by turning the key to th_ START
position. After the engine starts, let the key eturn to
the ON position. To stop the engine, turn the k ;y to the
left to the OFF position and remove it to prey ;nt acci- dental starting. See figure 7.
Shift Control
Lever Lever
Push the light switch to turn on the lights. The lights
will only operate when the engine is running.
NOTE: If your unit is not equipped with a light switch,
the lights will be on when the engine is running.
AMMETER (Optional)
The ammeter registers the rate of battery charge or discharge. The ammeter will register on the discharg- ing side when starting the engine. It should register on the opposite side (charging) when the engine is run- ning in the fast position until the battery is completely charged. With a fully charged battery or with the engine idling,the ammeter will not show a charge. See figure 7.
The clutch-brake pedal is located on the left side of the lawn tractor. Depressing the clutch-brake pedal part way disengages the clutch. Pressing the pedal all the way down disengages the clutch and engages the disc brake. See figure 7.
NOTE: The clutch-brake pedal must be depressed to start the engine.
The speed control lever is used to set the parking
brake. To set the parking brake, depress the clutch- brake pedal. Move the speed control lever out of the notches to the parking brake position. Release the
speed control lever and the clutch-brake pedal To release the parking brake, depress the clutch-brake
pedal and move the speed control lever out of the
notches to the desired position. Release the speed
control lever and the clutch-brake pedal.
NOTE: The parking brake must be set if the operator leaves the seat with the engine running.
Interlock safety switches are located by the clutch- brake pedal, the lift lever, the shift lever and under the seat.
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