I _ Yoursnowthrower was Luilt to be operatedaccordingto the rules lor safe operationin this manual. As
DANGER: with anytype of poweret uipment, carelessnessorerror on the part of the operator can result in serious
injury. If youviolate any (f theserules, you may causeserious injuryto yourselfor others.
1. Readthis owner's guide carefully in its entirety befo
ing to assemble or operate this machine. Becompl,
iar with the controls and the proper use of this mac!
operating it. Keep this manual in a safe place for
regular referenceandfor ordering replacement parts
2.. Never allow children under 14 years old to oper_
thrower. Children 14 years old and over should o_
snow thrower under close parental supervision. Or
well acquainted with these rules of safe operation
allowed to useyour snow thrower.
3. Noone should operate this unit while intoxicated o_
ing medication that impairs the senses or reactions.
4. Keepthearea of operation clear of all persons, espe
children and pets.
5. Exercisecaution to avoid slipping or falling, espec
operating in reverse.
1. Thoroughly inspect the areawhere the equipment is
and remove all door mats, sleds, boards, wires an(
eign objects.
2. Disengage all clutches and shift into neutral befo
3. Do not operate equipment without wearing adeqt
outer garments. Do not wear jewelry, long scar1
loose clothing which could become entangled in mc
Wear footwear which will improvefooting on slipper
4. Before working with gasoline, extinguish all cigz
other sources of ignition. Check the fuel before s
engine. Gasolineis an extremely flammable fuel. Do
gasoline tank indoors, while the engine is runnir
engine has been allowed to cool at least two minut_
gasoline cap securely and wipe off any spilled gasc
starting the engine as it may causeafire or explosio
5. Use a grounded three wire plug-in for all units w
drive motors or electric starting motors.
6. Adjust collector housing height to clear gravel or cr
7. Neverattempt to makeany adjustments while engin_
(exceptwhere specifically recommendedby manufacl
8. Let engine and machine adjust to outdoor tempera
starting to clear snow.
9. Always wear safety glasses or eye shields during o
while performing an adjustment or repair, to protec!
foreign objects that may be thrown from the macl
1. Do not put hands or feet near or under rotating r
clearof discharge opening and auger atall times.
2. Exercise extreme caution when operating on or cros
drives, walks, or roads. Stay alert for hidden hazard
Do not carry passengers.
3. After striking a foreign object, stop the engine, rc
from spark plug, and thoroughly inspect the snow
any damage. Repair the damage before restarting
ing the snow thrower.
4. Ifthe snow thrower should start to vibrateabnormal
engine and check immediately for the cause. Vibral
erally a warning of trouble.
e attempt-
future and
te a snow
ly persons
should be
while tak-
ially when
to beused
"e starting
ate winter
s or other
ring parts.
/ surfaces.
rettes and
tarting the
not fill the
g, or until
s. Replace
line before
th electric
is running
)eration or
_inein any
arts. Keep
; or traffic.
move wire
nd operat-
y, stop the
ion is gen-
5. Stop enginewhenever you leavethe operating position, before
unclogging the collector/impeller housing or discharge guide,
and making any repairs, adjustments, or inspections. Never
place your hand in the discharge or collector openings. Use a
stick or wooden broom handle to unclog the discharge open-
6. Take all possible precautions when leavingthe unit unattended.
Disengage the collector/impeller, shift into neutral, stop the
engine, and removethe key.
7. When cleaning, repairing, or inspecting, make certain collec-
tor/impeller and all moving parts have stopped. Disconnect
spark plugwire and keepaway from plug to prevent accidental
8. Do not run engine indoors, except when starting engine and
transporting snow thrower in or out of building. Open doors.
Exhaustfumes are dangerous.
9. Do not clear snow across the face of slopes. Exerciseextreme
caution when changing direction on slopes. Do not attempt to
clear steepslopes.
10. Never operate snow thrower without guards, plates, or other
safety protection devices in place.
11. Never operate snow thrower near glass enclosure, automo-
biles, window wells, drop off, etc., without proper adjustments
of snow thrower discharge angle. Keepchildren and petsaway.
12. Do not overload machine capacity by attempting to clear snow
at too fast a rate.
13. Never operate the machine at high transport speeds on slip-
perysurfaces. Look behind and usecarewhen backing.
14. Never direct discharge at bystanders or allow anyone in front
of unit.
15. Disengage power to collector/impeller when transporting or
not in use.
16. Use only attachments and accessoriesapproved bythe manu-
facturer of snow thrower (such as wheel weights, counter
weights, cabs, etc.).
17. Never operatethe snow thrower without good visibility or light.
Always be sure of your footing and keep a firm hold on the
handles. Walk, never run.
18. Muffler and engine become hot and can cause a burn. Do not
1. Check shear bolts, engine mounting bolts, etc., at frequent
intervalsfor propertightnessto be sure equipment is in safe
working condition.
2. Never store the machine with fuel in the fuel tank inside a
building where ignition sources are present,such as hot water
andspaceheaters, clothes dryers, and the like.Allow engine to
coolbefore storing inany enclosure.
3. Always refer to owner's guide instructionsfor importantdetails
if snow throweristo bestored foran extendedperiod.
4. Run machine a few minutes after throwing snow to prevent
freeze up of collector/impeller.
5. Check clutch controls periodicallyto verify they engage and
disengage properlyand readjust if necessary.Referto owner's
guide for adjustment instructions.