Owner's Manual
9 Horse Power
28" Two-Stage Wheel Drive
Snow Thrower
Model No.
usingthis product,
read this manual and
follow all safety rules
and operating
Sears, Roebuck And Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A.
Visit our website:www.sears.com/craffsman
Printed in U.S.A. (712000)
• Safety
• Assembly
• Operation
• Service
• Maintenance
• EspaSol

Content Page
Warranty Information ......................................... 2
Safe Operation Practices................................... 3
Assembly........................................................... 6
Operation ........................................................... 12
Maintenance ...................................................... 17
Content Page
Service & Adjustment ......................................... 20
Off-Season Storage........................................... 25
Trouble-Shooting............................................... 26
PartsList............................................................ 28
Espan61.............................................................. 40
'= Two -Year Warranty on Craftsman Snow Thrower
For two years from the date of purchase, when this Craftsman Snow Thrower is maintained, lubricated and tuned
up according to the instructions inthe owner's manual, Sears will repair, free of charge, any defect in material
and workmanship.
If this Craftsman snow thrower is used for commercial or rental purposes, this warranty applies for only 30 days
from the date of purchase.
This warranty does not cover:
Expendable items whichbecome wornduringnormaluse, such as skidshoes, shave plate and spark
Repairs necessary because of operatorabuseornegligence, includingbent crankshaftsand thefailure to
maintainthe equipment accordingto the instructionscontained inthe owner'smanual.
This warranty applies only while this product is in use in the United States.
Thiswarrantygivesyouspecificlegalrightsandyou mayalsohaveotherrightswhichmayvaryfrom statetostate.
Horsepower: ......................... 9
Engine Oil ............................. SAE 5W30 oil
Fuel Capacity: ....................... 1 gallon
Spark Plug; ........................... RJ-19LM
Engine: .................................. 143.999005
Model Number 247.888530
Serial Number...........................................................
Date ofPurchase ......................................................
Recordbothserialnumberand date of purchaseand
keep in a safe place for future reference.

This symbol points out important safety instructions which, ifnot followed,couldendanger the
personalsafetyand/or propertyof yourselfand others. Read and follow all instructionsinthismanual
beforeattemptingtooperate yoursnowthrower. Failureto complywiththese instructionsmay resultin
personalinjury.When yousee thissymbol--heed its warning.
Your snow thrower was built to be operated according to the rules for safe operation in this
manual. As with any type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of the
,_ DANGER:operator can result in serious injury. If you violate any of these rules, you may cause serious
This unit is equipped with an internal combustion engine and should not be used on or near any unimproved
,_ forest-covered, brush-covered or grass-covered land unless the engine's exhaust system is equipped with a
spark arrester meeting applicable local or state laws (if any). If a spark arrester is used, it should be
maintained in effective working order by the operator.
In the State of California the above is required by law (Section 4442 of the California Public Resources
Code). Other states may have similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal lands. A spark arrester for the
muffler is available through your nearest Sears Authorized Service Center (See the REPAIR PARTS section
of this manual.)
The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer,
birth defects or other reproductive harm.
injury to yourself or others.
TRAINING gasoline cap securely and wipe off any spilled
Read this owner's guide carefully in its entirety before gasoline before starting the engine as it may cause a
attempting to assemble or operate this machine, Be fire or explosion.
completely familiar with the controls and the proper Use a grounded three wire plug-in for all units with
use of this machine before operating it. Keep this electric drive motors or electric starting motors.
manual in a safe place for future and regular Adjust collector housing height to clear gravel or
reference and for ordering replacement parts.
Never allow children under 14 years old to operate a Never attempt to make any adjustments while engine
snow thrower. Children 14 years old and over should is running (except where specifically recommended
only operate a snow thrower under close parental by manufacturer).
supervision. Only persons well acquainted with these Let engine and machine adjust to outdoor
rules of safe operation should be allowed to use your temperature before starting to clear snow.
snow thrower. Always wear safety glasses or eye shields during
No one should operate this unit while intoxicated or operation or while performing an adjustment or repair,
while taking medication that impairs the senses or to protect eyes from foreign objects that may be
reactions, thrown from the machine in any direction.
Keep the area ofoperation clear ofall persons, OPERATION
especiallysmallchildrenand pets.
Exercisecaution toavoidslippingorfalling, especially Do not puthands orfeet near or under rotatingparts,
whenoperatingin reverse. Keep clear ofdischarge opening,andauger at all
PR EPARATION Exercise extremecaution when operatingon or
Thoroughlyinspectthe area where the equipment is crossinggravel drives, walks, or roads.Stay alert for
tobe used and removeall doormats, sleds, boards, hidden hazards ortraffic.
wiresandother foreign objects. Do not carrypassengers.
Do not operate equipmentwithoutweahng adequate After strikinga foreignobject,stop theengine, remove
outergarments for winter. Do not wearjewelry, long wire fromthe spark plugand thoroughlyinspectthe
scarfsor other loose clothingwhich could become snow throwerfor any damage. Repair the damage
entangled in movingparts. Wear footwear whichwill before restartingand operating the snowthrower.
improve footing onslippery surfaces, ifthe snow throwerstartstovibrate abnormally, stop
Before workingwithgasoline, extinguishallcigarettes the engine and check immediatelyfor the cause.
and other sourcesof ignition.Check thefuel before Vibrationisgenerallya warning oftrouble.
startingthe engine. Gasoline isan extremely Stopthe engine whenever you leave the operating
flammable fuel. Do notfill the gasolinetank indoors, position, before uncloggingthe collector/impeller
while the engine is running,or until engine has been housingordischargeguide and before makingany
allowed to coolat least two minutes. Replace repairs,adjustments,or inspections.Never place your
crushed rock surface.

hand in the discharge or collector openings. Use a
stick orwooden broom handle to unclogthe
discharge opening.
Take all possible precautions when leaving the unit
unattended. Disengage the collector/impeller, stop
the engine and remove the key.
When cleaning, repairing, or inspecting, make certain
collectodimpeller and all moving parts have stopped.
Disconnect spark plug wire and keep away from plug
to prevent accidental starting.
Do not run the engine indoors,except when starting it
and/or transporting the snow thrower in or out of
building. Open doors before starting the engine inthat
case. Exhaust fumes are dangerous.
Do notclear snow across the face of slopes. Exercise
extreme caution when changing direction on slopes.
Do not attempt to clear steep slopes.
Never operate the snow thrower withoutguards,
plates or other safety protection devices in place.
Never operate the snow thrower near glass
enclosure, automobiles, window wells, drop off, etc.,
without proper adjustments of snow thrower
discharge angle. Keep children and pets away.
Do not_0verload machine capacity by attempting to
clear snow at too fast a rate. Never operate the
maci:ine at high transport speeds on slippery
surfaces. Look behind and use care when backing.
Never direct discharge at bystanders or allow anyone
in front of unit while throwing snow.
Disengage power tocollector/impeller of thesnow
thrower when transporting it orwhen the unitisnotinuse.
Use only attachments and accessories (such as
wheel weights, counter weights, cabs, etc.) approved
by the snow thrower manufacturer.
Never operate the snow thrower without good visibility
or light. Always be sure of your footing and keep a firm
hold on the handles. Walk, never run.
Muffler and engine become hot andcan cause severe
burn injury.Do not touch the muffler or the engine
while starting or operating the snow thrower.
Check shear bolts, engine mounting bolts, etc., at
frequent intervals for proper tightness, thus ensuring
that the equipmentis in safe working condition.
Never store the machine with fuel inthe fuel tank
inside a building where ignition sources are present,
such as hot water heaters, space heaters, clothes
dryers and the like. Allow engine to cool before storing
in any enclosure.
Always refer to owner's guide instructions for
important details if the snow thrower isto be stored for
an extended period.
Run machine a few minutes after throwing snow to
prevent freeze-up of thecollector/impeller.
Check clutch controls periodically to verify that these
engage and disengage properly and readjust if
necessary. Refer to Service and Adjustments section
page of this owner's guide.
Restrict the use ofthis power machine to persons who
read, understand and follow the warnings and
instructions inthis manual and on the machine.
Following are representations of some of the safety labels on your Craftsman snowthrower. Please follow the
instruction on these labels and maintain safety while using or servicing the equipment.

Lay the hardware pieces from the hardware pack on the figure here and you will have automatically sorted these
according to the steps of the assembly procedure described later. (Only one unit of each hardware has been shown per group.
The number in parenthesis indicates the total number of the hardware needed in that group.)
Lock Washer (4)
Hex Bolt (2) _
__ 5116-18 x 1.75
Hex Bolt (2)
- /
5116-18 x .75
B Cupped Washer (4)
I Hex
V Nut (4)
_J 5/16-18 x 1.50
Bolt (4)
Hex Bolt_(6) _ / NutFlanged(6)
1/4-20 x .75 1/4-20
Chute Flange Keeper (3)
_--_HexBolt(2) _ ) Hex _t(2)
- 114-20 x.75" Bele_'evileWashe_2) O
,.d_ Chute
:_ _'.'N /" Flange
"" \ _ Bracket
_'__ (not shown
_,__ in actual
Hairpin Clip (1)
F'_ Flat
D / _'_ / Washer (2)
/_ 5/16 C) F_r)uIE
Hairpin Clip (2)
Spare Parts
"-- ___ [ ,_ _] Nut (2)**
-- Shear Bolt (2) Nut (2)* _k_J_
* Used on auger; ** used on clutch lever
Hairpin Clip(l) Flat
H -
0 ,llll,ll ,,,,,lllllllltll,lllly
Philips Screw (2)/___ &_
TU'_ er (2) _ _ _- _----- ,_

IMPORTANT: This unit is shipped with engine oilin
the engine, but without gasoline. After assembly, see
OPERATION section of this manual for fuel selection
and fill-up.
NOTE: Todetermine right and left hand sides of your
snow thrower, stand behind the unit in the operating
position. See Figure 1inset.
Your snow thrower has been assembled at the
factory except the handles and the handle panel, the
discharge chute assembly, the chute crank assembly
and the shift rod. These parts are shipped loose in the
Removing From Carton
Cut the corners ofthe cartonand laythe sides
flat onthe ground•Remove all packing inserts.
• Remove all loose parts.For a completelistof
thelooseparts, refertothe followingsection,
Move the snowthroweroutof the carton,
• Make certain all parts and literature have been
removedbefore discardingthe carton.
Loose Parts
(See Figure 1.)
a. Handle Panel and Chute Assembly
b. Right Hand & Left Hand Handles
__¢:_ Electric
Start Cord
Figure I
c. Electric Start Cord
d• Two-piece Chute Crank Assembly
e• Shift Rod
f. Hardware Pack
Assembly Tips: For easier assembly purposes,
remove the chute from the carton and lay it on top of
the engine. Do not unwrap the chute till you have
installed the handle panel and the clutch cables.
Tools Required
1. 1/2", 7/16", 3/8" wrenches or a set of adjustable
2. Set of pliers
3. Set of philips head screw drivers
4. Funnel to fill up gasoline
WARNING: Make cedainthespark plugwireisdisconnected and moved away fromthe
Attaching Handle Assembly
Stretchout controlcablesandplaceonthe floor.
Placethe righthandleinpositionwiththe flat
side againstthe snow thrower. Youcan identify
therighthandlebythe tractiondrivecontrol label
on itand theleft handle bytheauger clutch
controllabel on it.

Lock Washer &
Hex Bolt (1.75")
Tab Hex Bolt (0.75")
Figure 2
Place a handle tab, included in the hardware
pack (group fAon page 5), over the upper hole in
handle so that the contour of the handle tab
matches that of the handle. See Figure 2.
Secure handle tab to the snow thrower using
hex bolt (5/16 x 1.75" long) and lock washer
from the same group in the hardware pack. Do
not tighten at this time.
Attach the left handle inthe same manner. Do
not tighten at this time.
Place the handle panel inposition between the
handles so the ends of the curved part of the
handles gothrough the slots in the handle panel.
While placing the handle panel, make sure to
route chute and chute cable between the
handles underneath the panel keeping the cable
on top of the engine. Align the holes in the
handle with the holes on two sides ofthe handle
panel. See Figure 3.
Right Handle Panel
Attach the handle panel to the handle with two
carriage bolts, cupped washers (cupped side
against the handle panel) and hex nuts on each
side. Align the contour of the carriage bolt head
with the handle. See Figure 3. You will find these
fasteners in the hardware pack (group B on
page 5). Repeat on other side.
Align the hole on the curved part of the right
handle with the corresponding hole onthe right
side of handle panel making sure that this end of
the handle isfirmly placed in the slot on the
handle panel. See Figure 3.
Insert ahex bolt, cupped washer and hex nut
from Group F of the hardware pack through
these holes as shown in Figure 3.Tighten to
secure. Do not attach the leftside now.
Attaching Chute
Place the chute assembly over the chute
opening with the chute facing front of the unit.
NOTE: Make sure that the chute cables are
straightened while assembling the chute.
• Place the chute flange keeper (flat side down)
beneath lipof chute assembly as shown in
Figure 4.You will find the chute flange keepers in
group E of the hardware pack.
Insert hex bolt (1/4-20 x .75") and flange nut
from group E up through chute flange keeper
and chute assembly as shown in Figure 4. Do
not tighten at this time. Rotate chute to install all
the flange keepers.
Bolt Hex
Hex Bolt
Carriage Boll ,Cupped
Figure 3
Figure 4
After assembling all three chute flange keepers,
tighten, then back off 1/4turn to allow easier
movement of the chute. Use (2) 7/16" wrenches.
Attaching Chute Crank
• On the leftside of the handle panel, place the
upperchute crankbracket ontothe insideof the
handle panelsupport,See Figure5, You willfind
thisbracketand associated hardware ingroup F

Inserthex bolt throughthe upper chute crank
bracket, handlepanel support,and upper left
handle. Secure the bracket using cupped
washer and hex nut. Make sure that the cupped
side of the washer is set against the handle.
Handle P
Support* v ,/ _
• Place the other 3/8 ID flat washer (from the
same group of hardware) on the end of the chute
crank and insert hairpin clip into hole at the end
of the chute crank. See Figure 7.
• Adjust the chute bracket so that the spiral on the
chute crank fully engages the teeth on the chute
• Slide the upper chute crank through the plastic
bushing inthe upper chute crank bracket and
then into the lower chute crank. See Figure 8.
Align the holes on the two pieces of the chute
crank, and secure with hairpin clip from group C
of the hardware pack.
Uppeii__ Hex Bolt
Crank Br_
* This pert is already attached inside the handle panel
Figure 5
You may have to loosen the carriage bolts and
hex lock nuts which secure the lower chute
crank bracket to the extension on the left side of
the chute assembly. See Figure 6.
Crank Bracket Hex Lock Nut
e Bolt,
Figure 6
Place one 3/8 ID flat washer (from groupG of
the hardwarepack) ontheend of thechute
crank, then insert theend of the chutecrank into
the eye hole inthe plastic bushing in the lower
chute crank bracket. See Figure 7.
Lower Chute
Figure 8
Fully rotate the chute, using the chute crank, to
make sure that it moves freely.
Using a wrench, tighten the hex bolt and the hex
nut onthe upper chute crank bracket.
Slip the cables that runfrom the handle panel to
the chute into the cable guide located ontop of
the engine. See Figure 9.
Cable Guide
Hairpin Plastic Bushing
Chute Crank
Crank Bracket _Flat Washer
Figure 7
Figure 9

Tightenall loosehardware onthe handle
assembly in the following order -- first the four
hex bolts at the bottom of the handle, then the
carriage bolts and lastly the hex bolts on the rear
of the handle panel.
Attaching Clutch Cables
The clutch control cables are attached to the snow
thrower. For shipping purposes, if the cables are
attached to the top of the engine with cable ties, cut
the cable ties now. The Z ends of the clutch cables
are hooked into the clutch grips on each handle.
Ensure there is a hex jam nut threaded all the
way up the threaded portion of the Z fitting;
extras are supplied inthe hardware pack. See
Figure 10.
Place the clutch grip in the raised (up) position.
of cut-out Jam
_J" Nut
Nut \,\
Hex Jam :
Attaching Shift Rod
• Place the shiftlever inthe sixth(6) speed.
• Placethe bentend oftheshiftrod intothehole in
theshiftarm assembly.See Figure11. Secure with
5/16flatwasherand hairpinclipfromgroup D ofthe
Thread ferrule (included in group D) from the
rightsideontotheother end ofthe shiftrod till it
linesup with the upper holeinthe shiftlever
(beneath the handle panel). While aligning the
ferrule, push down on the shift rod and the shift
arm assembly as far as it will go.
NOTE: Youmay have to pull the shift lever out of the
sixth speed position and move it towards the fifth
speed position until the ferrule slides into the hole
without force.
• Once the ferrule slides into the hole, turn it
counter-clockwise one more full turn and insert it
in the hole in the shift lever.For proper
positioning of the ferrule andthe associated
hardware, see Figure 11.
Lever Chute Distance
(Viewed from the underside of the handle panel)
Figure 10
Swing the left auger cable up making sure the
cable is routed correctlyin the cable roller
guides located at the lower rear of the unit.
Hold the end of the cable at the barrel so the
ferrule turns freely without twisting the cable.
Thread the ferrule on to the Z fitting. You may
have to pull on the cable slightly to relieve
tension. Keepthe ferrule turning without twisting
the cable.
You will reach correct adjustment when there is
minimal slack inthe cable but it isnot tight. Hold
the flats on the ferrule with pliers andtighten the
jam nut against the ferrule. CAUTION: Cables will
become loose ifyou do not tighten thejam nut.
WARNING: There must not beany tension
on either clutch cable with the drive or auger
clutch grip in the disengaged (up) position.
These clutches are a safety feature. Do not
override their function.
/ Flat
Hairpin Washer
Secure the ferrule to the shift lever with another
5/16 flat washer and hairpin clip from group D of
the hardware pack. See Figure 11.
Make certain to check for correct adjustment of
the shift rod as instructed inthe Adjustment
section before operating the snow thrower.
Attaching Turn Triggers
Check and make sure that the righthand trigger
cable is routedinfrontof the tractiondrive cable.
Feedthetriygercable upthrough theoutersideof
the slotinthe handlepanel.Do not feedthe cable

Place the cable barrel fitting intothe hole in the
trigger. You can find the triggers and associated
hardware ingroup Hof the hardware pack. See
Figure 12.
Assembly /
Inner Cable _
Trigger Cable
!Hroi gugerg
/ Barrel
/ Fitting
Cable snaps in at
this end
Figure 12
Pull on the cable and rotate it around the bottom
of the tngger, wtth the innercable mthe slot, until
the cable end can be pushed into the trigger
housing and snapped tight. See Figure 12.
NOTE; When the cable is installed correctly, you
should not be able to pull the cable out of the trigger
Place the right turn trigger in position
underneath the right handle. Secure with screw
and weld nut from group Hof the hardware
pack. See Figure 13. You will need a phillips
screwdriver for tightening the screw. Repeat on
left side.
Figure 14
Secure the leftturn trigger cable to the lower
handle using the other cable tie. Make sure to
route the cable tie below the auger drive cable
so that when the trigger cable is secured by the
cable tie, the auger drive cable is left outside the
cable tie. Trim excess ends from each cable tie.
NOTE: The right side cable tie must be used to keep
cable from coming in contact with the moving shift
arm from the transmission.
Lamp Wiring
Wrap thewire fromthe lampclown the right
handleas shownin Figure 15,
• Plugwire intothe alternator lead wire under the
fueltank. See Figure 15.
Weld Nut
Figure 13
Secure the right turn trigger cable to the right
lower handle using cable tie provided in the
hardware pack. Make sure not to wrap the drive
cable. See Figure 14.
Figure 15
IMPORTANT: Assembleyour snowthrower, then
check the adjustmentsas instructed and makeany
final adjustments necessary before operating the unit.
Failure to follow these instructions may cause
damage to the snow thrower.

Final Adjustments
Auger Control
• To check the adjustment of the auger control,
push forward the left hand clutch grip until the
rubber bumper is compressed. There should be
slack in the clutch cable.
Release the clutch grip. The cable should be
straight. Make certain you can depress the
auger control grip against the left handle
If adjustment is necessary, loosen the hex jam
nut and thread the cable in (for less slack) or out
(for more slack).
Recheck the adjustment. Tighten the jam nut
against the cable when correct adjustment is
Traction Drive Clutch and Shift Lever
Tip the snow throwerforwardso that it rests on
the auger housing.
Move the shift lever all the way forward to the
sixth (6) position_
With the traction drive lever released, spin the
snow thrower wheels by hand. The wheels
should turn; however, you mayfeel some
• Engage the traction drive clutch grip. The
wheels should no longer turn.
Now release the traction drive clutch grip, and
spin the wheels again.
Move the shift lever back to the fast reverse
position, then all the way forward again. There
should beno resistance in the shift lever, and the
wheels should turn.
If you face resistance when moving the shift
lever or the snow thrower wheels stop when they
should not, loosen the lock nut on the traction
drive cable and unthread the cable one turn.
If the wheels can still be turned when you
engage the traction drive clutch grip, loosen the
lock nut on the traction drive cable and thread
the cable in one turn.
Recheck the adjustment and repeat adjustment
as necessary. Tighten the jam nut to secure the
cable when correct adjustment is reached.
Skid Shoe
The space between the shave plate and theground
can be adjusted. For close snow removal, place skid
shoes in the low position. Use middle or high position
when area to be cleared is uneven.
NOTE: It is not recommended thatyou operate this
snow thrower on gravel as loose gravel can be easily
picked up and thrown by the auger causing an injury
or damage to the snow thrower.
If for some reason, you have to operate the snow
thrower on gravel, keep the skid shoe in the
highest position for maximum clearance between
the ground and the shave plate.
• Adjust skid shoes by loosening the four hex nuts
and carriage bolts and moving skid shoes to
desired position.
Make certain the entire bottom surface of skid
shoe is against the ground to avoid uneven wear
on the skid shoes.
• Tighten nuts and bolts securely.
--Skid Shoe
Loosen these hardware
to adjust skid shoe
Figure 16
Tire Pressure (Pneumatic Tires)
The tires are over-inflatedfor shippingpurposes.
Check tirepressure and reduceto 15 to 20 psi.
NOTE: If thetirepressure isnot equal in both tires, the
unitmay pull toone side or the other.
NOTE: If you are not sure that you have reached
correct adjustment, refer to theAdjustment section on
page 20.

Knowing Your Snow Thrower
Read thisowner's manual and safety rules before operating your snow thrower. Compare
illustration below with your snow thrower to familiarize yourself with the location of various
controls and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference.
The operation of any snow thrower can result in foreign objects being thrown into the eyes,
which can result in severe eye damage. Always wear safety glasses for operating the snow
thrower, or while performing any adjustments or repairs on it,
Auger Oil _ap
Control Spark Fill
Traction Drive Plug
Control Choke
Figure 17
Meets ANSI Safety Standards
Sears snowthrowersconformto the safety standardsB71.3 of the American NationalStandards Institute(ANSI).