Motorola MH230R - Range FRS/GMRS Radio, Talkabout MH User Manual

MH Series
Safety and GeneralInformation
Important Informationon Safeand Efficient Operation
Read ThisInformation BeforeUsing YourRadio.
The information provided inthis documentsupersedes thegeneral safetyinformation inuser guidespublished priorto December1, 2002.
Yourtwo-way radiocontains atransmitter anda receiver.To control your exposureand ensurecompliance withthe generalpopulation/ uncontrolled environmentexposure limits,always adhereto the following procedure:
• Transmitno morethan 50%of thetime.
• Toreceive calls,release thePTT button.
• Totransmit (talk),press thePush toTalk (PTT)button. Transmitting50% ofthe time,or less,is importantbecause theradio
generates measurableRF energyexposure onlywhen transmitting (in termsof measuringstandards compliance).
Exposure toRadio FrequencyEnergy
YourMotorola two-wayradio complieswith thefollowing RFenergy exposure standardsand guidelines:
• United StatesFederal CommunicationsCommission, Codeof Federal Regulations;47CFR part2 sub-partJ.
• American NationalStandards Institute(ANSI)/Institute of Electrical andElectronic Engineers(IEEE) C95.1-1992.
• Institute ofElectrical andElectronics Engineers(IEEE) C95. 1-1999 Edition.
• International Commissionon Non-IonizingRadiation Protection (ICNIRP) 1998.
• Ministry ofHealth (Canada)Safety Code6. Limitsof Human Exposure toRadiofrequency ElectromagneticFields inthe Frequency Rangefrom 3KHz to300 GHz,1999.
• Australian CommunicationsAuthority Radiocommunications (Electromagnetic Radiation—HumanExposure) Standard,2003.
• ANATELANNEXto ResolutionNo. 303of July2, 2002 “Regulationof limitationof exposureto electrical,magneticand electromagnetic fieldsin theradio frequencyrange between9 KHzand 300GHz”.
Toensure optimalradio performanceand makesure human exposure toradio frequencyelectromagnetic energyis withinthe guidelines setforth inthe abovestandards, alwaysadhere tothe following procedures.
Portable RadioOperation andEME Exposure
Antenna Care
Use onlythe suppliedor anapproved replacementantenna. Unauthorized antennas,modifications, orattachments could damage theradio andmay violateFCC regulations.
Do NOThold theantenna whenthe radiois “INUSE.” Holdingthe antenna affectsits effectiverange.
Body-Worn Operation
Tomaintain complianceswith FCC/HealthCanada RFexposure guidelines ifyou weara radioon yourbody whentransmitting always placethe radioin aMotorola-supplied orapproved clip holder,holster, caseor bodyharness forthis product.Use of non­Motorola-approved accessoriesmay exceedFCC/Health CanadaRF exposure guidelines.
If youdo notuse oneof theMotorola-supplied orapproved body­worn accessoriesand arenot usingthe radioheld inthe normal use position,ensure theradio and itsantenna are atleast 1inch
(2.5 cm)from yourbody when transmitting.
Data Operation
If applicable,when usingany datafeature ofthe radiowith or without anaccessory cable,position theradio and itsantenna at
least oneinch (2.5cm) from thebody.
Approved Accessories
For alist ofapproved Motorolaaccessories, visitour Website at
Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility Note: Nearlyevery electronicdevice issusceptible to
electromagnetic interference(EMI) ifinadequately shielded, designed orotherwise configuredfor electromagneticcompatibility. This devicecomplies withPart 15of theFCC Rules.
Operation issubject tothe followingtwo conditions:
1. This devicemay notcause harmfulinterference; and
2. This devicemust acceptany interferencereceived, including interference thatmay causeundesired operation.
IC Canada
The term"IC:" before theequipment certificationnumber only signifies thatthe IndustryCanada technicalspecifications weremet.
Toavoid electromagneticinterference and/orcompatibility conflicts, turn offyour radioin anyfacility whereposted noticesinstruct you to doso. Hospitalsor healthcare facilitiesmay beusing equipment that issensitive toexternal RFenergy.
When instructedto doso, turnoff yourradio whenonboard an aircraft. Anyuse ofa radiomust bein accordancewith applicable regulations perairline crewinstructions.
Medical Devices– Pacemakers
The AdvancedMedical Technology Associationrecommends that a minimumseparation of6 inches(15 cm)be maintainedbetween a handheld wirelessradio anda pacemaker. Theserecommendations are consistentwith theindependent researchby and recommendations ofthe U.S.Food andDrug Administration.
People withpacemakers should:
• ALWAYSkeep theradio morethan 6inches (15cm) from their pacemaker whenthe radiois turnedON.
• Not carrythe radioin thebreast pocket.
• Use theear oppositethe pacemakerto minimizethe potential for interference.
• Turnthe radioOFF immediatelyif thereis anyreason tosuspect that interferenceis takingplace.
Medical Devices– HearingAids
Some digitalwireless radiosmay interferewith somehearing aids. In theevent ofsuch interference,you maywant toconsult your hearing aidmanufacturer todiscuss alternatives.
Medical Devices– Other
If youuse anyother personalmedical device,consult the manufacturer ofyour deviceto determineif itis adequately shielded fromRF energy.Your physicianmay beable toassist you in obtainingthis information.
Safety andGeneral UseWhile Driving
Check thelaws andregulations regardingthe useof radiosin the area whereyou drive,and alwaysobey them.If youdo useyour radio whiledriving, please:
• Give fullattention todriving andto theroad.
• Use hands-freeoperation, ifavailable.
• Pull offthe roadand parkbefore makingor answeringa callif driving conditionsso require.
The useof atwo-way radiowhile engagedin activitiesrequiring concentration maycause distractionor otherwiseimpair your ability tosafely participatein suchactivities. Alwaysuse technology safely.
Do notplace aportable radioin thearea overan airbag orin the air bagdeployment area.Air bagsinflate withgreat force.If a portable radiois placedin theair bagdeployment areaand theair bag inflates,the radiomay bepropelled withgreat forceand cause serious injuryto occupantsof thevehicle.
Potentially ExplosiveAtmospheres
Turnoff yourradio priorto enteringany areawith apotentially explosive atmosphere.Only radiotypes thatare especiallyqualified should beused insuch areasas “IntrinsicallySafe.” Donot remove, install orcharge batteriesin suchareas. Sparksin apotentially explosive atmospherecan causean explosionor fireresulting in bodily injuryor evendeath.
For MoreInformation
For furtherinformation, youmay callMotorola at1-800-638-5119 (U.S. andCanada), ore-mail usat orvisit us onthe Internetat
Note: Theareas with potentiallyexplosive atmospheresreferred to above includefueling areassuch asbelow deckson boats,fuel or chemical transferor storagefacilities, areaswhere theair contains chemicals orparticles (suchas grain,dust ormetal powders)and any otherarea where youwould normally beadvised toturn offyour vehicle engine.Areas withpotentially explosiveatmospheres are often—but notalways—posted.
Blasting Capsand Areas
Toavoid possibleinterference withblasting operations,turn offyour radio whenyou arenear electricalblasting caps,in ablasting area, or inareas posted“Turn off two-wayradios.” Obeyall signsand instructions.
Operational Cautions
Do notuse anyportable radio thathas a damagedantenna. Ifa damaged antennacomes intocontact withyour skin,a minorburn can result.
Allbatteries cancause propertydamage and/orbodily injurysuch as burnsif aconductivematerial—like jewelry,keys orbeaded chains— touchexposed terminals.The conductive materialmay completean electricalcircuit (shortcircuit)and become quite hot.Exercisecare in handlingany chargedbattery, particularlywhen placingit insidea pocket,purse orother containerwith metalobjects.
Exercise carewhen removingNiMH orAAA batteries.Do notuse sharp orconductive toolsto removeeither ofthese batteries.
Battery ChargerSafety Instructions:
Save theseInstructions
1. Do notexpose thecharger torain orsnow.
2. Do notoperate ordisassemble thecharger ifit hasreceived a sharp blow,or hasbeen droppedor damagedin anyway.
3. Never alterthe ACcord orplug providedwith theunit. Ifthe plug willnot fitthe outlet,have theproper outletinstalled bya qualified electrician.An impropercondition canresult ina risk of electricshock.
4. Toreduce therisk ofdamage tothe cordor plug,pull theplug rather thanthe cordwhen disconnectingthe chargerfrom the AC receptacle.
5. Toreduce therisk ofelectric shock,unplug thecharger fromthe outlet beforeattempting anymaintenance orcleaning.
6. Use ofan attachmentnot recommendedor soldby Motorola may resultin arisk offire, electricshock orpersonal injury.
7. Make surethe cordis locatedso itwill notbe steppedon, tripped overor subjectedto damageor stress.
8. An extensioncord shouldnot beused unlessabsolutely necessary. Useof animproper extensioncord couldresult ina risk ofa fireand/or electricshock. Ifan extensioncord mustbe used, makesure that:
• The pinson theplug ofthe extensioncord arethe same
number,size andshape asthose onthe plugof thecharger.
• The extensioncord isproperly wiredand ingood electrical
• The extensioncord sizeis 18AWG forlengths upto 100 feet,
and 16AWG forlengths upto 150feet.
9. The supplycord ofthe ACadaptor cannotbe replaced.If the cord isdamaged, callcustomer serviceat 1-800-638-5119(U.S. and Canada)or e-mailus
FCC Licensing Information
YourMotorola radiooperates onGeneral MobileRadio Service (GMRS) frequenciesand issubject tothe Rulesand Regulationsof the FederalCommunications Commission(FCC). TheFCC requires that alloperators usingGMRS frequenciesobtain aradio license before operatingtheir equipment.To obtainthe FCCforms, please visit theFCC’s Web siteat to sourceform 605and 159,which includesall theinstructions you will need.
If youwish tohave thedocument faxedor mailed,or ifyou have questions, pleaseuse thefollowing contactinformation:
Changes ormodifications notexpressly approvedby Motorolamay void theuser’s authoritygranted by theFCC tooperate thisradio and shouldnot bemade. To complywith FCCrequirements, transmitter adjustmentsshould bemade onlyby orunder the supervision ofa personcertified astechnically qualifiedto perform transmitter maintenanceand repairsin theprivate landmobile and fixed servicesas certifiedby anorganization representativeof the user ofthose services.Replacement ofany transmittercomponent (crystal, semiconductor,etc.) notauthorized by theFCC equipment authorization forthis radiocould violateFCC rules.
3. Gentlyremove eachbatteryby easingeach batteryout individually.
4. Reposition thebattery coverand pressdown tosecure.
• Exercise carewhen removingNiMH orAAA batteries.Do not use sharpor conductive toolsto remove eitherof thesebatteries.
• Remove thebatteries beforestoring yourradio forextended periods oftime. Batteriescorrode overtime andmay cause permanent damageto yourradio.
Using theBattery Charger(Optional Accessory)
The batterycharger providesdrop-in chargingconvenience for NiMH batteriesand canbe placedon anyflat surface,such asa desk orworkbench. Chargethe NiMHbattery overnight(at least 16 hours)before usingit forthe firsttime. Afterthe initialcharge, an emptybattery isfully chargedwithin 14hours.
1. Follow thesteps aboveto installa NiMHBattery Pack.
2. Plug theAC powersupply cordinto thejack onthe deskstand.
3. Plug theAC powersupply intoa standardwall outlet.
4. With aradio facingforward, slideit intoone ofthe charging pockets.
5. When chargingin thebattery charger, thered lighton the charger basewill glowcontinuously.
Using themini-USB ChargingConnector
The mini-USBcharging connectoris ahandy portthat allowsyou to conveniently chargeyour NiMHbattery pack.This isan alternative to chargingyour NiMHbattery packin theBattery Chargerdesk stand usingthe ACwall adaptorand especiallyuseful whenused while traveling.
Available mini-USBcharging options:(Optional Accessories)
1. Wall travelcharger
2. Vehicle charger
3. Mini-USB computercable
If usinga computer,the computer mustbe turnedon.
This andother accessories(sold separately)are availablefor your radio.For moreinformation, visitour Website at
1. Plug yourmini-USB cableor chargerinto apower sourceas is appropriate foryour accessory.
2. Plug thecable into themini-USB port onthe bottomof yourradio.
3. An emptybattery willbe fullycharged in14 hours.
4. The LEDindicator lighton theradio willglow toindicate thatthe battery ischarging.
• The lightwill remainred afterthe NiMHbattery packis fully charged.
• When movingbetween hotand coldtemperatures, donot charge theNiMH batterypack untilthe batterytemperature acclimates (usuallyabout 20minutes).
• For optimalbattery life,remove theradio fromthe chargerwithin 16 hours.Do notstore theradio whileconnected tothe charger.
• If theradio iskept onwhile charging,the chargingtime willbe extended.
• Even thoughthe chargeris connected,you maynot beable to transmit amessage ifthe batteryis completelyempty . Allow timefor thebattery tocharge to1 bar before attempting totransmit amessage.
Attaching andRemoving theBelt Clip
1. Attach beltclip topocket orbelt strap.
2. Align thebelt clippost withthe holein theback ofthe radio.
3. Gently pushuntil theclip clicksin place.
1. Push downon therelease tabat thetop ofthe beltclip to release thecatch.
2. Pull thebelt clipaway fromthe backof theradio.
Turningyour RadioOn and Off
Turn clockwise toturn theradio onand counterclockwiseto turn theradio off.
1. In theON position,the radiochirps andbriefly showsall feature icons availableon theradio.
2. The displayscreen thenshows thecurrent channel,code and all featuresthat areenabled.
Setting theVolume
Press andhold for threeseconds whilerotating until you reach acomfortable listeninglevel.
1. Rotate clockwise toincrease the volume.
2. Rotate counterclockwise todecrease the volume.
Do nothold theradio closeto yourear. Ifthe volumeis setto an uncomfortable level,it couldhurt yourear.
Talking andListening
Tocommunicate, allradios inyour groupmust beset tothe same channel andInterference EliminatorCode.
1. Totalk, press andhold .
2. Whenyou arefinished talking,release .
For maximumclarity, holdthe radiotwo tothree inchesaway from your mouthand speakdirectly intothe microphone.Do notcover the microphonewhile talking.
Yourradio isdesigned tomaximize performanceand improve transmissionrange. Donot usethe radioscloser thanfive feetapart.
Monitor Button
Pressing andholding for threeseconds allowsyou to listento the volumelevel of theradio whenyou arenot receiving.This allows you toadjust thevolume, ifnecessary. Youcan alsopress to check foractivity onthe currentchannel before youtalk.
Push toTalk Timeout Timer
Toprevent accidentaltransmissions andsave batterylife, theradio emits acontinuous warningtone andstops transmittingif you press for 60continuous seconds.
Menu Options
Selecting theChannel
Yourradio has22 channels.The channelis thefrequency theradio uses totransmit. Channels8-14 areFRS 0.5watt onlyand allother channels areGMRS. (Seethe “Channelsand Frequencies”table on overleaf fordetails.)
1. With theradio on,press . Whenthe radiois ona 0.5watt
channel, displays. Whenthe radiois on a1 wattchannel,
displays. Thecurrent channelflashes.
2. Press or and select anunused orquiet channel.
3. Press to savethe channelsetting or tocontinue setup.
Selecting theInterference EliminatorCode
Interference EliminatorCodes helpminimize interferenceby blocking transmissionsfrom unknownsources. Your radiohas 121 Interference EliminatorCodes. Codes1 –38 arethe standardanalog codes thatappear onother FRS/GMRSradios. Codes39 –121 are additional digitalcodes addedfor superiorinterference protection. 0 isthe offposition, noanalog ordigital codesare enabled.
Toset thecode fora channel:
1. Press until thecode startsto flash.
2. Press or to selectthe code.
3. Press to savethe codesetting or to continueset up. Youcan seta differentcode foreach channelusing thisprocedure.
An extendedpress of or allows youto scrollthrough the InterferenceCode rapidlyso youcan quicklyreach thecode you want.
Note: Youmust setthe Interference EliminatorCode to0 ona radio that usesInterference EliminatorCodes tocommunicate withradios that donot haveInterference EliminatorCodes. Select0 for“no tone, nocode” andOFF willflash onyour radio’s display.
Setting andTransmitting Call Tones
Yourradio cantransmit differentcall tonesto otherradios inyour group soyou canalert themthat youwant totalk. You have10 call tones fromwhich tochoose.
Toset acall tone:
1. With theradio on,press three timesuntil the current
call tonesetting (0- 10)flashes and appears.
2. Press or to changeand hearthe calltone.
3. Press to setthe newcall toneor to continueset up. Totransmit yourcall toneto otherradios setto thesame channel
and InterferenceEliminator Codeas yourradio, press .
Note: Settingthe callto 0disables thecall tonefeature.
Hands-Free UseWithout Accessories( )
Youcan usethe iVOXfeatureto transmithands-free withoutthe need forany headsetaccessories.Once iVOXis turnedon, theradiodetects yourvoice andtransmitswhen you speak into theinternalmicrophone.
1. Press until appears onthe display.The current setting On/Offwill flash.
2. Press or to selectOn orOff.
3. Press to setor to continueset up.
Hands-Free UseWith Accessories( )
Youcan transmithands-free morereliably withthe useof optional headset accessories.Once VOXis turnedon, theradio detectsyour voice andtransmits whenyou speak.
Many accessories(sold separately)are availablefor yourradio. For moreinformation, visitour Website or
1. Turnthe radiooff andplug theVOX accessoryinto the accessory port.
2. Turnthe radioon. VOXshows onthe display.
3. Adjust thevolume appropriatelyby rotating .Lower the volume beforeplacing theaccessory onyour head orin yourear.
4. Toturn off,simply removeaccessory.
Display Screen Guide
Continued onback
MH Series
Control Buttons
Getting Started
Installing theBatteries
Each radiouses 1NiMH rechargeablebattery packor 3AAA alkaline batteriesand beepswhen thebatteries arelow.
Installing NiMHRechargeable BatteryPack (Optional Accessory)
1. Turnthe radiooff.
2. With theback ofthe radiofacing you,lift thebattery coverlatch up andremove thecover.
3. Remove thebattery packfrom theclear plasticbag. (Donot disassemble orunwrap thebattery pack.)
4. Insert theNiMH batterypack withthe diagramfacing you.
5. Reposition thebattery coverand pressdown tosecure.
Installing theThree AAAAlkaline Batteries
1. Turnthe radiooff.
2. With theback ofthe radiofacing you,lift thebattery coverlatch up andremove thecover.
3. Insert thethree AAAalkaline batterieswith +and -polarity as shown inside.
4. Reposition thebattery coverand pressdown tosecure.
Radio BatteryMeter
The radiobattery iconshows theradio batterycharge level,from full to empty . Whenthe radiohas onesegment left,the radio chirpsperiodically orafter releasing (LowBattery Alert).
Removing theNiMH BatteryPack (Optional Accessory)
1. Turnthe radiooff.
2. With theback ofthe radiofacing you,lift thebattery latchup to release thebattery coverand removethe cover.
3. Remove theNiMH batterypack bypulling theribbon attachedto the battery.
4. Reposition thebattery coverand pressdown tosecure.
Removing theThree AAABatteries
1. Turnthe radiooff.
2. With theback ofthe radiofacing you,lift thebattery latchup to release thebattery coverand removethe cover.
For afax:
Contact the
For mailservice:
Call theFCC
Forms Hotline
If youhave questions about the FCCLicense:
Call theFCC
1-202-418-0177 1-800-418-FORM
Two-Way Radio
User’s Guide
Number s for Ch annel, C
all Tone
Number s f
or Cod es
Batter y Meter
Channe l Power Indica tor (see M
enu Op tions)
Talk Conf irmatio n Tone (Rog er Beep )
Noise Fil tering
n/Off for e ach
featur e
Call Tone , Keypad Tone
eather Al ert
Hands- Free Use Withou t Access ories
Hands- Free Use With A ccessori es
Push to Talk
Call Tone
Speake r
Menu/Loc k
Accessor y Jack
Scan/Mon itor
Scroll/We ather
Micropho ne
Mini-U SB Chargi ng Port
Note: Thereis ashort delaybetween thetime youstart talking and whenthe radiotransmits. Thereis ashort delaybefore the transmission iscompleted.
Setting theSensitivity LevelWhen in or Mode
Adjusting theradio’s sensitivitylevel helps minimizethe possibility of unintendednoises triggeringa transmissionand helpsthe radio pick upsoft voices.
1. Press until VOX/iVOXand thelevel setting(1-3) appearon
the display.
2. Press or to selectthe sensitivitylevel.
3. Press to setor to continueset up.
3 =High Sensitivityfor quietenvironments 2 =Medium Sensitivityfor mostenvironments 1 =Low Sensitivityfor noisyenvironments
Note: Whenyou connecta headset,the radiois automaticallyset to
the lastchosen sensitivitylevel.
Noise Filtering
The QTnoise-filtering featurehelps toensure uninterrupted communication withother Motorolaradios thathave thisfeature. This featurealso filtersout unwantedtransmissions fromother radios. Thisis usefulin placeswhere thereis heavyradio traffic, such asamusement parksor skiresorts.
Note: QTnoise filteringis notavailable whenthe radiois scanning.
Toturn QTnoise filteringon oroff:
1. Press until displays. Thecurrent setting On/Offwill flash.
2. Press or to turnnoise filteringOn orOff.
3. Press to confirmyour selectionor to continueset up.
Totransmit toa radiothat has
noise filteringturned on:
1. Select thesame channeland InterferenceEliminator Codeas
the otherradio.
2. Press to senda calltone. Thisallows yourvoice topass
through the
noise filteron thereceiving radio.
3. Press and speaknormally. Note: Ifyou skipstep 2,the beginningof yourmessage maynot be
heard onthe receivingradio. Fora 30-secondperiod, startingafter the lasttransmission, alltransmissions receivedon theselected channel andcode willpass throughthe QTnoise filter.
Keypad Tones
Youmay enableor disablethe speakerkey tones.You will hearthe key toneeach timea buttonis pushed.
1. Press until appears. Thecurrent settingOn/Off willflash.
2. Press either or to turn Onor Off.
3. Press to confirmor to continueset up. Note:When thekey tonefeature isoff, thefollowing arenot disabled:
• Transmittimeout alerttone
• Call tone
• Low batteryalert toneor
• The transmittedtalk confirmationtone
Transmittinga Talk ConfirmationTone
Youcan setyour radioto transmita uniquetone whenyou finish transmitting. Itis likesaying “Roger”or “Over”to letothers know you arefinished talking.
1. With theradio on,press until the appears. Thecurrent
setting On/Offflashes.
2. Press or to turnOn orOff.
3. Press to setor to quitmenu mode.
Special Features
Keypad Lock
Toavoid accidentallychanging yourradio settings:
1. Press and holduntil displays.
2. When inlock mode,you canturn theradio onand off,adjust
the volume,receive, transmit,send acall tone,and monitor channels. Allother functionsare locked.
Tounlock theradio, pressand hold until is nolonger displayed.
Scanning Channels
Use scanto searchthe 22channels fortransmissions from unknown parties,to findsomeone inyour groupwho has accidentally changedchannels, orto quicklyfind unusedchannels for yourown use.
There isa priorityfeature and2 modesof scanning(basic and advanced) tomake yoursearch moreeffective. Thebasic scan mode usesthe channeland codecombinations foreach ofthe 22 channels asyou haveset them(or withthe defaultcode valueof 1). The “AdvancedScan” modewill scanall channelsfor anyand all codes, detectany codein use,and usethat codevalue temporarily for thatchannel.
Priorityis givento the“home channel,” thatis, thechannel (and InterferenceEliminatorCode) your radiois setto whenyou startthe scan.This means theinitialchannel (and codesetting)is scanned moreoften than theother 21channels, andyour radiowill respond quicklyto anyactivityoccurring onthe homechannel asa priority.
Tostart Scanning:
1. Briefly pressthe key. Thescan will appearin the display, andthe radiowill beginto scrollthrough thechannel and codecombinations.
2. When theradio detectschannel activitymatching thechannel and codecombination, itstops scrollingand youcan hearthe transmission.
3. Torespond andtalk tothe persontransmitting, press within five secondsafter theend ofthe transmission.
4. The radiowill resumescrolling throughthe channelsfive seconds afterthe endof anyreceived activity.
5. Tostop scanning,briefly pressthe key.
Tostart AdvancedScanning:
1. Set theInterference EliminatorCode to“zero” orOFF.
2. Briefly pressthe key. Thescan will appearin the display, andthe radiowill beginto scrollthrough thechannels. No InterferenceEliminator Codeswill filterwhat isheard.
3. When theradio detectschannel activitywith ANYcode (orNO code), itstops scrollingand youcan hearthe transmission.Any Interference EliminatorCode thatmay bein useby thatparty will bedetected anddisplayed.
4. Torespond andtalk tothe persontransmitting, press within five secondsof theend ofthe transmission.The radiowill transmit usingthe newlydetected InterferenceEliminator Code.
5. The radiowill resumescrolling throughthe channelsfive seconds afterthe endof anyreceived activity.
6. Tostop scanning,briefly pressthe key.
Scanning Notes:
1. If youpress while theradio isscrolling throughinactive channels, thetransmission willbe onthe “homechannel”. Scanning willresume fiveseconds afterthe endof your transmission. Youmay pressthe key tostop scanning at anytime.
2. If theradio stopson anundesired transmission,you may immediately resumethe scanby brieflypressing or .
3. If theradio repeatedlystops onan undesiredtransmission, you maytemporarily removethat channelfrom thescan listby pressing andholding or for threeseconds. You may remove morethan onechannel inthis way.
4. Torestore theremoved channel(s)to thescan list,turn theradio off andthen backon, orexit andre-enter thescanning modeby pressing .
5. Youcannot removethe homechannel fromthe scanlist.
6. In AdvancedScan, thedetected codewill onlybe usedfor one transmission.You mustnote the code,exit scan,and set that detectedcode onthat channelto permanentlyuse the detected code.
Weather Receiver
Yourradio cantune into broadcastsby theUnited StatesNational Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration(NOAA) WeatherRadio and EnvironmentCanada Weatheradio.
Youcan listento aweather channel(see “WeatherChannels and Frequencies” tablebelow) orset yourradio toalert youto emergency weatherbroadcasts thatinterrupt routinebroadcasts. When youlisten toa weatherchannel, youcannot useyour radio in scanmode orfor two-waycommunications.
Both NOAAand EnvironmentCanada havetransmitters located throughout theUnited Statesand Canada,respectively. These transmitters broadcastwatches, forecasts,and otherinformation 24 hoursa day.
Note: NOAAweather radiostations areassigned tocover specific areas andservice maybe limited.Please checkwith yourlocal weatherofficefor frequencyanddetails, inthe inCanada toview the appropriatetransmitter foryour area.
The useof theNOAA logodoes notprovide anendorsement or implied endorsementby NOAA’sNational WeatherService, nor does theuse ofthe Weatheradiologo providean endorsementor implied endorsementby EnvironmentCanada.
TurningWeather ChannelReception On andOff
1. Toturn weatherreception on,press and holdfor three seconds.
2. Toturn off,press or turnthe radiooff and thenback on.
Setting theWeather Channel
Yourradio receivesweather frequencies:
1. After turningweather receptionon, press . Thecurrent channel flashes.
2. Press or to selectthe appropriatechannel withgood reception inyour area.
3. Press to savethe weatherchannel setting.
Setting theWeather Alert
Yourradio canbe setto respondto NOAAWeather Radio emergency messages.A specialalarm tonesounds analert and turnson theweather receiverto giveyou immediateweather and emergencyinformation.
1. After turningweather receptionon, press twice. On/Off displays.
2. Press or to selectOn/Off. Ifyou activateWeather Alert
and returnto two-waymode, will display.
3. Press to savethe weatheralert setting.
4. Press to returnto two-waymode.
As withtwo-wayradio reception,weather channelreceptiondepends on howclose youare toa transmitterand whetheryou areindoors or outdoors.Because weatherchannelsare transmittedwithout codes, theymay contain static ornoise. WeatherAlert will notfunctionwhile activelytransmitting orreceivingin two-way mode.
Weather Channelsand Frequencies
Channel Frequency Description Channel Frequency Description
1 462.5625 MHz GMRS/FRS 12 467.6625 MHz FRS
2 462.5875 MHz GMRS/FRS 13 467.6875 MHz FRS
3 462.6125 MHz GMRS/FRS 14 467.7125 MHz FRS
4 462.6375 MHz GMRS/FRS 15 462.5500 MHz GMRS
5 462.6625 MHz GMRS/FRS 16 462.5750 MHz GMRS
6 462.6875 MHz GMRS/FRS 17 462.6000 MHz GMRS
7 462.7125 MHz GMRS/FRS 18 462.6250 MHz GMRS
8 467.5625 MHz FRS 19 462.6500 MHz GMRS
9 467.5875 MHz FRS 20 462.6750 MHz GMRS
10 467.6125 MHz FRS 21 462.7000 MHz GMRS
11 467.6375 MHz FRS 22 462.7250 MHz GMRS
Products Covered
Products andAccessories as
defined above,unless otherwise provided forbelow.
1. Consumer Two-Way Radio Accessories.
2. Products andAccessories that areRepaired or Replaced.
Length ofCoverage
One (1)year fromthe dateof
purchase bythe firstconsumer purchaser ofthe productunless otherwise providedfor below.
1. Ninety (90)days fromthe date ofpurchase bythe first consumer purchaserof the product.
2. The balanceof theoriginal warranty orfor ninety(90) days fromthe datereturned
to theconsumer, whichever is longer.
Normal Wearand Tear.Periodic maintenance,repair and
replacement ofparts dueto normalwear andtear areexcluded from coverage.
Batteries. Onlybatteries whosefully chargedcapacity fallsbelow 80% oftheir ratedcapacity andbatteries thatleak arecovered by this limitedwarranty.
Abuse& Misuse. Defectsor damagethat resultfrom: (a)improper operation,storage, misuseor abuse,accident orneglect, suchas physicaldamage (cracks, scratches, etc.)to thesurface ofthe productresulting from misuse;(b) contactwith liquid,water, rain, extremehumidity orheavy perspiration, sand,dirt orthe like, extreme heat,or food;(c) useof theProducts orAccessories forcommercial purposesor subjecting theProduct orAccessory toabnormal usage or conditions; or(d) otheracts which arenot thefault ofMotorola or GiantInternational Ltd., areexcluded fromcoverage.
Use ofNon-Motorola brandedProducts and Accessories.Defects or damagethat resultfrom theuse ofNon-Motorola brandedor certified Products,Accessories, orother peripheralequipment are excluded fromcoverage.
Unauthorized Serviceor Modification.Defects ordamages resulting fromservice, testing,adjustment, installation, maintenance, alteration,or modificationin anyway bysomeone other thanMotorola, GiantInternational Ltd.or itsauthorized service centers,are excludedfrom coverage.
Altered Products.Products orAccessories with(a) serialnumbers or datetags thathave beenremoved, alteredor obliterated;(b) broken sealsor thatshow evidenceof tampering;(c) mismatched board serialnumbers; or(d) nonconformingor non-Motorola branded housings,or parts,are excludedfrom coverage.
Communication Services.Defects, damages,or thefailure of Products orAccessories dueto anycommunication serviceor signal youmay subscribeto oruse withthe Productsor Accessories isexcluded fromcoverage.
Consumer Two-Way RadioProducts andAccessories purchased in the UnitedStates orCanada.
What Doesthis WarrantyCover?
Subject tothe exclusionscontained tothe right,Giant International Ltd. warrantsthe Motorolabranded consumertwo-way radiosthat operate viaFamily RadioService orGeneral MobileRadio Service that itmanufactures (“Products”),the Motorolabranded orcertified accessories soldfor usewith theseProducts thatit manufactures (“Accessories”) tobe freefrom defectsin materialsand workmanship undernormal consumerusage forthe period(s) outlined below.This limitedwarranty isa consumer’s exclusive remedy, andapplies asfollows tonew Motorolabranded Products and Accessoriesmanufactured byGiant InternationalLtd., and purchased byconsumers inthe UnitedStates orCanada, whichare accompanied bythis writtenwarranty:
Who iscovered?
This warrantyextends onlyto thefirst consumerpurchaser, andis not transferable.
GIANT INTERNATIONALLTD., atits option,will atno chargerepair, replace orrefund thepurchase priceof anyProducts or Accessories thatdoes notconform tothis warranty.We mayuse functionally equivalentreconditioned/ refurbished/pre-owned or new Products,Accessories orparts.
How toObtain WarrantyService or OtherInformation?
Toobtain serviceor information,please call:
USA Two-WayRadios Canada Two-WayRadios
1-800-638-5119 1-800-638-5119
For Accessories,please callthe telephonenumber designated above forthe productwith whichthey areused.
Youwill receiveinstructions onhow toship theProducts or Accessories atyour expense,to aGIANT INTERNATIONAL LTD. Authorized RepairCenter. Toobtain service,you mustinclude: (a)a copy ofyour receipt,bill ofsale orother comparableproof of purchase; (b)a writtendescription ofthe problem;(c) thename of your serviceprovider, ifapplicable; (d) thename andlocation ofthe installation facility(if applicable)and, mostimportantly; (e)your address andtelephone number.
What OtherLimitations AreThere?
Some statesand jurisdictionsdo notallow thelimitation or exclusion ofincidental orconsequential damages,or limitationon the lengthof animplied warranty,so theabove limitationsor exclusions maynot applyto you.This warrantygives youspecific legal rights,and youmay alsohave otherrights thatvary fromstate to stateor fromone jurisdictionto another.
Patent and CopyrightInformation
Manufactured, distributedor soldby GiantInternational Ltd.,official licensee forthis product.Motorola, theStylized MLogo, andother Motorola trademarksand tradedress areowned byMotorola, Inc. and areused underlicense fromMotorola, Inc.MOTOROLA andthe Stylized MLogo areregistered inthe USPatent &Trademark Office. All otherproduct orservice namesare theproperty oftheir respective owners.©Motorola, Inc.2009. Allrights reserved.
Please contactcustomer serviceat 1-800-638-5119or e-mailus at giantintl@callcenter.comfor questions/comments,warranty, support or servicerelated tothis product.
MH Series
Channels and Frequencies
Weather Channel
WX1 162.550 MHz WX7 162.525MHz
WX2 162.400 MHz WX8 161.650MHz
WX3 162.475 MHz WX9 161.775MHz
WX4 162.425 MHz WX10 161.750MHz
WX5 162.450 MHz WX11 162.000MHz
WX6 162.500 MHz