EM1000 Series
Safety and General Information
Important Informationon Safe and EfficientOperation
Read ThisInformation Before Using YourRadio.
The information providedin this documentsupersedes thegeneral
safetyinformation inuser guides publishedprior toDecember 1,2002.
Transmitand Receive Procedure
Yourtwo-way radio containsa transmitterand a receiver.To control
your exposureand ensure compliancewith thegeneral population/
uncontrolled environmentexposure limits, alwaysadhere tothe
following procedure:
• Transmitno more than50% ofthe time.
• Toreceive calls, releasethe PTTbutton.
• Totransmit (talk), pressthe Pushto Talk(PTT) button.
Transmitting50% of thetime, orless, is importantbecause theradio
generates measurableRF energy exposureonly whentransmitting
(in termsof measuring standardscompliance).
Exposure toRadio Frequency Energy
YourMotorola two-way radiocomplies withthe following RFenergy
exposure standardsand guidelines:
• United StatesFederal Communications Commission,Code of
Federal Regulations;47CFR part 2sub-part J.
• American NationalStandards Institute (ANSI)/Instituteof
Electrical andElectronic Engineers (IEEE)C95. 1-1992.
• Institute ofElectrical and ElectronicsEngineers (IEEE)C95.
1-1999 Edition.
• International Commissionon Non-Ionizing RadiationProtection
(ICNIRP) 1998.
• Ministry ofHealth (Canada) SafetyCode 6.Limits of Human
Exposure toRadiofrequency Electromagnetic Fieldsin the
Frequency Rangefrom 3 KHzto 300GHz, 1999.
• Australian CommunicationsAuthority Radiocommunications
(Electromagnetic Radiation—HumanExposure) Standard, 2003.
• ANATELANNEXto ResolutionNo. 303of July2, 2002“Regulationof
limitationof exposure toelectrical,magneticand electromagnetic
fieldsin theradiofrequency rangebetween9 KHzand 300GHz”and
“Attachmentto resolution#303 from July2, 2002”.
Toensure optimal radioperformance andmake sure human
exposure toradio frequency electromagneticenergy iswithin the
guidelines setforth in theabove standards,always adhere tothe
following procedures.
Portable RadioOperation and EME Exposure
Antenna Care
Use onlythe supplied oran approvedreplacement antenna.
Unauthorized antennas,modifications, or attachmentscould
damage theradio and mayviolate FCCregulations.
Do NOThold the antennawhen theradio is “INUSE.” Holdingthe
antenna affectsits effective range.
Body-Worn Operation
Tomaintain compliances withFCC/Health CanadaRF exposure
guidelines ifyou wear aradio onyour body whentransmitting
always placethe radio ina Motorola-suppliedor approved clip
holder,holster, caseor bodyharness for thisproduct. Use ofnonMotorola-approved accessoriesmay exceed FCC/HealthCanada RF
exposure guidelines.
If youdo not useone ofthe Motorola-supplied orapproved bodyworn accessoriesand are notusing theradio held inthe normaluse
position, ensurethe radio and itsantenna are at least1 inch (2.5
cm) fromyour body when transmitting.
Data Operation
If applicable,when using anydata featureof the radiowith or
without anaccessory cable, positionthe radio and itsantenna at
least oneinch (2.5 cm) fromthe body.
Approved Accessories
For alist of approvedMotorola accessories,visit our Website at
Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility
Note: Nearlyevery electronic deviceis susceptibleto
electromagnetic interference(EMI) if inadequatelyshielded,
designed orotherwise configured forelectromagnetic compatibility.
This devicecomplies with Part15 ofthe FCC Rules.Operation is
subject tothe following twoconditions:
1. This devicemay not causeharmful interference;and
2. This devicemust accept anyinterference received,including
interference thatmay cause undesiredoperation.
Toavoid electromagnetic interferenceand/or compatibilityconflicts,
turn offyour radio inany facilitywhere posted noticesinstruct you
to doso. Hospitals orhealth carefacilities may beusing equipment
that issensitive to externalRF energy.
When instructedto do so,turn offyour radio whenonboard an
aircraft. Anyuse of aradio mustbe in accordancewith applicable
regulations perairline crew instructions.
Medical Devices– Pacemakers
The AdvancedMedical TechnologyAssociation recommendsthat a
minimum separationof 6 inches(15 cm)be maintained betweena
handheld wirelessradio and apacemaker. Theserecommendations
are consistentwith the independentresearch byand
recommendations ofthe U.S. Foodand DrugAdministration.
People withpacemakers should:
• ALWAYSkeep theradio more than6 inches(15 cm) fromtheir
pacemaker whenthe radio isturned ON.
• Not carrythe radio inthe breastpocket.
• Use theear opposite thepacemaker tominimize the potential
for interference.
• Turnthe radio OFFimmediately ifthere is anyreason tosuspect
that interferenceis taking place.
Medical Devices– Hearing Aids
Some digitalwireless radios mayinterfere withsome hearing aids.
In theevent of suchinterference, youmay want toconsult your
hearing aidmanufacturer to discussalternatives.
Medical Devices– Other
If youuse any otherpersonal medicaldevice, consult the
manufacturer ofyour device todetermine ifit is adequately
shielded fromRF energy.Your physicianmay beable to assistyou in
obtaining thisinformation.
Safety andGeneral Use While Driving
Check thelaws and regulationsregarding theuse of radiosin the
area whereyou drive, andalways obeythem. If youdo useyour
radio whiledriving, please:
• Give fullattention to drivingand tothe road.
• Use hands-freeoperation, if available.
• Pull offthe road andpark beforemaking or answeringa callif
driving conditionsso require.
The useof a two-wayradio whileengaged in activitiesrequiring
concentration maycause distraction orotherwise impairyour
ability tosafely participate insuch activities.Always use technology
Do notplace a portableradio inthe area overan airbag or inthe
air bagdeployment area. Airbags inflatewith great force.If a
portable radiois placed inthe airbag deployment areaand theair
bag inflates,the radio maybe propelledwith great forceand cause
serious injuryto occupants ofthe vehicle.
Potentially ExplosiveAtmospheres
Turnoff your radioprior toentering any areawith apotentially
explosive atmosphere.Only radio typesthat areespecially qualified
should beused in suchareas as“Intrinsically Safe.” Donot remove,
install orcharge batteries insuch areas.Sparks in apotentially
explosive atmospherecan cause anexplosion orfire resulting in
bodily injuryor even death.
For MoreInformation
For furtherinformation, you maycall Motorolaat 1-800-638-5119
(U.S. andCanada), or e-mailus atgiantintl@callcenter.com orvisit
us onthe Internet atwww.motorola.com.
Note: Theareas withpotentially explosiveatmospheres referredto
above includefueling areassuch asbelow deckson boats,fuel or
chemical transferor storagefacilities, areas wherethe aircontains
chemicals orparticles (suchas grain,dust ormetal powders)and
any otherarea whereyou wouldnormally beadvised toturn offyour
vehicle engine.Areas withpotentially explosive atmospheresare
often—but notalways—posted.
Blasting Capsand Areas
Toavoid possible interferencewith blastingoperations, turn offyour
radio whenyou are nearelectrical blastingcaps, in ablasting area,
or inareas posted “Turnoff two-wayradios.” Obeyall signsand
Operational Cautions
Do notuse any portable radiothat has a damagedantenna. If a
damaged antennacomes into contactwith yourskin, a minorburn
can result.
Allbatteries cancause property damageand/orbodily injurysuch as
burnsif aconductive material—likejewelry, keysor beadedchains—
touchexposed terminals.The conductivematerial maycompletean
electricalcircuit (shortcircuit)and becomequite hot.Exercise carein
handlingany charged battery,particularly whenplacing itinside a
pocket,purse orother container withmetal objects.
Exercise carewhen removing NiMHor AAbatteries. Do notuse
sharp orconductive tools toremove eitherof these batteries.
Battery ChargerSafety Instructions:
Save theseInstructions
1. Do notexpose the chargerto rainor snow.
2. Do notoperate or disassemblethe chargerif it hasreceived a
sharp blow,or hasbeen dropped ordamaged inany way.
3. Never alterthe AC cordor plugprovided with theunit. Ifthe
plug willnot fit theoutlet, havethe proper outletinstalled bya
qualified electrician.An improper conditioncan resultin a risk
of electricshock.
4. Toreduce the riskof damageto the cordor plug,pull the plug
rather thanthe cord whendisconnecting thecharger from the
AC receptacle.
5. Toreduce the riskof electricshock, unplug thecharger fromthe
outlet beforeattempting any maintenanceor cleaning.
6. Use ofan attachment notrecommended orsold by Motorola
may resultin a riskof fire,electric shock orpersonal injury.
7. Make surethe cord islocated soit will notbe steppedon,
tripped overor subjected todamage orstress.
8. An extensioncord should notbe usedunless absolutely
necessary. Useof animproper extension cordcould resultin a
risk ofa fire and/orelectric shock.If an extensioncord mustbe
used, makesure that:
• The pinson the plugof theextension cord arethe same
number,size and shapeas thoseon the plugof thecharger.
• The extensioncord is properlywired andin good electrical
• The extensioncord size is18 AWGfor lengthsup to 100feet,
and 16AWG forlengths up to150 feet.
9. The supplycord of theAC adaptorcannot be replaced.If the
cord isdamaged, call customerservice at1-800-638-5119 (U.S.
and Canada)or e-mail usat giantintl@callcenter.com.
FCC Licensing Information
YourMotorola radio operateson GeneralMobile Radio Service
(GMRS) frequenciesand is subjectto theRules and Regulationsof
the FederalCommunications Commission (FCC).The FCCrequires
that alloperators using GMRSfrequencies obtaina radio license
before operatingtheir equipment. To obtainthe FCC forms,please
request Form605 and 159, whichincludes all ofthe formsand
instructions youwill need.
If youwish to havethe documentfaxed or mailed,or ifyou have
questions, pleaseuse the followingcontact information:
Youmay also visitthe FCC’sWeb siteat www.fcc.gov.
Changes ormodifications not expresslyapproved byMotorola may
void theuser’s authoritygranted bythe FCC tooperate thisradio
and shouldnot be made.To complywith FCCrequirements,
transmitter adjustmentsshould be madeonly byor under the
supervision ofa person certifiedas technicallyqualified to perform
transmitter maintenanceand repairs inthe privateland mobile and
fixed servicesas certified byan organizationrepresentative of the
user ofthose services. Replacementof anytransmitter component
(crystal, semiconductor,etc.) notauthorized bythe FCC equipment
authorization forthis radio couldviolate FCCrules.
3. Gentlyremove eachbatteryby easingeachbattery outindividually.
4. Reposition thebattery cover andpress downto secure.
• Exercise carewhen removing NiMHor AAbatteries. Do notuse
sharp orconductive tools toremove eitherof these batteries.
• Remove thebatteries before storingyour radiofor extended
periods oftime. Batteries corrodeover timeand may cause
permanent damageto your radio.
Using theBattery Charger (Optional Accessory)
The batterycharger provides drop-incharging conveniencefor
NiMH batteriesand can beplaced onany flat surface,such asa
desk orworkbench. Charge theNiMH batteryovernight (at least16
hours) beforeusing it forthe firsttime. After theinitial charge,an
empty batteryis fully chargedwithin 14hours.
1. Follow thesteps above toinstall aNiMH Battery Pack.
2. Plug theAC power supplycord intothe jack onthe deskstand.
3. Plug theAC power supplyinto astandard wall outlet.
4. With aradio facing forward,slide itinto one ofthe charging
5. When chargingin the batterycharger, thered lighton the
charger basewill glow continuously.
Using themini-USB Charging Connector
The mini-USBcharging connector isa handyport that allowsyou to
conveniently chargeyour NiMH batterypack. Thisis an alternative
to chargingyour NiMH batterypack inthe Battery Chargerdesk
stand usingthe AC walladaptor andespecially useful whenused
while traveling.
Available mini-USBcharging options: (optional accessories)
1. Wall travelcharger
2. Vehicle charger
3. Mini-USB computercable
If usinga computer,the computermust be turnedon.
This andother accessories (soldseparately) areavailable for your
radio. Formore information, visitour Website at
www.motorola.com orshop.giantintl.com.
1. Plug yourmini-USB cable orcharger intoa power sourceas is
appropriate foryour accessory.
2. Plug thecable intothe mini-USBport onthe bottomof yourradio.
3. An emptybattery will befully chargedin 14 hours.
4. The LEDindicator light onthe radiowill glow toindicate thatthe
battery ischarging.
• The lightwill remain redafter theNiMH batterypack isfully
• When movingbetween hot andcold temperatures,do not
charge theNiMH battery packuntil thebattery temperature
acclimates (usuallyabout 20 minutes).
• For optimalbattery life, removethe radiofrom the chargerwithin
16 hours.Do not storethe radiowhile connected tothe charger.
• Turnradio off whilecharging.
Attaching andRemoving the Belt Clip
1. Attach beltclip to pocketor beltstrap.
2. Align thebelt clip postwith thehole in theback ofthe radio.
3. Gently pushuntil the clipclicks inplace.
1. Push downon the releasetab atthe top ofthe beltclip to
release thecatch.
2. Pull thebelt clip awayfrom theback of theradio.
TurningYour Radio Onand Off
Turn clockwise toturn the radioon andcounterclockwise to
turn theradio off.
1. In theON position, theradio chirpsand briefly showsall feature
icons availableon the radio.
2. The displayscreen then showsthe currentchannel, code and
all featuresthat are enabled.
Setting theVolume
Press andhold for threeseconds while rotating until you
reach acomfortable listening level.
1. Rotate clockwise toincrease thevolume.
2. Rotate counterclockwise todecrease thevolume.
Do nothold the radioclose toyour ear.If thevolume is setto an
uncomfortable level,it could hurtyour ear.
Talking andListening
Tocommunicate, all radiosin yourgroup must beset tothe same
channel andInterference Eliminator Code.
1. Totalk, pressand hold .
2. Whenyou are finishedtalking, release .
For maximumclarity, holdthe radio twoto threeinches away from
your mouthand speak directlyinto themicrophone. Do notcover
the microphonewhile talking.
Yourradio isdesigned tomaximize performanceand improve
transmissionrange. Donot use theradios closerthan fivefeet apart.
Monitor Button
Pressing andholding for threeseconds allowsyou tolisten to
the volumelevel ofthe radiowhen youare notreceiving. Thisallows
you toadjust thevolume, ifnecessary. Youcan alsopress to
check foractivity onthe currentchannel beforeyou talk.
Push toTalk Timeout Timer
Toprevent accidental transmissionsand savebattery life, theradio
emits acontinuous warning toneand stopstransmitting if you
press for 60continuous seconds.
Menu Options
Selecting theChannel
Yourradio has 22channels. Channels8-14 are FRS0.5 wattonly and
all otherchannels are GMRS(See the"Channels and Frequencies"
table onoverleaf for details).
1. With theradio on, press .When theradio is ona 0.5
watt channel, displays. Whenthe radiois on a1.5 watts
channel, displays. Thecurrent channelflashes.
2. Press or and selectan unusedor quietchannel.
3. Press to savethe channel settingor to continueset up.
Selecting TheInterference Eliminator Code
Interference EliminatorCodes help minimizeinterference by
blocking transmissionsfrom unknown sources.Your radiohas 121
Interference EliminatorCodes. Codes 1– 38are the standardanalog
codes thatappear on otherFRS/GMRS radios.Codes 39 –121 are
additional digitalcodes added forsuperior interferenceprotection.
0 isthe off position,no analogor digital codesare enabled.
Toset the code fora channel:
1. Press until thecode starts toflash.
2. Press or to selectthe code.
3. Press to savethe code settingor to continueset up.
Youcan set adifferent codefor each channelusing thisprocedure.
An extendedpress of or allows youto scrollthrough the
Interference Coderapidly so youcan quicklyreach the codeyou
Note: Youmust setthe InterferenceEliminator Code to0 ona radio
that usesInterference Eliminator Codesto communicatewith radios
that donot have InterferenceEliminator Codes.Select 0 for“no
tone, nocode” and OFFwill flashon your radio’sdisplay.
Setting andTransmitting Call Tones
Yourradio can transmitdifferent calltones to otherradios inyour
group soyou can alertthem thatyou want totalk. Youhave 10call
tones fromwhich to choose.
Toset a call tone:
1. With theradio on, press three timesuntil thecurrent
call tonesetting (0 -10) flashesand appears.
2. Press or to changeand hearthe calltone.
3. Press to setthe new calltone or to continueset up.
Totransmit your calltone toother radios setto thesame channel
and InterferenceEliminator Code asyour radio,press .
Note: Settingthe call to0 disablesthe call tonefeature.
Hands-Free UseWithout Accessories ( )
Youcan use theiVOX featureto transmit hands-freewithout theneed
forany headset accessories.Once iVOXis turnedon, theradiodetects
yourvoice andtransmitswhen youspeak intothe internalmicrophone.
1. Press until appears onthe display.The current
setting On/Offwill flash.
2. Press or to selectOn orOff.
3. Press to setor to continueset up.
Hands-Free UseWith Accessories ( )
Youcan transmit hands-freemore reliablywith the useof optional
headset accessories.Once VOX isturned on,the radio detectsyour
voice andtransmits when youspeak.
Many accessories(sold separately) areavailable foryour radio. For
more information,visit our Website atwww.motorola.com or
1. Turnthe radio offand plugthe VOX accessoryinto the
accessory port.
2. Turnthe radio on.VOX showson the display.
3. Adjust thevolume appropriatelyby rotating .Lower the
volume beforeplacing theaccessory onyour heador inyour ear.
4. Toturn off, simplyremove accessory.
Note: Thereis a shortdelay betweenthe time youstart talkingand
when theradio transmits. Thereis ashort delay beforethe
transmission iscompleted.
Display Screen Guide
Numbers for Channel,
Numbers for Codes
— BatteryMeter
— ChannelPower
Indicator (see Menu
— Lock
— Talk Confirmation
Tone(Roger Beep)
— NoiseFiltering
— On/Offfor each
— Scan
— CallTone,
— WeatherAlert
— Hands-FreeUse
— Hands-FreeUse
With Accessories
Continued onback
Control Buttons
Push toTalk
Flashlight Button
Call Tone
Flashlight LED
Emergency Alert
LED Indicator
Accessory Jack
Charging Port
Getting Started
Installing theBatteries
Each radiocan use either1 NiMHrechargeable battery packor 3
AA alkalinebatteries and beepswhen thebatteries are low.
Installing NiMHRechargeable Battery Pack (OptionalAccessory)
1. Turnthe radio off.
2. With theback of theradio facingyou, lift thebattery coverlatch
up andremove the cover.
3. Remove thebattery pack fromthe clearplastic bag (Donot
disassemble orunwrap the batterypack).
4. Insert theNiMH battery packwith thediagram facing you.
5. Reposition thebattery cover andpress downto secure.
Installing theThree AA Alkaline Batteries
1. Turnthe radio off.
2. With theback of theradio facingyou, lift thebattery coverlatch
up andremove the cover.
3. Insert thethree AA alkalinebatteries with+ and -polarity as
shown inside.
4. Reposition thebattery cover andpress downto secure.
Radio BatteryMeter
The radiobattery icon showsthe batterycharge level, fromfull
to empty . Whenthe radio hasone segmentleft, the
radio chirpsperiodically or afterreleasing (Low BatteryAlert).
Removing theNiMH Battery Pack (OptionalAccessory)
1. Turnthe radio off.
2. With theback of theradio facingyou, lift thebattery latchup to
release thebattery cover andremove thecover.
3. Remove theNiMH battery packby pullingthe ribbon attachedto
the radio.
4. Reposition thebattery cover andpress downto secure.
Removing theThree AA Batteries
1. Turnthe radio off.
2. With theback of theradio facingyou, lift thebattery latchup to
release thebattery cover andremove thecover.
For afax:
Contact the
For mailservice:
Call theFCC
Forms Hotline
If youhave
questions about
the FCCLicense:
Call theFCC
1-202-418-0177 1-800-418-FORM
Two-Way Radio
User’s Guide