American Certification Body Inc.
6731 Whittier Ave., Suite C110, McLean, VA 22101
August 19, 2013
RE: ATCB014456 – Original Equipment & Single Certification Applications – Model: SM1
FCC ID: IHDT6PD1 & IC: 109O-T6PD1 for Motorola Mobility LLC
1. The small user manual for this device does not include the statements from Section 15.21 and
15.19(a)(3) of the FCC Rules. Please address. (This manual appears to be for the wireless
headphones represented in this application. The large manual mentioned in item 3 below
does not appear to be for these wireless headphones.)
2. The large user manual (43 page manual) submitted appears to be for a mobile device instead
of for wireless headphones. Since it does not apply to this device, I will be ignoring it. The
following leads me to believe it is the incorrect manual for wireless headphones:
(a) Page 1 states “keep your eyes on the road.”
(b) Page 2 talks about a “hands free” device.
(c) Page 4 mentions Wi-Fi 802.11a connection. This device is a Bluetooth 3.0 version.
(d) Page 5 mentions Wi-Fi connection. Again this device is Bluetooth 3.0 version.
(e) Page 6 mentions Wi-Fi connection and a SIM card.
(f) Page 11 shows a different FCC ID number than the subject device.
R: these two user manual are both use for this device, the large user manual is about the statement
of the product, it is universal used to the products of the company, the large small manual is about how
to use the product, you should combine the large one and the small one as one user manual when you
read them~~