My LINC & My LINC Office User Guide
Southern LINC provides easy access to Web content with My LINC and e-mail with My LINC Office.
Follow the easy steps below and be on your way to accessing information anytime, anywhere within the
Southern LINC footprint.
From the Southern LINC screen, press the “MENU” key and select “Browser Apps”. You are now at the My
LINC or My LINC Office home page.
12:00pm 1/1
Ready Screen My LINC Home Page My LINC Office Home Page
My Office (My LINC Office Only) - Email, Calendar, Contacts, and Reminders
Bookmarks – save favorite web sites for easy access.
The Weather Channel - forecasts and weather related news.
go2 - location and navigation for movies, dining, financial, travel, contractors, automotive and more.
Switchboard - information and directions (white pages, yellow pages, reverse lookup).
Alert Inbox - mail box for incoming alerts.
Settings - turn pop-up message on/off, access to Time Zone and Subscriber ID settings.
2 The Weather Channel
3 go2
4 Switchboard
5 Alert Inbox
7 Settings
1 My Office
3 The Weather Channel
4 go2
5 Switchboard
6 Alert Inbox
7 Settings
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My LINC & My LINC Office User Guide
Bookmarks are a convenient way to access “wirelessly-enabled” web sites from your Southern LINC
handset. Bookmarking will let you return to the site without entering the site’s wireless address each time.
For a list of suggested bookmarks, visit www.southernlinc.com
Business Solutions menu.
Add a Bookmark
1. From the My LINC or My LINC Office home page, select “Bookmarks”.
2. From the bookmark page, select “Enter a Site”. This will take you to the “Go To Site” page.
3. Enter the “wireless address” for the site to be bookmarked (for example; ExampleSite.com’s wireless
address could be wap.examplesite.com). Press the “ok” soft key.
NOTE: Symbols or punctuation can be entered by pressing the soft key under
“Alpha” until “SYM1” or “More” soft keys appear and selecting the number of the
desired symbol. “More” can be pressed for more options (SYM2, SYM3, etc).
and select My LINC Office from the
The http:// is automatically added.
My LINC Office will send the requested site’s wireless address to the Internet and if found will display the
initial page of the site.
Bookmarks Page
1 My Bookmarks
2 Enter a Site
OK Back
Go to Site Page
Go To Site:
OK Alpha
4. To add the site, press and hold the “MENU” key until the “Browser Menu” page appears. Scroll down
to the “Mark Site” option and press “Ok”. The site name will appear as the proposed bookmark label.
5. You can change the proposed site’s label through the keypad or save the label by pressing the “Save”
soft key. The site’s label and wireless address is saved in “My Bookmarks”.
Browser Menu Page Bookmark Name Page
Browser Menu
1 Exit Browser
2 Reload
3 Home
5 Mark Site
6 About Openwave
7 AdvancedBookmark
OK Back
Bookmark Name:
Save Alpha
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My LINC & My LINC Office User Guide
Delete a Bookmark
1. From the My LINC or My LINC Office home page, select “Bookmarks”.
2. From the bookmark page, select “My Bookmarks”.
3. Highlight the site you want to modify and press the “MENU” softkey.
Your options are Delete, Add Bookmark or Add Phone Number.
Access a Bookmark
1. From the My LINC or My LINC Office home page, select “Bookmarks”.
2. From the bookmark page, select “My Bookmarks”.
3. Select the site you wish to access.
Southern LINC has partnered with the following leading “wirelessly enabled” web content providers for
instant access to weather, information, direction and more. Simply select them from the menu.
The Weather Channel - forecasts and weather related news.
go2 - location and navigation for movies, dining, financial, travel, contractors, automotive and more.
Switchboard - information and directions (white pages, yellow pages, reverse lookup).
MY OFFICE (available only with My LINC Office)
My Office provides wireless access to up to five e-mail accounts. Applications accessible with My LINC
Office are:
-- Internet POP 3 - Inbox (i.e. BellSouth, Earthlink, MSN, etc.)
-- MS Exchange - Inbox, Contact List and Calendar
-- Lotus Notes - Inbox, To Do List and Calendar
To set up which e-mail account you want to access wirelessly, you must first configure your account.
Configure Your Account
To begin, you must initially log into www.southernlinc.com (under Customer Care – Manage Your Account)
to register as new user and define the e-mail accounts to be accessed.
1. From your computer, go to www.southernlinc.com.
2. Under the “Customer Support” menu, select “Manage Your My LINC Office Account”.
3. New users should first click on the “Register” option and complete the registration
4. Continue by completing the Configuring & Defining your account pages.
5. Select which e-mail service you want and input your providers URL, your e-mail
username and password. Click “Submit”.
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My LINC & My LINC Office User Guide
Access My LINC Office
1. From the My LINC Office home page, select “My Office”.
2. Select the e-mail account you wish to access.
My LINC Office Home Page My Office Page
Internet POP3 Mail
As an Internet POP3 user you will have access to your Inbox.
You will be able to view 5 e-mails at time from your Inbox. To view the next 5 e-mails select the “More Mail”
option. Select an e-mail and press “OK” to open it.
POP3 Menu View Inbox View
1 My Office
3 The Weather Channel
4 go2
5 Switchboard
6 Alert Inbox
7 Settings
OK Help
You have 7 Messages:
1 Inbox
2 Compose
Mobile Email
Select from Menu
1 Ms Exchange 2000
2 Lotus Notes
3 POP 3 Internet Mail
1 Trip confirmation
2 Product launch info
3 Monthly sales report
4 Meeting follow up
5 Directions to Mtg
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