Motorola PR400 User Manual

Portable Radio Basic Service Manual
PR400 Portable Radio
Basic Service Manual
VHF 136-162 MHz VHF 146-174 MHz UHF 403-440 MHz UHF 438-470 MHz UHF 465-495 MHz
Motorola, Inc. 1301 E. Algonquin Road Schaumburg, IL 60196
This manual is intended for use by service technicians familiar with similar types of equipment. It contains service information required for the equipment described and is current as of the printing date. Changes which occur after the printing date may be incorporated by a complete Manual revision or alternatively as additions.
Before operating or testing these units, please read the Product Safety and RF Exposure Compliance section.
Product Safety and RF Exposure Compliance
Before using this product, read the operating instructions for safe usage contained in the Product Safety and RF Exposure booklet enclosed with your radio.
C a u t i o n
This radio is restricted to occupational use only to satisfy FCC RF energy exposure requirements.
Before using this product, read the RF energy awareness information and operating instructions in the Product Safety and RF Exposure booklet enclosed with your radio (Motorola Publication part number 68P81095C98) to ensure compliance with RF energy exposure limits.
For a list of Motorola-approved antennas, batteries, and other accessories, visit the following web site which lists approved accessories:
Computer Software Copyrights
The Motorola products described in this manual may include copyrighted Motorola computer programs stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for Motorola certain exclusive rights for copyrighted computer programs, including, but not limited to, the exclusive right to copy or reproduce in any form the copyrighted computer program. Accordingly, any copyrighted Motorola computer programs contained in the Motorola products described in this manual may not be copied, reproduced, modified, reverse-engineered, or distributed in any manner without the express written permission of Motorola. Furthermore, the purchase of Motorola products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications of Motorola, except for the normal non-exclusive license to use that arises by operation of law in the sale of a product.
Document Copyrights
No duplication or distribution of this document or any portion thereof shall take place without the express written permission of Motorola. No part of this manual may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose without the express written permission of Motorola.
The information in this document is carefully examined, and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, Motorola reserves the right to make changes to any products herein to improve readability, function, or design. Motorola does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product or circuit described herein; nor does it cover any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.
MOTOROLA and The Stylized M logo are trademarks of Motorola, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © 2004 Motorola, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
Table of Contents iii

Table of Contents

Foreword............................................................................................................................................ ii
Product Safety and RF Exposure Compliance ..................................................................................ii
Computer Software Copyrights..........................................................................................................ii
Document Copyrights ........................................................................................................................ ii
Disclaimer ..........................................................................................................................................ii
List of Figures ..............................................................................................vii
List of Tables ..................................................................................................x
Related Publications......................................................................................x
Chapter 1 Model Charts and Test Specifications .............................. 1-1
1.1 Radio Model Information................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Model Chart for VHF1 136-174 MHz .............................................................................................1-2
1.3 Model Chart for VHF2 146-174 MHz .............................................................................................1-3
1.4 VHF Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 1-4
1.5 Model Chart for UHF1 403-440 MHz .............................................................................................1-5
1.6 Model Chart for UHF2 438-470 MHz .............................................................................................1-6
1.7 Model Chart for UHF3 465-495 MHz .............................................................................................1-7
1.8 UHF Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 1-8
1.9 MIL Standards ............................................................................................................................... 1-9
Chapter 2 Theory Of Operation ........................................................... 2-1
2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Major Assemblies .......................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2.1 Receiver............................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2.2 Transmitter........................................................................................................................ 2-2
Chapter 3 Test Equipment, Service Aids, and
Service Tools....................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Test Equipment.............................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Service Aids................................................................................................................................... 3-2
Chapter 4 Performance Checks .......................................................... 4-1
4.1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Power-Up Self Test........................................................................................................................ 4-1
4.3 RF Test Mode ................................................................................................................................ 4-2
Chapter 5 Radio Alignment Procedures............................................. 5-1
5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 CPS Programming Setup .............................................................................................................. 5-1
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5.3 Radio Tuning Setup ....................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.3.1 Initial Test Equipment Control Settings ............................................................................. 5-3
5.4 Transmitter Alignment Options ...................................................................................................... 5-3
5.4.1 Reference Oscillator Warp................................................................................................ 5-3
5.4.2 Modulation Balance Attenuation ....................................................................................... 5-4
5.4.3 Transmit Power Tuning..................................................................................................... 5-5 To Perform Transmit High Power Tuning, do the following: .............................. 5-7 To Perform Transmit Low Power Tuning, do the following: - ............................. 5-7
5.4.4 VCO Attenuation ............................................................................................................... 5-8 VCO Attenuation 25 kHz.................................................................................... 5-8 VCO Attenuation 12.5 kHz................................................................................. 5-9 VCO Attenuation 20 kHz.................................................................................... 5-9
5.4.5 DTMF Deviation Tuning .................................................................................................. 5-10
5.4.6 MDC1200 Deviation Tuning (MDC radios only).............................................................. 5-11
5.5 Receiver Tuning........................................................................................................................... 5-11
5.5.1 Rated Volume Tuning ..................................................................................................... 5-12
5.5.2 Squelch Tuning ............................................................................................................... 5-13 Manual Squelch Tuning ................................................................................... 5-13 Auto Tune ........................................................................................................ 5-14
5.5.3 RSSI System Level Tuning ............................................................................................. 5-14
5.5.4 RSSI Display Tuning....................................................................................................... 5-15
5.6 Utilities ......................................................................................................................................... 5-15
5.6.1 Program Serial No. .........................................................................................................5-15
5.6.2 Temp Comp Data Read .................................................................................................. 5-15
5.6.3 Temp Comp Data Write .................................................................................................. 5-15
5.7 Radio-to-Radio Cloning................................................................................................................ 5-15
Chapter 6 Full Keypad Model Disassembly and
Re-assembly ........................................................................ 6-1
6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Preventive Maintenance ................................................................................................................ 6-1
6.2.1 Inspection.......................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2.2 Cleaning Procedures ........................................................................................................6-1
6.3 Safe Handling of CMOS and LDMOS Devices .............................................................................. 6-2
6.4 Disassembling and Re-assembling the Radio — General............................................................. 6-3
6.4.1 Radio Disassembly — Detailed ........................................................................................ 6-3 Front Cover From Chassis Disassembly ........................................................... 6-3 Dust Cover Disassembly.................................................................................... 6-6 Speaker and Microphone Disassembly ............................................................. 6-6 Keyboard Removal ............................................................................................ 6-7 PTT Disassembly............................................................................................... 6-7 Chassis Disassembly......................................................................................... 6-8
6.4.2 Radio Re-assembly - Detailed .......................................................................................... 6-9 Dust Cover Re-assembly ................................................................................... 6-9 Microphone and Speaker Re-assembly............................................................. 6-9 Keypad and LCD/Keyboard Re-assembly ....................................................... 6-11 Keyboard Retainer Re-assembly ..................................................................... 6-12 Chassis Assembly/Re-assembly...................................................................... 6-12 Chassis and Front Cover Re-assembly ........................................................... 6-13 PTT Re-assembly ............................................................................................ 6-15
6.5 Mechanical View and Parts List ................................................................................................... 6-16
6.5.1 PR400 Full-Keypad Exploded View and Parts List ......................................................... 6-16
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Chapter 7 Limited Keypad Model Disassembly and
Re-assembly ........................................................................ 7-1
7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Preventive Maintenance ................................................................................................................ 7-1
7.2.1 Inspection ......................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2.2 Cleaning Procedures ........................................................................................................7-1
7.3 Safe Handling of CMOS and LDMOS Devices.............................................................................. 7-2
7.4 Disassembling and Re-assembling the Radio — General............................................................. 7-3
7.4.1 Radio Disassembly — Detailed ........................................................................................ 7-3 Front Cover from Chassis Disassembly ............................................................ 7-3 Dust Cover Disassembly ................................................................................... 7-6 Speaker and Microphone Disassembly ............................................................. 7-6 Keyboard Removal ............................................................................................ 7-7 PTT Disassembly............................................................................................... 7-8
7.4.2 Chassis Disassembly........................................................................................................7-8
7.4.3 Radio Re-assembly - Detailed .......................................................................................... 7-9 Dust Cover Re-assembly................................................................................... 7-9 Microphone and Speaker Re-assembly............................................................. 7-9 Keypad and LCD/Keyboard Re-assembly ....................................................... 7-11 Keyboard Retainer Re-assembly..................................................................... 7-12 Chassis Assembly/Re-assembly ..................................................................... 7-12 Chassis and Front Cover Re-assembly ........................................................... 7-13 PTT Re-assembly ............................................................................................ 7-15
7.5 Mechanical View and Parts List ................................................................................................... 7-16
7.5.1 PR400 Limited-Keypad Exploded View and Parts List ................................................... 7-16
Chapter 8 Non-Keypad Model Disassembly and
Re-assembly ........................................................................ 8-1
8.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Preventive Maintenance ................................................................................................................ 8-1
8.2.1 Inspection ......................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2.2 Cleaning Procedures ........................................................................................................8-1
8.3 Safe Handling of CMOS and LDMOS Devices.............................................................................. 8-2
8.4 Disassembling and Re-assembling the Radio — General............................................................. 8-3
8.4.1 Radio Disassembly — Detailed ........................................................................................ 8-3 Front Cover From Chassis Disassembly ........................................................... 8-3 Dust Cover Disassembly ................................................................................... 8-5 Speaker and Microphone Disassembly ............................................................. 8-6 PTT Disassembly............................................................................................... 8-6
8.4.2 Chassis Disassembly........................................................................................................8-7
8.4.3 Radio Re-assembly - Detailed .......................................................................................... 8-8 Dust Cover Re-assembly................................................................................... 8-8 Microphone and Speaker Re-assembly............................................................. 8-8 Chassis Assembly/Re-assembly ....................................................................... 8-9 Chassis and Front Cover Re-assembly ........................................................... 8-10 PTT Re-assembly............................................................................................ 8-12
8.5 Mechanical View and Parts List ................................................................................................... 8-13
8.5.1 PR400 Non-Keypad Exploded View and Parts List ........................................................ 8-13
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Chapter 9 Troubleshooting Tables ..................................................... 9-1
9.1 Power-Up Error Codes................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 Operational Error Codes ................................................................................................................ 9-1
9.3 Troubleshooting Table for Receiver............................................................................................... 9-2
9.4 Troubleshooting Table for Transmitter........................................................................................... 9-3
Appendix A Accessories .........................................................................A-1
Appendix B Warranty, Service Support, and Replacement Parts .......B-1
1.1 Scope of Manual ............................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Warranty ........................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2.1 Warranty Period and Return Instructions.......................................................................... 1-1
1.2.2 After Warranty Period ....................................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 Replacement Parts Ordering ......................................................................................................... 1-1
1.3.1 Basic Ordering Information ............................................................................................... 1-1
1.3.2 Motorola Online................................................................................................................. 1-2
1.3.3 Mail Orders ....................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3.4 Telephone Orders ............................................................................................................. 1-2
1.3.5 Fax Orders ........................................................................................................................ 1-2
1.3.6 Parts Identification ............................................................................................................ 1-2
1.3.7 Product Customer Service ................................................................................................ 1-3
1.4 Technical Support .......................................................................................................................... 1-3
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Table of Contents vii
List of Figures
Figure 2-1. Major Assemblies Block Diagram..................................................................................... 2-1
Figure 2-2. Transceiver Block Diagram .............................................................................................. 2-2
Figure 3-1. Programming/Test Cable ................................................................................................. 3-4
Figure 3-2. Wiring of the Connectors.................................................................................................. 3-4
Figure 4-1. Radio Performance Checks Setup ................................................................................... 4-1
Figure 4-2. Side Button Locations ...................................................................................................... 4-2
Figure 5-1. CPS Programming Setup ................................................................................................. 5-1
Figure 5-2. Radio Tuning Setup.......................................................................................................... 5-2
Figure 5-3. Reference Oscillator Warp Window ................................................................................. 5-3
Figure 5-4. Modulation Balance Window ............................................................................................5-5
Figure 5-5. Transmit Power Window (High Power) ............................................................................ 5-6
Figure 5-6. VCO Attenuation Window (12.5 kHz) ............................................................................... 5-8
Figure 5-7. DTMF Deviation Tuning Window.................................................................................... 5-10
Figure 5-8. MDC1200 Deviation Tuning Window ............................................................................. 5-11
Figure 5-9. Rated Volume Tuning Window....................................................................................... 5-12
Figure 5-10. Squelch Tuning Window................................................................................................. 5-13
Figure 5-11. RSSI Tuning ................................................................................................................... 5-14
Figure 5-12. Side Button Locations .................................................................................................... 5-16
Figure 6-1. Battery Removal............................................................................................................... 6-3
Figure 6-2. Antenna and Knob Removal ............................................................................................ 6-4
Figure 6-3. Chassis Removal ............................................................................................................. 6-4
Figure 6-4. Keyboard Flex Connection ............................................................................................... 6-5
Figure 6-5. Microphone and Speaker Connections ............................................................................ 6-5
Figure 6-6. Dust Cover Disassembly .................................................................................................. 6-6
Figure 6-7. Removal Speaker-Microphone Assembly ........................................................................ 6-6
Figure 6-8. Keypad Removal .............................................................................................................. 6-7
Figure 6-10. Removal of Main Board from Chassis.............................................................................. 6-8
Figure 6-9. PTT Removal ................................................................................................................... 6-8
Figure 6-11. Dust Cap Re-assembly .................................................................................................... 6-9
Figure 6-13. Speaker Re-assembly .................................................................................................... 6-10
Figure 6-12. Microphone Re-assembly............................................................................................... 6-10
Figure 6-14. Keypad Re-assembly ..................................................................................................... 6-11
Figure 6-15. LCD/Keypad Board Re-assembly .................................................................................. 6-11
Figure 6-16. Keyboard Retainer Re-assembly ................................................................................... 6-12
Figure 6-17. Main Board onto Chassis Re-assembly ......................................................................... 6-13
Figure 6-19. Keyboard Flex Cable Connection................................................................................... 6-14
Figure 6-18. Microphone and Speaker Wires Re-assembly ............................................................... 6-14
Figure 6-20. Fastening the Chassis.................................................................................................... 6-15
Figure 6-21. PTT Re-assembly........................................................................................................... 6-15
Figure 6-22. PR400 Full Keypad Radio Exploded View ..................................................................... 6-16
Figure 7-1. Battery Removal............................................................................................................... 7-3
Figure 7-2. Antenna and Knob Removal ............................................................................................ 7-4
Figure 7-3. Chassis Removal ............................................................................................................. 7-4
Figure 7-4. Keyboard Flex Connector................................................................................................. 7-5
Figure 7-5. Microphone and Speaker Connections ............................................................................ 7-5
Figure 7-6. Dust Cover Disassembly .................................................................................................. 7-6
Figure 7-7. Removal Speaker-Microphone Assembly ........................................................................ 7-6
Figure 7-8. Keypad Removal .............................................................................................................. 7-7
Figure 7-9. PTT Removal ................................................................................................................... 7-8
Figure 7-10. Removal of Main Board from Chassis.............................................................................. 7-9
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viii Table of Contents
Figure 7-11. Dust Cap Re-assembly..................................................................................................... 7-9
Figure 7-12. Microphone Re-assembly............................................................................................... 7-10
Figure 7-13. Speaker Re-assembly .................................................................................................... 7-10
Figure 7-14. Keypad Re-assembly ..................................................................................................... 7-11
Figure 7-15. LCD/Keypad Board Re-assembly................................................................................... 7-11
Figure 7-16. Keyboard Retainer Re-assembly.................................................................................... 7-12
Figure 7-17. Installation of Main Board onto Chassis ......................................................................... 7-13
Figure 7-18. Microphone and Speaker Wires ..................................................................................... 7-14
Figure 7-19. Keyboard Flex Cable Connection................................................................................... 7-14
Figure 7-20. Fastening the Chassis .................................................................................................... 7-15
Figure 7-21. PTT Re-assembly........................................................................................................... 7-15
Figure 7-22. PR400 Limited Keypad Radio Exploded View................................................................ 7-16
Figure 8-1. Battery Removal ............................................................................................................... 8-3
Figure 8-2. Antenna and Knob Removal.............................................................................................8-4
Figure 8-3. Chassis Removal.............................................................................................................. 8-4
Figure 8-4. Microphone and Speaker Connections ............................................................................ 8-5
Figure 8-5. Dust Cover Disassembly .................................................................................................. 8-5
Figure 8-6. Removal Speaker-Microphone Assembly ........................................................................ 8-6
Figure 8-8. Removal of Main Board from Chassis .............................................................................. 8-7
Figure 8-7. PTT Removal.................................................................................................................... 8-7
Figure 8-9. Dust Cap Re-assembly..................................................................................................... 8-8
Figure 8-10. Microphone Re-assembly................................................................................................. 8-8
Figure 8-11. Speaker Re-assembly ...................................................................................................... 8-9
Figure 8-12. Installation of Main Board onto Chassis ......................................................................... 8-10
Figure 8-13. Microphone and Speaker Wires Re-assembly ............................................................... 8-11
Figure 8-14. Fastening the Chassis .................................................................................................... 8-11
Figure 8-15. PTT Re-assembly........................................................................................................... 8-12
Figure 8-16. PR400 Non-Keypad Radio Exploded View .................................................................... 8-13
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Table of Contents ix
List of Tables
Table 1-1. Radio Model Number (Example: AAH65KDC9AA2AN) ................................................... 1-1
Table 1-2. MIL STDS 810 C, D, E, and F: Applicable to UHF and VHF Specifications
(8.2 and 8.4) ..................................................................................................................... 1-9
Table 3-1. Recommended Test Equipment....................................................................................... 3-1
Table 3-2. Service Aids ..................................................................................................................... 3-2
Table 3-3. Recommended Service Tools .......................................................................................... 3-2
Table 4-1. Initial Equipment Control Settings ....................................................................................4-2
Table 4-2. Test Environments ........................................................................................................... 4-3
Table 4-3. Test Channel Spacing ...................................................................................................... 4-3
Table 4-5. Receiver Performance Checks......................................................................................... 4-4
Table 4-4. Test Frequencies.............................................................................................................. 4-4
Table 4-6. Transmitter Performance Checks..................................................................................... 4-5
Table 5-1. Initial Equipment Control Settings ....................................................................................5-3
Table 5-2. Reference Oscillator Specifications.................................................................................. 5-4
Table 5-3. Transmit High/Low Power Level....................................................................................... 5-7
Table 5-4. Deviation Specifications ................................................................................................ 5-10
Table 5-5. Squelch Deviation Values ..............................................................................................5-13
Table 9-1. Power-Up Error Code Display .......................................................................................... 9-1
Table 9-2. Operational Error Code Display ....................................................................................... 9-1
Table 9-3. Receiver Troubleshooting Table ...................................................................................... 9-2
Table 9-4. Transmitter Troubleshooting Table .................................................................................. 9-3
Related Publications
PR400 Detailed Service Manual .........................................................................681096C25
PR400 Full-Keypad Model User Guide ...............................................................681096C23
PR400 Limited-Keypad Model User Guide .........................................................681096C26
PR400 Non-Display Model User Guide............................................................... 681096C27
PR400 User Guide CDROM.................................................................................HKLN4219
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Chapter 1 Model Charts and Test Specifications

1.1 Radio Model Information

The model number and serial number are locate d on a label attached to the back of y our radio. You can determine the RF output power , frequency ban d, protocols , and ph ysica l pac kages . The example below shows one portable radio model number and its specific characteristics.
Table 1-1. Radio Model Number (Example: AAH65KDC9AA2AN)
Type of
AA H 65 J
AA = Motorola Internal Use
Model Series
H = Portable
Freq. Band
4 W or
5 W
Limited Keypad
Channel Spacing
1-2 Model Charts and Test Specifications: Model Chart for VHF1 136-174 MHz

1.2 Model Chart for VHF1 136-174 MHz

PR400, VHF1, 136-162 MHz
Model Description
AAH65JDC9AA2AN PR400, 136-162 MHz, 5 W, 16 Ch. Non-Display Model
AAH65JDF9AA3AN PR400, 136-162 MHz, 5 W, 32 Ch. Limited Keypad Model
AAH65JDH9AA4AN PR400, 136-162 MHz, 5 W, 64 Ch. Full Keypad Model
Item Description
X PMUD2051_ PR400, 136- 162 MHz, 5 W, 16 Ch. Non-Display Model
X PMUD2052_ PR400, 136- 162 MHz, 5 W, 32 Ch. Limited Keypad Model
X PMUD2053_ PR400, 136-162 MHz, 5 W, 64 Ch. Full Keypad Model
X PMLD4276_ Non-Display, Back Cover Kit. 16 Ch.
X PMLD4277_ Limited Keypad, Back Cover Kit, 32 Ch.
X PMLN4278_ Full Keypad, Back Cover Kit, 64 Ch. 136-162 MHz
X PMLN4601_ Non-Display, Front Housing Kit, 16 Ch.
X PMLN4602_ Limited Keypad, Front Ho using Kit, 32 Ch.
X PMLN4603_ Full Keyp ad, Front Housing Kit, 64 Ch. X X X NNTN4496_R NiCd Battery, 1100 mAH X X X NNTN4497_R Li-Ion Battery, 1800 mAH X X X NNTN4851_ NiMh Battery, 1400 mAH X X X NNTN4852_ NiMh Battery, 1300 mAH FM X X X NNTN4970 Slim Li-Ion Battery, 1600 mAH X X X WPLN4138_R Rapid 90-Min. Desktop Charger w/US Plug X X X HLN8255 3” Belt Clip X X X NAD6502_R Antenna, 146-174 MHz, 14cm X 6881096C27 PR400, Non-Display User Guide
X 6881096C26 PR400, Limited Keypad User Guide
X 6881096C23 PR400, Full Keypad User Guide X X X HKLN4219 PR400, User Guide CDROM X = Indicates compatibility with model(s)
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Model Charts and Test Specifications: Model Chart for VHF2 146-174 MHz 1-3

1.3 Model Chart for VHF2 146-174 MHz

PR400, VHF2, 146-174 MHz
Model Description
AAH65KDC9AA2AN PR400, 146-174 MHz, 5 W, 16 Ch. Non-Display Model
AAH65KDF9AA3AN PR400, 146-174 MHz, 5 W, 32 Ch. Limited Keypad Model
AAH65KDH9AA4AN PR400, 146-174 MHz, 5 W, 64 Ch. Full Keypad Model
Item Description
X PMUD2054_ PR400, 146-174 MHz, 5 W, 16 Ch. Non-Display Model
X PMUD2055_ PR400, 146-174 MHz, 5 W, 32 Ch. Limited Keypad Model
X PMUD2056_ PR400, 146-174 MHz, 5 W, 64 Ch. Full Keypad Model
X PMLD4279_ Non-Display, Back Cover Kit, 16 Ch,
X PMLD4280_ Limited Keypad, Back Cover Kit, 32 Ch,
X PMLN4281_ Full Keypad, Back Cover Kit, 64 Ch,
X PMLN4601_ Non-Display, Front Housing Kit, 16 Ch.
X PMLN4602_ Limited Keypad, Front Housing Kit, 32 Ch.
X PMLN4603_ Full Keypad, Front Housing Kit, 64 Ch. X X X NNTN4496_R NiCd Battery, 1100 mAH X X X NNTN4497_R Li-Ion Battery, 1800 mAH X X X NNTN4851_ NiMh Battery, 1400 mAH X X X NNTN4852_ NiMh Battery, 1300 mAH FM X X X NNTN4970 Slim Li-Ion Battery, 1600 mAH X X X WPLN4138_R Rapid 90-Min. Desktop Charger w/US Plug X X X HLN8255 3” Belt Clip X X X NAD6502_R Antenna, 146-174 MHz, 14cm X 6881096C27 PR400, Non-Display User Guide
X 6881096C26 PR400, Limited Keypad User Guide
X 6881096C23 PR400, Full Keypad User Guide X X X HKLN4219 PR400, User Guide CDROM X = Indicates compatibility with model(s)
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1-4 VHF Specifications

1.4 VHF Specifications

Frequency: 136-162 MHz
146-174 MHz Channel Capacity: 16, 32, or 64 Channels Power Supply: 7.5 Volts ±20% Dimensions:
High Capacity NiCd, High Capacity Li-Ion, NiMH FM, NiMH Std, and Slim Li-Ion Batteries:
Weight: for 16 Channel Model Batteries:
High Capacity NiCd High Capacity Li-Ion NiMH FM NiMH Std Slim Li-Ion
Weight: for 32 & 64 Channel Model Batteries:
High Capacity NiCd High Capacity Li-Ion NiMH FM NiMH Std Slim Li-Ion
Average Battery Life @ (5-5-90 Duty Cycle):
High Capacity NiCd High Capacity Li-Ion NiMH FM NiMH Std Slim Li-Ion
130.5mm H x 62mm W x
45mm D
(5.12” H x 2.4” W x 1.75” D)
430g (15.17 oz.)
376g (13.26 oz.)
449g (15.83 oz.)
446g (15.73 oz.)
337g (13.30 oz.)
451g (15.91 oz.)
396g (13.97 oz.)
469g (16.54 oz.)
467g (16.47 oz.)
397g (14.0 oz.)
1100 1800 1300 1400 1600
5 W
8 Hrs.
14 Hrs.
9 Hrs. 10 Hrs. 12 Hrs.
1 W
9 Hrs. 19 Hrs. 11 Hrs. 13 Hrs. 17 Hrs.
RF Output NiMH @ 7.5 V:
Frequency: 136-162 MHz
Channel Spacing: 12.5/20/25 kHz Freq. Stability:
(-30°C to +60°C) Spurs/Harmonics: -36 dBm < 1 GHz
Audio Response: (from 6 dB/oct. Pre-emphasis, 300 to 3000 Hz)
Audio Distortion: @ 1000 Hz, 60% Rated Max. Dev.
FM Noise: -40 dB (12.5 kHz)
Low 1 W
146-174 MHz
-30 dBm > 1 GHz +1, -3 dB
-45 dB (25 kHz)
High 5 W
12.5 kHz
Frequency: 136-162 MHz
146-174 MHz
Sensitivity 12 dB EIA SINAD:
Adjacent Channel Selectivity:
Intermodulation: - 70 dB Freq. Stability
(-30°C to +60°C):
0.25 µV (typical)
-65 dB -70 dB
Spur Rejection: -75 dB Image and 1/2 I-F
Rejection: Audio Output
@ <5% Distortion:
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
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-70 dB
500 mW
Model Charts and Test Specifications: Model Chart for UHF1 403-440 MHz 1-5

1.5 Model Chart for UHF1 403-440 MHz

PR400, UHF1, 403-440 MHz
Model Description
AAH65QDC9AA2AN PR400, 403-440 MHz, 4 W, 16 Ch. Non-Display Model
AAH65QDF9AA3AN PR400, 403-440 MHz, 4 W, 32 Ch. Limited Keypad Model
AAH65QDH9AA4AN PR400, 403-440 MHz, 4 W, 64 Ch. Full Keypad Model
Item Description
X PMUE2361_ PR400, 403-440 MHz, 4 W, 16 Ch. Non-Display Model
X PMUE2362_ PR400, 403-440 MHz, 4 W, 32 Ch. Limited Keypad Model
X PMUE2363_ PR400, 403-440 MHz, 4 W, 64 Ch. Full Keypad Model
X PMLE4338_ Non-Display, Back Cove r Kit, 16 Ch,
X PMLE4377_ Limited Keypad, Back Cover Kit, 32 Ch,
X PMLE4334_ Full Keypad, Back Cover Kit. 64 Ch,
X PMLN4601_ Non-Display, Front Housing Kit, 16 Ch.
X PMLN4602_ Limited Keypad, Front Housing Kit, 32 Ch.
X PMLN4603_ Full Keypad, Front Housing Kit, 64 Ch. X X X NNTN4496_R NiCd Battery, 1100 mAH X X X NNTN4497_R Li-Ion Batt ery, 1800 mAH X X X NNTN4851_ NiMh Battery, 1400 mAH X X X NNTN4852_ NiMh Battery, 1300 mAH FM X X X NNTN4970 Slim Li-Ion Battery, 1600 mAH X X X WPLN4138_R Rapid 90-Min. Desktop Charger w/US Plug X X X HLN8255 3” Belt Clip X X X NAE6483_R Antenna, Flexible Whip, 403-520 MHz X 6881096C27 PR400, Non-Display User Guide
X 6881096C26 PR400, Limited Keypad User Guide
X 6881096C23 PR400, Full Keypad User Guide X X X HKLN4219 PR400, User Guide CDROM X = Indicates compatibility with model(s)
6881096C24-A August, 2004
1-6 Model Charts and Test Specifications: Model Chart for UHF2 438-470 MHz

1.6 Model Chart for UHF2 438-470 MHz

PR400, UHF2, 438-470 MHz
Model Description
AAH65RDC9AA2AN PR400, 438-470 MHz, 4 W, 16 Ch. Non-Display Model
AAH65RDF9AA3AN PR400, 438-470 MHz, 4 W, 32 Ch. Limited Keypad Model
AAH65RDH9AA4AN PR400, 438-470 MHz, 4 W, 64 Ch . Full Keypad Model
Item Description
X PMUE2364_ PR400, 438-470 MHz, 4 W, 16 Ch. Non-Display Model
X PMUE2365_ PR400, 438-470 MHz, 4 W, 32 Ch. Limited Keypad Model
X PMUE2366_ PR400, 438-470 MHz, 4 W, 64 Ch. Full Keypad Model
X PMLE4340_ Non-Display, Back Cover Kit. 16 Ch.
X PMLE4378_ Limited Keypad, Back Cover Kit, 32 Ch.
X PMLE4335_ Full Keypad, Back Cover Kit, 64 Ch.
X PMLN4601_ Non-Display, Front Housing Kit, 16 Ch.
X PMLN4602_ Limited Keypad, Front Ho using Kit, 32 Ch.
X PMLN4603_ Full Keyp ad, Front Housing Kit, 64 Ch. X X X NNTN4496_R NiCd Battery, 1100 mAH X X X NNTN4497_R Li-Ion Battery, 1800 mAH X X X NNTN4851_ NiMh Battery, 1400 mAH X X X NNTN4852_ NiMh Battery, 1300 mAH FM X X X NNTN4970 Slim Li-Ion Battery, 1600 mAH X X X WPLN4138_R Rapid 90-Min. Desktop Charger w/US Plug X X X HLN8255 3” Belt Clip X X X NAE6483_R Antenna, Flexible Whip, 403-520 MHz X 6881096C27 PR400, Non-Display User Guide
X 6881096C26 PR400, Limited Keypad User Guide
X 6881096C23 PR400, Full Keypad User Guide X X X HKLN4219 PR400, User Guide CDROM X = Indicates compatibility with model(s)
August, 2004 6881096C24-A
Model Charts and Test Specifications: Model Chart for UHF3 465-495 MHz 1-7

1.7 Model Chart for UHF3 465-495 MHz

PR400, UHF3, 465-495 MHz
Model Description
AAH65SDC9AA2AN PR400, 465-495 MHz, 4 W, 16 Ch. Non-Display Model
AAH65SDF9AA3AN PR400, 465-495 MHz, 4 W, 32 Ch. Limited Keypad Model
AAH65SDH9AA4AN PR400, 465-495 MHz, 4 W, 64 Ch. Full Keypad Model
Item Description
X PMUE2367_ PR400, 465-495 MHz, 4 W, 16 Ch. Non-Display Model
X PMUE2368_ PR400, 465-495 MHz, 4 W, 32 Ch. Limited Keypad Model
X PMUE2369_ PR400, 465-495 MHz, 4 W, 64 Ch. Full Keypad Model
X PMLE4379_ Non-Display, Back Cove r Kit. 16 Ch.
X PMLE4380_ Limited Keypad, Back Cover Kit, 32 Ch.
X PMLE4336_ Full Keypad, Back Cover Kit, 64 Ch,
X PMLN4601_ Non-Display, Front Housing Kit, 16 Ch.
X PMLN4602_ Limited Keypad, Front Housing Kit, 32 Ch.
X PMLN4603_ Full Keypad, Front Housing Kit, 64 Ch. X X X NNTN4496_R NiCd Battery, 1100 mAH X X X NNTN4497_R Li-Ion Battery, 1800 mAH X X X NNTN4851_ NiMh Battery, 1400 mAH X X X NNTN4852_ NiMh Battery, 1300 mAH FM X X X NNTN4970 Slim Li-Ion Battery, 1600 mAH X X X WPLN4138_R Rapid 90-Min. Desktop Charger w/US Plug X X X HLN8255 3” Belt Clip X X X NAE6483_R Antenna, Flexible Whip, 403-520 MHz X 6881096C27 PR400, Non-Display User Guide
X 6881096C26 PR400, Limited Keypad User Guide
X 6881096C23 PR400, Full Keypad User Guide X X X HKLN4219 PR400, User Guide CDROM X = Indicates compatibility with model(s)
6881096C24-A August, 2004
1-8 UHF Specifications

1.8 UHF Specifications

Frequency: 403-440 MHz
438-470 MHz
465-496 MHz Channel Capacity: 16, 32, or 64 Channels Power Supply: 7.5 Volts ±20% Dimensions:
High Capacity NiCd, High Capacity Li-Ion, NiMH FM, NiMH Std, and Slim Li-Ion Batteries:
Weight: for 16 Channel Model Batteries:
High Capacity NiCd High Capacity Li-Ion NiMH FM NiMH Std Slim Li-Ion
Weight: for 32 & 64 Channel Model Batteries:
High Capacity NiCd, High Capacity Li-Ion, NiMH FM, NiMH Std, Slim Li-Ion
Average Battery Life @ (5-5-90 Duty Cycle):
High Capacity NiCd High Capacity Li-Ion NiMH FM NiMH Std Slim Li-Ion
130.5mm H x 62mm W x
45mm D
(5.12” H x 2.4” W x 1.75” D)
430g (15.17 oz.)
376g (13.26 oz.)
449g (15.83 oz.)
446g (15.73 oz.)
337g (13.30 oz.)
451g (15.91 oz.)
396g (13.97 oz.)
469g (16.54 oz.)
467g (16.47 oz.)
397g (14.0 oz.)
1100 1800 1300 1400 1600
4 W
8 Hrs.
14 Hrs.
9 Hrs. 10 Hrs. 12 Hrs.
19 Hrs. 11 Hrs. 13 Hrs. 17 Hrs.
1 W
9 Hrs.
RF Output NiMH @ 7.5 V:
Frequency: 403-440 MHz
Channel Spacing: 12.5/20/25 kHz Freq. Stability:
(-30°C to +60°C) Spurs/Harmonics: -36 dBm < 1 GHz
Audio Response: (from 6 dB/oct. Pre­emphasis, 300 to 3000 Hz)
Audio Distortion: @ 1000 Hz, 60% Rated Max. Dev.
FM Noise: -40 dB (12.5 kHz)
Low 1 W
438-470 MHz 465-496 MHz
-30 dBm > 1 GHz +1, -3 dB
-45 dB (25 kHz)
High 4 W
12.5 kHz
Frequency: 403-440 MHz
438-470 MHz 465-496 MHz
Sensitivity 12 dB EIA SINAD:
Adjacent Channel Selectivity:
Intermodulation: -70 dB Freq. Stability
(-30°C to +60°C):
0.25 µV (typical)
-60 dB -70 dB
Spur Rejection: -75 dB Image and 1/2 I-F
Rejection: Audio Output
@ <5% Distortion:
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
August, 2004 6881096C24-A
-70 dB
500 mW
Model Charts and Test Specifications: MIL Standards 1-9

1.9 MIL Standards

Table 1-2. MIL STDS 810 C, D, E, and F: Applicable to UHF and VHF Specifications (8.2 and 8.4)
Military Standards 810 C, D, E, & F: Parameter s/Methods/Procedures
810C 810D 810E 810F
Low Pressure
High Temper­ature
Low Temperature
Temperature Shock
Solar Radia­tion
Rain 506.1 1,2 506.2 1,2 506.3 1,2 506.4 1 Humidity 507.1 2 507.2 2,3 507.3 2,3 507.4 3 Salt Fog 509.1 1 509.2 1 509.3 1 509.4 1 Dust 510.1 1 510.2 1 510.3 1 510.4 1 Vibration 514.2 8,10 514.3 1 514.4 1 514.5 1 Shock 516.2 1,2,5 516.3 1,4 516.4 1,4 516.5 1
Methods Procedures Methods Procedures Methods Procedures Methods Procedures
500.1 1 500.2 2 500.3 2 500.4 1
501.1 1,2 501.2 1,2 501.3 1,2 501.4 1,2
502.1 1 502.2 1,2 502.3 1,2 501.4 1,2
503.1 1 503.2 1 503.3 1 503.4 1
505.1 1 505.2 1 505.3 1 505.4 1
6881096C24-A August, 2004
1-10 Model Charts and Test Specifications: MIL Standards
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Chapter 2 Theory Of Operation

2.1 Introduction

This chapter provides a basic theory of operation for the radio components.

2.2 Major Assemblies

• Transceiver Board – contains all transmit, receive, and audio circuitry.
• Display (Limited and Full Keypad models only) – 8 characters (14 segments star burst) and 10 icons with backlighting, liquid-crystal display (LCD).
Keypad Board (Limited and Full Keypad models only) – Limited Keypad: a 2-button menu keypad with 2-way navigation button, Full Keypad: a 2-button menu keypad with 2-way navigation button, and a 3 x 4 alphanumeric
keypad.Transceiver Board (Figure 2-1).
2.2.1 Receiver
Incoming RF signals from the antenna are first routed through the harmonic filter and antenna switch, part of the transmitter circuitry, before being applied to the receiver front end. The receiver front end consists of a preselector filter, RF amplifier, interstage filter, and a double-balanced first
mixer (Figure 2-2).
The mixer output is applied to a diplexer network which matches the 44.85 MHz IF signal to the crystal filter, and terminates the mixer into 50 ohms at all other frequencies.
Figure 2-1. Major Assemblies Block Diagram
The receiver back-end is a dual conversion design. High IF selectivity is provided by a 4-pole fundamental mode 44.85 MHz crystal filter. The output is matched to an IF amplifier stage. The output of the IF amplifier is applied to the input of the receiver IFIC.
2-2 Theory Of Operation: Major Assemblies
The IFIC is a low-voltage monolithic FM IF system incorporating a mixer/oscillator, two limiting IF amplifiers, quadrature detector, logarithmic received signal strength indicator (RSSI), voltage regulator and audio, and RSSI Op Amps. The second LO frequency, 44.395 MHz, is determined by a crystal oscillator. The second mixer converts the 44.85 MHz high IF frequency to 455 kHz.
Additional IF selectivity is provided by two ceramic filters. The first ceramic filter is a 4-pole filter used between the second mixer and IF amp. The second ceramic filter is a 6-pole filter and is used between the IF amp and the limiter input. For the second ceramic filter, a wider filter is used for 20/25 kHz channel spacing, and a narrower filter is used for 12.5 kHz channels.
A ceramic resonator provides phases vs. frequency characteristic required by the quadrature detector, with 90 degree phase shift occurring at 455 kHz. The output of the IFIC is the recovered audio signal which is fed to the audio IC for amplification and signal conditioning. The output of the audio IC is injecting into the audio PA which drives the 24 Ohm speaker.
2.2.2 Transmitter
• When the radio is transmitting, microphone audio is passed through the audio IC, where pre­emphasis and low-pass (splatter) filtering are done. The output of the audio IC is used to modu­late the TX VCO, which creates the modulated carrier. The modulated carrier is then amplified by the pre-driver and power amplifier circuit, which transmits the signal under dynamic power control
Audio PA
Recovered Audio
Ref. Osc.
Frac N
Audio IC
Loop Filter
Cer Fltr
IF Amp
Tx Out
Rx Out
Figure 2-2. Transceiver Block Diagram
July, 2004 6881096C24-A
Chapter 3 Test Equipment, Service Aids, and
Service Tools

3.1 Test Equipment

Table 3-1 lists test equipment required to service the PR400 Radios.
Table 3-1. Recommended Test Equipment
Motorola Part No. Description Characteristics Application
R2600 series System analyzer This item will substitute for
items with an asterisk (*)
*R1074A Fluke 87 digital multi-
Fluke 85 RF probe 500 MHz, 30 VAC max Use with Fluke 87 digital multi-
*R1377A AC voltmeter 1 mV to 300 mV, 10 mega-
R1611A Dual channel
100 MHz oscillo­scope (Agillent)
S1339A RF millivolt meter 100 µV to 3V RF, 10 kHz to
*R1013B or *R1370A
SINAD meter or SINAD meter with
True RMS metering, 200 kHz frequency counter, 32-segment bar graph with backlit display
ohm input impedance Two-channel, 100 MHz
bandwidth, 200 M sample rate/sec, 2 MB memory/ channel
1 GHz frequency range Without RMS audio voltme-
ter or With RMS audio voltmeter
Frequency/deviation meter and signal generator for wide-range troubleshooting and alignment
Digital voltmeter is recom­mended for AC/DC voltage and current measurements
meter for RF voltage measure­ments.
Audio voltage measurements
Waveform measurements
RF level measurements
Receiver sensitivity measure­ments
3-2 Test Equipment, Service Aids, and Service Tools: Service Aids

3.2 Service Aids

Table 3-2 lists service aids recommended for working on the PR400 Radios. While all of these i tems
are available from Motorola, most are standard shop equipment items, and any equivalent item capable of the same performance may be substituted for the item listed.
Table 3-2. Service Aids
Motorola P a rt
RLN4460 Portable Test Set Enables connection to the audio/accessory jack.
RLN4510 Battery Interface Regulates DC current and voltage between radio and
RVN4191 Customer Programming Soft-
ware and Global Tuner Software
on CD Rom AAPMKN4004 Programming Test Cable Connects radio to RIB (PLN4008). AAPMKN4003 Radio to Radio Cloning Cable
RLN4008 Radio Interface Box Enables communications between the radio and the
5886564Z01 RF Adaptor Adapts radio’s antenna port to BNC cabling of test
0180305K08 Shop Battery Eliminator Interconnects radio to power supply. HSN9412 Wall-Mounted Power Supply Used to supply power to the RIB (120 VAC).
Description Application
Allows switching for radio testing.
power supply. Program customer option and channel data.
Allows a radio to be duplicated fr om a master radio by transferring prog rammed d ata from the master radio to the other.
computer’s serial communications adapter.
3080369B71 or 3080369B72
6686533Z01 Knob Remover/Chassis Opener Used to remove the front cover assembly. HKN9216 IBM Computer Interface Cable Connection from computer to RIB. 8180384N65 Housing Eliminator Allows testing of the radio outside of the housing.
Motorola P a rt
RSX4043A TORX screwdriver Tighten and remove chassis screws 6680387A70 T6 TORX bit Removable TORX screwdriver bit R1453A Digital readout solder station Digitally controlled soldering iron RLN4062A Hot air workstation, 120 V Tool for hot air soldering/desoldering of surface
Computer Interface Cable Use B72 for the IBM PC AT or newer (9-pin serial
port). Use B71 for older models (25-pin serial port). Connects the computer’s serial communications adapter to the RIB (PLN4008).
Table 3-3. Recommended Service Tools
Description Application
mounted integrated circuits
July 21, 2004 6881096C24-A
Test Equipment, Service Aids, and Service Tools: Service Aids 3-3
Table 3-3. Recommended Service Tools (Continued)
Motorola P art
Description Application
0180386A78 Illuminated magnifying glass with
lens attachment
Illumination and magnification of components
0180302E51 Master lens system 0180386A82 Anti-static grounding kit Used during all radio assembly and disassembly pro-
cedures 6684253C72 Straight prober 6680384A98 Brush 1010041A86 Solder (RMA type), 63/67,
0.5mm diameter, 1 lb. spool
0180303E45 SMD tool kit (included with
R1319A) R1319A ChipMaster (110 V) Surface mount removal and assembly of surface R1321A ChipMaster (220 V)
mounted integrated circuits and/or rework station
shields. Includes 5 nozzles. ChipMaster Nozzles: 6680332E83 PLCC-28* nozzle 6680332E82 PLCC-44* nozzle 6680332E94 PLCC-52 nozzle 6680332E96 PLCC-84 nozzle 6680334E67 QFP-160 nozzle 6680333E46 SOL-18 nozzle 6680332E84 SOIC-20 nozzle 6680332E87 SOL-20J nozzle 6680333E45 SOL-24 nozzle 6680333E55 TSOP-64 nozzle
* Included with ChipMaster packages
Soldering and Un-soldering IC’s
6881096C24-A July, 2004
3-4 Test Equipment, Service Aids, and Service Tools: Service Aids
Programming/Test Cable
3.5mm mono
2.5mm stereo
Figure 3-1. Programming/Test Cable
2.5mm stereo and
3.5mm Tip (Speaker +)
3.5mm Sleeve
2.5mm Tip (Microphone)
2.5mm Center
P2 P3
1UF,16V 5%
25 pin Male D Connector
Components molded inside
1 5
24 7
20 8
15 16 9
25 pin Female
D Connector
1 15
4 11
T o Test Box
T o Test Box
Figure 3-2. Wiring of the Connectors
July 21, 2004 6881096C24-A

Chapter 4 Performance Checks

4.1 General

These radios meet published specifications through their manufacturing process by utilizing high­accuracy laboratory-quality test equipment. The recom mended field service equipment is as accur ate as the manufacturing equipment with few exceptions. This accuracy must be maintained in compliance with the manufacture r’s recommended calibration schedule.
Figure 4-1. Radio Performance Checks Setup

4.2 Power-Up Self Test

Applying power to the r a dio by using the on/off volum e cont rol, starts a self-test routine which checks the RAM, EEPROM hardware and EEPROM checksum. Pressing and holding SB1 while turning on the radio causes the self-test routine to check for the ROM checksum as well. If these checks are successfully completed, the radio will generate the Self-Test Pass Tone. If the self-test is not successful, a Self-Test Fail Tone is heard.
Test Cable
RIB Power Supply
Computer Interface Cable
Tx Data
Rx Data
4-2 Performance Checks: RF Test Mode
Supply voltage can be connected from the battery eliminator. The equipment required for alignment procedures is connected as shown in the Radio Performance Checks Setup diagram (Figure 4-1).
Initial equipment control settings should be as indicated in Table 4-1 and sh ould be the same for all performance checks and tuner alignment procedures.
Table 4-1. Initial Equipment Control Settings
Service Monitor Test Set Power Supply
Monitor Mode: Power Monitor Spkr set: A Voltage: 7.5 Vdc RF Attenuation: -70 Spkr/load:
AM, CW, FM: FM PTT: OFF Volt Range: 10 V Oscilloscope Source: Mod
Oscilloscope Horiz: 1 0 mSec/Div Oscilloscope Vert: 2.5kHz/Div Oscilloscope Trig: Auto Monitor Image: Hi Monitor BW: Nar Monitor Squelch: mid CW Monitor Vol: 1/4 CW

4.3 RF Test Mode

When the PR400 radio is operating in its normal environment, the radio's microcomputer co nt rols t h e RF channel selection, transmitter key-up, and receiver muting, according to the customer codeplug configuration. However, when the unit is on the bench for testing, alignment, or repair, it must be removed from its normal environment using a special routine, called RF TEST MODE. This mode allows bench testing of the radio at various test frequencies across the entire band, at both high and low transmit power (if applicable), at various channel spacings, and with differ ent coded or carrier squelch types. Any customer specific programming in the radio will not be changed or affected by use of the RF Test Mode..
DC on/standby: Standby
Current: 2.5 A
Side Button 1
Side Button 2
Figure 4-2. Side Button Locations
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