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Safety Summary
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this
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in personal injury or damage to the equipment.
The safety precaut ions listed be low represent warnings of ce rtain danger s of which Mot orola is awar e. You, as the
user of the product, should follow these warnings and all other safety precautions necessary for the safe operation of
the equipment in your operating environment.
Ground the Instrument.
To minimize shock hazard, the equipment chassis and enclosure must be connected to an electrical ground. If the
equipment is su pplied wi th a three-c onductor A C power ca ble, the po wer cable m ust be plug ged into an a pproved
three-contact electrical outlet, with the grounding wire (green/yellow) reliably connected to an electrical ground
(safety ground) at the power outlet. The power jack and mating plug of the power cable meet International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) safety standards and local electrical regulatory codes.
Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere.
Do not operate the equipment in any explosive atmosphere such as in the presence of flammable gases or fumes.
Operation of any electrical equipment in such an environment could result in an explosion and cause injury or damage.
Keep Away From Live Circuits Inside the Equipment.
Operating personnel must not remove equipment covers. Only Factory Authorized Service Personnel or other
qualified service personnel may remove equipment covers for internal subassembly or component replacement or any
internal adjust ment. Service pe rsonnel should n ot replace compon ents with power c able connected. Under certain
conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even with the power cable removed. To avoid injuries, such personnel
should always disconnect power and d is charge circuits before touc hi ng components.
Use Caution When Exposing or Handling a CRT.
Breakage of a Cathode-Ray Tube (CRT) causes a high-velocity scattering of glass fragments (implosion). To prevent
CRT implosion, do not handl e the CRT and avoid rough handling o r jarring of t he equipment . Handling o f a CRT
should be done only by qualified service personnel using approved safety mask and gloves.
Do Not Substitute Parts or Modify Equipment.
Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification of the equipment. Contact your local
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contained in the warnings m ust be follow ed. You should also employ all ot her safety precautions w hich you dee m
necessary for the operation of the equi pm ent in your operating en vi ronment.
To prevent serious injury or death from dangerous voltages, use extreme
caution when handling, testing, and adjusting this equipment and its
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Motorola, Inc.
Computer Group
2900 South Diablo Way
Tempe, Arizona 85282
About This Manual
Summary of Changes.................................................................................................xvi
Overview of Contents................................................................................................xvi
Comments and Suggestions.....................................................................................xviii
Conventions Used in This Manual...........................................................................xviii
Table H-1. Controller-Independent Status Codes ....................................................H-1
Table H-2. DEC21040/21140/21143 Controller Status Codes ................................H-2
Table H-3. Intel 82559/ER Controller Status Codes................................................H-3
About This Manual
The PPCBug Firmware Package User’s Ma nual provides infor mation on
the PPCBug firmware, the start-up and boot routines, the debugger
commands, the one-li ne assembler/disas sembler, and the debugger system
Information in thi s manua l ap plies to Motorola PowerPC™-based boards
that use PPCBug as its resident debugger program. The majority of
Motorola’s PowerPC™-based boards including most VME, CompactPCI
and ATX form factors are equipped with PPCBug.
This document is bound in two parts:
Part 1 (PPCBUGA1/UM5) contains the Tabl e of Contents, List of Figures,
and List of Tables fo r Cha pte rs 1 t hr ough 3, Chapters 1 through 3 and th e
Part 2 (PPCBUGA2/UM5) contains the Table of Contents and List of
Tables for Chapters 4 and 5 and Appendi ces A th rough H, a nd Chapte rs 4
and 5, Appendixes A through H, and the Index.
The diagnostics are covered in the PPCBug Diagnostics Manual
Summary of Changes
This is the fifth edition of the PPCbug Firmware Package User’s Manual.
It supersedes the fourth edition (UM4) and in corporates the following
Where UpdatedDescription of Change
Overall ChangeMost instances of PPC1Bug or PPC1 were changed to
PPCxBug or PPCx to accommodate multiple versions of
Bug, which have been released.
Chapter 1Since PPCBug resides on most PowerPC boards, specific
boards are no longer listed at the beginning of this chapter.
A correction was made to the starting address (from
$03F80000 to $03F40000) of the example described in the
section titled Memory Requirementson page 1-3.
A second example for the size and address requirements of
NVRAM was added in the sections titled Size and Address
Requirements for NVRAM on page 1-3.
New LED/Serial Startup Diagnostic codes were added to
Table 1-1 on page 1-8.
The section titled Multiprocessor Su pport (Remote Start) on
page 1-31 was completely revised.
Chapter 3Several new commands were added (e.g., CACHE, IBM and
MMGR), and several existing command descriptions were
updated (e.g., ENV, NIOT, SROM, and TA).
Appendix GThe content was completely revised from the previous
version of this manual.
Appendix HStatus codes were added for the 21143 and 82559ER
Overview of Contents
Chapter 1, General Information, provides an overview of PPCBug,
memory requirements, an explanation of the start-up process, a "highlevel" list of what PPCBug checks, a list of the LED/Serial startup
diagnostic codes, a brief explanation on how to run the Debugger and
Diagnostics firmware interactively, an explanation of the auto boot
process, an explanation of the ROMboot process, an explanation of the
network auto boot process, an explanation on restarting the system, a
description of the types of board failures, an ex planation of the MPU c lock
speed calculation, a des cription of the disk I/O s upport, a description of t he
network I/O support, and an explanation of the multiprocessor support
(remote start).
Chapter 2, Using the Debugger, contains a series of explanations on the
various aspects of Debugger use including such subjects as command
syntax, command arguments, command options, control characters,
entering and debugging programs, system call routines in user programs,
preserving the operating environment, context switching, and floating
point support.
Chapter 3, Debugger Commands, a list of all current commands, and a
detailed explanation of each command including command input and
Chapter 4, One-Line Assembler/ Disassembler, describes a PPCBug tool
that allows you to create, modify and debug code written in PowerPC
assembly languag e.
Chapter 5, System Calls, describes the PPCBug System Call handler,
which allows system call s from user programs.
Appendix A, Related Documentation, lists related Motorola
documentation, as well as other vendor documents and specifications.
Appendix B, System Menu, describes each menu item within the PPCxBug> or PPCx-Diag> environment.
Appendix C, PPCBug Messages, contains a series of tables listing all
PPCBug messages and their meaning.
Appendix D, S-Record Format, describes the purpose and use of the S-
Record format.
Appendix E, Disk and Tape Controllers, lists and describes the types of
disk and tape controllers supported by PPCBug.
Appendix F, Disk Status Codes, lists and descr ibes the various disk status
codes supported by PPCBug.
Appendix G, Establishing Network Connections with PPCBug, describes
a procedure that can be used to establis h a netw ork conn ect ion using
standard PPCBug commands from a PowerPC board with a compatible
network connectivity device.
Appendix H, Network Communication Status Codes, lists and describes
two main types of network communication status codes: controller
independent and controller dependent.
Comments and Suggestions
Motorola welcomes and appreciates your comments on its doc umentation.
We want to know what y ou think about our manuals and how we can make
them better. Mail comments to:
Motorola Computer Group
Reader Comments DW164
2900 S. Diablo Way
Tempe, Arizona 85282
You can also submit comments to the following e-mail address:
In all your corres pondence , plea se li st your name, po si tion, a nd compan y.
Be sure to include the title and par t number of the manual and tell how you
used it. Then tell us your feelings about its strengths and weaknesses and
any recommendations for improvements.
Conventions Used in This Manual
The following typographical conventions are used in this document:
is used for user input that you type j ust as it appe ars. Bold is al so used
for commands, options and arguments to commands, and names of
programs, directories and files.
is used for names of variables to which you assign values. Italic is also
used for comments in screen dis plays and examples, and to intr odu ce
new terms.
is used for system output (for example, screen displays, reports),
examples, and system prompts.
<Enter>, <Return> or <CR>
<CR> represents the carriage return or Enter key.
represents the Control key. Execute control characters by pr essing the
Ctrl key and the letter simultaneously, for example, Ctrl-d.
separates two or more items from which to choose (one only)
[ ]
encloses an optiona l item th at may not occ ur at all , or may occur once.
{ }
encloses an optional item that may not occur at all, or may occur one
or more times.
A character precedes a data or address parameter to specify the numberic
format, as follows (if not specified, the format is hexadecimal):
Data and address sizes are defined as follows:
A byte is eight bits, numbered 0 through 7, with bit 0 being the least
A half-word is 16 bits, numbered 0 through 15, with bit 0 being the least
A word is 32 bits, numbered 0 through 31, with bit 0 being the least
The MPU on the PowerPC board is programmed to big-endian byte
ordering. Any attempt to use little-endian byte ordering will immediately
render the debugger unusable
1General Information
PPCBug Overview
PPCBug is a powerful evaluation and debugging tool for systems built
around the Motorola PowerPC microprocessors. PPCBug firmware
consists of three parts:
❏ Command-driven user-interactive software debugger. It is hereafter
referred to as the debugger, which is described in this manual.
Debugging commands are ava ilabl e for lo adi ng and exec uting us er
programs under complete operator control for system evaluation.
❏ Command-driven diagnostic package for testing and
troubleshooting the PowerPC board, which is hereafter called the
diagnostics. Refer to the PPCBug Diagnostics Manual for
information on th e diag nost ics and the diagn ost ics ut ili ties and se lftests.
❏ MPU, firmware, and hardware initialization routines, which are
described in this manual.
The PPCBug firmware is implemented on most Motorola PowerPC-based
A PMCspan board ad ded to an y mai n boar d als o in terf ac es wi th PP CBug.
They are collectively referred to in this manual as the PowerPC board or
The debugger includes:
❏ Commands for display and modification of memory
❏ Breakpoint and tracing capabilities
❏ Assembler and disassembler useful for patching programs
Various PPCBug routines that handle I/O, data conversion, and string
functions are available to user programs through the System Call handler.
General Information
Because PPCBug is command-driv en, it performs it s various operatio ns in
response to user commands entered at the keyboard.
Comparison with other Motorola Bugs
The PPCBug is similar to previous Motorola firmware packages (e.g.,
MVME147Bug, MVME167Bug, MVME187Bug), with dif ferences due to
microprocessor archi te ct ures. These differences ar e pr i ma rily r ef le ct ed i n
the instruction mnemonics, register displays, addressing modes of the
assembler/disassembler, and argument passing to the system calls.
PPCBug Implementation
PPCBug is written largely in the C programming language, providing
benefits of porta bility and maintainabili ty. Where nece ssary, the a ssembly
language has been used in sep arately compiled program module s that deal
with processor-specific issues. No mixed-language modules are used.
Physically, PPCBug is contained in two socketed 32-pin PLCC Flash
devices that together provide 1MB (256KB words) of storage. PPCBug
uses the entire memory contained in the two devices.
The executable code is checksummed at every power-on or reset firmwa re
entry. The result is checked with a pre-calculated checksum contained in
the last 16-bit word of the Flash image.
Although a command to allow the erasing and repr ogramming
1-2Computer Group Literature Center Web Site
of this Flash memory is available to you, keep in mind that
reprogramming any portion of Flash memory will erase
everything currently contained in Flash, including PPCBug.
Memory Requirements
The debugger requires approximately 768KB of read/write memory (i.e.,
DRAM). The debugger allocates this memory from the top, down. For
example, on a system which contains 64MB ($04000000) of read/write
memory, the debugger’s memory page will be located at $03F40000 to
Size and Address Requirements for NVRAM
Currently, Motorola uses the SGS-Thompson Timekeeper SRAM device
(48T559, or M48T35), or equivalent. This is used on the PowerPlus boards
and is structured by the Debugger as follows:
Example 1: NVRAM = 8192 bytes total size (with rtc):
5880 bytes user area0000 - 16f7
2048 bytes debugger area16f8 - 1ef7
256 bytes configuration area1ef8 - 1ff7
8 bytes real time clock registers1ff8 - 1fff
Memory Requirements
Example 2: NVRAM = 32768 bytes total size
30456 bytes user area0000 - 76f7
2048 bytes debugger area76f8 - 7ef7
256 bytes configuration area7ef8 - 7ff7
8 bytes real time clock registers7ff8 - 7fff
Refer to the board installation and use manual for information on installing
the hardware, configuring jumpers, and assigning the console monitor.
General Information
At either power-up or system reset, PPCBug perfo rms the MPU, hardware,
and firmware initialization process (refer to MPU, Hardware, and
Firmware Initializat ionon page 1-5). This process inc ludes a check sum of
the FLASH memory contents.
The following types of messages are displayed on the firmware console
during the in itialization pr ocess:
Copyright Motorola Inc. 1988 - 1997, All Rights Reserved
PPCx Debugger/Diagnostics Release Version 4.x - xx/xx/xx/RMxx
Local Memory Found =04000000 (&67108864)
MPU Clock Speed =167Mhz
BUS Clock Speed =67Mhz
Reset Vector Location : ROM Bank B
At this point, PPCBug is waiting for you to enter one of the commands
described in Chapter 3, of this manual.
PPCBug may alternatively be configured via the ENV command to run
selftest and/or autoboot automatically during startup. If so, then PPCBug
will instead behave as follows:
The system pauses five se conds, during which y ou may terminate st art-up,
and exit to the diagnostics prompt, by pressing ESC or the Break key.
The system performs the self test diagnostics if you do not terminate
system start-up. Upon successful completion of these tests, the system
pauses another five seconds. You may terminate start-up, and exit to the
diagnostics prompt, by pressing ESC or the Break key.
1-4Computer Group Literature Center Web Site
If you do not terminate system start-up , the s ystem begi ns the boot ro utine
that has been set up in the ENV command, ei ther NVRAM Boot List Boot,
Auto Boot, ROMboot, or Network Auto Boot.
If the self-tests fail, various error messages appear, and the diagnostics
prompt appears.
Refer to Chapter 3, for information on setting the ENV command
MPU, Hardware, and Firmware Initialization
The MPU, hardware, and firmware initialization process is performed by
the PPCBug power-up or system reset. The steps below are a high-level
outline; not all of the detailed steps are listed.
1. Set MPU.MSR to known value.
2. Invalidate the MPU’s data/instruction caches.
3. Clear all segment registers of the MPU.
4. Clear all block address translation registers of the MPU.
5. For “du al CPU only” boards (MVME460x or MTX), catch one CPU
of a dual CPU and place it in a waiting loop.
6. Initialize the MPU bus to PCI bus bridge device.
7. Initialize the PCI bus to ISA bus bridge device.
8. Calculate the external bus clock speed of the MPU.
9. Delay for 750 milliseconds.
10. Determine the CPU board type.
11. Size the local read/write memory (i.e., DRAM).
12. Initialize the read/write memory controller.
13. Set base address of memory to $00000000.
14. Retrieve the speed of read/write memory.
General Information
15. Initialize read/write memory controller with the speed of read/write
16. Retrieve the speed of read only memory (Flash).
17. Initialize read only memory controller with the speed of read only
18. Enable the MPU’s instruction cache.
19. Copy the MPU’s exception vector table from $FFF00000 to
20. Initialize the SIO (PC87303/PC87307/PC87308) resources’ base
addresses for boards that have the SIO device.
21. Initialize the Z8536 device if the board has the device.
22. Verify MPU type.
23. Enable the super-scalar feature of the MPU (boards with MPC604type chips only).
24. Initialize the Keyboard Controller (PC87303/PC87307/PC87308)
for boards that have the device.
25. Determine the debugger’s Console/Host ports, and initialize the
appropriate UART or Graphic devices.
26. Display the debugger’s copyright message.
27. Display any hardware initialization errors that may have occurred.
28. Checksum the debugger object, and display a warning message if
the checksum failed to verif y.
29. Display the amount of local read/write memory found.
30. Verify the configuration data that is resident in NVRAM, and
display a war ning message if the verificatio n failed.
31. Calculate and display the MPU clock speed. Verify that the MPU
clock speed matches the configuration data, and display a warning
message if the verification fails.
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