Motorola O2
Digital Cordless Telephone
with Answering Machine
For: O211, O212, O213 and O214
Handset: Motorola O21-HS
Base: Motorola O21-B
Charger: Motorola O21-C
Quick Start Guide
For a full explanation of all features and instructions, please refer
to the User Guide.

1. What’s in the box
(Motorola O21-B)
(Battery pre-installed)
(Motorola O21-HS)
Charger cradle
(Motorola O21-C)
AC power adaptor
for the base
Telephone line
Motorola O2
Digital Cordless Telephone
with Answering Machine
Ideal for outside use
For: O211, O212, O213 and O214
Warning: Charge the handset for 16 hours before use.
AC power adaptor for
the charger cradle
Screws and plugs for
wall mounting
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QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt GGuuiidde
a full explanation of all features and instructions,
please refer to the User Guide.
User guide Quick start guide
Motorola O2
Digital Cordless Telephone
with Answering Machine

If you have purchased an O2 multiple pack you will also have the following
additional items:
• Handset with battery pre-installed (Motorola O21-HS)
• Antenna
• Charger cradle (Motorola O21-C)
• AC power adaptor for the charger cradle
• Screws and plugs for wall mounting