Surveillance Kit
User’s Guide

For iDEN models i1000, i2000, and all plus family products.

Refer to your phone’s user guide for all safety information relating to
phone operation.
To assure optimal performance when you are using the surveillance kit and
to make sure that human exposure to radi o f r e qu ency electromagneti c
energy is within national and int erna tio na l guide lin es, follo w the
instructions for pr oper phone usage in your phone’s user guide, including
positioning of the phone.
To maintain optimum signal strength and to ensure compliance with FCC
regulations, keep surveillance he adset cables at least one inch (1”) from the
phone’s antenna at all times.
Persons with pacemakers should ALWAYS keep the phone more than six
(6”) from the pacemaker when the phone is turned ON.
Refer to your phone’s user guide for warranty information relating to your
Motorola, Aftermarket Accessories Division (“Motorola”) warrants the
Surveillance Headset Adapter Accessories against defects in material and
workmanship under normal use and service for a period of one (1) year
from shipment. Items will be replace d or r epaired free of char ge for the full
warranty period. Freight charges to and from the place where warranty
replacement is provided shall be the Customer’s responsibility.
The warranty does NOT cover defects or damages to the Surveillance
Headset and Adapter Accessories resulting from (a) use in a manner other
than normal operation as speci f ie s in th e Inst ruction Manual, (b) misuse,
accident, or neglect, (c) improper assembly, testing, operations,
maintenance, installatio n, adjustme nt, altera tion, rep air or an y modific ation
by the customer or any other person with out the prior writte n consent of