Motorola i930 User Manual

Digital Multi-service Data-capable Phone
i930 Phone User’s Guide
Smartphon e Info rm atio n Pr ovid ed by Mi cro sof t
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Getting Started............................................................................................................... 1
Getting to Know Your Smartphone ............................................................................... 1
Setting Up Your Smartphone........................................................................................ 6
Installing ActiveSync................................................................................................... 11
Turning Your Smartphone On.....................................................................................12
i930 Sync Cradle......................................................................................................... 12
Synchronizing by Using ActiveSync............................................................................ 16
Accessories................................................................................................................. 16
Finding More Information............................................................................................ 17
The Basics.................................................................................................................... 18
Navigation Methods .................................................................................................... 18
Understanding Status Indicators.................................................................................22
Backlight Dimming ...................................................................................................... 23
Finding Your Phone Number and Other Basic Information......................................... 24
Entering Text and Numbers........................................................................................ 24
Securing Your Smartphone......................................................................................... 28
Using a Headset.......................................................................................................... 33
Navigating and Managing Stored Files....................................................................... 34
Managing Memory......................................................................................................34
Phone Calls.................................................................................................................. 35
Making a Phone Call................................................................................................... 35
Receiving a Phone Call............................................................................................... 39
Managing Phone Calls................................................................................................ 40
Call Forwarding...........................................................................................................41
Using the Flip to Answer or End Calls.........................................................................42
Retrieving Voice Mail Messages................................................................................. 42
Speed Dials and Voice Shortcuts................................................................................ 42
Advanced Calling Options........................................ ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... .....45
Private Calls, Call Alerts, and Group Calls................................................................ 47
Making a Private Call..................................................................................................47
Receiving a Private Call.............................................................................................. 49
Managing Private Calls............................................................................................... 50
Voice Shortcuts...........................................................................................................50
One Touch PTT........................................................................................................... 52
Call Alerts.................................................................................................................... 52
Group Calls................................................................................................................. 55
Recent Calls................................................................................................................. 56
Viewing the Recent Calls List...................................................................................... 56
Saving to Contacts...................................................................................................... 57
Making Calls From the Recent Calls List.................................................................... 57
Deleting Items From the Recent Calls List.................................................................. 59
Returning to the Home Screen After a Call................................................................. 59
Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks................................................................................... 60
Using Contacts............................................................................................................ 60
Using Calendar ........................................................................................................... 65
Using Tasks ................................................................................................................ 67
SIM Manager................................................................................................................. 69
Using SIM Manager .................................................................................................... 69
Changes When Contacts Are Copied to Your SIM Card ............................................ 72
Voice Notes.................................................................................................................. 73
Settings......................................................................................................................... 74
Viewing and Changing Settings.................................................................................. 74
Display Properties....................................................................................................... 74
Phone Calls................................................................................................................. 76
PTT .............................................................................................................................80
Vibrate All.............................................. ......... .......... ......... ......... .................................81
Notifications................................................................................................................. 82
Voice Volume.............................................................................................................. 84
Power Management.................................................................................................... 84
Accessibility................................................................................................................. 85
Regional Settings........................................................................................................ 85
Date and Time............................................................................................................. 86
Phone Networks..........................................................................................................86
Data Connections........................................................................................................ 87
Certificates.................................................................................................................. 93
Flight Mode ................................................................................................................. 94
Security....................................................................................................................... 96
Owner Information....................................................................................................... 97
Phone Information.......................................................................................................97
Remove Programs...................................................................................................... 99
Messaging Features .................................................................................................. 100
Understanding Messaging Features......................................................................... 100
Setting up Messaging................................................................................................ 101
Working with Accounts................................... .......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... ... 102
Creating Messages................................................................................................... 103
Sending and Receiving Messages............................................................................ 106
Importing Text Messages............................... .......... ......... ......... .......... ..................... 107
Viewing and Responding to Messages..................................................................... 107
Working with Message Folders................................................................................. 111
Configuring Message Notifications............................................................................ 112
Sending and Receiving Instant Messages................................................................ 113
Camera and Camcorder............................................................................................ 116
Pictures..................................................................................................................... 116
Video Clips................................................................................................................ 118
Sending Captured Pictures and Video Clips............................................................. 121
Closing the Camera and Camcorder......................................................................... 122
Media Theater............................................................................................................. 123
Pictures..................................................................................................................... 123
Video Clips................................................................................................................ 127
Audio Only Files........................................................................................................ 129
Sending Video Pictures and Clips............................................................................. 129
Opening Camera and Camcorder............................................................................. 130
GPS Enabled.............................................................................................................. 131
IMPORTANT: Things to Keep in Mind...................................................................... 131
Making an Emergency Call....................................................................................... 132
Viewing Your Approximate Location......................................................................... 133
Enhancing GPS Performance................................................................................... 134
Updating Satellite Almanac Data .............................................................................. 135
Setting Privacy Options............................................................................................. 135
Using GPS with Map Software.................................................................................. 136
Java Applications...................................................................................................... 139
Deleting Java Applications............................. .......... ..................................... ............ 140
Java Applications and GPS Enabled ........................................................................ 140
Beaming Information................................................................................................. 143
ActiveSync.................................................................................................................. 145
Understanding ActiveSync........................................................................................ 145
Setting up ActiveSync...............................................................................................145
Synchronization Methods.......................................................................................... 149
Deciding Which Information to Synchronize ............................................................. 151
Using Your Smartphone as a Modem...................................................................... 153
Internet........................................................................................................................ 154
Browsing the Web..................................................................................................... 154
Using Your Phone Internationally............................................................................ 158
Features Available at Home and Abroad.................................................................. 158
Setting the Way Your Phone Searches for Networks ............................................... 158
Searching for a Network............................................................................................ 159
Windows Media Player.............................................................................................. 160
Games......................................................................................................................... 171
Solitaire..................................................................................................................... 171
Calculator ................................................................................................................... 172

Getting Started

Getting Started
Congratulations on the purchase of your new i930 phone, a Smartphone with Windows Mobile™ software! This chapter will help you familiarize yourself with your i930 phone and get it ready to use. You will also find information about installing Microsoft® ActiveSync®, how to purchase accessories, and where to find additional help for using your i930 phone.

Getting to Know Your Smartphone

Before you set up your i930 phone and start using it, take a moment to get familiar with your Smartphone.
Flip Closed — External Features
retractable antenna
infrared port
SD card slo t
camera lens
volume controls
stereo audio port
accessory connector
status light
flip open button
camera short-range flash light
external display
SD card slo t
speaker (in back)
speaker key
smart key
Retractable Antenna
The retractable antenna on your Smartphone is designed to be extended during calls. To extend the antenna, pull gently on the rounded tip until the antenna is fully extended
and clicks into position. When finished with a call, retract the antenna by pushing gently on the rounded tip until
the antenna clicks into place. To optimize your Smartphone’s performance, extend the antenna when you make or
receive a call, and avoid touching the antenna with any body part.
Import an t: Failure to fully exten d or re tr act the an ten na u ntil the anten na clicks
into place cau ses sev ere ly deg rad ed p erf or mance, which m ay result in missed calls, dropped calls, or garbled audio.
Getting Started
Flip Open Button
Press this to open your Smartphone’s flip easily.
Status Light
The status light appears as a ring around the flip open button.
Status Light Meaning when phone is on Meaning when phone is off
Flashing green In service. N/A Solid red No service. Connected to the charger and charging. Solid green Making a call or in a call. Connected to the charger, and fully
The status light also flashes when you reci eve a call, a call alert, or message notification, or play a .midi audio recording on your phone.
You can set the status light not to light up. See “Turn the status light on or off” on page
Camera Lens
Lets you take pictures with your Smartphone.
Camera Short-Range Flash Light
Helps light the pictures you take with your Smartphone.
Volume Controls
Sets the volume of the sound coming out of the earpiece and speaker. When your Smartphone is in a call, the volume controls set the volume of calls. When your Smartphone is not engaged in any activity, the volume controls set the volume of the ringer and of multimedia audio.
The volume controls can also by used to scroll through lists that appear on the external display.
Push-to-Talk (PTT) Button
Lets you make Private calls and group calls.
External Display
Shows a porti on of the info rmation on the in ternal display. T o see mor e informat ion, op en the flip.
Sound comes out of your Smartphone here when you have the speaker turned on.
Ste r eo Audio Port
Insert headset connector here.
Note: The stereo audio port is compatible with non-stereo headsets.
Accessory Connector
Insert the co nnecto rs of accesso ries su ch as a char ger , Ac tiveSy nc cra dle, o r da ta ca ble here.
Getting Started
Infrared Port
The infrared port on your Smartphone enables you to send and receive (beam) contact cards, calendar appointments, messages, pictures, and video clips using infrared technology.
SD Card Slot
A secure disk flash memory card (SD card) can be use with the Smartphone. If one has not been given to you by your service provider, you can purchase one.
Speaker Key
The speaker key (t):
Acts like the s when your Smartphone’s flip is closed.
Turns speaker on and off.
Used with voice shortcuts.
Smart Key
The smart key (.):
Acts like e when your Smartphone’s flip is closed.
Accesses recent calls when the flip is closed.
Suspends and resumes Java applications when the flip is closed.
Getting Started
Flip Open — Keypad, Navigation Area, and More
internal display
soft keys
home key
navigation area
send key
navigation pad
power key
light sensor
Sound comes out of the earpiece when the speaker is off.
Power Key
back key
end key
OK key
When the Smartphone is turned off:
Press and hold the Power key (p) for 2 to 3 seconds to turn on the Smartphone. When the Smartphone is on:
Press p to display the Quick List, a fast way to change your profile settings or lock the Smartphone.
Press and hold p to turn off the Smartphone. Or, press p and then press 1.
Internal Disp la y
The internal display shows the following information:
At the top of the screen are status indicators about the current mode, the name of the current activity, or the name of the active program, if one has been selected.
In the center of the screen is the active menu or program.
At the bottom of the screen are menus or commands related to the active program.
Getting Started
Navigation Area
This area contains the keys and controls used to:
Navigate through your phone’s menus, lists, and screens.
Perform commands.
Begin phone calls, end phone calls, and put phone calls on hold.
Navigation pad
Use the navigation pad to move the selection focus up, down, left, or right. Th is is called “scrolling.” In a text field, use the navigation pa d to move the cursor right or left, cha racter by character.
OK Key
Press the OK key (O) to open a highlighted item, or to select or clear a check box. The OK key works much like the ENTER key on a keyboa rd, and is sometim es referre d to as the Action key or the “Do It” key.
Soft Keys
Press a soft key (A or B) to open the menu or perform the command shown on the screen immediately above the key.
Send Key
Press the send key (s) to:
Dial a phone number that you entered or selected.
Answer an incoming call.
Place a call on hold to answer a second incoming call (call waiting).
Change between an active call and a call that is on hold.
End Key
Press the end key (e) to:
End a call when 1 part y is on the line, and end the active call when mul tiple par ties are connected.
Return to the Home screen.
Press and hold e to lock the keypad.
Home Key
Press the hom e key (h) to vi e w the Home screen. The Home scree n i s described later, in “Using the Home Screen” on page 19.
Back Key
Press the back key (m) to go to the previous screen or to end a Private call. In a text field:
Press m to backspace over 1 or more characters.
Press and hold m to delete the entire contents of the field.
Getting Started
Press keys on the keypad to enter numbers and characters.
* Key
Press * to change between uppercase and lowercase in text input modes.
Press and hold * to change between text and numeric input modes.
# Key
Press and hold # to view a list of symbols that you can enter as text.
On the Home screen, press and hold # to switch between phone lines. This feature
is available if your phone supports 2 phone lines. Note: If you are not provisioned for a second line and you set your line to line 2, you
will not be able to make or receive calls.

Setting Up Your Smartphone

Locating Your SIM Card

Remove the battery door
1 Slide the release button back until it releases the battery door.
release button
Getting Started
2 Allow the battery d oor to pop up, sli de it forw ard, and r emo ve i t from the back of your
Your SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card is a small piece of plastic located in the SIM card holder in the back of your Smartphone, underneath the battery.
SIM card
If there is no SIM card in your Smartphone, contact your service provider.
Getting Started

Charging the Battery

Your Smartphone come s with a High Perfo rma nce Li thium Ion Batt ery and a ra pid trave l charger to charge it.
Insert the battery before ch arging it
1 Slide the release button back until it releases the battery door.
release button
2 Allow the battery d oor to pop up, sli de it forw ard, and r emo ve i t from the back of your
3 Insert the top of the battery into the battery area. Press the bottom of the battery to
secure it.
Getting Started
4 Replace the battery door and press it gently until you hear a click.
Charge the battery
1 Plug the charger into an electrical outlet. 2 Open the connector cover.
connector cover
3 Plug the other end of the charger into the accessory connector.
Tip: To remove the charger from the accessory connector: Press the buttons on the
sides of the plug. Pull the plug straight out.
4 If you have purchased optional batteries or chargers, see “Charging Times”.
Getting Started
Charging Tim es
Check your battery and charger type against the grid below to determine appropriate charging times.
Battery Charger
Rapid Standard High Performance 2 hours 4 hours Extra Capacity 2.5 hours 5.5 hours
For best results, charge the batteries within the temperature range of 50°F to 104°F (10°C to 40°C).
Prolonged charging is not recommended.
Battery Use and Maintenance
The Motorola iDEN Approved Lithium Ion chargers provide optimum performance.
Other chargers may not fully charge the iDEN Lithium Ion battery or may yield a reduced number of lifetime charge cycles.
Extreme temperatures degrade battery performance. Do not store the battery where temperatures exceed 140°F (60°C) or fall below 4°F (-20°C).
Lithium Ion batteries have a self discharge rate and without use, lose about 1% of their charge per day.
The battery capacity is degraded if the battery is stored for long periods while fully charged. If long term storage is required, store at half capacity.
Removing the Battery
Normally, it is not necessary to remove your Smartphone’s battery, but you may want to if you have purchased an optional charger or want to remove your SIM card.
Remove the battery
1 Power off your Smartphone. 2 Slide the release button back until it releases the battery door.
release button
Getting Started
3 Allow the battery d oor to pop up, sli de it forw ard, and r emo ve i t from the back of your
4 Remove the battery by pushing it toward the antenna and lifting it out.

Installing ActiveSync

You can use Microsoft® ActiveSync® technology to synchronize the information on your Smartphone with information on your desktop computer and optionally, a server running Microsoft® Exchange® Server with Exchange ActiveSync.

Inst all ActiveSync on the desktop computer

1 Insert the Smartphone CD into the CD drive of your desktop computer. The CD
screen will open.
2 Click Getting Started with Windows Mobile. 3 Click Start Here. 4 Click Install ActiveSync. 5 Click Install. 6 Follow the instructions.
Getting Started

Turning Your Smartphone On

Turn On

Press and hold the power button for 2 or 3 seconds.
power button
While your Smartphone pow ers on for the first time, you will rece ive an alert to select OK to restart the device. Select OK when prompted.
Note: This step is only necessary the first time you power on your Smartphone.

Turn Off

Press and hold the power button for 2 or 3 seconds. Or, press the power button and then press 1.

i930 Sync Cradle

Depending on your service provider, your Smartphone may come with an i930 Sync Cradle and mini USB cable that you use when using ActiveSync. Before using ActiveSync, assemble the i930 Sync Cradle, connect the mini USB cable, and place the Smartphone in the cradle.
Place the Smartphone in the cradle with the Smartphone powered off unless you have already installed ActiveSync on your desktop computer. Do not power on the Smartphone while it is in the cradle until you have installed ActiveSync on your desktop computer.
Tip: You can also use the i930 Sync Cradle to charge the battery in your

Assemble the i930 Sync Cradle

1 Place the tabs of the phone support into the slots in the base of the cradle.
If you are using a High Performance Lithium Ion battery, place the tabs in the slots
closest to the front of the base.
If you are using an Extra Capacity Lithium Ion battery, place the tabs in the slots
just behind the slots closest to the front.
Getting Started
2 Press the phone sup port d ownw ard on to t he base of the cradle, until it cannot easil y
be removed.

Connect the mini USB cable

1 Insert the cable’s smaller connector into the cradle’s USB port.
USB port
2 Insert the cable’s large connector into desktop computer’s USB port.
Getting Started

Place the Smartphone into the cradle

1 Open the Smartphone’s connector cover.
connector cover
2 Place the Smartphone into the cradle, inserting the connector in the base of the
cradle into the Smartphone’s accessory connector.

Using the i930 Sync Cradle to Charge Your Smartphone

You can use the i930 Sync Cradle to charge your Smartphone any time, whether or not you are using ActiveSync or have the mini USB cable attached.
Charge the battery
1 Plug the charger into an electrical outlet.
Getting Started
2 Plug the other end of the charger into the cradle’s charger port.
charger port
3 Open the Smartphone’s connector cover
connector cover
4 If you have not yet installed ActiveSync on your desktop computer, make sure your
Smartphone is powered off.
5 Place the Smartphone into the cradle, inserting the connector in the base of the
cradle into the Smartphone’s accessory connector.
Getting Started

Synchronizing by Using ActiveSync

You can use Microsoft® ActiveSync® technology to synchronize the information on your Smartphone with information on your desktop computer and optionally, a server running Microsoft® Exchange® Server with Exchange ActiveSync. When you do this, ActiveSync compares the information on the Smartphone with the information on the desktop computer and Exchange Server, and updates all locations, keeping you up to date with the most recent information. You can even synchronize on a customizable schedule, or as items arrive.
Use the i930 Sync Cra dle and mini USB cable in cluded with your Smartpho ne to connect your Smartphone to your desktop computer.
To successfully connect your Smartphone to your desktop computer and synchronize information, you must first install ActiveSync on your desktop computer.
Do not connect your desktop computer and Smartphone with the USB cable until after you have installed ActiveSync.
After synchronizing for the first time, take a look at Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks on the Smartphone. You will notice that your information has been copied to the Smartphone. Disconnect the Smartphone from the desktop computer and you are ready to go!
Tip: Before you copy your Outlook Contacts to your Smartphone Contact list, it is a
good idea to clean up you r Outloo k Contacts list to avoid dup lica tion of Cont acts that may already be on your Smartphone, and to assure that your Contacts are alphabetized consistently with the Contacts on your Smartphone. Your Outlook Contacts are combined in the same list as your Smartphone Contacts.
For more information about installing and using ActiveSync, see “ActiveSync” on page

Setting Up a Partnership

After you install ActiveSync, assemble the i930 Sync Cradle and use it to connect your Smartphone to your desktop computer. You are now ready to set up a partnership between your Smartphone and your desktop computer.
Run the ActiveSy nc New Partnership W izard
1 Press and hold p for 2 to 3 seconds to power on the Smartphone. 2 When your desktop com puter detects th e U SB con nection, it will start the Ac tiveSyn c
New Partnership Wizard. Follow the instructions on the screen.
After you finish using the wizard, your data will begin to synchronize between your desktop computer and your Smartphone.


To order accessories, log on to our Web site at /iden or contact your Motorola Authorized Retailer.
Getting Started

Finding More Information

The following table is a guide to finding more information about using your Smartphone.
Information about Source
Making a phone call This user guide: “Phone Calls” on page 35. SIM card This user guide: “Securing Your Smartphone” on page
28 and “SIM Manager” on page 69.
Entering text This user guide: “Entering Text and Numbers” on page
24. Customizing your Smartphone’s features This user guide: “Settings” on page 74. Programs on the Smartphone This user guide: “Using the Start Menu” on page 20. Additional programs that you can install on the
Smartphone Connecting to and synchronizing with a desktop
computer or a Microsoft Exchange Server Motorola warranty service or other information. Last-minute updates and detailed technical
information Up-to-date information on using ActiveSync with
your Smartphone
Companion CD.
Welcome Guide or ActiveSync Help on the desktop computer.
Readme files, located in the Microsoft ActiveSync folder on the desktop computer.

The Basics

The Basics
This chapter provides basic information about using your Smartphone, such as moving through the screens, understanding what is on your screen, entering text and numbers, and securing the Smartphone.

Navigation Methods

The following to pics descr ibe how to m ove throu gh the S martphone scre ens and pe rform tasks quickly and easily.

Using the Navigation Pad

You can use the navigation pad to perform the following actions:
Scrolling horizontally and vertically, moving the selection focus on the screen.
Selecting an item that has the focus (is highlighted).
Scroll by pressing the part of the navigation pad that corresponds to the direction in which you want to scroll. Once you have scrolled to an item, you can then select it by pressing O at the center of the navigation pad.
In many cases, scrolling to an item and pressing O (in other words, “selecting” the item) takes you to a program or setting. W hen you scro l l to a check box, p ressing O selects or clears the check box.
In most procedures in this document, “se lect” means scrolling to an item and pressing O. In some programs, such as Messaging, you can move to the next or previous item by
scrolling left or right. For example, when you are viewing a message in Messaging, you can move to subsequent messages in the message list by scrolling right.
Some screens, such as the o nes in S ett ings, let yo u sel ect an opti o n by scr olling l eft a nd right within a field. Usually, you apply the option by pressing the soft key below Done.

Using Soft Keys

There are 2 soft keys on the Smartphone, located directly below the display screen. Pressing a soft key performs the command displayed immediately above it on the screen. Soft key commands may change from one screen to the next.
The Basics

Using Menus

On many screens, the right soft key is the Menu soft key. Pressing this soft key displays a list of command s for the cu rrent scre en. Depending on the men u, select ing a comma nd has one of the following results:
Performs the command.
Takes you to another screen where you can perform the command.
Displays another menu.
Opens a program.
Use a menu command
1 Select Menu by pressing B beneath Menu on any screen where Menu is displayed. 2 Select a command by scrolling to it and pressing O.
Navigate a menu
You can choose menu commands quickly by pressing the number on the keypad that corresponds to the number shown next to the command you want.
When the top menu command is selected, scrolling up moves the selection focus to the menu item on the bottom of the screen.
To see more of a menu that takes up more than one screen, select More from the menu or press 9.

Using the Home Key

Pressing h takes you to the Home screen.

Using the Home Screen

The Home screen is your starting place for most tasks. You can gain access to all of the Smartphone features and programs from the Home screen.
The Home screen displays automatically when you turn on the Smartphone or leave the Smartphone idle when it is on, but you can go to it at any time by pressing h.
You can control what displays on your Home screen by choosing from 6 Home screen layout settings: Motorola Basic, Motorola Default, Windows Simple, Windows Default, Windows Basic, and Large Font.
When you recieve your Smartphone the Home screen layout setting is Motorola Default.
Motorola Default Layout
The Home screen displays:
Status icons
Icons for the 5 programs that you have most recently used.
The name of the program associated with the icon selected in the row above
Your service provider’s name
The time and date
Information about items in your recent calls list, if you are not in a call. Information
about active calls and calls on hold, if you are in a phone call.
The upcoming appointments stored in the phone Calendar.
The Basics
The number of voice mail messages you have. Select this area to go to your voice
mail messages.
The number of email messages and text messages (SMS). Select this area to go to your Inbo x.
The Start menu, on the left. Pressing the soft key for this menu takes you to the list of installed programs.
A variable option, on the right. Pressing this soft key opens the associated program.
Chang e the Home screen layout
1 On the Home screen, select Start. 2 Select Settings and then Display Properties. 3 In Home screen layout, select the option you want. 4 Select Done.
Note: To ch ange o ther di splay pro pert y settings, se e “D ispl ay Prop erties” on p age 74.
Open programs from the Home screen
For all Home screen layouts:
To open a program from the list of programs on the Start menu, select the start menu by pressing A beneath Start, and then select a program by scrolling to it and pressing O.
To open the program that appears as the right variable option, such as Contacts, press B beneath it.
For some Home screen layouts:
To open any the programs that you have most recently used, select the icon associated with the program by scrolling to it (you can scroll left and right by pressing the left and right parts of your navigation pad) and pressing O.
To go to your list of voice mail messages, select voice mail by scrolling to the voice mail area of the screen and pressing O.
To go to your Inbox for your email messages and text messages (SMS), select the Inbox by scrolling to the message area of the screen and pressing O. If you have additional email accounts set up, scroll down to view and select them.
To go to the recent calls list, select it by scrolling to the area showing information about the recent calls list and pressing O.
To go to the Calendar, select it by scrolling to the area showing information about upcoming appointments and pressing O.

Using the Start Menu

You can access most of your Smartphone’s features directly from the Start menu. Pre-installed programs appear on the Start menu, as do programs you install on your
phone, such as Java applications.
Open a program
1 On the Home screen, select Start by pressing A beneath Start. 2 Select a program by scrolling to it and pressing O.
The Basics
Assigning a Speed Dial Number to a Program
To make a program on the Start menu easier to access, you can assign that program a speed dial number. When you press and hold the number you have assigned, the program will open.
Assign a speed dial numbe r to a program
1 On the Home screen, select Start by pressing A beneath Start. 2 Highlight the program you want to assign a speed dial number to. 3 Select Menu. 4 Select Add Speed Dial. 5 In the screen that appears, you can assign a speed dial number and the name that
will appear for th e spee d d ial nu mber in you r list of spee d dial numbers, or accept the default values that are shown.
6 Select Done.

Using the Quick List

The Quick List provides a lis t of commands tha t you can use to quickly perfor m com mon actions.
Use the Quick List
1 Press p. 2 Select the Quick List command you want by scrolling to it and pressing O.
Commands are described in the following table.
Turn off the Smartphone. Power off Turn off wireless c a pa bilit y. You can turn o ff wire l e ss c a pa bilit y to
conserve battery life when you do not want to make or receive calls, or in environments where cell phones must be turned off. When the wireless capability is turned off you can still use the other Smartphone features.
Lock the keypad so that you cannot make accidental keypresses. To unlock the keypad, select Unlock, and then press #.
Turn on all wireless capability, so t hat you c an make and receive calls. Flight mode of f Make one of these profiles the active profile. Normal
Select this Quick List Command
Flight mode
Key lock
Silent Meeting Outdoor Automatic Headset Car Speakerphone
The Basics

Using the Back Key

Pressing m takes you to the previous screen, in a similar manner to m on a browser. In a text field, pressing m moves the cursor back to delete 1 or more characters. This is
similar to pressing the BACKSPACE key on a keyboard.
Backspace and remove 1 character
Press m.
Backspace and remove a line of text
Press and hold m.

Understanding Status Indicators

Status indicators appear at the top of the Smartphone screen. The following table lists common status indicators and their meanings.
Indicator Me aning
New email or text message (SMS) New voice mail. The icon or icons you see may depend on your network.
New instant message Voice call in progress Data call in progress Incoming voice calls are being forwarded to another number Call on hold Missed call Outgoing line 1 Outgoing line 2 Battery level Low battery Battery charging No battery Signal strength No signal General Packet Radio Services (GPRS) available General Packet Radio Services (GPRS) in use General Packet Radio Services (GPRS) in use for IDEN mode
The Basics
Indicator Me aning
Packet data exchanging for IDEN mode Roaming Sync error Radio off Ringer off Vibrate instead of ringing Speakerphone on — Phone call sounds come through the speaker Speaker on — Private call and group call sounds come through the speaker Speaker off — Private call and group call sounds come through the earpiece

Backli ght D im ming

A backlight light s the di splay an d keyp ad whe n you make or recei ve a call, open or close the flip, or press keys or buttons.
If you do not do any of these things for 10 seconds, the backlight of the internal display dims. If you do not do any of these things for 30 seconds or more, the backlight turns off.
While on an active call wi th the flip open o r closed, the inter nal display or external display will remain dimly lit for the duration of the call.
When the backlight is off, pressing a key on the keypad turns the backlight on but does not perform the action associated with the key.

Set time it takes for the backlight to turn off

1 On the Home screen, select Start. 2 Select Settings and then Power Management. 3 In Backlight timeout, select the amount of time for the Smartphone before the
backlight turns of f, if you do not make or receive a call, open or close the flip, or press keys or buttons.
4 Select Done.
The Basics

Finding Your Phone Number and Other Basic In form ation

The Owner Information screen displays the following information about your Smartphone:
This Field Displays
Name If you want to fill in this field, enter your name. Line 1 Your phone number . This number appears when your receive your first
phone call.
Line 2 Your Smartphone’s second line, if you have one. PTT Your Private ID, the number others use to contact you on Private calls. Email address If you want to fill in this field, enter your email address here. PTT Group ID The number of the Talkgroup you have joined. Carrier IP The IP address assigned to your service provider. This field is filled in
when you register for packet data services.
IP Address - 1 The IP address you use to access the Internet with your Smartphone.
This number appears when you register for packet data service.
IP Address - 2 The IP address you use to access the Internet with your Smartphone.
This number appears when you register for packet data service.
Circuit Data The number you want if you want you use your Smartphone to transfer
circuit data. See “Using Your Smartphone as a Modem” on page 153. You get this number from your service provider.
Notes: If you want to fill in this field, enter the note you want to appear here.

Access the Owner Information screen

1 On the Home screen, select Start. 2 Select Settings and then select Owner Information.

Entering Text and Numbers

You can enter text and numbers by using the keypad. Smartphone supports 4 input modes for entering text and numbe rs: Multi pr ess, T9 , Numer ic, and Sym bols. Mu lti press and T9 modes are used for entering text, Numeric mode is used for entering numbers, and Symbols is used for entering symbols.
When you select a field that requi re s text or num bers, Smartpho ne auto matical ly selects the appropriate input mode.
The status indicator on the top right side of the display screen shows the input mode and capitalization that you are currently using.
Indicator Input mode
Multipress text input mode, lowercase Multipress text input mode, uppercase 1 letter Multipress text input mode, caps lock
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