Responsible Party Name: Motorola, Inc.
Address: 8000 West Sunrise Boulevard
Plantation, FL 33322 USA
Phone Number: 1 (800) 453-0920
Hereby d eclares that the product:
Product Name: i850
Model Number: H65XAN6RR4AN
Conforms to the following regulations:
FCC Part 15, subpart B, section 15.107(a),
15.107(d) and section 15.10 9(a)
Class B Digital Device
As a personal computer peripheral, this device
complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation
is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this
device may not cau se ha rmf ul int er fer e nce, an d (2 )
this device must accept any interference received,
includ ing interference t hat may cause undesired
Note: This equipment has been tested and
found to comply with the limits for a Class
B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the
FCC Rul es. These l imits are designed to
provide reason able protection against
harmful interference in a residential
inst allation. This equipment generates,
uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may
cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur
in a particul ar ins tal la ti o n.
If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference
by one or more of the following measures:
• Reo rie nt or rel oc ate the receiv in g
• Incre ase th e se para tio n betw e en the
equipme nt and rec eiver .
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on
a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
• Consult t he dealer or an experienced
radio/TV technician for help.
Getting Started
(PTT) button
audio jack
(in back)
light sensor
power button
Getting Started
pPower button.
Naviga tion key — press t he arr ows to scro ll
through menus and lists.
OK Key — selects highlighted item; pl aces
and answers calls.
Menu Key — accesses context-sensitive
Optio n Key — sel ect s the op tio n ap pe ari ng
above it on the dis p lay.
sSend Key — places phone calls.
End Key — ends phone calls; returns to
idle screen.
tSpeakerphone Key — acts like s when
the flip is closed; turns speakerphone on;
used with voice names and voice records.
.Smart Key — acts like e when the flip is
closed ; accesses recent calls; sends
incoming calls to voic e mail.
Camera Key — accesses camera;
captures picture.
To start using your i850 handset:
• Make sure your SIM card is in place.
• Charge the battery.
• Activate your service.
Removing the Battery Door
1 Make sure the hand set is po were d off. See
“Powering On and Off” on page 6.
2 Slide the re le as e bu t to n ba ck unt i l it releases the
battery door.
3 Allow th e battery door to pop, slide it forward and
remove it from the back of the handset.
Inserting the Battery
1 Remo ve the batte ry do or.
2 Insert the top of the battery into the battery area.
Press the bottom of the battery down to secure it.
Getting Started
3 Replace the battey door and press it gently until
you hear a click.
Charging the Battery
Your handset comes with a battery charger.
1 Plug the charger into an electrical outlet.
2 Open the connector cover.
connector cover
3 Plug the other end of the cha rger into the
accessory connector.
Tip: To remove the charger from the accessory
connector: Press the buttons on the sides of
the plug. Pull the plug straight out.
4 When charging the battery for the first time, charge
for 30 minutes longer than the time shown in
“Charging Times” on page 5.
Charging Times
Check your battery and charger type against the grid
to deter mi ne the appropr iat e charging t im e s.
For best results, charge the batteries within the
temperature range of 50°F to 104° F (10°C to 4 0°C).
Prolonged charging is no t recommen ded.
2 hours 3 hours
3.5 hours7.5 hours
Removing the Battery
1 With the handset powered off, remove the battery
2 Remove the battery by pushing it toward the
ante nna and lifting it out.
Battery Use and Maintenance
• The Motorola Approved Lithium Ion chargers
provide optimum performance. Other chargers
may not fully charge the iDEN Lithium Ion battery
or may yield a reduced number of lifetime charge
• Extreme temperatures degrade bat tery
performance. Do not store the battery where
tempe ratures exceed 140 °F (60°C) or fall below
4°F (-20°C).
• Lithium Ion batteries have a self discharge rate
and without use, lose about 1% of their charge per
Getting Started
• The battery capacity is degraded if the battery is
stored for long periods while fully charged. If long
term storage is required, store at half capacity.
Activating your Mike Account
Befor e you can begin using your i850 hand set, you
need to activate your Subscriber Identity Module
(SIM) card on The Mike Network. Your SIM card
holds the i nf o rmat io n req ui red t o en able y ou r ha ndse t
to connect to The Mike Network. It also stores your
user i nformation, language preference and conta c t
list entri es .
• If you purchased your handset through an
Author ized Mike Network Dealer, your SIM should
already be activ e.
• If you purcha sed your handset at another locati on,
follow the “Getting Activated” instructions in the
Mike Services User’s Guide.
Powe r i ng On and O ff
The firs t tim e you power yo ur ha nd set on, a scre en
may appe ar asking you to update your browser
information. This means you must enable security.
To power your handset on:
1 Open the flip.
2 Press p.
Note: When powering on, if you press p for more
than 5 seconds , you will turn on Airp lane
mode. See “Airplane Mode—Temporarily
Turning Off Calls” on page 13 2.
To power your handset off:
1 Open the flip.
2 Press and hold p.
If the Enter SI M PIN Code s creen appears, enter
your SIM PIN. See “Entering the PIN” on page 11.
Press A under Ok.
Note: When you receiv e your hand se t, t he SI M
PIN is 0000. Change your PIN to prevent
fraudulent use of the SIM card (see
“Changing the PIN” on page 12).
Finding Your Phone Number and Private ID
As your han ds et c on ne cts to t h e net wo rk , yo u wil l se e
a welcome message and a connecting mess age.
When the idle screen a ppears, the handset is ready
to use.
Finding Your Phone Number
and Private ID
My Info lets you view your phone number, Private ID,
and other handset inf or m a tio n:
1 Press m to acces s the ma in me n u.
2 Scroll to My Info.
3 Press O.
4 Scroll to see your information.
See “My Info” on pa ge 81 for more information about
this fe ature.
Handset Basics
Any time your handset is powered on, the display
provides you with information and options.
The external display shows a shortened version of
the full-sized display. To see more information, open
the flip.
The screen shown above is the idle screen. The idle
screen appears when your handset is on, but not
engage d in any activity.
status icons
text area
menu icon
display options
Getting Started
Text Area
This a rea displays menus, messages, names, phone
numbers, and ot her information.
Display Options
Two display options appear at the bottom of most
screens. You select a display option by pressing the
option key below it.
Menus and Lists
Your handset’s features a re arrange d in menus,
submenus, and l ists.
To access the items in a menu or list, scroll using the
navigation key at the top of your keypad. This key lets
you scroll up, down, left, or right. Holding down the
appropriate part of the navigation key speeds up
In this guide, this symbol > tells you to select a menu
or list item. For example, Settings > Security
1 Scroll to Settings on the main menu.
2 Press O to see the Settings screen.
3 Scroll to Security.
4 Press O to see the Security screen.
OK Key
Pressing O:
• Selects the hi ghlighted menu item or list item
• Sets options
• Confirms actions
• Places and answer calls
Menu Key
Many of the handset’s features have menu options
that will change depending on the currently
highli ghted menu option. These context-sensitvie
menus are available any time S appears. Press m to
access the menu.
Main Menu
All your handset’s features can be accessed through
the main menu. You can set the main menu to
appear as a list or as large icons (s ee “Large Dialing”
on page 92).
BrowserBrows e Mike’s Wireless
Java AppsJava applications on your
Web Services. See
page 83.
handset. See page 112.
Hand se t Ba si cs
Settings Customize your handset.
Ring Tones Assign ring tones and turn
m CameraTake pictures. See
Media CenterAccess stored pictures and
m Mike’s Talk
C VoiceRecordRecord and play audio
My InfoView personal handset
GPSFind your approxim at e
Contacts View, store, edit contacts.
See page 130.
ringer off. See page 102.
page 86.
audio recordings. See
page 94.
Launch/Exit Mike’s Talk
Around. Access Mike’s Talk
Around Setup and Help.
See page 24.
messages. See page 124.
information, including
phone number and Private
ID. See page 81.
geographical location. See
page 118.
See page 40.
MessagesAccess messages. See
Call ForwardSet call forwarding options.
Datebook Schedule appointments.
MemoStore a number to access
Call TimersHandset usage in forma tion.
Recent Calls Lis ts re c en t ca ll s. Se e
ShortcutsCreate shortcuts to
Profiles Groups of s et t ing you ap pl y
Call Alert Lists call alerts. See
page 56.
See page 37.
See page 105.
later. See page 127.
See page 53.
page 35.
screens. See page 128.
together. See page 138.
page 20.
Getting Started
Status Icons
Status icons app ear at the top of the display. Some
appear at all times. Others appear only when your
handset is engaged in certain activities or when you
have activated certain features.
b b c d
o p q r s
mMike’s Talk Around — Your
1 2
Battery Strength — More bars on
the battery indicate a greater
Signal Strength — More bars next
to the antenna indicate a stronger
Phone In Use — Your handset is
activ e on a ph on e ca ll.
Private In Use — Your handset is
activ e on a Priv ate call.
Talkgroup In Use — You r handset
is acti ve on a group call.
handse t is set to Mike’s Talk Arou nd
Active Phone Line — 1 indicates
phone l ine 1 is ready to make calls;
2 indicates phone line 2 is ready to
make calls.
w x T
Call Forward — Your handset is set
to forward calls. See “Call
Forwa rding” on page 37.
Ringer Off — Your handset is set to
not ring. See page 103.
Speaker Off — Sounds associated
with Private calls and group calls
are set to come through the
earpiece rather than through the
Messages — You have one or
more messages. See “Message
Center” on page 56.
Internet — You are ready to brows e
the internet.
Voice Record — You have one or
more voice records stored. See
page 124.
Airplane Mode — Your handset is
set to airplane mode.
Packet Data — You are ready to
transfer packet data or are
transferring packet data.
Locating Your SIM Card
Locating Your SIM Ca rd
Your S IM ( Subs cr i ber I den ti t y Modu le ) car d i s a small
piece of plastic located in the SIM card holder in the
back of your handset, under neath the battery.
SIM card
If your SIM card is not in the SIM card holder, it may
be in the box your handset came in, attached to the
SIM carrier. If this is the case, carefully detach your
SIM card from the surrounding plastic and insert it as
descr ibed in “Inserting Your SIM Card” on page 14.
SIM Card Security
Your SIM card stores all your Contacts information.
Since this information is stored on your SIM card, not
in your handset, you can remove the information by
removing your SIM card.
Note: Except for making emergency calls, your
handset will not function without the SIM
To preve n t un au t h orized use of yo ur handset, your
SIM card can be protected by a PI N that you enter
each time the handset is powered on. You can
change the PIN or turn off the re quirement that it be
Note: Your PIN is set to OFF by default.
Entering the PIN
You may be required to enter a SIM PIN when you
first use your handset.
When you rec eive your ha ndset, the SIM P IN is 000 0.
Change your PIN to prevent fraudulent use of the
SIM card.
Getting Started
Important: If you enter your PIN incorrectly 5 times,
1 When the Enter SIM PIN Code screen appears,
enter your SIM PIN. An asterisk appears for each
character enter ed.
your SIM card is blocked. To unblock your
SIM card, you must contact TELUS
Mobility Client Care. See “Unblocking the
2 Press A under Ok.
Changing the PIN
1 From the main menu, select Settings > Security >
Change Password > SIM PIN.
2 At the Enter Old SIM PIN screen, enter the current
3 Press A under Ok.
4 At the Enter New SIM PIN screen, enter the new
4- to 8-digit SIM PIN.
5 Press A under Ok.
6 At the Re-enter New SIM PIN screen, re-enter the
new SIM PIN to confirm.
7 Press A under Ok.
Turning the PIN Requirement On and
When the SIM PIN requirement is on, you are
prompted to enter your PIN each time you turn on
your handset.
Note: If a SIM PIN is require d, yo ur ha ndse t will
not function until the SIM PIN is entered,
except for making emergency calls.
When the PIN requirement is off, your handset can
be used without entering a PIN.
Important: When the SIM PIN requirement is off, the
1 From the main me nu , sele ct Settings > Security >
personal data on your SIM card is not
protected. Anyone can use your handset
and access your personal data.
2 Select On or Off.
3 Enter the current SIM PIN.
4 Press A un der Ok.
Unblocking the PIN
If you enter your PIN incorrectly 5 times, your SIM
card is blocked. To unblock your SIM card, you must
contac t your TELUS Mob il ity C lien t Care to get a PI N
Unbloc k K ey (P U K) .
SIM Card Security
Important: If you unsuccessfully enter the PUK code
10 times, your SIM card is permanently
blocked and must be replaced. If this
happens, all data is lost. You will get a
message to contact TELUS Mobility Client
Care. Except for making emergency calls,
your handset will not function with a
blocked SIM card.
To unblock the PIN:
1 Press * # m 1.
2 At your TELUS Mobility representative’s request,
provide the info rmation needed to g ive you a PUK
3 Select Unblock PIN.
4 Enter the PUK code.
5 Enter a new 4- to 8-digit SIM PIN.
6 Re-enter your SIM PIN.
If you entered the cod e s pro per ly , SIM Unlocked
appears on the display.
Inserting and Removing Yo ur SIM Card
Important: Do not touch the gold-colored areas of
Switching SIM Cards
When you move your SIM card from one handset to
anothe r, your Contacts information will not be erased
as the information is stored in the SIM. If you remove
your SIM card and use it with another handset, or use
another SIM card with your han dset, the following
information is erased:
• The recent calls list
• Call forwarding settings
• Net alerts
• MMS messages
• Optio ns set using the MMS Setu p menu
• Pictures and audio recordings in the media center,
except those that are forward locked
• Information stored in Memo
• 3 most recent GPS Enabled locations
• Voice records
• Voice names
• Datebook events
• Options set using the Personaliz e menu
your SIM card.
Getting Started
Inserting Your SIM Card
1 With your handset po wered of f, remove the back
cover and battery.
2 Slide the latch towards the right to open the SIM
card holder.
3 Open the SIM card holder.
4 Carefully slide your SIM card into the SIM card
SIM Card Security
5 Close the SIM card hold er.
6 Slide the latch towards the left to close the SIM
card holder.
Removing Your SIM Card
Important: To avoid loss or damage, do not remove
1 With your handset po wered of f, remove the back
cover and battery. See “ Removing the Battery” on
page 5.
your SIM card from your handset unless
absolutely necessary.
2 Slide the latch towards the right to open the SIM
card hold er.
3 Open the SIM card holder.
Getting Started
4 Carefully slide your SIM card out of the SIM card
5 Close the SIM card hold er.
6 Slide the latch towards the left to close the SIM
card holder.
Note: Protect your SIM card as you would any
delicate object. Store it carefully.
The retractabl e antenna on your i850 handset is
designed to be extended during calls.
To extend the antenna, pull gently on the rounded tip
until the ant e nn a is fu ll y ex te nded and clic ks into
When finished with a call, retract the antenna by
pushing gently on the rounded tip until the an tenna
clicks into place.
To optimize your handset’s performance, extend the
antenna when you m ake or receive a call, and avoid
touchi ng the antenna with any body part.
Important: Failure to fully extend or retract the
antenna until the antenna clicks into place
causes severely degraded performance,
which may result in missed calls, dropped
calls, or gar bled audio.
Your handset comes with a battery and a charger.
To order additional accessories, log on to our Web
site at or contact your Mike
For More Information
If you have questions about your i850 handset,
contact your Mike Dealer or TELUS Mobility Client
Mike’s Direct Connect
There ar e two ways of communicating over Mike’s
Direct Connect service:
• one-to-one using a private call
• one-to-many in a group call
Both of these methods are very similar to two-way
radio, and at a fraction of the cost of traditional
cellular. Mike’s Direct Connect also offers the Call
Alert feature, which gives recipients a notice, similar
to a ringer, that you would like to speak to them.
One-to-One Private Calls
Making Private Calls
1 If the flip is open, enter the Private ID you want to
call. -or-
If the flip is closed, select the number as you would
when making a phone call.
2 Press and hold the PTT button on the side of your
handset. Begin talking after yo ur handset emits a
chirping sound.
3 Release the PTT button to listen.
Tip: To let someone know that you want to talk to
him or her on a Priva te call, send a call al ert.
See “Call Alerts” on page 20.
Every Private ID number contains 3 parts — an area
ID, a fleet ID, and a member ID — with asterisks
between each of these parts. For example:
When you place a Private call , you must e nter the
entire Private ID number including the asterisks.
When you store a Private ID number in Contacts,
include the asterisks with the entire Private ID
number in case you travel with your handset, or
another Private ID user, outside o f your netw ork.
From the Keypad
To enter the Priv ate ID you wa nt to call , press the
numbers on the keypad.
If you make a mistake:
• To clear a digit , press A under Delete.
• To clear all digits, press and hold A under Delete.
• To insert or dele t e a dig it any w he r e in th e string of
digits you have entered, scroll left or right.
• To cancel, press e.
From the Recent Calls List
The recent calls list stores the last 20 calls you made
or received.
To select a Private ID from the recent calls list as the
number you want to call:
1 From the idle screen, scroll down. -or-
From the ma in menu, select Recent Calls.
2 Scroll to the name or Privat e ID number you want
to call.
From Contacts
If you have Private IDs stored in Contacts, you can
use these numbers to make calls. For information on
entering numbers into Contacts, see “Creating
Entri es” on page 41.
Calling from the Contacts List
1 From the ma in menu, select Contacts.
2 Scroll to the name or Privat e ID number you want
to call.
Tip: T o f i nd C on tac t s e ntr i es fast er, u se the key p ad
to enter the first letter of the name.
3 Place the call now. -or-
With the Contacts type field highlighted, scroll left
or right to display the Contacts type for the number
you want to call.
If you are making a Private call, your ha ndset places
the call to the Private ID stored in the Contacts entry,
even if the Private ID icon i s not displayed.
Calling from a Contacts Entry
1 From the main menu, select Contacts.
2 Scroll to the name or Pr ivate ID number you want
to call.
3 Press A un der View. -or-
If View is not one of your options: Press m. Select
4 Place the call now. -or-
Scroll to view more numbers. When you place the
call, it is made to the number displayed.
Receiving Private Calls
When you receive a Private c all, your handset em its
a chirping sound or vibrates.
To answer a Private call:
1 Wait for the caller to finish speaking.
2 Press and hold the PTT button on the side of your
handset. Begin talking after your handset emits a
chirping sound.
Mike’s Direct Connect Service
3 Release the PTT button to listen.
One Touch PTT
One Tou c h PTT sets your handset to call th e most
recent Private ID on the recent calls list, or to a
Private ID you choose, every time you press the PTT
button. See “Setting One Touch PTT” below.
Setting One T ouch PTT
One Tou c h PTT sets your handset to call th e most
recent Private ID on the recent calls list, or to a
Private ID you choose, every time you press the PTT
To set you r hand se t to ca ll the mo st rece nt Pr iva te ID
on the re cent calls list:
1 From the ma in menu, select Settings > 2-Way
Radio > One Touch PTT.
2 Scroll to Last Call.
3 Press A under Select.
To set your ha nd se t to ca ll a P riv ate ID you cho os e:
1 From the ma in menu, select Settings > 2-Way
Radio > One Touch PTT.
2 Scroll to Assign Number.
3 Press A under Change.
4 To ente r the number you want your hands et to call
every time you press the PTT bu tton:
Enter the number using your keypad. -or-
Press A unde r Search. Select Contacts, Recent
Calls, or Memo. Enter the number from Contacts,
the recent calls list, or Memo, as you would when
making a call.
Tip: If you are entering a Talkgroup number, enter
# before the number.
5 Press A un der Ok.
To turn off One Touch PTT:
1 From the main menu, select Settings > 2-Way
Radi o > One Touch PTT.
2 Scroll to Off.
3 Press A un der Select.
Call Alerts
Sendin g a ca ll al er t le t s the rec ipient know tha t yo u
want to talk to him or her on a Private call.
When you send a call a lert, the recipien t’s handse t
emits a series of b eeps and displays your name or
Private ID.
The recipient can:
• Answer — begin a Pr ivate call with the sender
• Queue — sto r e the ca ll aler t to t h e ca ll a le rt q ue ue ,
which is a list of call aler ts
Using the Call Alert Queue
• Clear — dismiss and delete the call alert
Sending C all A ler ts
1 Enter the Private ID you want to send to, as you
would wh en making a Private call.
2 Press A under Alert. Ready to Alert appear s on
the display.
3 Press the PTT button until Alert Successful
appears on the dis play.
Receiving Call Alerts
When you receive a call alert, you must answer,
queue, or clear it. You cannot receive phone calls or
Privat e ca ll s un t il you do.
To answer a call aler t, press the PTT button to
make a Private call to the sender.
To queue a call alert, press A under Queue.
To clear a call alert, press A under Clear.
Using the Call Alert Queue
When you queue a call alert, it remains in the call
alert queue until you respond to it, or delete it.
Viewing Call Alerts
1 From the ma in menu, select Call Alert.
2 Scroll through the list.
Viewing Date and Time
To view the date and time a call alert was received:
1 From the main menu, select Call Alert.
2 Scroll to the call alert you w ant info rmation on.
3 Press m.
4 Select View.
Responding to Call Alerts in the Queue
After you qu eu e a call alert, you can respond to it by
making a Private call to the sender or sending a call
alert to the sender. This call alert is then removed
from the queue.
Making a Private Call to the Sender
1 From the main menu, select Call Alert.
2 Scroll to the call alert you want to respond to.
3 Press the PTT button to begin the call.
Sending a Call Alert to the Sender
1 From the main menu, select Call Alert.
2 Scroll to the call alert you want to respond to.
3 Press A un der Alert. Read y to Alert appears on
the display.
4 Press and hold the PTT button until Alert
Successful appears on the display.
Mike’s Direct Connect Service
Note: Answering a c al l aler t fr om the r ec ent ca ll l ist
does not remove it fr om the call alert queue.
Deleting Call Alerts
To delete a call alert from the queue:
1 From the call alert queue, scroll to the call alert you
want to delete.
2 Press m.
3 Select Delete.
4 Press A under Yes to confirm.
To delete all call alerts from the queue:
1 From the call alert queue, press m.
2 From the call alert menu, sele ct Delete All.
3 Press A under Yes to confirm.
Sorting Call Alerts
To sort call alerts by the order they were received:
1 From the ma in menu, select Call Alert.
2 Press m.
3 Select Sort By.
4 Scroll to First on Top or Last on Top.
5 Press A under Select.
One-to-Many Group Calls
A group call is a type of dispatch call made to all
members of a Talkgroup at once. A Talkgroup is a
group of P riv a te I Ds .
To receive group calls made to a Talkgroup, you
must join the Talk group. See “Joining a Talkgroup”.
Join ing a Talkgro u p
Your Mike sales representative creates Talkgroups
for you and assign s each Talkg roup to a Talkgroup
number. You can choose a name for each of your
Talkgroups when you create entries for them in
To receive group calls made to a Talkgroup, you
must join the Talk group. You can belong to only on e
Talkgroup at a time. W hen you join a new Talkgroup,
you no longer belong to your previous Talkgroup.
To join a Talkgroup:
1 Press #. Then enter the Talkgroup number using
the keypad. -or-
Choose the Talkgroup name from Contacts or
recent calls list.
2 Press A un der Join.
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