Motion DMD870 User Manual

Motion Control Products Ltd.
Innovative products for Automation Industry
Tel.: (+44) 01202 599922
User’s Manual
For DMD870 Digital Stepper Drive
(March 2018)
DMD870 Digital Stepper Drive User’s Manual
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Motion Control Products Ltd
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DMD870 Digital Stepper Drive User’s Manual
Read this manual carefully before trying to install the stepper drive into your system. The person setup the stepper drive should have a better understanding on electronics and mechanics. Contact us if there is any question about the products or this manual.
Make sure the power supply voltage does not exceed the drive’s
input range. Double check the connections and make sure the power lead polarity is correct.
Disconnect the motor from the load if you are not sure the move
direction. Adjust the axis in the middle before trying to run the motor.
Do NOT set high current on small stepper motor as this may damage
the motor.
Never disconnect the motor wires when the power is on.
Motion Control Products Ltd.
DMD870 Digital Stepper Drive User’s Manual
1. INTRODUCTION, FEATURES AND APPLICATIONS ....................................................... 1
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1
Features .............................................................................................................. 1
Applications ........................................................................................................ 2
2. SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................... 2
Electronic Specification Tj = 25/77 .............................................................. 2
Operating Environment ...................................................................................... 2
Outline Dimensions (unit: mm [inch]) ................................................................ 3
Elimination of Heat ............................................................................................. 3
3. CONNECTORS AND PIN ASSIGNMENT ........................................................................ 4
Connector P1 Configurations .............................................................................. 4
Selecting Active Pulse Edge and Control Signal Mode ....................................... 5
Connector P2 Configurations .............................................................................. 5
4. CONTROL SIGNAL CONNECTOR (P1) INTERFACE ........................................................ 6
5. CONNECTING THE MOTOR......................................................................................... 7
4-lead Motors Connections ................................................................................ 7
6-lead Motors Connections ................................................................................ 7
Half Coil Configurations .................................................................................. 7
Full Coil Configurations ................................................................................... 8
Connections to 8-lead Motors ........................................................................ 8
6. POWER SUPPLY CONNECTION ................................................................................... 9
Regulated or Unregulated Power Supply ........................................................... 9
Multiple Drives .................................................................................................. 10
Selecting Supply Voltage ................................................................................... 10
Motion Control Products Ltd. Tel.: (+44) 01202 599922
DMD870 Digital Stepper Drive User’s Manual
7. MICROSTEP RESOLUTION & DRIVE OUTPUT CURRENT............................................. 10
Microstep Resolution Selection ........................................................................11
Current Settings ................................................................................................12
Dynamic current setting ................................................................................12
Standstill current setting ...............................................................................13
8. WIRING NOTES ........................................................................................................ 13
9. TYPICAL CONNECTION ............................................................................................. 14
10. SEQUENCE CHART OF CONTROL SIGNALS .............................................................. 15
11. PROTECTION FUCTIONS ......................................................................................... 16
Over-current Protection ....................................................................................16
Over-voltage Protection ....................................................................................16
Phase Error Protection ......................................................................................16
Protection Indications .......................................................................................17
12. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................... 17
Problem Symptoms and Possible Causes ..........................................................18
13. TUNING SOFTWARE - PROTUNER ........................................................................... 19
Introduction ......................................................................................................19
Connections and Testing ...................................................................................19
RS232 Interface Connection ..........................................................................20
Testing the Stepper System ..........................................................................21
How to use the software ...................................................................................21
Option ...........................................................................................................21
Com Config Window .....................................................................................21
Tuning ............................................................................................................22
Anti-Resonance Introduction ........................................................................25
Motion Control Products Ltd.
DMD870 Digital Stepper Drive User’s Manual
Procedure for Achieving Optimum Performance ......................................... 27
Err_check ...................................................................................................... 28
About ............................................................................................................ 29
APPENDIX .................................................................................................................... 30
Twelve Month Limited Warranty ...................................................................... 30
Exclusions .......................................................................................................... 30
Shipping Failed Product & Obtaining Warranty Service ................................... 30
Warranty Limitations ........................................................................................ 30
Motion Control Products Ltd. Tel.: (+44) 01202 599922
DMD870 Digital Stepper Drive User’s Manual
Motion Control Products Ltd (MCP)’s digital stepper drive DMD870 is a versatility fully digital stepper drive based on a DSP with advanced control algorithm. The DMD870 is the next generation of digital stepper controls. It brings a unique level of system smoothness, providing optimum torque and nulls mid-range instability. Motor auto-identification and parameter auto-configuration technology offers optimum responses with different motors and easy-to-use. The driven motors can run with much smaller noise, lower heating, smoother movement than most of the Drives in the markets. Its unique features make the DMD870 an ideal solution for applications that require low-speed smoothness.
Compared to the DMD432 (DM432C), broader input voltage and output current ranges make DMD870 being able to drive much more motors from size NEMA 17 to NEMA 34.
What’s more, thanks to its higher performance DSP, driven motors can achieve much
higher speed (above 3000RPM), offering servo-like performances. DMD870 stepper drive is regarded as an improved model originally from DMD556, while supports broader input voltage range.
Anti-Resonance, provides optimum torque and nulls mid-range instability Motor auto-identification and parameter auto-configuration technology, offers
optimum responses with different motors
Multi-Stepping allows a low resolution step input to produce a higher microstep
output for smooth system performance
Output current programmable, from 0.5A to 7.0A Pulse input frequency up to 200 KHz TTL compatible and optically isolated input Automatic idle-current reduction Suitable for 2-phase and 4-phase motors Support PUL/DIR and CW/CCW modes Over-voltage, over-current, phase-error protections
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DMD870 Digital Stepper Drive User’s Manual
Output current (A)
7.5 (5.0RMS)
Input voltage (VDC)
+ 24
+ 48
Logic signal current (mA)
Pulse input frequency (kHz)
0 - 200
Isolation resistance (MΩ)
500 - -
Natural Cooling or Forced cooling
Operating Environment
Avoid dust, oil fog and corrosive gases
Ambient Temperature
0ºC40ºC (32ºF104ºF)
Operating Temperature
70˚C (158˚F) Max
5.9m/s2 Max
Storage Temperature
-20ºC 65ºC (-4ºF 149ºF)
Approx. 280g (10 oz)
It can be used in various kinds of machines, such as laser cutters, laser markers, high precision X-Y tables, labeling machines and so on. Its unique features make the DMD870 an ideal solution for applications that require both low-speed smoothness and high speed performances.
Electronic Specification Tj = 25/77
Operating Environment
Motion Control Products Ltd. P a g e | 2 Tel.: (+44) 01202 599922
DMD870 Digital Stepper Drive User’s Manual
Outline Dimensions (unit: mm [inch])
Elimination of Heat
Drives reliable working temperature (heat sink) should be <70
motor working temperature (surface) should be
It is recommended to use automatic idle-current mode, namely current
automatically reduce to 60% when motor stops, so as to reduce driver heating
and motor heating;
The drive must be mounted vertically to maximise heat sink area as shown in the
following picture. Use forced cooling method to cool the system if necessary
Motion Control Products Ltd. P a g e | 3
<80°C (176°F);
C (158°F), and
DMD870 Digital Stepper Drive User’s Manual
Pulse signal: In single pulse (pulse/direction) mode, this input represents pulse signal, each rising or falling active edge (software configurable); 4-5V when PUL­HIGH, 0-0.5V when PUL-LOW. In double pulse mode (pulse/pulse), this input represents clockwise (CW) pulse, active both at high level and low level (software
configurable). For reliable response, the pulse width should be longer than 2.5μs.
Series connect resistors for current-limiting when +12V or +24V is used. The same as DIR and ENA signals.
Important NOTE: The drive must be mounted vertically onto a plate or a heat
sinking to maximize heat sink area as shown in the above picture. Please use
additional heat sinking or cool fan if necessary.
DMD870 stepper drive has two connectors, connector P1 for control signals connections, and connector P2 for power and motor connections. The following tables are brief descriptions of the two connectors. More detailed descriptions of the pins and related issues are presented in section 4, 5, 9.
Connector P1 Configurations
Motion Control Products Ltd. P a g e | 4 Tel.: (+44) 01202 599922
DMD870 Digital Stepper Drive User’s Manual
DIR signal: In single-pulse mode, this signal has low/high voltage levels, representing two directions of motor rotation; in double-pulse mode (software configurable), this signal is counter-clock (CCW) pulse, active both at high level and low level (software configurable). For reliable motion response, DIR signal should be ahead of PUL signal by at least 5μs. 4-5V when DIR-HIGH, 0-0.5V when DIR-LOW. Please note that rotation direction is also related to motor-Drive wiring match. Exchanging the connection of two wires for a coil to the Drive will reverse motion direction.
Enable signal: This signal is used for enabling/disabling the drive. High level for enabling drive (NPN control signal, PNP and Differential control signals are on the contrary, namely Low level for enabling.) and low level for disabling drive. Usually left UNCONNECTED (ENABLED).
Pin Function
Power supply, 24~72 VDC, Including voltage fluctuation and EMF voltage.
Power Ground.
A+, A-
Motor Phase A
B+, B-
Motor Phase B
Selecting Active Pulse Edge and Control Signal Mode
DMD870 stepper drive supports PUL/DIR and CW/CCW modes and pulse actives at rising or falling edge. See more information about these settings in Section 13. Default setting is PUL/DIR mode and rising edge active (NPN, and PNP control signal is on the contrary).
Connector P2 Configurations
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