Morphy Richards JET STREAM ELITE - AUTRE NOTICE 2, JET STREAM ELITE+ - AUTRE, Elite, Elite 42286, Elite 42242 Instructions Manual

JJeett SSttrreeaamm EElliittee aanndd EElliittee+’
ironing system
Please read and keep these instructions
GGeettttiinngg tthhee bbeesstt ffrroomm yyoouurr nneeww iirroonniinngg ssyysstteemm........
Safety first
Water tank
The water tank can be re-filled at any time during ironing.
To extend the performance and life of your jet stream generator ensure that you replace the anti-scale cartridge regularly.
RN42288 Rev 1
For replacement parts, help with using your Morphy Richards product, problems and lots more; contact us by phone or through our website.
UK Helpline: 0870 060 2615 Replacement parts: 0870 167 6646 Ireland 1800 409119
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The use of any electrical appliance requires, the use of common sense and strict following of safety rules.
Primarily there is danger of injury or death and secondly the danger of damage to the appliance. These are indicated in the text by the following two conventions:
WARNING: Danger to the person!
IMPORTANT: Damage to the appliance! In addition we offer the following safety advice.
Do not use outdoors.
Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used near children.
Personal safety
Burns can occur from touching hot metal parts, hot water or steam. Use caution when using your steam generator. If your iron is placed for a few moments on the iron rest plate, this plate may reach very high temperatures. In this instance, do not touch the iron soleplate or the iron rest plate until the iron and the iron rest have cooled down.
Do not use the vertical steam feature on clothes that are being worn.
Do not leave the steam generator unattended whilst plugged in or on an ironing board. Never allow the mains lead to over
hang the work surface.
The mains socket should always be switched off before plugging or unplugging from the socket. Never yank the cord to disconnect from the socket, instead, grasp the plug and pull to disconnect.
Other safety considerations
Use the steam generator only for its intended use.
Never hold the generator base set under the tap.
To protect against the risk of electric shock do not put the appliance in water or in any other liquid.
Always disconnect the tank from the base unit when filling with water and emptying.
Always disconnect the steam generator from the electrical supply when cleaning or when not in use.
Do not operate the steam generator with a damaged cord or if the iron has been dropped or damaged. To avoid the risk of electric shock, do not disassemble the iron, but telephone Morphy Richards for advice. Incorrect reassembly can cause a risk of electric shock when the iron is used.
If the need arises to change the mains cable on your steam generator or the iron, please return to Morphy Richards service department at the address on the back page.
Special instructions
If your steam generator does not work, check the following points:
Has the iron temperature control been set to the required temperature? Is the plug in its socket? Is the plug itself or the socket faulty? (Check by plugging in another appliance).
To prevent damage to the textile being ironed, follow the temperature guide carefully. (Test on the inside of the hem of the garment).
When ironing is complete, remove the plug from the socket, empty any remaining water from the tank, and allow to cool before storage.
If you drop or severely knock your steam generator this could cause internal damage even if the outside appears alright. Have it checked by a qualified electrician.
The temperature of accessible surfaces may be high when the appliance is operating.
WWAARRNNIINNGG:: DDoo nnoott uussee tthhee pprroodduucctt oonn aa ssuurrffaaccee wwhhiicchh ccoouulldd bbee ddaammaaggeedd bbyy hheeaatt oorr sstteeaamm ssuuc
chh aass aa
wwoorrkkttoopp oorr aa ppoolliisshh wwoooodd SSuurrffaaccee..
IIff iinn ddoouubbtt,, ccoonnttaacctt MMoorrpphhyy RRiicchhaarrddss..
UUKK HHeellpplliinnee 00887700 006600 22661155 RReeppllaacceemmeenntt PPaarrttss 00887700 116677 66664466 IIrreellaanndd HHeellpplliinnee 11880000 440099111199
42288 rev1 30/11/06 14:34 Page 3
(120°C Max) Cool
(160°C Max) Warm
(210°C Max) Hot
Control knob positions
Do not iron at all
Nylon, Acetates e.g. Acrilan Courtelle, Orlon Triacetates, e.g. Tricel/Polyester
Wool, Polyester mixtures e.g. Polyester/Cotton
Cotton, Linen Rayon, Rayon mixtures, e.g. Rayon/Linen
Iron on wrong side if moisture required use damp cloth (Not Acetate)
Fabrics requiring this setting usually require steam pressing for heavy cotton, denim etc.
‘Max setting’
Temperature guide
Check that the voltage on the rating plate of your appliance corresponds with your house electricity supply which must be A.C. (Alternating current).
If the socket outlets in your home are not suitable for the plug supplied with this appliance the plug should be removed and the appropriate one fitted.
WARNING: The plug removed from the mains lead, if severed, must be destroyed as a plug with a bared flexible cord is hazardous if engaged into a live socket outlet.
Should the fuse in the 13 amp plug require changing a 13 amp BS1362 fuse must be fitted.
WARNING: This appliance must be earthed
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