Mooer WoodVerb Owner`s Manual

Wo o dV e rb
Ac ou s ti c Gu i ta r Re ve rb P ed al
Pow er S up ply
Pleas e co nnect t he d esign at ed AC adap te r to a n AC out le t of t he co rr ec t vol ta ge . Pleas e be s ure to us e on ly an AC ada pt er whic h su pp lie s 9V ( ±1 0%) D C, c en ter minus . The max im um work in g volta ge s hall no t ex ce ed 12 V, oth er wi se ma y be dange ro us equi pm ent dam ag e, fire o r ot her pro bl em s. Unplu g th e AC power a da pter wh en n ot usin g or d ur ing e le ct ric al s to rms .
Con ne ct ions
Alway s tu rn off th e power o f th is and al l ot her equ ip me nt be fo re c onn ec ti ng or disco nn ectin g, t his wil l he lp prev en t malfu nc ti on an d / or d am age t o ot he r dev ic es . Also ma ke s ure to di sc onnec t al l conne ct ion cab le s an d the p ow er c ord b ef or e movin g th is unit .
Cle an in g
Clean o nl y with a so ft , dry clo th . If nece ss ary, sli ghtly m oi sten th e cl ot h. Do not us e ab rasiv e cl eanse r, cl eanin g al co hol , pa in t thi nn er s, wa x, s ol ven ts , clean in g fluid s, o r chemi ca l-imp re gnate d wi pi ng cl ot hs .
Int er fe rence w it h other e le ctric al d evice s
Radio s an d telev is ions pl ac ed near by m ay e xpe ri en ce re ce pt ion i nt er fer en ce . Ope ra te t his uni t at a s uitab le d istan ce f rom rad io s an d tel ev is ion s.
Loc at io n
To avoid de fo rmati on , disco lo ratio n, o r other s er io us da ma ge , do no t ex po se this un it t o the fol lo wing co nd ition s:
Direc t su nligh t Magne ti c field s Exc es si ve dust y or d irty lo ca tion Str on g vi brati on s or shoc ks
FCC c er ti ficat io n
Thi s de vi ce comp li es with P ar t 15 of the F CC R ules. O pe ra tio n is s ub jec t to th e fo ll owing t wo c ondit io ns: T his d ev ic e may n ot c au se harm fu l inter fe rence This devi ce must accep t any interferenc e receive d, including inte rfere nce tha t ma y ca use und es ired op er ation
Heat so ur ces Ext re me t emper at ure or hu mi dity High hu mi dity or m oi sture
Main Features
A digital reverb pedal specifically de si gn ed f or a co us ti c gu it ar p la ye rs Provide players with three types of reverb effects: Reverb, Mod, Filter Reverb: Simulates a Plate reverberation Mod: Add modulation effect to the reverb
Filter: Add a sweeping filter sound to the reverb Tru e by pa ss s wi tc h DC 9V adapter power supply
1. TRUE BYPASS Footswitch:
6 7
Push down the footswitch to toggle
between on and bypass status.
Shows the on/off st at us o f
lit the eff ec t is e ng ag ed.
3. DC IN Power Jack:
For power supply, use a 9-volt DC regulated AC adapter (plug polarity is positive on the barrel and negative in the center).
4. INPUT Jack: 1/4mono audio jack, for connecting
, when the LED is Woo dVe rb
5. OUTPUT Jack:
1/4” mono audio jack, outputs the signal.
6. Mode Switch:
Change the reverb effect types from Reverb/Mod/Filter.
7. MIX Knob: Control the ratio of the guitar dry sound and the effect sound. Rotate the knob clockwise (right) will produce more effect sound presented while rotate the knob counterclockwise (left) will have more of your guitar dry sound.
8. TONE/RATE/RANGE Knob: This knob controls different parameters under different modes. Under Reverb/Mod/Filter mode, this knob controls Tone/ Rate/Range respectively.
9. DECAY Knob: This knob controls the decay level of the reverb effects.
Input: 1/4 monaural jack (impedance: 470k Ohms) Output: 1/4 monaural jack (impedance: 100 Ohms) Power Requirements: AC adapter 9V DC (center minus plu g) ,
recommended to use Mooer Micro Power
Current Draw: 130 mA Dimensions: 93.5mm (D) × 42mm (W) × 52mm (H) Wei gh t: 1 45 g Accessories: Owner ’s M an ua l
* Dis claim er: Any s pecif icati on’s up date wo n't be am ended i n this ma nual.