Mooer Pitch Step User manual

Pitch Shif ti ng a nd Harmony pedal
*Please read carefully before proceeding*
Pow er Suppl y
Please connect the designated AC adapter to an AC outlet of th e correct voltage. Please be sure to use only an AC adapter which supplies 9V DC(±10%), , center negative. Unplug the AC power adapter when not in use or during electrical storms.
Always turn off th e pow er an d all o the r equ ipm ent b efo re connecting or disconnecting. This w ill h elp p rev ent malfunction and damage to any of the devices. Make sure to un plug all connection cables and power cords before moving this unit.
Loc ation:
To avoid deformation, discoloration, or other serious damage,do not expose this unit to the following condition s Dir ect s unlight Mag netic fi elds Exc ess ively dusty or dirty location Str ong v ibration or shock
Ext reme te mpera ture or h umidi ty
Int erference with other electrical devices and Cleaning
Radios and televisions placed nearby may experi enc e reception interference. Ope rate this unit at a suitable distance from radios and televisions. Clean only with a soft, dry cloth.
Do not apply excessive force to the switches or controls. Do not let paper, metal, or other objects into this unit. Take care not to drop the unit, and do not subject it to shock or excessive pressure.
FCC certification
Thi s device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Ope ration is subject to the following two conditions: T his d evi ce ma y not c aus e har mfu l int erf ere nce .
This devi ce must accept any int erfere nce receiv ed, inc lud ing int erference that may cause undesired operation.
Heat sources High humidity or moisture
Main Features
Acc ura te Pit ch Shifti ng > Opt ion al dry s ignal for h armo niz ati on Cus tom izab le pi tch ad jus tment for - OCT/ +OC T 3 mod es for the ex pres sio n pedal ope ration SU B / UP / S + U Inc lud es MOO ER’s u niq ue pre ssu re sen sin g technol ogy Sup por ts 9V ba tte ry pow er
Connect the power supply to DCIN, Connect your instrument to INPUT, Connect OUTPUT to yo ur am pli fier or next effec ts pe dal ’s in put Select the desired pitch range (SUB / UP / S + U) Adjust the pitch of -OCT and + O CT Select your desired activation method. SENSOR / SWITCH
SEN SOR: Plac e your f oot on t he PRE SSU RE SEN SOR PAD S act ivate the e ffec t. Rem ove yo ur foot to deacti vate t he eff ect
(ON )
SWI TCH : Place your foot on the pedestal and put it in “toe down” position. Apply slight downward pressure to activa te the effe ct. F oll ow th e sam e met hod t o dea cti vat e the e ffe ct.
(ON /OF F)
Not e: For be st resu lts, it i s recom mende d that Pi tch Ste p be plac ed firs t in the si gnal ch ain.
(OF F)
Pedal Layout
1. LE D:
Ind ica tes the On /Off sta tus o f Pit ch St ep.
2. IN PUT:
¼ inc h aud io input Jack
3. OU TPU T:
¼ inc h aud io output Jack
4. DC i npu t:
Con nect a 9v DC power supply centre pin negative
Pla ce yo ur fo ot here to activate the effe ct in SE NSO R set tin g
6. Tou ch Sw itc h:
Put t he pe das tal in toe down position and apply sli ght downward pressure to activate the effe ct in SWI TCH s ett ing
7. SU B/U P/S+U: Sel ect s the r ange and direction of the pitch shifting
SUB1 o cta ve ra nge. Toe dow n = -1 OC T Hee l down = Ori ginal pitch UP: 1 o cta ve ra nge. Toe dow n = +1 OC T Hee l down = Ori ginal pitch
S+U2 o cta ve ra nge. Toe dow n = +1 OC T Hee l down = -1 OC T
Sel ect s the m eth od used for activation of th e eff ect
9. -O CT/ +OC T:
Adju sts t he pitch of the -OCT and +O CT
for c ust om ra nge
Sel ect s bet ween harmony and pitch shift modes
Pre ss in f or Ha rmo ny mode (dr y sig nal c an be heard) Pre ss ou t for P itc h Shi ft mo de (no d ry si gna l can be heard)
Inp ut1/ 4” mo no audio jack.Impedance: 1M Ohms
Out put1 /4” m ono a udio jackImpedance: 100 Ohms
Pow er requirements: 9V DC
Cur rent Draw: 180 mA
Dim ensions: 154.5mm(D)×73mm(W)×53mm(H)
Wei ght : 540 g
Pa rt No :