MOOER Micro Power User Manual

Mu lti -Powe r Sup ply
Pow er S up ply
Pleas e co nnect t he d esign at ed AC adap te r to an AC out le t of the co rr ect vol ta ge. Pleas e be s ure to us e on ly an AC ada pt er whic h su pplie s 12 V (±10% ) DC , cente r minus . The max im um work in g volta ge i s 15V, any volt ag e highe r th an this w il l cause d an gerou s da mage li ke e xplos io n to the eq ui pment i ts elf. Unplu g th e AC power a da pter wh en n ot usin g or d uring e le ctric al s torms .
Con ne ct ion s
Alway s tu rn off th e power o f th is and al l ot her equ ip ment be fo re conn ec ting or disco nn ectin g, t his wil l he lp prev en t malfu nc tion an d / or d amage t o ot her dev ic es. Also ma ke s ure to di sc onnec t al l conne ct ion cab le s and the p ow er cord b ef ore movin g th is unit .
Cle an in g
Clean o nl y with a so ft , dry clo th . If nece ss ary, sli ghtly m oi sten th e cl oth. Do not us e ab rasiv e cl eanse r, cl eanin g al cohol , pa int thi nn ers, wa x, s olven ts , clean in g fluid s, o r chemi ca l-imp re gnate d wi ping cl ot hs.
Int er fe rence w it h oth er e le ctr ic al d evice s
Radio s an d telev is ions pl ac ed near by m ay expe ri ence re ce ption i nt erfer en ce. Ope ra te t his uni t at a s uitab le d istan ce f rom rad io s and tel ev ision s.
Loc at io n
To avoid de fo rmati on , disco lo ratio n, o r other s er ious da ma ge, do no t ex pose this un it t o the fol lo wing co nd ition s:
Direc t su nligh t Magne ti c field s Exc es si ve dust y or d irty lo ca tion Str on g vi brati on s or shoc ks
FCC c er ti ficat io n
Thi s de vi ce comp li es with P ar t 15 of the F CC R ules. O pe ratio n is s ubjec t to th e fo ll owing t wo c ondit io ns: T his d ev ic e may n ot c au se ha rm fu l int er fe ren ce . This devi ce must accep t any interfe renc e receive d, including inte rfere nce tha t ma y ca use u nd es ired op er ation .
Heat so ur ces Ext re me t emp er at ure or hu mi dity High hu mi dity or m oi sture
Main Features
Provide stable 9V DC power supply with high performance, each output maximum current of 300 mA, can meet most of the pedal use requirement. Eight independent output short circuit protection design, when one circuit output failure, other output lines still can work independently.
8 LED lights indicating output status in darkness, its unique dull-polished feature can also protect your eyes from spotlights on stage. Very small and exquisite, full metal shell.
12V DC input: when connect the power supply, the r ed l ight is lit up.
Eight-way output power light distribution in two side, when the power cord access in any way, th e co rr es po nd in g in di ca to r li ghts up.
Connect the input power.
Connect the DC, connected with the pedal power supply.
Short circuit protection function: W hen a s ho rt c irc ui t or c urr en t ch ann el
ou tpu t co nn ect ed d ev ice w he n mo re th an 3 00 m A, wi ll a ut oma ti ca lly d is co nne ct , ind ic at or ligh t wi ll turn o ff. the n th e power e qu ipmen t an d singl e bl ock aft er dis co nn ectio n, t he outp ut c hanne l wi ll auto ma tical ly r estor ed .
Connect instructions
If the input polarity of the electrical device is , please connect the DC power cable to the device directly.
If the input polarity of the electrical device is , plea se c on ne ct polarity reversal cable to the DC power cable, then connect the device.
NOTE Before use, please confirm the equipment is the same polarity with the power adapter, otherwise may cause damage.
Power supply: 12V power adapter Output current: Eight 9V power supply output independently Current draw: Each current of 300 mA, not more than the current of
the input power adapter. (If using the Mooer Power adapter, then the current is 2A)
Dimensions: 93.5mm (D) 42mm (W) 36mm (H) Wei gh t: 1 40 g
The 1 2V p ow er a da pt er 1 ( 12 V 2A ) 460mm lines 4 (connect the pedal) 610mm lines 4 (connect the pedal) 200mm Polar conversion line (The output power from the negative is changed to outside to inside is outside negative) Velcro tape Owner’ s Ma nu al
* Dis claim er: Any s pecif icati on’s up date wo n't be am ended i n this ma nual.
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