Monster Model # 169233-00 FM Stereo Full Spectrum Modulator Specifications
(FCC ID RJE169233-00)
The Zune FM Stereo Full Spectrum Modulator provides a wireless audio link between the Microsoft Zune
digital music device and a vehicle FM stereo radio. It features a fully adjustable channel digital tuner with 3button control and a 3.5 digit LED display. It also includes a fast charger/power source for the Zune.
♦ Digital tuner with crystal controlled
♦ 3 Memory frequency storage
♦ 3.5 digit LED display with
brightness control
♦ Fully adjustable from 88.1 to
♦ 3 button operation
♦ Microprocessor control
♦ Built-in antenna
♦ 10 to 30ft range
♦ High quality stereo audio
♦ Powered by 12V cigarette lighter
♦ Auto-reset fuse Control Unit
♦ FCC compliant
♦ Stylish design
Input Voltage
Input Idle Current w/o Ipod
Charger Output @ 0 mA
Charger Output @ 500mA
FM frequency
FM frequency steps
Stereo channel separation
Audio frequency response
Signal distortion
Operating range
Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
Cable length iPod side
Cable length cig. Lighter
Apple and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Corporation
Min Typ Max Unit
10 13.8 17 Vdc
50 mA
9.3 13.1 16.3 Volts
8.7 12.5 15.7 Volts
88.1 107.9 MHz
200 KHz
25 40 dB
20 15K Hz
0.5 %
1 10 30 ft
0 50
-40 80
203 mm
660 mm
2006 Monster LLC 7251 West Lake Mead Blvd Suite 342, Las Vegas NV, USA 89128 (415) 840-2000