EMS 1.9R
Installation Manual
General recommendations
Before you get down to installation, disconnect the ““ terminal of the car battery.
1. The main unit is to be installed inside the passenger compartment, away from sources of
moisture and heat.
2. The RF Base Station with antenna is to be mounted on the windscreen as high as possible
to reach maximal communication range between transceiver and vehicle.
3. The siren is installed in the engine compartment or in another location inaccessible for a
thief, with the megaphone down or sideward. The location must be away from heat sources
and protected from penetration of water. If the siren has a backup battery, access to the
service keyhole must be ensured.
4. The pin switches of the hood and trunk are mounted in locations protected from water and
inaccessible when the hood/trunk is closed.
5. The shock sensor is installed inside the passenger compartment on the car body’s metal
structures, as close to the car’s longitudinal axis as possible, and is fixed with screws or double
sided mounting pad.
6. All highpower circuits should be fused for respective currents.
Technical Data
Voltage 9…15V
Current Consumption 20 mA
RF Frequency 433,92 MHz
Working Temperature 40…+850C
Maximal Allowable Current via the Relay Contacts:
Immobiliser Relay 20A
Indicators Relay 10A
Central Door Lock Relays 15A
Transmission Format AM/AM
Инструкция по установке
Transceiver RF Range
Conditions Pager Remote Control
Builtup City Area 350 – 400m 250 – 300m
Open Air within City Area 700 – 900m 400 – 450m
Open Air outside City Area Up to 1500m Up to 800m
Two Way Car Alarm System MONGOOSE EMS 1.9R

EMS 1.9R
System Programming
Remote Code Learning
The EMS 1.9R has one twoway Transceiver and one oneway transmitter in the standard
kit, however the system can teach up to eight transmitters/transceivers. To increase a number
of remote controls to control the alarm system fulfill the below procedure:
The basic procedure is the same regardless of single digit pin code or twodigit pin code. If the
system has a single digit PIN code, follow steps 12 but skip steps 34. If the system has a two digit
PIN code follow the entire procedure.
1. When the alarm system is disarmed turn the ignition on.
2. Press the override switch as many times as the first digit of the PIN code.
3. Cycle the ignition off/on.
4. Press the override switch as many times as the second digit of the PIN code.
5. Switch the ignition off. If the PIN code is correct one short and one long beep will confirm
entering the Code Learning.
6. Switch the ignition on.
7. Press button 1 of each remote control you want to program to the system. One siren beep
will confirm the transmitter code is learnt. When you are programming a twoway transmitter
please wait a few seconds after the beep until the indicator icon on the LCD screen is
flashing two times to confirm the main unit code has been programmed to the transceiver,
otherwise the pager function will not work.
8. To exit the Code Learning switch the ignition off and press the override switch or wait for
15 seconds, a double siren beep will confirm that Code Learning has exited. NOTE: If you
want to move to the Function Programming switch the ignition back on without pressing
the override switch and before the double siren beep.
Function programming.
1. Follow through with transmitter programming and turn the ignition back on (do not press
the override switch in the above item 8!).
2. Press the override switch 4 times
3. Cycle the ignition off/on.
4. Press the override switch 6 times.
5. Press buttons 1 and 2 together. An audible signal will confirm the system has entered the
Installer’s Function Programming.
6. Turn the ignition off/on.
7. Press the override switch as many times as the number of the software switches group (first
8. Turn the ignition off/on.
9. Press the override switch as many times as the number of switch within the group (second
Installation Manual
Автомобильная охранная система “MONGOOSE” Модель EMS 1.9R

EMS 1.9R
10. To enable the mode push button 1 of the transmitter, to disable it push button 2. If the
Software switch includes more than two states, follow the instruction within a respective
line of the table below.
11. After altering the switch mode value press the override switch to proceed to the next
switch. To proceed to the next switch group, turn the ignition off/on and repeat the above
12. To exit this programming mode, turn the ignition off and press the override switch.
Installer Software Switches
Software Switch Function Default Key#1 Key#2
11 Electric/Vacuum Locking 0.6s 0.6s 4s
12 Single/Double Locking Pulse Single Single Double
13 Single/Double Unlocking Pulse Single Single Double
14 Armed Output Grounded while armed Grounded while armed Grounded while
(Brown/white wire) (for NC relay) (for NC relay) disarmed (for NO relay)
15 Blocking in Trouble Situation OFF ON OFF
16 Positive Programmable Input Door (+) Input Door (+) Input Shining Light Warning
17 Dome Light Car Software Switch OFF ON OFF
18 Programmable Output Latch Output Latch Output Brake/Clutch Output
21 Manual/Automatic Transmission Manual Manual Automatic
22 Turbo Timer Mode OFF Press 1 time – OFF
23 Gasoline/Diesel Engine Type Gasoline Gasoline Diesel
Attempt # 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Wait to Start, sec 3 5 7 10 10 15 20 25
24 Flashing the Indicators when Engine is running after OFF ON OFF
remote start
25 Remote Starter Control Input Tachometer (RPM) Sensor Tachometer (RPM) Sensor Generator/Oil Sensor
26 Manual arming with the key via the CDL control input OFF ON OFF
27* RPM Learning On Together
28** RPM Cranking Time Adjustment 8 Increase (Maximum 16) Decrease (Minimum 1)
31 Comfort/2Stage unlock Comfort Comfort 2stage Unlock
32 ACC Output 1minute 1minute 2seconds
33*! Handbrake Controlled Ignition Support ON ON OFF
34 Engine ShutDown After Disarming After Disarming 1minute after
Only if Handbrake Controlled Ignition Support is set to ON.
3 minutes delay
Press 2 times –
5 minutes delay
disarming (or with
release of handbrake1)
Инструкция по установке
*! WARNING! It Is Recommended always use the Handbrake Controlled Ignition Support ON
mode. Enabling the Handbrake Controlled Ignition Support OFF mode is realized under
responsibility of user solely.
When enabling the Handbrake Controlled Ignition Support OFF mode take necessary measures,
guaranteeing stillness of car during remote (automatic) start the engine, as well as for the whole
time of parking!
* Engine RPM Idle Frequency Learning
The idle frequency of the RPM signal must be taught to the system. This is done by using
installer switch 27 as follows:
Two Way Car Alarm System MONGOOSE EMS 1.9R