Monarch 9425, 9445, 9465, 9474 Programmer's Manual

Monarch 9400™ Series
Thermal Printe r
Programmer’s Manual
TC9400PM Rev. A 8/90 ©1990 Monarch Marking Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Each product and program carries a respective written warranty, the only warranty on which the c ustomer can rel y. Monarch reserves the rig ht to make changes in the product and the programs and their availability at any time and without notice. Although Monarch has made every effort to provide comple te and accurate information in thi s manual, Monarch shall not be liable for any omissions or inaccuracies. Any update will be incorporated in a late edition of this manual.
This equipment can interfere with radio communication. The equipment complies with limits for a Cla ss A computi ng device pursuant to FCC Rules, Subpart J, Part 15, which pr ovide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation in a residenti al area can cause interference which the user must correct at his own expense.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise for digital apparatus set out in the Radio Inter ference Regul ations of the C anadian Department of Communications.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.....................................................................1-1
2. Overview..........................................................................2-1
3. Communication Requirements......................................3-1
Input Characteristics ..................................................3-1
Data Flow Control ..........................................3-2
Setting Communication Values..................................3-3
Cable Interface...........................................................3-5
4. Message Structures........................................................4-1
Creating Online Data Stre ams...................................4-1
Transmitt in g Online Data Streams.............................4-1
Error Notificatio n ........................................................4 -3
Monetary Symbols..................................................... 4- 4
Commands.................................................................4 -5
Programming Conventions ............................4-5
Format Data...............................................................4-6
Format Header Record..................................4-7
Te xt Fiel d Record..................................................... 4-10
Bar Code Field R ec ord.............................................4-14
Line Field..................................................................4-21
Batch Data................................................................4 -26
Batch Header Record...................................4-26
Entering Print Data for Fields.......................4-30
Using Multiple Batches with One Format.....4-32
Using Previously Defined Print Data............4-32
Batch Separators .........................................4-33
Table of Contents
5. Using Graphics................................................................5-1
Defining Graphic Image Data .....................................5-1
Placi ng the Image in a Format................................... 5-8
Clear Image Buff er.......................................5-11
Compressing the Data Stream.....................5-12
6. Quick References............................................................6-1
Te xt Font Sizes...........................................................6- 1
9425/9445/9465/9474 Fonts..........................6-1
9420/9440 Fonts ............................................6-3
Character Width (in Dots) ..........................................6-3
Parallel Character Width (in Dots) for the 9425,
9445, and 9474..............................................6 -4
Serial Character Wid th (in D ots) for 9465......6-4
Parallel Character Width (in Dots) for 9465 .. 6-5 Parallel Character Width (in Dots) for
9420/9440 Fonts ............................................6-5
Serial Character Width (in D ots) for
9420/9440 Fonts ............................................6-6
Bar Codes ......................................................6-6
Bar Code Densi ties........................................6-7
Bar Code Densi ties (9425/9445/9474) ...........6-8
Bar Code Densi ties (9420/9440)....................6-9
Bar Code Densities (9465, Parallel Print)....6-10
Bar Code Densities (9465, Serial Print)....... 6-11
Line Width................................................................6-12
Line Widths (9425/9445/9474 and
Horizontal Line Widt hs (9465)......................6-13
Vertical Line Widths ( 9465).......................... 6-14
Special Characters...................................................6-15
Code 128 Function Code s.......................................6-15
9420/9440 Horizontal Print Location........................6-16
ASCII Characters.....................................................6-18
English/Metric Conversion .......................................6-20
English/Metric Conversion (cont.)............................6-21
9400 Series Programmer’s Manual
Appendix A: Sample Data Strea ms...................................A-1
Formats, Text and Bar Code Fields ...........................A-1
Line Fields..................................................................A-2
Graphic Images..........................................................A -3
Compressed Graphic Data ........................................A-5
Appen dix B: Code 128 Information...................................B-1
Bar Code Width..........................................................B-2
Quiet Zone..................................................................B-4
Function Codes..........................................................B-5
Ta ble A-1 . 128 Bar Code Ch a racte r Sets..................B-6
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
9400 Series Programmer’s Manual
1. Introduction
This manual tells you how to enter onl i ne formats and batch data for downloading to Monarch 9400™ series print ers.
The following printers are covered by this manual.
Other manuals you may need are
Equipment Manual
Contains general setup and maintenance proced ures.
Operator’s Handbook
Explains data entry and batch control for offline printing.
User’s Manual
Tells about creat i ng and entering offline formats.
To get the best perform ance from your printer, read the documents that tell you how to use it. If you have any questions or problems you can’t solve, we’ll be glad to help.
9400 Series Programmer’s Manual
2. Overview
The 9400 Series Thermal Printer can receive print data online from a host computer. During online communication, the host computer treats the printer as an RS-23 2 ty pe pri nter. For the printer to communicate online, you will need an RS-232 cable. For mainframe communication, you may need a protocol converter.
To transmit data from the host com puter requires communication controls for the download operatio n. Refer to the next section, "Communication Requirements."
Three types of data ca n be transmitted: Format data The user-designed lay out for online
formats. These formats are used by online batches for printing.
NOTE: These online formats can also be
used offline. However, formats created offline cannot be used online.
Batch data Contains the format number and actual
data to be printed on the supply. Batch data is downloaded to the printer and combined with a for m at stored in the printer.
Graphic data Contains the actual pix el data which forms
a graphic image.
NOTE: Format, batch, and graphic data are stored when you
turn the power off. Format and graphic data may be sent at any time. Since batch data is combined with a format for printing, the
format and graphic data for a batch must reside in the printer before sending the batch.
Each data type has its own data stream structure. Refer to "Message Structures" in this manual.
9400 Series Programmer’s Manual
3. Communication Requirements
To enable communications between the printer and the computer, the printer c om m uni cations setup must matc h the setup for the host computer. The options are:
Baud rate
Data flow control
Data bits
Stop bits
All online data uses the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) character code for interpretation of bits as charac ters.
Input Characteristics
Below are the input characteristics for communications. The defaults are shown in bold print.
Full duplex
Selecta bl e options:
Baud rate 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 Parity No parity, Odd, Even Data flow Xon/Xoff, Data Termin al R e a dy (D TR ) Data bits Seven (7) or eight (8) Stop bits One (1) or two (2)
Modify thes e communication settings on your printer as necessary to match the settings on your host computer. See "Setting Communication Values" in this chapter.
There are three main buffers: batch, format, and graphic. The printer also has a 1024 byte input buffer which holds data until it is processed into the respective buffer(s).
Data Flow Control
The printer uses Xon/Xoff or data terminal ready (DTR) for data flow control. DTR flow control is usually required if you are using an IBM-PC, unless the PC has a special Xon-Xoff program.
In DTR mode, the printer activates DTR when the printer can accept more data from th e h ost and deactivates when the printer’s rec ei ve buffer is nea rl y full. In Xon/X off M ode, the printer sends the Xon character when the printer can accept more data and sends Xoff when the printer buffer is nearly full.
In either mode, once the printer has indicated that its buffer is nearly full (by sending Xoff or deactivating DTR), up to 134 additional characters may be accepted without losing any data.
The printer does not require any hardware or software signals from the host system in order to operate.
NOTE: Flow control characters can be changed offline
through the Printer Configuration mode.
The total number of formats, batches, and graphics is only limited by the amount of memory available.
9400 Series Programmer’s Manual
Setting Communication Values
To set the communication parameters, follow the instructions below. For more information on operating the printer, refer to the
Operator’s Handbook
1. From the m ai n menu, press D to display Printer Conf i g ur ation. Pres s
. You’ll see
Enter password: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Enter the 1-8 character password and press
NOTE: When you first receive the printer, the password is
2. You’ll see the Configuration Options menu.
Select Config Option: Define Check Digit Schemes
Press D until you see Host Port Configuration. Press
to select this option. With each parameter, you can
enter a new sel ection, or jus t press
to keep th e valu e
that is displayed.
3. You’ll see the Host Option menu and the first online parameter.
Select Baud Rate: 2400
Press D or U until you see the baud rate you need, then press
. You’ll see
Ent e r Parity : N N)one, O)dd or E)ven
3. Communication Requirements
4. Select the parity you need and press
. You’ll see
Enter Word Length [7- 8]: 8
5. Select the word length yo u need and press
. You’ll
Enter Stop Bits [1-2]: 1
6. Select the stop bits you need and pres s
. You’ll see
Enter St art (XON) char acter: 17
7. Enter a number from 1-127 for XON flow control, or 128 for DTR flow control. Yo u’ll see
Enter Stop (XOFF) charac ter: 19
8. Enter a number from 1-127 for XOFF flow control, or 128 for DTR flow control.
If you select DTR control (128 ) as the XON charact er,
the printer will automatically set 128 (DTR control) for the XOFF character.
The Start and Stop chara cters must be set at 128 (DTR
flow control) for IBM PC equipment.
You’ll see the Configuration Options menu.
Press ! to exit to the main menu.
9400 Series Programmer’s Manual
Cable Interface
The printer accepts standard RS-232C electrical signal transmissions when it is connect ed to a DB-25S connector configured as Data Terminal Equipm ent (DTE ). For correct operation, use all defined pins.
PC null modems Plug the RS-232 cable into:
A serial (RS-232) port on your host computer or
protocol converter
The 25-pin RS-232 connector on your prin ter. See
"Installing the Printer" in your
Equipment Manual
The RS-232C cable interface is set up as a terminal device (DTE):
Pin Description
3 Recei ved Data 5 Clear to Send Input 6 Data Set Ready
2 Tr a nsmitted da t a 4 Request to send Output
20 Data Terminal Ready
1 Protective ground Ground 7 Signal ground
All other pins are open.
3. Communication Requirements
The cable interface for PC null modems is shown below.
9400 PC
FG 1 1 FG TD 2 2 TD RD 3 3 RD RTS 4 4 RTS CTS 5 5 CTS
DSR 6 6 DSR CD 8 8 CD DTR 20 20 DTR SG 7 7 SG
9400 Series Programmer’s Manual
4. Message Structures
This chapter has information and message structures for
Batch Data
Graphic image data is discussed in Chapter 5.
Creating Online Data Streams
Create data streams for your 9400 series printer using a standard text editor, such as EDLIN or TSO.
If you use a word processor to create data stream s, make sure to save the file in text-only or unformatted mode.
T ransmitting Online Data Streams
Your printer must be in Online Mode before it will accept data from your co m puter.
Select Online fro m the Sel ect Operating Mode menu.
. You’ll see
Online Mode Ready:
Your printer is now ready to accept data.
Message Structures
Send data to the printer j ust as you would send any print data to a printe r from your computer.
For example, if you have a fil e nam ed FORMAT1.DAT on an MS-DOS syste m , yo u cou ld se n d the data to your prin te r with these com m ands:
This set of commands would send the file FOR M AT1.DAT to a printer connected to COM1 of an MS-DOS computer .
Form at and graphic st ructures ca n be sent at any time. Formats or graphics us ed by batch data must be sent before
the batch data referencing them. Any batch sent without a previously defined format is ignored, generating an error.
NOTE: Formats designed on the 9425, 9445, or 9474
printers using the Dots numbering system will not have the same horizontal field locations when used on the 9465 printer. You will have to adjust the format as needed.
9400 Series Programmer’s Manual
Error Notification
Data hand l i ng and error checking are resident in the printer. If an error in transmission occurs, an error is displayed on the printer keypad display. However, no message is sent to the host comp uter and processing continues until the end of the transmi ssion.
Certain errors may put the printer in offline mode. See the
Messages Manual
for a list of possibl e messages.
Data Transmission Errors
The printer displays errors that occur during data transmission. Printer fault errors stop the machine, which will not resume printing until the operator corrects the error conditi on. All these messa ges take the system offli ne.
Incorrect Data Errors
The printer pauses when it receives incorrect data from the host computer. During the pause, i t displays a message and beeps. After ten seconds, or when the operator presses
, the printer resumes operation. Normally ,
the printer l oses the data tha t ca used the error.
If the host or the communications line goes down duri ng transmi ssion, the printer displays the message
Waiting for command terminator. Press F1 to abort do w n l o ad .
If you press ! , the batch or format data that was being sent will be lost and must be retransmitte d.
Message Structures
4. Message Structures
Monetary Symbols
The default monetary sy m bols are the U.S . dol l ar and cents. The ASCII characters $ (24 hex) and ^ (5E hex) represent the dollar and c ent symbols.
If you change y our pri nter set tings to use international pri cing symbols, these characters will then represent the new symbols. For monetary selections that don’t have a cent equivalent, the ^ character is changed to a space.
NOTE: In EBCDIC-bas ed syst e ms a ^ is not avai la ble . Use
~94 to print a cent sign.
9400 Series Programmer’s Manual
The following characters are used in 9400 series online data streams.
Command Characters
Programming C onventions
All onli ne commands fro m the host computer follow these rules.
All data after the TERMINATOR character ( } ) and
before the nex t LEADIN character ( { ) is ignored.
The hex values 7B, 7C and 7D are reserved as
command delimiters. All data of a value less than 20 hex and greater than 7E hex is ignored.
All data string s (ba t ch data , co mp ress ed bit -m ap
images or format data) begin with a semi-colon (3BH) and end with a TERMINAT OR or inter-record separator (IRS or p (7C hex)).
All space characters, exc ept string defini tions, are
All strings must be less than 100 characters.
{ 7B Open brace. Command LEADIN character
, 2C Comma. Inter-field separator (IFS)
; 3B Semicolon. Beginni ng of string cha racter
p 7C Split vert i cal bar. Command inter-record
sepa rator (IRS)
} 7D Close brace. Com m and TERMINAT O R
characte r
Message Structures
4. Message Structures
Format Data
Form at data contains the follo w ing.
Format identification number and name
Supply siz e
Online field definitions for text, bar code, line and
graphic fields
The foll owing offline format elements are not supported online.
Merged fields S ub-fields
Time or date fields User- defined check digits
Fixed characters Alphanum eric distinc tion
Fixed or variable length Price fields
You must supply these eleme nts if you need them in your progra m.
The messag e s t ructu re used to tr an s m it onli n e forma t data is shown bel ow, followed by an ex am pl e.
9400 Series Programmer’s Manual
This ex am ple has three text fields and one bar code fiel d.
{ F1,0558,0507;ONLINE p
T00,I,000,0475,0050,1,1,0,0,B p T01,I,000,0406,0050,1,1,0,0,B p T02,I,000,0017,0253,1,1,0,0,B p B00,I,000,0124,0093,1,1,0,0177,1 p }
The format header record (beginning with the Format ID) must always be the first record in a format data st ream.
NOTE: Spaces can be used in the data stream. However, if
used in a string following a semi-colon, they will be treated as printable characters.
Format Header Record
The format header record is constructed as shown below.
Field Contents
F## Must begin with the letter "F" to represent
the beginning of a format data stream. The F is followed by a one or two digit
number as the format ID Values: 0-99 Exampl e: F23 = Format number 23
LENGTH One to four digits to define the supply
length in tenths of millimeters. Values: 191-2032 (19.1 to 203.2 mm
or 0.75 to 8.0 inches)
Examples: 200 = 20mm
201 = 20.1mm
Message Structures
4. Message Structures
WIDTH One to four digits to define the width of the
supply in tenths of millimeters (across the printhead).
9425 191-634 (0.75 to 2.5 inches) 9445 191-1078 (0.75 to 4.25 inches) 9465 191-1078 (0.75 to 4.25 inches) 9474 191-1078 (0.75 to 4.25 inches)
;FORMAT_NAME One to eight-cha r acter name assigned by
the user. It can contain any ASCII alphanumeric character, including slash (/), hyphen (-), space ( ), dollar sign ($), or decimal point (.).
Note that since the Format Name is a character string, it is preceded by a semicolon (;).
{F23, 500, 200;TEXTILES p
This format has the following attributes:
Format num ber is F23.
Supply length is 50 millimeters .
Supply width is 20 millimeters.
This format is named "TEXTIL ES."
Syntax Checklist
Make sure this is the first record in your format.
Make sure the record begins with {.
Make sure the first paramet er (format num ber) begins
with F.
Make sure the length and width in this record matches
your supply length and widt h. Re member, these numbers are in tenths of millimeters, so 500 equals 50 millimeters or 5 centimeters.
9400 Series Programmer’s Manual
Make sure your format name begins with a semi-colon
Make sure the record ends with a recor d separator (
Message Structures
4. Message Structures
Text Field Record
The text fiel d record is cons tructed as sh ow n below.
Field Contents
T## Must begin with the letter ‘T’ for a text field.
The T is follow ed by one or two digit s for the field number. There can be up to 100 fields per format, in any combination of text, barcode, line, or graphic fields.
Values: 0-99
IFLAG You can se t num er ic fi e lds to in crease or
decrease in value as each ticket is printed. This parameter consists of one character
to define th e field as increment ed, decremented, or constant.
Values: I = Increm ent
D = Decrement
If the field does not change, define IFLAG as ‘I’ and set IVALUE to zero (0).
NOTE: Do not select incrementing on
fields that contain a check digit.
IVALUE One to three digits to define the amount by
which the value in the field increases or decreases as each ticket is printed. If the field does not change, define IFLAG as ‘I’ and set IVALUE to zero (0).
Values: 0-999
9400 Series Programmer’s Manual
ROW One to four digits to define the row
location of the field on the supply. This is the distance from the the guide edge zero point at the
of the supply and the
bottom of the field. The zero point is 1.5 mm or 0.060 inches
from the bottom of the supply. The bottom of the supply i s the edge that exits the printer first.
This va l ue is measured i n tenths of millimeters (TOMMS) and must be less than the maximum length of the supply .
Values: 0-2032
COL One to four digits to define the column
location of the field on the supply. This is the distance from the gui de edge zero point at the
edge of the supply and the
left edge of the field. The zero point is 1.5 mm or 0.060 inches
from the left edge of the supply. The unit of m easurement is tenths of
millimeters. The range must be less than the maxim um width of the supply.
9425 0-50 8 ( 0 to 2 i nches ) 9445 0-101 6 ( 0 to 4 in ches) 9465 0-101 6 ( 0 to 4 in ches) 9474 0-101 6 ( 0 to 4 in ches)
Message Structures
4. Message Structures
MAG One to two digits as the magnification
factor for the font of text fields. Values: 1 - 10 NOTE: Font magnifications creating
greater than 30% black print on a format may result in lower print quality.
TFONT One digit as the font for the TEXT field.
See "Quick References" for font samples. Values:
1 Standard 2 Reduced 3 Bold 5 OCR-A 6 UPC HR1 7 UPC HR2
C-ROT Character rotation. The direction
characters point with respe ct to the field. Values:
0 = tops of characters towar d top of field 1 = tops of characters toward left of field
F-ROT Field rotation. The direction of the field
with respect to the supply . Values:
0 = top of fiel d toward top of supply 1 = top of field toward left of supply 2 = top of fie ld toward bo ttom of supply 3 = top of field toward right of supply
COLOR One character to define the color of a text
field. Values:
B = Black characters (42H) W = White charact ers on bl ack (57H)
9400 Series Programmer’s Manual
T05,I,0,230,30,1,1,0,0,B p
This text field has the following attributes:
Text field number is T05.
This field does not change value with successive tickets
(IFLAG = I, increme n t va l ue = 0).
Field begins 23 millimeters from the bottom of the print
Field begins 3 millimeters from the left edge of the print
The font appears at normal siz e (m agnification = 1)
Standard font is used (1).
Tops of characters point to the top of the field (character
rotation = 0).
The top of th e field points to the top of the suppl y
(rotation = 0).
Characters appear in Black.
Syntax Checklist
Make sure this record is prec eded by a format header
Make sure th e fi rst paramet er (fi eld number) begins with
Make sure the row and column locations in this record
are less than the supply length and width.
Make sure y ou have allowed enough space to hold all
the characters in the field without running off the supply.
Make sure the record end s with a recor d sep arat or (
If this is th e last record in your format, place a close
brace (}) at the end of the record .
Message Structures
4. Message Structures
Bar Code Field Record
The bar code field record is constructed as shown below.
Field Contents
BARCODE Must be the letter ‘B’ for a bar code field.
The B is followed by one or two digits for the field number. There can be up to 100 fields per format, in any combination of text, barcode, line, or graphic fields.
Values: 0-99
IFLAG You can se t num er ic fi e lds to in crease or
decrease in value as each ticket is printed. This parameter consists of one character
to define th e field as increment ed, decremented, or constant.
Values: I = Increment
D = Decrement
If the field does not change, define IFLAG as ‘I’ and set IVALUE to zero (0).
NOTE: Do not select incrementing on
UPC or EAN bar codes or field s that contai n a check digit.
IVALUE One to three digits to define the amount by
which the value in the field increases or decreases as each ticket is printed. If the field does not change, define IFLAG as ‘I’ and set IVALUE to zero (0).
Values: 0-999
9400 Series Programmer’s Manual
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