Monarch 9406 User Manual

Monarch ® 9406™
Thermal Printer
Operator’s Handbook
TC9406OH Rev. B 8/94 ©1994 Monarch Marking Syste m s, Inc. All r ights res erved.
Each product and program carries a respective written warranty, the only warranty on which the customer can rely. Monarch reserves the right to make changes in the product and the programs and their availability at any time and without notice. Although Monarch has made every effort to provide complete and accurate information in this manual, Monarch shall not be liable for any omissions or inaccuracies. Any update will be incorporated in a later edition of this manual.
This equipment can interfere with radio communication if not installed and used in accordance with the instr uction manual. It has been tested and found to com pl y with the limits fo r a C l ass A computing device pursuant to FCC Rules, Part 15, Subpart B, which provide reasona bl e protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment . Operation in a residential area is li kel y t o cause interference which the user m ust correct at their own expense.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits fo r radio noise emissi ons from digital apparatus set out in the R adi o I nterference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Le présent appa reil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioé lectriques dépassant les limites applicab le s aux appareils numéri ques de la classe A prescrites dans le Réglement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicte par le m i ni stère des Communications du Canada.
Monarch is a registered trademark and 9406 is a trademark of Monarch Marking Systems, Inc.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.......................................................................1-1
About This Manual.......................................................1-1
Menu Charts....................................................1-1
Other Documentation ..................................................1-2
Menu Structure............................................................1-2
New 9406 Features.....................................................1-4
Terms Y ou Should Know .............................................1-5
2. Getting Started .................................................................2-1
Turning the Printer On.................................................2-2
Using the Keypad........................................................2-2
Control Keys....................................................2-2
Start Up........................................................................2-3
Selecting a Function....................................................2-3
Exiting an Option.........................................................2-4
Table of Cont ents
3. Setting Supply Options ...................................................3 -1
Finding the Supply Options.........................................3-1
Ribbon .........................................................................3-2
Supply T y pe.................................................................3-3
Dispense Mode............................................................3-4
Continuous Mode Features............................. 3-5
Print Position ...............................................................3-6
Supply Position............................................................3-8
Margin Position............................................................3-9
9406 Operator’s Handbook
4. Setting Communication V al ues......................................4-1
Finding Communication Value Options.......................4-1
Baud Rate ...................................................................4-2
Word Length................................................................4-3
Stop Bits......................................................................4-4
Parity........................................................................... 4- 5
Flow Control................................................................4-6
Reset to Default Values...............................................4-7
5. Setting the Contrast.........................................................5-1
6. Setting Defaults................................................................6-1
Finding Default Options...............................................6-1
Monetary Sign.............................................................6- 2
Secondary Sign...........................................................6-3
Decimal Places...........................................................6-5
7. Printing Online .................................................................7-1
1. Introduction
The 9406™ printer lets you print letters, numbers , bar codes, and graphic s on labels. You can create and download formats from a host.
About This Manual
This manual explains how to begin using the printer and print a batch. You can print online, sending data to the printer from a host.
Menu Charts
Each section of the manual has one or more charts showing the printer’s menu structure. The example below is the chart from "Setting the Contrast."
There are two styles of boxes with borders in the charts:
Boxes with heavy borders (SETUP in the sample)
show the selections you make to get to the function discussed in the section.
Boxes with reverse highlighting (CONTRAST in the
sample) show the functions discussed in the section.
9406 Operator’s Handbook
Other Documentation
Followi ng are other manuals you might need:
Equipme nt M anual
System Administrator’s Guide
Messages Manual
Graphics M anual
Contains general set-up and maintenance procedures.
Explains communications and message structures for sending format and batch data streams online.
Lists offline and online messages and what action you should take (if any).
Tells how to create and print graphics on your 9406 printer.
Menu Structure
The diagram on the next page shows the structure of the 9406 menu system.
1. Introduction
9406 Operator’s Handbook
New 9406 Features
With the latest release of the softwar e , the 9406 printer:
bases the dispense mechanism on the supply type and
dispense mode (instead of only dispense mode). For example, an indexed supply in on-demand mode moves the label over the peel bar. A non-indexed supply in on-demand mode delivers the label under the tear bar. The printer memorizes the last dispens e distance so that it can find the top of form position if you change the dispense mode between labels.
handles non-indexed supplies the same way as
indexed supplies. For example, you do not need to treat no-print zones and label lengths as variables. They are fixed, no matter what supply you use.
displays erro r me ss ages for five seconds. This change
does not affect hard-coded messages or messages that require operator response.
allows you to suspend a batch. After suspending it, you
can cancel it or alter the printer setup and resume printing.
creates Swedish characters that appear on the same
base line as English characters (instead of below the base line).
offers a new dot shifting algorithm, which shifts the bar
code three dots on the left side and three dots on the right side of the bad dot element. After six shifts, if the dark modules of the barcode are not completely out of the bad dot elements, the printer:
1. Prints a label replacing the bar code with a solid line .156 inches tal l .
2. Canc el s t he batch.
3. Beeps and displays "Bad Dot On Bars."
4. Waits for the operator to acknowledge the error by
pressing the E key.
1. Introduction
Terms You Should Know
batch A group of labels that contain the
same data.
batch separ ator An extra label between batches that
shows where one batch ends and the next one begins.
character A letter, number, or symbol. continuous Dispense mode in which the printer
prints all the labels in a batch without stopping.
cursor The underline symbol that shows
where you are on the screen.
digits Numbers only. fiel d An area on the supply where data
format The arrangement of fields printed on
the supply.
enter Type data from the keypad. indexed supply Supplies with an aperture or black
non-indexed supply Supplies without marks indicating
the specific length of the label.
on-demand Dispense mode in which the printer
stops after each label to allow the operator to remove it.
online Entering data and printing batches
by sending data from a host.
queue Batches waiting to print (also
includes the batch that is printing).
supplies Labels used for printing.
9406 Operator’s Handbook
2. Getting Started
Before you use the 9406 printer:
Install the printer (refer to your
Load supplies (refer to your
Equipment Manual
Equipment Manual
Set the supply options (see Chapter 3, "Setting Supply
Set the communication values (see Chapter 4, "Setting
Communication Values").
Set the printer options (Monetary Sign, Secondary Sign,
Ribbon, and Dispense Mode).
Getting Started
9406 Operator’s Handbook
Turning the Printer On
Refer to your the printer and loa ding supplies.
The power swit ch is on the back of the printer (see the figure below). To turn the printer on, press the top of the power switch.
Equipme nt M anual
Back of 9406 Printer
for information about installing
Using the Keypad
The printer keypad consis ts of four control keys for the printer functions.
Control Keys
Selects the displayed menu item.
Returns the display to the next higher menu (when you press Q once).
Displays the next menu item. Displays the previous menu item.
2. Getting Started
Start Up
When you turn the printer on, the printer displays copyright and format loading messages. Then you will see
as the printer checks the supply. If the supply type is set to Indexe d and indexed supplies are installed, the printer calibrates to determine the length of each label so the printed image is positioned correctly. If the supply type is set to Non-Indexed and non-indexed supplies are installed, the printer feeds out three inches of supply .
You will see another message as the printer loads formats. When the pri n ter has completed the start up process, you will see
NOTE: If you are using the printer for the first time, press Q
to display the Mai n Menu.
Selecting a Function
The Main Menu has several functions (operating modes). The Main Menu functions are shown in the chart below. Each operating mode has several other functions.
Getting Started
9406 Operator’s Handbook
To display the menu options, press the arrow keys, as follows:
When the screen displays a right arrow,
Print Mode >
press R to display more options.
When the screen displays a left arrow,
< Diagnostics
press L to display more options.
When the screen displays a left arrow and a right arrow
press either R or L to display more options.
When you see the menu option you want, press E to select it. Use the arrow keys to display the operating mode options the same way you use them for the Main Menu.
Exiting an Option
To exit an option, pres s Q once. Yo u will exit to the next higher menu.
NOTE: When you press Q , you lose any entries you have
made since the last time you pressed E .
3. Setting Supply Options
You may need to set supply options often to adjust for different supplies. The options are shown below with the default settings in bold.
1. Ribbon Settings No Yes
2. Supply Type Non-indexed Indexed
3. Dispense Mode Continuous On-demand
4. Adjust Print Position -999 to +999 dots +0
5. Adjust Supply Position -99 to +99 dots +0
6. Adjust Margin Position -99 to +99 dots +0
Finding the Supply Options
Setting Supply Options
Follow thes e steps to position yoursel f in the menu system to be able to set s uppl y options.
1. From the Main Menu, press R or L until you see
< Setup >
+ 33 hidden pages