Monarch 9400 User Manual

Monarch 9400™ Series
Thermal Printer
User’s Manual
TC9400UM Rev. C 4/95 ©1988 Monarch Marking Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Each product and program carries a respective written warranty, the only warranty on which the customer can rely. Monarch reserves the right to make changes in the pr oduct and the programs and their availability at any time and without notice. Although Monarch has made every effort to provide complete and accurate inform ation in this manual, Monarch shall not be liable for any omissions or inaccuracies. Any update will be incorporated in a late edition of this manual.
This equipment can interfere with radio communication. The equipment complies with limits for a Class A computing dev i ce pursuant to FCC Rules, Subpart J, Part 15, which prov i de reasonable protection against suc h interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation in a residential area can cause interference which the user must correct at his own expense.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise for digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regula ti ons of the Canadi an Departmen t of Communications.
When you first rec ei ve the 9400™ series printer, there are no formats in memory. Therefore, you mus t enter formats before printing tags or labels. This manual contains the information you’ll need to design and enter your own customized formats. It also provides general info rm ation about system administration and configuring the printer.
Getting St arted
Designing a Fo rm at
Entering a Form at
Using the Printer Online
Configu r i ng the Printer
Prompts Reference
Provides an overview of th e features, operation modes, defaults set, and initial startup information.
Contains information for designing tags and labels.
Discusses how Format Entry work s; how to copy, modify an d delet e fie l d s or fo rm at s. It also gives tutorials for entering each field type av ai l a ble.
Tells you how to use your computer with the printer to print batches.
Describes password protected features for check digits, time and date, and onli ne printing.
Contains a list of prompts and descriptions for Format Entry mode.
9400 Series User’s Manual
Other manuals you might need are:
Equipme nt M anual
Operator’s Handbook
Programmer’s Manual
Format De sign Tools Manual
Contain s s et-up and maintenance procedures. How to load supplies and ri bbons is also included.
Explains data entry and batch control for printing. Also includes options you can set for supply requ i r em ents.
Gives communi cations and message structures for sending formats and batch data online.
Lists and describes the offline and online messages.
Contains the Format Record and Data Entry Guide, along with other information and tools to help y o u d esign format s .
Table of Contents
1. Getting Started...............................................................1-1
Operating Modes........................................................1-3
Supply Opti ons...........................................................1-4
Daily Startup...............................................................1-5
Auto-online Mode...........................................1-6
2. Designing a Format .......................................................2-1
Checking the Supply Size..........................................2-1
Starting Your Format Design......................................2-2
Identifying the Top of Supply......................................2-3
Rotating a Field..........................................................2-3
Rotating Characters Within a Field ............................2-4
Field and Character Rotation Examples........ 2-6
Preparing Your Supply Layout ...................................2-7
Fonts and Horizontal Field Location..............2-7
Planning the F i el d Contents.......................................2-9
Recording the Field Content s..................................2-12
Defining the Supply for a Format.............................2-16
Recording Stored Formats .......................................2-18
3. Entering a Format..........................................................3-1
Starting Format Entry.................................................3-4
Entering Supply Information...........................3-5
Defining the Fields .........................................3-8
Entering a Sub-field......................................3-12
Entering a Cost Code Field..........................3-15
Entering a Date Field...................................3-18
Entering a Fixe d Data Field .........................3 -21
Entering a Price Field...................................3-24
Entering a Line Field....................................3-26
Merging Fields..............................................3-30
Entering a Graphic Field..............................3-35
Editing and Reviewing a Format..............................3 -37
Ta ble of Contents
Table of Contents
Modifying a Format ..................................................3-38
Adding a Field..............................................3-40
Deleting a Field............................................3-40
Deleting a Format.........................................3-41
Renaming a Format .....................................3-41
Copying a Format.........................................3-42
Designing a Mult iple Part Tag ..................................3-43
Sample T wo -Par t Tag...............................................3-44
3. Entering a Format..........................................................3-1
Kinds of Fields............................................................3-2
4. Printing Online ...............................................................4-1
Auto-online Mode.......................................................4-2
Online Errors..............................................................4-3
5. Configuring the Printer..................................................5-1
Defining a Check Digit................................................5 -2
Changing Passwords.................................................5-5
Displaying Passwords................................................5-7
Setting the Time.........................................................5-8
Clearing the T ime Promp t..........................................5-9
Setting the Da te .......................................................5-10
Clearing the Da te Prompt..........................................5-11
Selecting the Date Format.......................................5-11
Setting the Online Parameters.................................5-13
Adjusting the Pr int Contrast .....................................5-15
Clearing Batch Memory at Power-up.......................5-16
Clearing Batch Memory Immediately.......................5-17
Using 9420/9440 Compati bl e Mode.........................5 -18
Using 9420/9440 Imaging M ode .............................. 5 -19
Using Auto-onlin e Mod e...........................................5-21
Exiting Auto-online Mo de.........................................5-22
6. Prompts Reference........................................................6-1
Bar Code T y pe...........................................................6-1
9400 Series User’s Manual
Bar Code Density.......................................................6-3
Bar Code Densit ies (Parallel Print) ................6-4
Bar Code Densit ies (Serial Print)...................6-5
Bar Code Height.........................................................6-5
Bar Code - Human Readable Characters..................6-6
Check Digits...............................................................6-7
Check Digit Scheme...................................................6-8
Cost Code Field .........................................................6-9
Data Entry Prompt....................................................6 -10
Date and Time Field s...............................................6-11
Field Length..............................................................6-12
Field Location...........................................................6-13
Field Type s...............................................................6-14
Fixed Characters......................................................6 -15
Fixed Data Field.......................................................6-16
Fonts ........................................................................6-17
Printable Characters ................................................6-18
Font Magnif ication (Si zes)........................................6-19
9425/9445 Font Magnification..................................6-20
9420/9440 Font Magnification..................................6-20
Include Pr i ce Check Digit.........................................6-22
Incrementing or Decreme ntin g a Field.....................6-23
Line Width Selections...............................................6-25
Horizontal Line Widths.................................6-25
Vertical Line Widths..................................................6-26
Merged Field ............................................................6-27
Number of Characters..............................................6-29
Price Field................................................................6-30
Print Color................................................................6-31
Print Color Samples.....................................6-31
Stock Dimensions....................................................6-3 2
Text Fields................................................................6-34
Time Fields...............................................................6-34
Top of Field...............................................................6-35
Top of Character....................................................... 6-3 5
Ty pe of Data.............................................................6-36
Ve rify Fields..............................................................6-36
Ta ble of Contents
Table of Contents
Appendix A - Code 128 I nformation...................................A-1
Bar Code Width..........................................................A-2
Quiet Zone..................................................................A-4
Function Codes..........................................................A-5
Table A-1. 128 Bar Code Charact er Se ts..................A-6
1. Getting Started
The 9400™ Series Thermal Printers let you enter your own format image for printing batches of data. A format is the arrangement of fields on th e supply. Each field is a group of data that prints in a specific place on the tag or label. The printer uses both thermal direct or ribbon printing on tags and labels.
The number of formats you store depends on how many fields you design into each format. The number and size of your formats may redu ce the number of batches you c an enter at one time.
Y ou can operate this printer computer). The Online feature communicates with your computer system for transferring data batches and formats to the printer. For more information about Online see secti on 4, "Printing Online."
The flexibility of this printer provides:
(manually) or
Six font styles (three w ith proportional spacing) .
(with a
Getting Started
The ability to print three of the font styles in ten different
Nine different bar codes (including expanded UPC and
EAN) with variable bar length, and special density option.
Incrementing or decrementing within a field.
The ability to create sub-fields from a regular field (print
multiple fi el ds from data entered once by the operator).
A merged field for combining data from up to four other
Fixed data for saving the operator time at data entry.
Two print colors; black and reve rse printing.
9400 Series User’s Manual
Graphic lines to underline or box-in a field.
Graphic images (such as your company logo)
downloaded from your host compu ter.
The ability to rotate individual fields, or characters within
a field.
function th at l e ts you test your format as you
design it.
There are three password-protected modes : Format Entry mode, Printer Configuration mode, and Auto-online mode. One person should have access to these functions and should serve as the syste m ad mi n is t rat or. The system adm in i str ato r can customize the print er to m eet specific printing needs. Here are some features to consider setting when you first receive the printer.
A daily startup routine for the operators. Y ou can select
the time and date to appear for each start up.
Security passwords for Format Entry mode, Printer
Configuration mode, and Auto-online mode. You can enter unique passwords for your use.
A special check digit calc ul ation. You can enter check
digit calculations specific to your operati on.
Online usage. Y ou must set the parameters for
communication with your host computer before going online.
Procedures for these features are in section 5, "C onfiguring the Printer."
1. Getting Started
Operating Modes
The printer contains menus to show you the options available. From the Select Operation Mode menu, also called the
, you can select seven different operation modes.
Data Entry Lets the operator enter data for a specific
format. Refer to the for data entr y ins tructions.
Format Entry Lets management add, modify , copy or
delete formats. This mode requires a password.
Batch Control Lets the operator monitor the act ivity and
printing priority of batches in the print queue. The information for using this mode.
Online Supports the transmiss ion of data batches
and formats for a hos t computer to the printer.
Operator’s Handbook
Operator’s Handbook
Getting Started
Printer Option s Lets you set the printer to meet specific
supply requirements. Refer to the
Operator’s Handbook
Printer Configuration
Version Displays the identification number for the
Lets management define printer setups for daily operation. This mode requires a password.
printer’s software. Give this number to Monarch Service when calling about problems or questions. Refer to the
manual for more information.
to set these options.
9400 Series User’s Manual
The chart below shows each operation mode, and its intended user.
Manager* Operator Manager*
* Password requir ed for entry
OperatorOperator Operator/
Online Printer
Supply Options
These are the printer options set at the factory:
Printer Option Default
1. Use Batch Separators No
2. Adjust Cut Position Increase at 0
3. Adjust Pr i n t Po s ition Increase at 0
4. Define Cost Code None set
5. Define Supply Type Black Mark/Aperture
6. Define Monetary Symbol Dollar ($)
7. Use Cent Sign in Price Fields No
8. Define Numbering System English
9. Define Print Mode Continuous
10. Use Batch Names No
To change these options, refer to "Setting Printer Options" in the
Operator’s Handbook
1. Getting Started
Daily Startup
Turning the printer on and off rapi dl y can cause it to malfunction. If you have turned the print on (or off), wait 10 seconds before turning it back off (or on).
When you first turn the power on you’ll see:
the copyright message
the date and time prompts if they are set
Then you’ll see
Select Supp ly Type: B
A)lign, B)lack Mark or D)ie Cut
Type D and press
Type A and press
Next you’ll see the main menu:
Press D to display the mode you want, then press select the mode.
If you want to enter a time or a date at daily startup, go to section 5, "Configuring the Printer." You can set the tim e and date to display each time you turn the power on. The procedure for daily startup is in the
if you are using black mar k or aperture
if you are using die cut
to ca librate the printer.
Select Operating Mode:
Data Entr y __
Operator’s Hand book
Getting Started
9400 Series User’s Manual
Auto-online Mode
If your printer is set for Auto-online mode, daily startup is different. The printer is online as soon as you turn it on. When you turn the printer on, you’ll see:
the copyright message
the date and time prompts if they are set.
Then you’ll see
Online Mode Ready:
For more information about Auto-online mode, see "Printing Online."
2. Designing a Format
Section 2 and 3 cont ai n tutorials fo r pl anni ng and entering a tag or label design (format). This section shows you how to design a format using the four steps below.
1. Determine the basic elements and the fields for your design.
2. Prepare your supply layout for field locations.
3. Define the secondary elements of your design.
4. Record all design elements for format entry.
Section 3 shows samples of the different fields you can use in a format.
Checking the Supply Size
It is important that you kno w the exact size of the supply you’re using. The sensors in the printer check the supply length as it feeds out of the prin ter. The size you enter in Format Entry mode tells the printer what size to check for. In Format Entry, the size is also used to determ ine whether the fields you enter fit the width of the supply.
When measurin g aperture supplies and bl ack mark supplies, measure from top to top as shown.
Designing a Format
Tag Length
Black Sensor Mark
Tag Length
9400 Series User’s Manual
Starting Your Format Design
To prepare a layout of your format design, you must define its basic elements. You must decide the:
Size of the supply.
Number of fields to be printed on this supply.
Types of fields that will be printed (bar code, line,
graphics or text).
Location of each field.
Maximum data length for each field.
Font styl e and size for each field.
Direction each field will be rotated for printing. See
"Rotating a Field."
Section 3 contains a tutorial for entering the sample format you are about to design. The design for the sampl e format has:
Supply size of 1.20 inches wide by 2.00 inches long.
Field rotation of TOP (the top of each field points toward
the top of the supply).
Five regular fields, a sub-field, a merged field, and a
graphic box around the date field.
Here’s a print sample of our design:
2. Designing a Format
Identifying the Top of Supply
of the supply is the cut edge (the side that exits the printer last). The side that exits the print first). The figure below shows the top edge and the bott om edge of the supply.
of the supply is the leading edge (the
Rotating a Field
There are four directions you can print a field on the supply: TOP The top of the field points to the top edge of
the supply.
LEFT The top of the field points to the lef t edge of
the supply.
BOTTOM The top of the field points to the bottom
edge of the sup pl y.
RIGHT T he top of the field points to the right edge
of the supply.
Designing a Format
9400 Series User’s Manual
The pivot point for the field is the horizontal /vertica l location you choose in Form at Entry.
It is possible to rotate the field completely or partially off the supply. Make sure you allow for the rotation you select when you choose the field location. The field and character rotation examples later in this se ct ion show how a field moves when it is rotated.
Rotating Characters Within a Field
There are two directions you can print a character w ithin a field: TOP The top of the character points to the top of
the field.
LEFT The top of the character points to the left
side of the field.
Notice that the c haracters shift. The pivot point is shown for each rotation.
Left Top
In the examples the field uses TOP rotation as discussed in "Rotating a Field." You specify both field and character rotation in Format Entry mode. The field and character rotation examples later in this section show how a character moves when it is rotated.
2. Designing a Format
When rotating a field and its characters, make sure the rotations you select are compatible. The horizontal/vertical location you choose in format ent ry is the pivot point fo r both the field and the c haracter rotati on.
This sample is set up as follows: Field Rotation: LEFT
(all fields except price) Character Rotation: TOP Price (field) Rotation: BOTTOM
Designing a Format
9400 Series User’s Manual
Field and Character Rotation Examples
Field Rotations:
In the example s below, the
Character Rotations:
In the example s below, the
rotation i s se t a t TOP.
rotation is set at TOP .
Top Left
2. Designing a Format
Preparing Your Supply Layout
Once you know the basic elements you want for your format, place them on a Supply Layout form. This helps you determine the exact print location of each field. For your convenience, blank Supply Layout forms for English and Metric syste m s are in Forma t Des ign Tools. Info r mat io n ab ou t font sizes and magnification is also in the
1. Mark off the supply size used with this format design on
2. Pencil in the possible location of each field. As you place
3. Sketch in the bar code and the data for each field.
and Section 6, "Prompts Refer ence."
the supply layout form.
the different fields, decide where you want the top of each field and the top of the characters withi n each field.
Fonts an d Horizontal Field Location
Y ou can choose whether you want to print using:
Format Design Tools
9425/9445/9465 fonts ( character sets ) and horizonta l
field locations
9420/9440 fonts and horizontal field locations.
The alphabetic characters in the 9425, 9445, and 9465 printer fonts (except OCR) are proport i onal. This means that each letter uses only as much space as it needs (the letter I, for instance, occupies muc h l ess space than the letter M). All ten numeric characters in each font take up the same amount of space, whether the number is a 1 or, for instance, a 0. This makes numbers line up correctly when you print them in columns.
The charac ters in the 9420 and 944 0 pr i nters are monospaced. Every character takes up the same amount of space.
The horizontal field location on the 9425, 9445, and 9465 printers starts at the dot nearest to the location you enter (nearest 0.0052 inch).
Designing a Format
9400 Series User’s Manual
On the 9420 and 9440 printers, the horizontal field location starts at the nearest 8th dot (nearest 0.04 inch) to the location you enter.
Y ou’ll find more information about proportional and monospac ed fonts and hori zontal field l ocation in "Prompts Reference" and i n the
Format De sign Tools
The Supply Layout below shows our sample format design.
Supply Layout
Cost Code
Fixed Data
Date Field
UPC-A Bar Code
Merged Field
2. Designing a Format
Planning the Field Contents
Now you are ready to decide on the contents of your fields. For text fields such as: date, time, price, or cost code you must decide:
Which fields are regular fields and which are sub-fields?
(Sub-fields are created from r egul ar field data. )
What prompt should the operator see at data entry?
Is the field length fixed or variable?
Is the print color black or white (rev ersed)?
Should cert ai n field positions increme nt or decrement?
Is there a check digit? If so, which calculatio n scheme
is used? How is the check digit generated (operator entry or automatic)?
NOTE: If you want to use a check digit, you’ll need to
define the calculation scheme in Printer Configuration mode "Defining a Check Digit" in section 5.
format entry. See
Is this a verify field?
Is the data at data entry to be numbers, letters, or
Which direction should the chara ct ers print within th e
Are there any fixed characters (characters that are
always the same) in the format?
Section 6, "Prompts Reference" contains all the prompts for Format Entry mode, and the perm i tted values.
Designing a Format
9400 Series User’s Manual
When you enter a bar code field you must deci de on some values. Others are pre-set. The UPC-A , U PC-E, EAN- 8, and EAN-13 bar codes have some values that are pre-set and can’t be changed. You don’t see prompts for them when you define UPC or EAN bar code fields. These values are:
Data Type (numeric)
Field length (fixed)
Number of c haracters (depends on bar code type)
Density (standard)
The following table shows the options for each bar code type.
2. Designing a Format
Prompt UPCA/
Barcode height
Barcode density
Human Readable Characters
Include extended characters
Cost code field
Length of UPC barcode
Field Length ✔ ✔ ✔✔✔ Number of
characters Auto inc/dec
field Check digit ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔✔ CD scheme
number Mark
positions Include Mod
43 CD Verify field ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔✔ Select type
of data Enter fixed
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔✔
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔✔
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔✔
Code 39I 2 of 5 NW7 Code
✔✔ ✔✔
✔ ✔ ✔✔✔
✔ ✔ ✔✔✔
Designing a Format
* I 2 of 5 must have an
number of data digits.
For more information about these options, see section 6, "Prompts Reference."
9400 Series User’s Manual
Recording the Field Contents
Using your format design, record the values you’ll be using t o enter the format. The following pages list the values used for our sample design fields. Section 3 contains tutorials for entering each field in Forma t Entry mode.
The options and values below are for fields 1 (bar code) and 2 (sub-field).
Option Field 1
Field 01 P Data entry
prompt Enter location 0.1/1.0 Top of field T Enter type of
field Select barcode UPCA Barcode heigh t 0.75 Human
readable Include
extended char Bar code
density Cost code N Length of UPC
barcode Check digit G Price check
digit Verify field N Enter fixed
Option Field 2
Field 02 S Enter field
number t o use Enter location 0.1/0.2 Top of field T Enter type of
field Select field fo nt S Font
magnification Top of
characters Enter the print
color Formatting B Mark
characters to use
space, 4 X’s
ENTER = Press
to skip this option.
2. Designing a Format
The options and values below are for field 3 (cost code), field 4 (date), field 5 (fixed data), and field 6 (price).
Option Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6
Field nn P P F P Data entry
prompt Enter
location Top of field T T T T Enter type
of field Select field
font Font
0.1/1.89 0.75/1.89 0.1/0.6 0.6/0.6
Top of characters
Enter the print color
Cost code Y N N N Price field N N - Y Time or date
field Field length V - - ­Number of
characters Auto inc/dec
field Check digit N - N ­Verify field N - - N Select type
of data Enter fixed
* Length includes the monetary symbols for price fields.
- Option is not available for this field ty pe. ENTER = Press
to skip this option.
Designing a Format
9400 Series User’s Manual
The options and values below are for fields 7, 8, 9, and 10, which make up the line box.
Option Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10
Field nn L L L L Enter
location Line
Horiz/Vert Stop location 2.01 1.15 1.15 2.03 Width of line 4 4 4 4
0.64/1.85 0.64/1.85 0.64/2.01 1.14/1.85
2. Designing a Format
The values below are for field 11 (merged field).
Option Field 1 1
Field 11 M Enter locati on 0.7/0.2 Top of field T Enter type of field T Select field font R Font magnificat i on 1 Top of characters T Enter the print
color Field length V Number of
characters Check digit N Enter fixed
characters Enter field
number to use Formatting B DST: GHIJK Padding L Pad char 0 Merge another? Y Field to use 6 Formatting B DST: ABCD Padding L Enter pad
character Merge another
Designing a Format
ENTER = Press
to skip this option.
9400 Series User’s Manual
Defining the Supply for a Format
You’ll als o need to decid e the following items. Number of parts The number of tim es the data prints across
the tag width. The supply may or may not be perforated. For example, if you want the data to print only once on the tag, then enter 1 for "Creating a Multiple Part T ag" tells you how to create multiple part tags.
Values: 1-5
Cutting Whether you want cuts between each tag
or set of tags. You can answer "yes" to this prompt only if your printer has a knife. A "no" answer prints all the tags in one strip.
Values: Y (yes) or N (no)
Cut last tic ket Do you want to cut the last tag or label in a
batch as soon as you print it? (Normally, the last tag of label remains in the printer until the next batch begins to print). You only see this prompt if you answer "yes" to
one part
supply. The section
NOTE: If you choose, Y the printing shifts
0.78 inch toward the top of the supply (the edge of the supply that exits the printer last). Choos e N if your format has fields on the first 0.78 inch.
Values: 1-9999
Cut multiple The number of tags or labels printed
between cuts as a set. For example, if you want two copi es of each tag, choose a cut multiple of 2. This prompt only appears if
you answered "yes" to the
Values: 1-9999
+ 126 hidden pages