Mizuho Osi 6800 User manual

6800 Allegro Imaging Table T e c h n i c a l S e r v i c e s D e p a r t m e n t Preventative Maintenance Checklist Phone: 800-777-4674 PST Fax: 510-429-8324
Allegro Imaging Table
Model: 6800
Contact Information:
Date: ________________Model/Serial#: _______________________ Account #: ____________________ Hospital Name: ________________________ _________ City & State: ________________________________ Contact Name: _______________________ Position: ___________________ Phone: _____________________ Equipment Location: ___________________________ ____________________________________ _________ Service Representative: _____________________ Service Organization: ____________________________ ___ Service Rep. phone: ________________________ Home location: ____________________________________
Customer contact accepting service: ______________________ __________________ ____________ Name please print Signature Date
Service Representative: ________________________ _______________ ________________ ___ Name please print Signature Date
Using this report: Please proceed through each step and place an “x” in the “( )” as each item representing Pass Fail
( ) ( ) criteria is inspected. If a step has failed, please indicate with an “x” and note the reasons in the comments
section. If you resolve the failure place an “x” in the “Pass” area and indicate the corrective action again in the comments section. If you are unable to perform any Pass/Fail check, please contact Mizuhosi Technical Services for assistance and circle the check.
Biohazards when servicing equipment: Please take appropriate precautions for servicing potentially biohazard contaminated equipment or working in biohazard surroundings. Please wear protective surgical gloves and long sleeved gowns at all times. If your gloves or protective clothing tears, replace immediately. Have the hospital staff clean the equipment appropriately prior to servicing. Clean your tools that may become contaminated with biohazards prior to placing back in your tool kit for removal from the location. If you suspect biohazards are present do not handle until they have been cleaned.
ESD Precautions: Electro-Static Discharge can damage sensitive electronic printed circuit boards. If you are servicing any part of the equipment inside that is near or in contact with PCB’s or other sensitive devices, please properly ground yourself with a proper ESD strap.
(If serviced by an outside service organization, the record must be reviewed, signed, and dated by Technical Services Dept. Refer to last page of this document).
50603-05 Rev. A ECN# 10016 Effective Date 3/9/2010 Page 1 of 4
6800 Allegro Imaging Table T e c h n i c a l S e r v i c e s D e p a r t m e n t Preventative Maintenance Checklist Phone: 800-777-4674 PST Fax: 510-429-8324
Tools Required:
Digital Multi-meter with probe Digital Level Normal Hand Tools
Materials Required:
6800 Allegro Mobile Imaging Table Ow ner ’s Man ual – N W0 5 10
Pass Fail
1. General Overall Condition.
1.1 ( ) ( ) Table base is clean, without signs of hazardous contamination, is consistent with proper care.
Comments: _____________________________________________________________________ ____
1.2 ( ) ( ) All labels are intact and legible. Verify attachment to base cover of “Warning – Not for Storage” label. If possible, advise customer of potential table damage if items are stored on this surface.
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________
2. Power Input Inspection.
2.1 ( ) ( ) Check Power Cord is free of wear, corrosion, and insulation cracks.
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________
2.2 ( ) ( ) Power Cord has OSI tag indicating “Hospital Grade” attached.
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________
2.3 ( ) ( ) Power Cord Base Receptacle is properly secured and operational.
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________
2.4 ( ) ( ) ON/OFF Power Switch/Circuit Breaker is properly secured, plastic cover is not torn or pierced.
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________
3. Basic Controls.
3.1 ( ) ( ) “Power Switch ON”.
a. Connect table Power Cord to AC power source and table power receptacle. b. Turn Power Switch “ON” (located on table-base panel). If illuminated, table is connected to live AC power. If no illumination, table may still operate on internal battery power (Hand Pendant control buttons and lights will be illuminated). c. Verify three Circuit Breakers (located on table-base panel) are not tripped. d. Verify Hand Pendant control Battery Status “OK” LED illuminates green.
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________
50603-05 Rev. A ECN# 10016 Effective Date 3/9/2010 Page 2 of 4
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