MITSUBISHI CNC NC Designer Reference Manual

MELDAS is a registered trademark of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. Other product names and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.


This manual is a guide for users of NC Designer for the Mitsubishi CNC700/70 series. This manual describes the function groups used in NC Designer. In addition, fully understand "Precautions for Safety" on the next page to use the Mitsubishi CNC700/70 series safely.
Details described in this manual:
For items described as "Restrictions" or "Usable State" in this manual, the instruction
manual issued by the machine tool builder takes precedence over this manual. Items that are not described in this manual must be interpreted as "not possible". This manual is written on the assumption that all option functions are added. Confirm the
specifications issued by the machine tool builder before use.
Some screens and functions may differ depending on each NC system (or version), and some
functions may not be possible. Please confirm the specifications before use.

Precautions for Safety

Always read the specifications issued by the machine tool builder, this manual, related manuals and attached documents before installation, operation, programming, maintenance or inspection to ensure correct use. Understand this numerical controller , safety items and cautions before using the unit. This manual ranks the safety precautions into "DANGER", "WARNING" and "CAUTION".
Note that even items ranked as " case, important information that must always be observed is described.
Not applicable in this manual.
When the user may be subject to imminent fatalities or major injuries if handling is mistaken.
When the user may be subject to fatalities or major injuries if handling is mistaken.
When the user may be subject to injuries or when physical damage may occur if handling is mistaken.
CAUTION", may lead to major results depending on the situation. In any
Not applicable in this manual.
1. Items related to product and manual
If the descriptions relating to the "restrictions" and "allowable conditions" conflict between this
manual and the machine tool builder's instruction manual‚ the latter has priority over the former.
The operations to which no reference is made in this manual should be considered
This manual is complied on the assumption that your machine is provided with all optional
functions. Confirm the functions available for your machine before proceeding to operation by referring to the specification issued by the machine tool builder.
In some NC system versions‚ there may be cases that different pictures appear on the screen‚
the machine operates in a different way on some function is not activated.


1. Outline................................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 GUI Library................................................................................................................................................1
2. GDraw ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 List of GDraw Functions............................................................................................................................3
2.2 Outlines of GDraw Functions....................................................................................................................8
3. GResource.......................................................................................................................................................94
3.1 List of GResource Functions...................................................................................................................94
3.2 Outlines of GResource Functions...........................................................................................................95
4. GEvent............................................................................................................................................................105
4.1 List of GEvent Functions.......................................................................................................................105
4.2 Outline of GEvent Functions.................................................................................................................106
5. GCS ................................................................................................................................................................114
5.1 List of GCS Functions...........................................................................................................................114
5.2 Description of GCS Functions...............................................................................................................131
6. GIO..................................................................................................................................................................413
6.1 List of GIP Functions.............................................................................................................................413
6.2 Outline of GIO Functions.......................................................................................................................414
7. GMMemory.....................................................................................................................................................418
7.1 List of GMMemory Functions................................................................................................................418
7.2 Outline of GMMemory Functions ..........................................................................................................419
Appendix 1. Data Type Definitions..................................................................................................................426
Index.......................................................................................................................... ....................................... X - 1

1. Outline

1. Outline
This section gives an outline of the GUI library.

1.1 GUI Library

The GUI library is a C/C++ language GUI library that gives powerful support for GUI development. The GUI library is equipped with the functions necessary for the construction of not only event management but also GUI elements such as window systems, an it support s simple construction of GUIs. In addition, it is equipped with a Graphic Platform Interface (GPI), which is an arrangement for calling up processing dependent on hardware to make porting to various platforms easy. Portin g the GUI library to other platforms is done by creating one with this GPI processing matched to the platform.
User Application
1.1 GUI Library
GResource GDraw
GPI(Grafic Platform Interface)
GUI Library Configuration
1. Outline
The functions for the various function groups are as follows.
Function Name Outline
GEvent Function group for managing various types of events such as the mouse,
keyboard and timer and window system events such as GWin/GControl/GShape
GResource Function group for handling resources such as character stri ngs, 3D
borders and images GWin Function group for window system management GControl Function group for controlling buttons, pictures and the like that operate
on GWin GShape Function group for managing rectangles, circles, straight lines and other
figures that operate on GWin GDraw Function group for making settings for the drawing environment such as
basic figures, character drawing, coordinates, colors, etc. GPI Function group for handling parts that are dependent on hardware or OS
1.1 GUI Library

2. GDraw

2.1 List of GDraw Functions

2. GDraw
This section describes the GDraw functions.
2.1 List of GDraw Functions
No. Name Type File name Outline
1 GDBeginDraw void GDBeginDraw.c Begin drawing 2 GDBitBlt void GDBitBlt.c Block transfer 3 GDCalcBorderRect void GDCalcBorderRect.c Calculate rectangular area
based on 3D border settings 4 GDCloseDrawHandle void GDCloseDrawHandle.c Release drawing handle 5 GDDefineFillPattern void GDDefineFillPattern.c Define fill pattern 6 GDDefinePenDash void GDDefinePenDash.c Define line pattern 7 GDDrawArc void GDDrawArc.c Draw arc 8 GDDrawBezier void GDDrawBezier.c Draw Bezier curve 9 GDDrawCaptionCursorStri
ng 10 GDDrawCaptionString void GDDrawCaptionString.c Draw caption character string 11 GDDrawCaptionStringRes
ource 12 GDDrawGrf short GDDrawGrf.c Draw BMP 13 GDDrawImage void GDDrawImage.c Draw image 14 GDDrawImageResource void GDDrawImageResource.c Draw resource image 15 GDDrawOval void GDDrawOval.c Draw oval 16 GDDrawOvalBorder void GDDrawOvalBorder.c Draw (oval) circular 3D border 17 GDDrawOvalBorderResou
rce 18 GDDrawPie void GDDrawPie.c Draw sector 19 GDDrawPoly void GDDrawPoly.c Draw polygon 20 GDDrawRect void GDDrawRect.c Draw rectangle 21 GDDrawRectBorder void GDDrawRectBorder.c Draw rectangular 3D border 22 GDDrawRectBorderResou
rce 23 GDDrawRRect void GDDrawRRect.c Draw roun ded corner rectangle 24 GDDrawString void GDDrawString.c Draw character string 25 GDDrawStringResource void GDDrawStringResource.c Draw resource character string 26 GDEndDraw void GDEndDraw.c End drawing 27 GDFlushScreen void GDFlushScreen.c Refresh screen 28 GDGetCharHeight short GDGetCharHeight.c Get specified character height 29 GDGetCharWidth short GDGetCharWidth.c Get specified character width
void GDDrawCaptionCursorString
void GDDrawCaptionStringResou
void GDDrawOvalBorderResourc
void GDDrawRectBorderResourc
Draw caption character string (with cursor display)
Draw caption based on character string resources
Draw (oval) circular resource 3D border
Draw rectangular resource 3D border
2. GDraw
2.1 List of GDraw Functions
No. Name Type File name Outline
30 GDGetNextChar char* GDGetNextChar.c Get next character 31 GDGetPalette void GDGetPalette.c Get palette color code 32 GDGetPixel GColor GDGetPixel.c Get color code for specified
coordinates 33 GDGetPrevChar char* GDGetPrevChar.c Get previous character 34 GDGetStringLength unsigne
d long 35 GDGetStringWidth short GDGetStringWidth.c Get specified character width 36 GDInceptClipRect short GDInceptClipRect.c Clip the area of overlap
37 GDInitPlatform short GDInitPlatform.c Initialization processing for GUI
38 GDLineTo void GDLineTo.c Draw line 39 GDMoveTo void GDMoveTo.c Move pen position 40 GDOffsetLocalOrigin void GDOffsetLocalOrigin.c Offset to local coordinate origin 41 GDOpenDrawHandle HGDRAW GDOpenDrawHandle.c Get drawing handle
GDGetStringLength.c Get character string length
between the specified rectangle and the current clip area
library environment
42 GDQueryError unsigne
d short 43 GDQuitPlatform short GDQuitPlatform.c Quit processing for GUI library
44 GDSetBackColor void GDSetBackColor.c Set background color 45 GDSetBrush void GDSetBrush.c Set brush 46 GDSetClipRect void GDSetClipRect.c Define clipping area 47 GDSetDisplay short GDSetDisplay.c Set graphics mode 48 GDSetDrawingMode void GDSetDrawingMode.c Set raster operations for
49 GDSetFillAttribute void GDSetFillAttribute.c Set fill attributes 50 GDSetFillColor void GDSetFillColor.c Set colors for foreground and
51 GDSetFillPattern void GDSetFillPattern.c Set fill pattern 52 GDSetFont short GDSetFont.c Set font 53 GDSetForeColor void GDSetForeColor.c Set foreground color 54 GDSetLocalMode void GDSetLocalMode.c Set to local (physical)
55 GDSetPenColor void GDSetPenColor.c Set line and character color 56 GDSetPenDash void GDSetPenDash.c Set line pattern 57 GDSetPenJoin void GDSetPenJoin.c Specify joint for rectangles and
58 GDSetPenSize void GDSetPenSize.c Set line width (pen size)
GDQueryError.c Get final error code
coordinate system
2. GDraw
2.1 List of GDraw Functions
No. Name Type File name Outline
59 GDSetPixel void GDSetPixel.c Draw pixels 60 GDSetSimpleFont HGFONT GDSetSimpleFont.c Set simple font
61 GDSetSimpleFontResource HGFONT GDSetSimpleFontResource.c Set resource simple font
62 GDSetVirtualMode void GDSetVirtualMode.c Set to virtual coordinate system 63 GDSetVirtualRect void GDSetVirtualRect.c Set rectangular area in virtual
64 GDSetVram short GDSetVram.c Set VRAM for drawing
destination 65 GFGetFontAttribute short GFGetFontAttribute.c Get font attributes 66 GFGetFontCount short GFGetFontCount.c Get number of fonts that can be
used 67 GFGetFontInformation short GFGetFontInformation.c Get information for font of
specified No. 68 GFGetFontUserAttribute short GFGetFontUserAttribute.c Get user font attributes 69 GFGetSize short GFGetSize.c Get font size 70 GFLoadFont HGFONT GFLoadFont.c Load specified font
71 GFReleaseFont void GFReleaseFont.c Release font 72 GFSetFontAttribute short GFSetFontAttribute.c Set font attributes 73 GFSetFontUserAttribute short GFSetFontUserAttribute.c Set user font attributes 74 GFSetSize short GFSetSize.c Set character size 75 GRDuplicateRect void GRDuplicateRect.c Copy rectangle 76 GREqualRect short GREqualRect.c Confirm that rectangle areas
are the same 77 GRGetRect void GRGetRect.c Get rectangle area 78 GRInceptRect short GRInceptRect.c Confirm rectangular area
overlap 79 GRMapRect void GRMapRect.c Enlarge/reduce rectangular
area 80 GRMapToScreenRect void GRMapToScreenRect.c Convert rectangular area
defined with pgrRect to screen
coordinate system 81 GRMapToVirtualRect void GRMapToVirtualRect.c Convert rectangular area
defined with pgrRect to virtual
screen coordinate system 82 GROffsetRect void GROffsetRect.c Rectangle offset processing 83 GRPhysicalToVirtualRect void GRPhysicalToVirtualRect.c Convert rectangle physical
coordinates to virtual
2. GDraw
2.1 List of GDraw Functions
No. Name Type File name Outline
84 GRPointInRect short GRPointInRect.c Check if point coordinates fall
within rectangle coordinates 86 GRSetRect void GRSetRect.c Define rectangular area 87 GRShiftRect short GRShiftRect.c Rectangle shift processing 88 GRUnionRect void GRUnionRect.c Join rectangle areas 89 GRVirtualToPhysicalRect void GRVirtualToPhysicalRect.c Convert rectangular area virtual
coordinates to physical
coordinates 90 GLDuplicateLine void GLDuplicateLine.c Copy line structure 91 GLGetLine void GLGetLine.c Get line 92 GLMapLine void GLMapLine.c Enlarge/reduce line
coordinates 93 GLOffsetLine void GLOffsetLine.c Offset processing for line
structure 94 GLPhysicalToVirtualLine void GLPhysicalToVirtualLine.c Convert line structure physical
coordinates to virtual
coordinates 95 GLSetLine void GLSetLine.c Define line structure 96 GLVirtualToPhysicalLine void GLVirtualToPhysicalLine.c Convert line structure virtual
coordinates to physical
coordinates 97 GPTDuplicatePoint void GPTDuplicatePoint.c Copy point structure 98 GPTGetPoint void GPTGetPoint.c Get point structure content 99 GPTMapPoint void GPTMapPoint.c Map rectangle defined with
pgrFrom to rectangle defined
with pgrTo
100 GPTMapToScreenPoint void GPTMapToScreenPoint.c Convert point structure to
screen coordinates
101 GPTMapToVirtualPoint void GPTMapToVirtualPoint.c Convert point defined in
pgptPoint to virtual screen
coordinate system
102 GPTOffsetPoint void GPTOffsetPoint.c Point structure offset
103 GPTPhysicalToVirtualPoint void GPTPhysicalToVirtualPoint.c Convert point structure physical
coordinates to virtual
104 GPTSetPoint void GPTSetPoint.c Define point structure 105 GPTVirtualToPhysicalPoint void GPTVirtualToPhysicalPoint.c Convert point structure virtual
coordinates to physical
106 GPGetPoly void GPGetPoly.c Get polygon settings 107 GPMapPoly void GPMapPoly.c Enlarge/reduce polygon
2. GDraw
2.1 List of GDraw Functions
No. Name Type File name Outline 108 GPOffsetPoly void GPOffsetPoly.c Polygon offset processing 109 GPPhysicalToVirtualPoly void GPPhysicalToVirtualPoly.c Convert polygon physical
coordinates to virtual
112 GMSetMemorySpace short GMemory.c Register memory area
113 GMDeleteMemorySpace short GMemory.c Delete regi stered memory area 114 GMMemoryAlloc void* GMemory.c Allocate memory area 115 GMMemoryFree short GMemory.c Release memory are a 116 GDCreateVram HGVRAM GDCreateVram.c Create virtual VRAM
117 GDDeleteVram void GDDeleteVram.c Release virtual VRAM 118 GDFlushScreenForce void GDFlushScreenForce.c Forcible refresh screen 119 GDGetGradationInfo void GDGetGradationInfo.c Get gradation information 120 GDGetLocalOrigin void GDGetLocalOrigin.c Get local coordinate origin 121 GDGetVram HGVRAM GDGetVram.c Get system VRAM
122 GDRemoveDrawableRegi
on 123 GDSetDrawableRegion short GDSetDrawableRegion.c Set drawable area 124 GDSetGradationInfo void GDSetGradationInfo.c Set gradation information 125 GDSetLocalOrigin void GDSetLocalOrigin.c Set local coordinate origin
short GDRemoveDrawableRegion.c Delete rectangular area from
drawable area
2. GDraw

2.2 Outlines of GDraw Functions

GDBeginDraw.c Outline Begin drawing
Syntax void GDBeginDraw( HGDRAW hDraw )
Argument (i/o) HGDRAW hDraw : draw handle
Return value None
File name GDBeginDraw.c
This must be called just once when drawing on the screen for drawing basic figures, displaying image data and the like.
2.2 Descriptions of GDraw Functions
2. GDraw
GDBitBlt.c Outline Block transfer
Syntax void GDBitBlt( HGDRAW hDraw, HGVRAM hSrc, short nSrcX, short nSrcY, short nWidth, short nHeight, HGVRAM hDest, short nDestX, short nDestY, short nDrawingMode )
Argument (i/o) HGDRAW hDraw : drawing handle (i) HGVRAM hSrc : source VRAM handle (i) short nSrcX : source X coordinate (i) short nSrcY : source Y coordinate (i) short nWidth : transmission area width (i) short nHeight : transmission area height (i) HGVRAM hDest : destination VRAM handle (i) nDestX : destination X coordinate (i) nDestY : destination Y coordinate (i) nDrawingMode : raster operation
Return value None
File name GDBitBlt.c
2.2 Descriptions of GDraw Functions
Transfers the nWidth*nHeight sized area based on the specified point (nSrcX, nSrcY) in the VRAM of the transmission source (hSrc) to the nWidth*nHeight sized area based on another specified point (nDestX, nDestY) in the transmission destination (hDest). The transfer method depends on nDrawingMode. Corresponds to physical coordinates BitBlt only, and not virtual coordinates.
2. GDraw
GDCalcBorderRect.c Outline Calculate rectangular area based on 3D border settings
Syntax void GDCalcBorderRect( GRect *pBounds, GRect *pInside, GRect *pBorderRect, GBorder *pBorder )
Argument (i) GRect *pBounds : perimeter rectangle area (o) GRect *pInside : rectangle area inside 3D border (o) GRect *pBorderRect : 3D border area (i) GBorder *pBorder : 3D border
Return value None
File name GDCalcBorderRect.c
2.2 Descriptions of GDraw Functions
Calculates the position of the rectangle when a 3D border is drawn within pBounds based on the pBorder settings. The rectangular area within the 3D border is stored in plnside. The perimeter rectangle for the 3D border is stored in pBorderRect .
GDCloseDrawHandle.c Outline Release drawing handle
Syntax void GDCloseDrawHandle( HGDRAW hDraw )
Argument (i/o) HGDRAW hDraw : drawing handle to be released
Return value None
Details The drawing handle is released.
File name GDCloseDrawHandle.c
2. GDraw
GDDefineFillPattern.c Outline Define fill pattern
Syntax void GDDefineFillPattern( HGDRAW hDraw, short nFillPattern, char *pcPattern )
Argument (i/o) HGDRAW hDraw : drawing handle (i) short nFillPattern : fill pattern specification (i) char *pcPattern : fill pattern definition
Return value None
File name GDDefineFillPattern.c
2.2 Descriptions of GDraw Functions
Set pcPattern in nFillPattern No. fill pattern. When a pattern No. outside of the range is set, GERROR_BAD_PATTERN_NUM is set as the error.
2. GDraw
GDDefinePenDash.c Outline Define line pattern
Syntax void GDDefinePenDash( HGDRAW hDraw, short nPenDash, char *pcDash )
Argument (i/o) HGDRAW hDraw : drawing handle (i) short nPenDash : line pattern No. specification (i) char *pcDash : line pattern
Return value None
Details Set pcDash in nPenDash No. line pattern. Since nPenDash number 0 is set to solid line, specify 1 or higher.
File name GDDefinePenDash.c
2.2 Descriptions of GDraw Functions
2. GDraw
GDDrawArc.c Outline Draw arc
Syntax void GDDrawArc( HGDRAW hDraw, GRect *pgrRect, short nStartAngle, short nEndAngle )
Argument (i/o) HGDRAW hDraw : drawing handle (i) GRect *pgrRect : rectangle area (i) short nStartAngle : 10 times of the starting angle (i) short nEndAngle : 10 times of the ending angle
Return value None
Details Draws an arc in contact with the inside of the rectangle defined with pgrRect. The starting angle is nStartAngle, and the ending angle is nEndAngle. Line color, line type, line thickness and raster operation are enabled as drawing
File name GDDrawArc.c
2.2 Descriptions of GDraw Functions
2. GDraw
GDDrawBezier.c Outline Draw Bezier curve
Syntax void GDDrawBezier( HGDRAW hDraw, GPoly *pgpPoly )
Argument (i/o) HGDRAW hDraw : drawing han dle (i) GPoly *pgpPoly : polygon structure
Return value None
File name GDDrawBezier.c
2.2 Descriptions of GDraw Functions
Draws a Bezier curve joining the points defined with pgpPoly. Line color, line type, line thickness and raster operation are enabled as drawing attributes.
2. GDraw
GDDrawCaptionCursorString.c Outline Draw caption character string (with cursor display)
Syntax void GDDrawCaptionCursorString( HGDRAW hDraw, GRect *pBounds, GCaption * pCaption, GCursor *pCursor, long lCursorPos, char *pString )
Argument (i/o) HGDRAW hDraw : drawing handle (i) GRect *pBounds : rectangle area (i) GCaption *pCaption : caption information (i/o) GCursor *pCursor : data with cursor displayed (i) long lCursorPos : character cursor display position (i) char *pString : character string
Return value None
File name GDDrawCaptionCursorString.c
2.2 Descriptions of GDraw Functions
pString character string is drawn with the cursor displayed according to the pCaption settings so that it fills the pBounds rectangular area.
2. GDraw
GDDrawCaptionString.c Outline Draw caption character string
Syntax void GDDrawCaptionString( HGDRAW hDraw, GRect *pBounds, GCaption *pCaption, char *pString )
Argument (i/o) HGDRAW hDraw : drawing handle (i) GRect *pBounds : rectangle area (i) GCaption *pCaption : caption information (i) char *pString : character string
Return value None
File name GDDrawCaptionString.c
2.2 Descriptions of GDraw Functions
pString character string is drawn according to the pCaption settings so that it fills the pBounds rectangular area.
2. GDraw
GDDrawCaptionStringResource.c Outline Draw caption based on character string resources
Syntax void GDDrawCaptionStringResource( HGDRAW hDraw, GRect *pBounds, GCaption *pCaption, unsigned short usResourceID )
Argument (i/o) HGDRAW hDraw : drawing handle (i) GRect *pBounds : rectangle area (i) GCaption *pCaption : caption information (i) unsigned short usResourceID : character string resource ID
Return value None
File name GDDrawCaptionStringResource.c
2.2 Descriptions of GDraw Functions
usResourceID resource character string is drawn according to the pCaption settings so that it fills the pBounds rectangular area.
2. GDraw
2.2 Descriptions of GDraw Functions
GDDrawGrf.c Outline Draw BMP
Syntax short GDDrawGrf( HGDRAW hDraw, GRFHeader *pGHeader, unsigned char *pData, short nX, short nY, short nWidth, short nHeight )
Argument (i/o) HGDRAW hDraw : drawing handle (i) GRFHeader *pGHeader : BMP information structure (i) unsigned char *pData : BMP data (i) short nX : coordinates for starting drawing
(upper left of BMP)
(i) short nY : coordinates for starting drawing
(upper left of BMP) (i) short nWidth : display all when drawing area size is 0 or lower (i) short nHeight : display all when drawing area size is 0 or lower
Return value FALSE : drawing failed TRUE : drawing succeeded
File name GDDrawGrf.c
The pData image having pGHeader information is drawn in the size of nWidth*nHeight starting at (nX,nY). When 0 is specified for nWidth, it is displayed in the size of the image. When 0 is specified for nHeight, it is displayed in the size of the image.
2. GDraw
2.2 Descriptions of GDraw Functions
GDDrawImage.c Outline Draw image
Syntax void GDDrawImage( HGDRAW hDraw, GImage *pImage, short nX, short nY, short nWidth, shor nHeight )
Argument (i/o) HGDRAW hDraw : drawing handle (i) GImage *pImage : image (i) short nX : drawing start position (x coordinate) (i) short nY : drawing start position (y coordinate) (i) short nWidth : drawing area width (i) short nHeight : drawing area height
Return value None
File name GDDrawImage.c
Draws the GImage image in the size of nWidth*nHeight starting at (nX, nY). GImage contains the data for any of the images that are supported in the GUI library as standard format data, and the processing function is called according to the type of image. At present this is only Graphic Raster Format (GRF)
2. GDraw
GDDrawImageResource.c Outline Draw resource image
Syntax void GDDrawImageResource( HGDRAW hDraw, unsigned short usResourceID, short nX, short nY, short nWidth, short nHeight )
Argument (i/o) HGDRAW hDraw : drawing handle (i) usResourceID : image resource ID (i) short nX : drawing start position (X coordinate) (i) short nY : drawing start position (Y coordinate) (i) short nWidth : drawing area width (i) short nHeight : drawing area height
Return value None
File name GDDrawImageResource.c
2.2 Descriptions of GDraw Functions
Draws the usResourceID resource image in the size of nWidth*nHeight starting at (nX, nY).
2. GDraw
GDDrawOval.c Outline Draw oval
Syntax void GDDrawOval( HGDRAW hDraw, GRect *pgrRect )
Argument (i/o) HGDRAW hDraw : drawing handle (i) GRect *pgrRect : rectangle area
Return value None
File name GDDrawOval.c
2.2 Descriptions of GDraw Functions
Draws an (oval) circle in contact with the inside of the rectangle defined with pgrRect. For the fill inside the shape, the fill pattern, foreground color and background color, and for the perimeter, line color, line thickness, line type and raster operation are enabled as drawing attributes.
2. GDraw
GDDrawOvalBorder.c Outline Draw (oval) circular 3D border
Syntax void GDDrawOvalBorder( HGDRAW hDraw, GRect *pBounds, GRect *pInside, GBorder *pBorder, short nStatus )
Argument (i/o) HGDRAW hDraw : drawing handle (i) GRect *pBounds : rectangle area (i) GRect *pInside : rectangle in contact inside (i) GBorder *pBorder : 3D border (i) short nStatus : status FALSE : convex status TRUE : concave status
Return value None
File name GDDrawOvalBorder.c
2.2 Descriptions of GDraw Functions
Draws the 3D border in pBorder in an (oval) circle shape in the size of the rectangle in contact with the inside of the rectangular area in pBo unds. When, in this instance, nStatus is FALSE, filling of the upper left and lower right borders i s done with the colors that have been set, but if it is TRUE, the colors for filling of the upper left and lower right borders is reversed.
2. GDraw
GDDrawOvalBorderResource.c Outline Draw (oval) circular resource 3D border
Syntax void GDDrawOvalBorderResource( HGDRAW hDraw, GRect *pBounds, GRect *pInside, unsigned short usResourceID, short nStatus )
Argument (i/o) HGDRAW hDraw : drawing handle (i) GRect *pBounds : rectangle area (i) GRect *pInside : rectangle in contact inside (i) unsigned short usResourceID : 3D border resource ID (i) short nStatus : status FALSE : convex status TRUE : concave status
Return value None
File name GDDrawOvalBorderResource.c
2.2 Descriptions of GDraw Functions
Draws the 3D border in usResourceID in an (oval) circle shape in the size of the rectangle in contact with the inside of the rectangular area in pBo unds. When, in this instance, nStatus is FALSE, filling of the upper left and lower right borders i s done with the colors that have been set, but if it is TRUE, the colors for filling of the upper left and lower right borders is reversed.
2. GDraw
GDDrawPie.c Outline Draw sector
Syntax void GDDrawPie( HGDRAW hDraw, GRect *pgrRect, short nStartAngle, short nEndAngle )
Argument (i/o) HGDRAW hDraw : drawing han dle (i) GRect *pgrRect : rectangle area (i) short nStartAngle : 10 times of the starting angle (i) short nEndAngle : 10 times of the ending angle
Return value None
File name GDDrawPie.c
2.2 Descriptions of GDraw Functions
Draws a sector in contact with the inside of the rectangle defined with pgrRe ct. The starting angle is nStartAngle, and the ending angle is nEndAngle. For the fill inside the shape, the fill pattern, foreground color and background color, and for the perimeter, line color, line thickness, line type and raster operation are enabled as drawing attributes.
2. GDraw
GDDrawPoly.c Outline Draw polygon
Syntax void GDDrawPoly( HGDRAW hDraw, GPoly *pgpPoly )
Argument (i/o) HGDRAW hDraw : drawing handle (i) GPoly *pgpPoly : polygon structure
Return value None
File name GDDrawPoly.c
2.2 Descriptions of GDraw Functions
Draws the polygon defined in pgpPoly. For the fill inside the shape, the fill pattern, foreground color and background color, and for the perimeter, line color, line thickness, line type and raster operation are enabled as drawing attributes.
GDDrawRect.c Outline Draw rectangle
Syntax void GDDrawRect( HGDRAW hDraw, GRect *pgrRect )
Argument (i/o) HGDRAW hDraw : drawing handle (i) GRect *pgrRect : rectangle area
Return value None
File name GDDrawRect.c
Draws the rectangle in the rectangular area defined in pgrRect. For the fill inside the shape, the fill pattern, foreground color and background color, and for the perimeter, line color, line thickness, line type and raster operation are enabled as drawing attributes.
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