
I Alarms
1. Operation Errors (M)................................................................. I - 1
2. Stop Codes (T) ....................................................................... I - 11
3. Servo/Spindle Alarms (S)....................................................... I - 15
3.1 Servo Errors (S01/S03/S04).......................................... I - 15
3.3 Parameter Errors (S51)................................................. I - 26
3.4 Servo Warnings (S52) ................................................... I - 27
4. MCP Alarms (Y)...................................................................... I - 29
5. System Alarms (Z) ..................................................................I - 36
6. Absolute Position Detection System Alarms (Z7*).................. I - 40
7. Distance-coded Reference Scale Errors (Z8*)....................... I - 42
8. Emergency Stop Alarms (EMG)............................................. I - 43
9. Auxiliary Axis Alarms (S) ........................................................ I - 45
9.1 Auxiliary Axis Servo Errors/Warnings (S)...................... I - 45
9.2 Auxiliary Axis
Absolute Position Detection System Alarms (Z)............I - 48
9.3 Auxiliary Axis Operation Errors (M)............................... I - 49
9.4 Auxiliary Axis MCP Alarms (Y)...................................... I - 50
10. Computer Link Errors (L)...................................................... I - 51
11. User PLC Alarms (U) ............................................................ I - 52
12. Network Service Errors (N)................................................... I - 54
13. Program Errors (P) ............................................................... I - 55
II Parameters
1. User Parameters...................................................................... II - 1
2. Base Specifications Parameters............................................ II - 45
3. Axis Specifications Parameters.............................................II - 95
4. Servo Parameters................................................................ II - 116
5. Spindle Parameters ............................................................. II - 141
6. Rotary Axis Configuration Parameters ................................ II - 182
7. Machine Error Compensation Param ete r s ................ .......... II - 187
8. PLC Constants..................................................................... II - 189
9. Macro List ............................................................................ II - 192
10. Position Switches. ... .. .................................................. ... ....II - 199
11. Auxiliary Axis Parameters.............................. .................... II - 209
12. Open Parameters..............................................................II - 222
13. Device Open Parameters .................................................. II - 223
14. SRAM Open Parameters...................................................II - 224
15. CC-Link Parameters . ... .................................................. .. .. II - 225
16. Anshin-net Parameters 2/ MTB-net Parameters 2............. II - 232
17. PLC Axis Indexing Parameters.......................................... II - 240
III PLC Devices
1. Bit Type Input Signals (CNC->PLC)........................................ III - 1
2. Data Type Input Signals (CNC->PLC)................................... III - 22
3. Bit Type Output Signals (PLC->CNC)................................... III - 42
4. Data Type Output Signals (PLC->CNC)................................ III - 69
5. Each Application : Pallet Program Registration..................... III - 79
6. Each Application : PLC Axis Indexing...................................III - 80
7. Each Application : Tool Life Management Interface.............. III - 81
8. Special Relays....................................................................... III - 84

I Alarms

Operation Errors (M)

1. Operation Errors (M)

M01 Dog overrun 0001
When returning to the reference position, the near-point detection limit switch did not stop over the dog, but overran the dog.
- Increase the length of the near-point dog.
- Reduce the reference position return speed.
M01 Some ax does not pass Z phase 0002
One of the axes did not pass the Z-phase durin g the initial reference position return after the power was turned ON.
- Move the detector one rotation or more in the opposite direction of the reference position, and repeat reference position return.
M01 R-pnt direction illegal 0003
When manually returning to the reference position, the retur n direction differs from the axis movement direction selected with the AXIS SELECTION key.
- The selection of the AXIS SELECTION key's +/- direction is incorrect. The error is canceled by feeding the axis in the correct direction.
M01 External interlock axis exists 0004
The external interlock function has activated (the input s ignal is "OFF") and one of the axes has entered the interlock state.
- As the interlock function has activated, release it before resuming operation.
- Correct the sequence on the machine side.
- Check for any broken wires in the "interlock" signal line.
M01 Internal interlock axis exists 0005
The internal interlock state has been entered. The absolute position detector axis has been removed. A command for the manual/automatic simultaneous valid axis was issued from the automatic mode. The manual speed command was issued while the "tool length measurement 1" signal is ON.
- The servo OFF function is valid, so release it first.
- An axis that can be removed has been issued, so perform the correct operations.
- The command is issued in the same direction as the direction where manual skip turned ON, so perform the correct operations.
- During the manual/automatic simultaneous mode, the axis commanded in the automatic mode became the manual operation axis. Turn OFF the "manual/automatic valid" signal for the commanded axis.
- Turn ON the power again, and perform absolute position initialization.
- Turn OFF the "tool length measurement 1" signal to start the program by the manual speed command.
M01 H/W stroke end axis exists 0006
The stroke end function has activated (the input signal is "OFF") and one of the axes is in the stroke end status.
- Move the machine manually.
- Check for any broken wires in the "stroke end" signal line.
- Check for any limit switch failure.
M01 S/W stroke end axis exists 0007
The stored stroke limit I, II, IIB or IB function has activated.
- Move the machine manually.
- Correct any setting error of the parameters for the stored stroke limit.
M01 Chuck/tailstock stroke end ax 0008
The chuck/tail-stock barrier function turned ON, and an axis entered the stroke end state.
- Reset the alarm with reset, and move the machine in the reverse direction.
M01 Ref point return No. invalid 0009
2nd reference position return was performed before 1st reference position return has been completed.
- Execute 1st reference position return.
M01 Sensor signal illegal ON 0019
The sensor signal was already ON when the "tool length measurement 1" signal was validat­ed. The sensor signal turned ON when there was no axis movem ent after the "tool length mea­surement 1" signal was validated. The sensor signal turned ON at a position within 100 μm from the final entry start position.
- Disable the "tool length measurement 1" signal and move the axis in a safe direction.
- Disabling the sensor signal also clears the operation alarm.
(Note) When the "tool length measurement 1" signal is disabled, the axis can be moved in ei-
ther direction. Pay attention to the movement direction.
I Alarms
I - 1
I Alarms
Operation Errors (M)
M01 Ref point retract invalid 0020
Reference position retract was performed while the coordinates had not been established.
- Execute reference position return.
M01 Tool ofs invld after R-pnt 0021
Reference position return had been performed during the tool escape and return, which inval­idated the tool compensation amount after the reference position return.
- The error is cleared if the operation mode is changed to other than reference position return before the axis performs reference position return.
- The error is cleared when the tool return is completed.
- The error is cleared if reset 1 is input or the emergency stop button is pushed.
M01 R-pnt ret invld at abs pos alm 0024
A reference position return signal was enabled during an absolute position detection alarm.
- Reset the absolute position detection alarm, and then perform the reference position return.
M01 R-pnt ret invld at zero pt ini 0025
A reference position return signal was input during zero point initialization of the absolute po­sition detection system.
- Complete the zero point initialization, and then perform reference position return.
M01 High-accuracy skip disabled 0028
The drive unit's hardware or software does not conform to the high-accuracy skip.
- The software or hardware does not conform to the function. Contact service center.
M01 Hi-ac skip coord retrieval err 0029
Failed to retrieve the skip coordinate value from the drive unit.
- Check the wiring.
- Check the parameters.
M01 Now skip on 0030
The "skip input" signal remains enabled when the operatio n has shifted from skip retract to measurement.
- Increase the skip retract amount.
M01 No skip 0031
Even though the 1st skip was to the correct position, the 2nd skip could not be found.
- Check whether the measurement target has moved.
M01 Rtn dir err in manual measure 0033
Return direction in manual measurement is the opposite of the parameter setting.
- Check and correct the "#2169 Man meas rtrn dir (Return direction in manual measurement)" setting.
- Move the axis manually to a safe posit ion in the direc tion s et by "#2169 Man meas rtrn d ir (Return direction in manual measurement)", then reset.
M01 Movement prohibited during tool retract 0035
An axis movement was attempted from the tool retract position. The movement was attempted by a manual command in the tool return.
It is not allowed to move an axis arbitrarily from the tool retract positio n. Take the foll owing steps to move the axis.
- Cancel the program execution by reset.
- Use the tool escape and retract function and let the axis escape from the tool retract position.
The interruption by a manual command is not allowed in a tool return. Take the following step to move the axis.
- Cancel the program execution by reset.
M01 Chopping axis R-pnt incomplete 0050
Chopping mode has been entered while the chopping axis has not completed reference posi­tion return. All axes interlock has been applied.
- Reset the NC or disable the "chopping" signal, and then carry out the reference position re­turn.
M01 Synchronous error excessive 0051
The synchronization error of the primary and secondary axes exceeded the a llowable value under synchronous control. A deviation exceeding the synchroni zation error limit value was found with the synchronization deviation detection.
- Select the correction mode and move one of the axes in the direction in which the errors are reduced.
- Increase "#2024 synerr(allowable value)" or set "0" to disable error check.
- When using simple C-axis synchronou s con trol, set "0" f or "s ynch ronous c ontrol op erat ion method".
I - 2
I Alarms
Operation Errors (M)
M01 No spindle select signal 0053
Synchronous tapping command was issued when th e "spind le se lecti on" sign als fo r all spin­dles were OFF in the multiple-spindle control II.
- Turn ON the "spindle selection" signal for the tapping spindle before performing the synchro­nous tapping command.
M01 No spindle serial connection 0054
Synchronous tapping command was issued in the multiple-spindle control II, while the spindle with the "spindle selection" signal ON was not serially connected.
- Make sure the "spindle selection" signal for the spindle is ON.
- Consider the machine construction when issuing the command.
M01 Spindle fwd/rvs run para err 0055
Asynchronous tapping command was issued when M code of the spindle forward/reverse run command, set by "#3028 sprcmm", was one of the followings in the multiple-spindle control II.
- M0, M1, M2, M30, M98, M99, or M198
- M code No. that commands to enable/disable the "macro interrupt" signal
- Correct the "#3028 sprcmm (Tap cycle spindle forward run/reverse run M command)" set­ting.
M01 Tap pitch/thread number error 0056
The command for the pitch or the number of threads is not correct in the synchronous tapping command of the multiple-spindle control II. The pitch is too small for the spindle rotation speed. Thread number is too large for the spindle rotation speed.
- Correct the pitch, number of threads or rotation speed of the tapping spindle.
M01 Wait for tap retract 0057
The axis travel command is interlocked in the part system where the "Tap retract possible" sig­nal is ON.
- If tap retract is necessary, perform it before issuing an axis travel command.
- If tap retract is not necessary, cancel the tap retract enabled state.
M01 Handle ratio too large 0060
- The handle ratio is too large for the handle feed clamp speed. (The handle feed clamp speed changes accordin g to the rapid traverse rate, ext ernal fee­drate, maximum speed outside the soft limit range and etc. (or exter nal deceleration speed when external deceleration is valid))
- Change the settings of the handle feed clamp speed or the handle ratio.
M01 R-pos offset value illegal 0065
At the start of reference position initial setting, "#2034 rfpofs (Distance-coded reference posi­tion detection offset) is not set to "0".
- Set "#2034 rfpofs" to "0", then turn the power ON again to perfor m the reference position initial setting.
M01 R-pos scan distance exceeded 0066
Reference position could not be established within the maximum scan distance.
- Check the scale to see if it has dirt or damage.
- Check if the servo drive unit supports this function.
M01 Illegal op in wk instl err cmp 0070
One of the following operations was attempted during workpiece installation error compensa­tion.
- Manual interruption
- Automatic operation handle interruption
- MDI interruption
- PLC interruption
- Return the operation mode to the original mode to remove the cause.
M01 No operation mode 0101
No operation mode
- Check for any broken wires in the input mode signal line.
- Check for any failure of the MODE SELECT switch.
- Correct the sequence program.
M01 Cutting override zero 0102
The "cutting feed override" switch on the machine operation panel is set to"0". The override was set to "0" during a single block stop.
- Set the "cutting feed override" switch to a value other than "0" to clear the error.
- If the "cutting feed override" switch has been set to a value other than "0", check for any short circuit in the signal line.
- Correct the sequence program.
I - 3
I Alarms
Operation Errors (M)
M01 External feed rate zero 0103
MANUAL FEEDRATE switch on the machine operation panel is set to "0" when the mac hin e is in the JOG or automatic dry run mode. "Manual feedrate B" is set to "0" during the JOG mode when manual feedrate B is valid. "Each axis manual feedrate B" is set to "0" during the JOG mode when each axis manual fee­drate B is valid.
- Set the MANUAL FEEDRATE switch to a value other than "0" to release the error.
- If the MANUAL FEEDRATE switch has been set to a value other than "0" check for any short circuit in the signal line.
- Correct the sequence program.
M01 F 1-digit feed rate zero 0104
The F1-digit feedrate has been set to "0" when the F1-digit feed command was executed.
- Set the F1-digit feedrate (from "#1185 spd_F1 (F1 digit feedrate F1)" to "#1189 spd_F5 (F1 digit feedrate F5)").
M01 Spindle stop 0105
The spindle stopped during the synchronous feed/thread cutting command.
- Rotate the spindle.
- If the workpiece is not being cut, start dry run.
- Check for any broken wire in the spindle encoder cable.
- Check the connections for the spindle encoder connectors.
- Check the spindle encoder pulse.
- Correct the program. (commands and addresses)
M01 Handle feed ax No. illegal 0106
The axis, designated at handle feed, is out of specifications. No axis has been selected for handle feed.
- Check for any broken wires in the handle feed axis selection signal line.
- Correct the sequence program.
- Check the number of axes in the specifications.
M01 Spindle rotation speed over 0107
Spindle rotation speed exceeded the axis clamp speed during the thread cutting command.
- Lower the commanded rotation speed.
M01 Fixed pnt mode feed ax illegal 0108
The axis, designated in the manual arbitrary feed, is out of specifications. The feedrate in manual arbitrary feed mode is illegal.
- Check for any broken wires in the axis selection signal line or the feedrate line for the manual arbitrary feed mode.
- Check the specifications for the manual arbitrary feed mode.
M01 Block start interlock 0109
An interlock signal has been input to lock the block start.
- Correct the sequence program.
M01 Cutting block start interlock 0110
An interlock signal has been input to lock the cutting block start.
- Correct the sequence program.
M01 Restart switch ON 0111
Restart switch has been turned ON and manual mode has been selec ted before the restart search is completed.
- Search the block to restart.
- Turn the restart switch OFF.
M01 Program check mode 0112
The automatic start button was pressed during program check or in program check mode.
- Press the reset button to cancel the program check mode.
M01 Auto start in buffer correct 0113
The automatic start button was pressed during buffer correction.
- Press the automatic start button after the buffer correction is completed.
M01 In reset process 0115
The automatic start button was pressed during resetting or tape rewinding.
- When rewinding the tape, wait for the winding to end, or press th e reset bu tton to st op th e winding, and then press the automatic start button.
- During resetting, wait for the resetting to end, and then press the automatic start button.
I - 4
I Alarms
Operation Errors (M)
M01 Playback not possible 0117
The playback switch was turned ON during editing.
- Cancel the editing by pressing the input or previous screen key before turning ON the play­back switch.
M01 Turn stop in normal line cntrl 0118
The turning angle at the block joint exceeded the limit during normal line control. In normal line control type I: "#1523 C_feed (Normal line control axis turning speed)" has not been set. In normal line control type II: When turning in the inside of the arc, the set va lue for " #80 41 C -rot. R" is l arger tha n th e ar c radius.
- Correct the program.
- Correct the "#1523 C_feed (Normal line control axis turning speed)" setting.
- Correct the "#8041 C rot. R" setting.
M01 Reverse run impossible 0119
Either of the following conditions occurred:
- there is no block to run backward.
- eight blocks has been continued without any travel command.
- Execute forward run to clear the alarm.
- Reset to clear the alarm.
M01 In synchronous correction mode 0120
The synchronous correction mode switch was pressed in non-handle mode.
- Select the handle or manual arbitrary feed mode.
- Turn OFF the correction mode switch.
M01 No synchronous control option 0121
The synchronous control operation method was se t (w ith R258 9) whi le no s ynch ron ous c on­trol option was provided.
- Set "0" for "synchronous control operation method".
M01 Computer link B not possible 0123
Cycle start was attempted before resetting was completed. Computer link B operation was attempted at the 2nd or further part system in a multi-part sys­tem.
- Perform the cycle start after resetting has been completed.
- Set "#8109 HOST LINK" to "0" and then set to "1" before performing the cycle start.
- Computer link B operation cannot be performed at the 2nd or further part system in a multi­part system.
M01 X/Z axes simultaneous prohibit 0124
The basic axis corresponding to the inclined axis was started s imultaneously in the manual mode while the inclined axis control was valid.
- Turn the inclined axis and basic axis start OFF for both axes. (This is also applied for man­ual/automatic simultaneous start.)
- Disable the basic axis compensation, or command it to axes one by one.
M01 Rapid override zero 0125
The RAPID TRAVERSE OVERRIDE switch on the machine operation panel is set to "0".
- Set the RAPID TRAVERSE OVERRIDE switch to a value other than "0" to clear the error.
- If the RAPID TRAVERSE OVERRIDE switch has been set to a value other than "0", che ck for any short circuit in the signal line.
- Correct the sequence program.
M01 Program restart machine lock 0126
Machine lock was applied on the return axis being manually returned to the restart position.
- Cancel the machine lock and resume the operation.
M01 Rot axis parameter error 0127
Orthogonal coordinate axis name does not exist. Rotary axis name does not exist. A duplicate name is used for the designated orthogonal coordinate axis. The number of axes that were selected to change tool length compensation along the tool axis amount exceeds the maximum number of axes. The designated orthogonal coordinate axis name is the same as the rotary axis name.
- Correct the rotary axis configuration parameters.
M01 Restart pos return incomplete 0128
Automatic return was performed with an axis whose return to the restart position was not com­plete.
- Perform restart position return manually.
- Enable "#1302 AutoRP (Automatic return by program restart)" before execu ting the auto­matic start.
I - 5
I Alarms
Operation Errors (M)
M01 PLC interruption impossible 0129
After the automatic startup, the "PLC interrupt" signal was turned ON during buffer correction, program restart, arbitrary reverse run, tool escape and return, high-speed high-accuracy con­trol II, or NURBS interpolation.
- Turning OFF or resetting the "PLC interrupt" signal will clear the alarm.
M01 Restart posn return disabled 0130
Restart position return was attempted in a mode where the return is disabled.
- Correct the program restart position.
M01 Chopping override zero 0150
The override became "0" in the chopping operation.
- Correct the setting of "chopping override" (R2503).
- Correct the setting of "rapid traverse override" (R2502).
M01 Command axis chopping axis 0151
A chopping axis movement command was issued from t he program during the chopping mode. (This alarm will not occur for the command with the movement amount "0".) (All axes interlock state will be applied.)
- Press the reset button or turn OFF the "chopping" signal . When the "chopping" signal is turned OFF, the axis returns to the reference posit ion and performs the movement com­mand in the program.
M01 Bottom dead center pos. zero 0153
The bottom dead center position is set to the same position as the upper dead center position.
- Correct the bottom dead center position.
M01 Chopping disable for handle ax 0154
Chopping has been attempted while the chopping axis is selected as the handle axis.
- Select an axis other than the chopping axis as the handle axis, or start chopping after chang­ing the mode to the other mode.
M01 No speed set out of soft limit 0160
The axis, without any maximum speed outs ide of th e soft limi t range set, was returne d from the outside of the soft limit range.
- Correct the "#2021 out_f (Maximum speed outside soft limit range)" setting.
- Correct the soft limit range (with "#2013 OT- (Soft limit I-)" and "#2014 OT+ (Soft limit I+)").
M01 Aux axis changeover error 0166
One of the following attempts was made on an axis that can be switched to NC/auxiliary axis.
- A command was issued to an auxiliary axis from machining program.
- When there were more than one NC axis having a same nam e, a command was issued to those axes from machining program.
- "NC axis control selection" signal was turned OFF while the NC axis was in motion.
- "NC axis control selection" signal was turned ON while the auxiliary axis was in motion.
- Turn ON the "NC axis control selection" signal to set the auxilia ry axis to NC axis when is­suing a command to the axis from machining program.
- When more than one axis have a same name, let only one of the axes work as an NC axis.
- Do not change the "NC axis control selection" signal while the axis is in motion.
M01 Ill. op during T tip control 0170
Illegal operation was attempted during tool tip center control.
- Change the operation mode to the previous one and restart.
M01 Illegal OP in tilted face cut 0185
Any of the following illegal operations was attempted during inclined surface machining mode.
- Manual interrupt
- Handle interrupt in automatic operation
- MDI interrupt
- PLC interrupt
- Arbitrary reverse run
- Switch the operation mode back to the previous to remove the cause of this failure.
M01 Interference check invalidated 0200
The 3D machine interference check is invalidated. This alarm is output to NC alarm 5.
- Validate all the interference check settings.
- If there is any axis which has not completed zero point return, establish the zero point first.
I - 6
I Alarms
Operation Errors (M)
M01 Machine interference 1 0201
It was judged that an interference occurred in the No.1 step interference check and caused a deceleration stop. When machine interference is detected, the interfered part is highlighted (yellow/red) and the part's name is displayed on the 3D monitor's model display. 
- Move the axis in a direction which does not cause interference.
- Press RESET to cancel the alarm.
- You can move the axis in the same travel direction as before the interference. But the axis movement is done using the 2nd step interference check distance. (In manual operation)
M01 Machine interference 2 0202
It was judged that an interference occurred in the No.2 step interference check and caused a deceleration stop. When machine interference is detected, th e inter fered part is hig hlighte d (red) and the part's name is displayed on the 3D monitor's model display.
- Move the axis in a direction which doesn't cause interference.
- Press RESET to cancel the alarm.
M01 Manual feed for 5-axis machining/Simultaneous command to multiple axes 0230
More than one axis was designated simultaneously in manual mode while the manual feed for 5-axis machining was valid.
- Command the manual feed to each axis one by one.
M01 Manual feed for 5-axis machining/Selecting coordinate system illegal 0231
- More than one of the three bits for selecting hypothetical coordinate system was turned ON.
- Hypothetical coordinate system was selected while the manual feed for 5-axis machin ing was invalidated by the parameter setting.
- Check the sequence program.
- Validate the manual feed for 5-axis machining (parameter "#7912 NO_MANUAL").
M01 Illegal op in 5 ax tool R comp 0232
An illegal operation (such as manual interrupt) was attempted during tool radius compensation for 5-axis machining.
- Operations such as manual interrupt are disabled while the tool radius compensation for 5­axis machining is being performed.
M01 Machining surface operation disabled 0250
Machining surface operation (selection, indexing or cancel) was attempted while the operation is disabled.
- Cancel the other modes so that the inclined surface machining command (G68.2), tool axis direction control (G53.1) and the inclined surface machining cancel command (G69) can be issued.
- Wait until the axes stop completely (until the smoothing for all axes reaches zero).
- Perform operation search for machining programs.
M01 Illegal movement command during superimposition 1003
- A machine command was issued to the superimposing axis.
- Reference position return was attempted on the superimposing axis.
- Skip command was issued to the master or superimposing axis.
- Dog-type reference position return was attempted on the master axis.
Correct the program.
M01 Superimposition command illegal 1004
- Superimposition command (G126) was is sued to the axis which is executi ng the foll owing functions. Control axis synchronization across part systems Synchronization control Milling interpolation
- Superimposition start command was issue d to the axis which was under superimposition control.
Correct the program.
M01 G114.n command illegal 1005
G114.n has been commanded during the execution of G114.n. G51.2 has been commanded when G51.2 spindle-spindle polygon machining mode has been already entered at another part system.
- Command G113 to cancel the operation.
- Turn ON the "spindle synchronization cancel" signal to cancel the operation.
- Command G50.2 to cancel the operation.
- Turn ON the "spindle-spindle polygon cancel" signal to cancel the operation.
M01 Spindle in-use by synchro tap 1007
The spindle is being used in synchronized tapping.
- Cancel the synchronized tapping.
I - 7
I Alarms
Operation Errors (M)
M01 SP-C ax ctrl runs independntly 1026
C axis mode command has been issued for polygon machining spindle. C axis mode command has been issued for synchronized tapping spindle. Polygon command has been issued for synchronized tapping spindle. Spindle is being used as spindle/C axis.
- Cancel the C axis command.
- Cancel the polygon machining command.
- Cancel the C axis with servo OFF.
M01 Synchronization mismatch 1030
Different M codes were each commanded as synchroniz ation M code in each of the two part systems. Synchronization with the "!" code was commanded in another part system during M code syn­chronization. Synchronization with the M code was commanded in another part system during synchroniza­tion with the "!" code.
- Correct the program so that the M codes match.
- Correct the program so that the same synchronization codes are commanded.
M01 Multiple C axes select invalid 1031
The "C axis selection" signal has been c hanged when the multiple C axes selection is not available. The selected axis by the "C axis selection" signal cannot be controlled for the multiple C axes selection.
- Correct the parameter settings and program.
M01 Tap retract Sp select illegal 1032
Tap retract has been executed with a different spindle selected. Cutting feed is in wait state until synchronization is completed.
- Select the spindle for which tap cycle was halted before turning ON the "tap retract" signal.
M01 Sp-Sp polygon cut interlock 1033
Cutting feed is in wait state until synchronization is completed.
- Wait for the synchronization to end.
M01 Mixed sync ctrl prmtr illegal 1034
Mixed synchronization control with exceeding number of control axes was attempted. Mixed synchronization control with duplicate axis address was attempted.
- Correct the parameter settings for mixed synchronization control.
M01 Mixed sync ctrl disable modal 1035
Mixed synchronization control was commanded for a part system in which the mixed synchro­nization control is disabled as shown below.
- During nose R compensation mode
- During pole coordinate interpolation mode
- During cylindrical interpolation mode
- During balance cut mode
- During fixed cycle machining mode
- During facing turret mirror image
- Correct the program.
M01 Synchro ctrl setting disable 1036
"Synchronous control operation method" was set (with R2589) when the mode was not the C axis mode. "Synchronous control operation method" was set (with R2589) in the zero point not set state. Mirror image is disabled. External mirror image or parameter mirror image was comm ande d dur in g fac ing turre t mir ror image.
- Set the contents of the R2589 register to "0".
- Correct the program and parameters.
M01 Synchro start/cancel disable 1037
Synchronous control start/cancel command was issued when the start/cancel is disabled.
- Correct the program and parameters.
M01 Move cmnd invld to synchro ax 1038
A travel command was issued to a synchronous axis in synchronous control.
- Correct the program.
M01 No spindle speed clamp 1043
The constant surface speed command (G96) was issued to the spi ndl e whic h is not s ele cte d for the spindle speed clamp command (G92/G50) under Multiple spindle control II.
Press the reset key and carry out the remedy below.
- Select the spindle before commanding G92/G50.
I - 8
I Alarms
Operation Errors (M)
M01 Sp synchro phase calc illegal 1106
Spindle synchronization phase alignment comman d was issu ed while the "phas e shift ca lcu­lation request" signal was ON.
- Correct the program.
- Correct the sequence program.
An axis position is illegal. An alarm is displayed (AL4 is output) and a block stop is applied on the machining program. When the block stop is not allowed in the thread cutting cycle and the like, the stop is applied at the next position where allowed.
Carry out reset. Then confirm that th e system star ts the o peration. If the alar m is dis played again, turn ON the emergency stop switch and turn the NC power OFF and ON.
M90 Parameter set mode
The lock for setup parameters has been released. Setti ng the setup parameters is ena bled while automatic start is disabled.
Refer to the manual issued by the machine tool builder.
Data is over the range The measurement result exceeds the tool data setting range.
Correct the settings of "#2015 tlml- (Negative direction sensor of tool setter)" and "#2016 tlml+ (Positive direction sensor of tool setter or TLM standard length)".
No corresponding No. No measurement tool No. has been set. The registered No. is out of the specifications.
Correct the measurement tool No.
Measurement axis illegal Sensor has been turned ON while two or more axes are moving.
Move a single axis when the sensor is contacted.
Measurement axis has not returned to reference position Reference position return has not been executed on a measureme nt axis in an incremental system.
Carry out the reference position return on the measurement axis before measuring the tool.
Sensor signal illegal ON Sensor has already been ON when TLM mode is turned ON. The travel amount was so small that the tool contacted the sensor.
All axes are interlocked when this alarm has occurred. Turn the TLM mode OFF or use the interlock cancel signal to move the tool off the sensor. Ensure at least 0.1mm for the movement to the sensor.
Speed at contact is below minimum The tool has contacted the sensor at the lower speed than set in "#1508 TLM_Fmin (Minimum speed toward tool setter)".
Correct the feed rate to move the tool to the sensor.
Speed at contact is over maximum The tool has contacted the sensor at the higher spe ed than se t in "#1509 TLM_Fmax (Maxi­mum speed toward tool setter)".
Correct the feed rate to move the tool to the sensor.
Change of compensation No. or sub-side selection during measurement A compensation No. or sub-side valid signal state has been changed while a sensor signal is ON or a compensation amount is being written.
Carry out the measurement again.
I - 9
I Alarms
Operation Errors (M)
Error on response timing of sensor signal A compensation No. has been changed at the same time as a sensor's response.
Carry out the measurement again.
Manual tool length measurement Interlock temporally canceled "M01 Operation error 0005" and "M01 Operation error 00 19", which occur at manual tool length measurement, are temporally canceled. When a tool has contacted a sensor and "M01 Operation error 0019" has occurred, tool escape is enabled by temporarily turning ON the in­terlock cancel request. This alarm notifies that the interlock is disabled in the meantime.
After carrying out the tool escape from the sensor, tur n OFF the interlock tem porary cancel signal for manual tool length measurement.
I - 10
Stop Codes (T)

2. Stop Codes (T)

T01 Axis in motion 0101
Automatic start is not possible as one of the axes is moving.
- Try automatic start again after all axes have stopped.
T01 NC not ready 0102
Automatic start is not possible as the NC is not ready.
- Another alarm has occurred. Check the details and remedy.
T01 Reset signal ON 0103
Automatic start is not possible as the "reset" signal has been input.
- Turn OFF the "reset" signal.
- Check for any failure of the reset switch which has caused the switch's continuous ON.
- Correct the sequence program.
T01 Auto operation pause signal ON 0104
The feed hold switch on the machine operation panel is ON (valid).
- Correct the feed hold switch setting.
- The feed hold switch is B contact switch.
- Fix any broken wires in the feed hold signal line.
- Correct the sequence program.
T01 H/W stroke end axis exists 0105
Automatic start is not possible as one of the axes is at the stroke end.
- Manually move any axis whose end is at the stroke end.
- Check for any broken wires in the stroke end signal line.
- Check for any failure in the stroke end limit switch.
T01 S/W stroke end axis exists 0106
Automatic start is not possible as one of the axes is at the stored stroke limit.
- Move the axis manually.
- If the axis's end is not at the stroke end, check the parameters.
T01 No operation mode 0107
The operation mode has not been selected.
- Select automatic operation mode.
- Check for any broken wires in the signal line for a utom atic ope ra tion mode (m emory , tape , MDl).
T01 Operation mode duplicated 0108
Two or more automatic operation modes have been selected.
- Check for any short circuit in the mode (memory, tape, MDl) selection signal line.
- Check for any failure in the switch.
- Correct the sequence program.
T01 Operation mode changed 0109
The automatic operation mode has changed to another automatic operation mode.
- Return to the original automatic operation mode, and execute automatic start.
T01 Tape search execution 0110
Automatic start is not possible as tape search is being executed.
- Wait for the tape search to be completed and then execute the automatic start.
T01 Restart pos. return incomplete 0112
Automatic start is not possible as the axis has not been returned to the restart position.
- Manually return the axis to the restart position.
- Turn ON the automatic restart valid parameter, and then execute the automatic start.
T01 CNC overheat 0113
Automatic start is not possible because a thermal alarm (Z53 CNC overheat) has occurred.
- Temperature of the control unit has exceeded the specified temperature.
- Take appropriate measures to cool the unit.
T01 Cycle st. prohibit(Host comm.) 0115
Automatic start cannot is not possible beca use the N C is commun icating with the host com­puter.
- Wait for the communication with host computer to be ended and then execute the automatic start.
I Alarms
I - 11
I Alarms
Stop Codes (T)
T01 Cycle st prohibit(Battery alm) 0116
Automatic start is not possible because the v oltage of the batte ry in the NC co ntrol unit has dropped.
- Replace the battery of the NC control unit.
- Contact the service center.
T01 R-pnt offset value not set 0117
Automatic operation is not possible because no reference position offset value has been set.
- Perform the reference position initialization setting, the n set "#2034 rfpofs( Distance-c oded reference position detection offset)".
T01 Cycle start prohibit 0118
Tool retract position signal OFF The axis was moved from the tool retract position. Tool retract position reached signal is OFF.
Once the axis has been moved off the tool retract position, resumin g the pr ogr am is not pos ­sible. Cancel the program by reset and then execute it from the start.
T01 In absolute position alarm 0138
A start signal was input during an absolute position detection alarm.
- Clear the absolute position detection alarm, and then input the start signal.
T01 In abs posn initial setting 0139
A start signal was input during zero point initialization in the absolute position detec tion sys-
- Complete zero point initialization before inputting the start signal.
T01 Start during MDI operation at other part system disable 0141
In multi-part system, a start signal was input for MDI mode while the MDI operation was being carried out in another part system.
- End the other part system's operation before starting.
T01 Cycle start prohibit 0142
In manual coordinate system setting Automatic start is not allowed during the manual coordinate system setting.
The system restarts after either of the manual coordinate system setting completion signal or the error end signal has been turned ON.
T01 In manual measurement 0143
Automatic start is disabled because manual measurement is in execution.
- Execute automatic start after the manual measurement is completed.
T01 Cycle start prohibit 0180
Automatic start became disabled while servo auto turning is enabled.
- Set "#1164 ATS" to "0" when the servo auto turning is not executed.
T01 Cycle start prohibit 0190
Automatic start is not possible because the setting of setup parameters is enabled.
- Refer to the manual issued by the machine tool builder.
T01 Cycle start prohibit 0191
Automatic start was attempted while a file was being deleted/written.
- Wait for the file to be deleted/written and then execute the automatic start.
T01 Cycle st. prohibit (Term exp'd) 0193
Automatic start is not possible because the valid term has been expired.
- Enter the decryption code and turn the power ON again.
T02 H/W stroke end axis exists 0201
An axis is at the stroke end.
- Manually move the axis away from the stroke end limit switch.
- Correct the machining program.
T02 S/W stroke end axis exists 0202
An axis is at the stored stroke limit.
- Manually move the axis.
- Correct the machining program.
I - 12
I Alarms
Stop Codes (T)
T02 Reset signal ON 0203
The reset has been entered.
- The program execution position has returned to the start of the program. Execute automatic operation from the start of the machining program.
T02 Auto operation pause signal ON 0204
The "feed hold" switch is ON.
- Press the CYCLE START switch to resume the automatic operation.
T02 Operation mode changed 0205
The operation mode has changed to another mode during automatic operation.
- Return to the original automatic operation mode, and press the CYCLE START switch to resume the automatic operation.
T02 Acc/dec time cnst too large 0206
The acceleration and deceleration time constants are too la rge. (This alarm occurs with th e system alarm Z59.)
- Set a larger value for "#1206 G1bF(Maximum speed)".
- Set a smaller value for "#1207 G1btL(Time constant)".
- Set a lower cutting speed.
T02 Abs posn detect alarm occurred 0215
An absolute position detection alarm occurred.
- Clear the absolute position detection alarm.
T02 Aux axis changeover error 0220
A travel command was issued to an auxiliary axis.
- Turn ON the "NC axis control selection" signal and press the CYCLE START switc h to re­start the automatic operation with.
T03 Single block stop signal ON 0301
The SINGLE BLOCK switch on the machine operation panel is ON. The SINGLE BLOCK or MACHINE LOCK switch changed.
- Press the CYCLE START switch to resume the automatic operation.
T03 Block stop cmnd in user macro 0302
A block stop command was issued in the user macro program.
- Press the CYCLE START switch to resume the automatic operation.
T03 Operation mode changed 0303
Automatic mode changed to another automatic mode.
- Return to the original automatic operation mode, and press the CYCLE START switch to resume the automatic operation.
T03 MDI completed 0304
MDI operation has ended the last block.
- Set the MDI operation again, and press the CYCLE START switch to start the MDl operation.
T03 Block start interlock 0305
The interlock signal, which locks the block start, is ON.
- Correct the sequence program.
T03 Cutting blck start interlock 0306
The interlock signal, which locks the block cutting start, is ON.
- Correct the sequence program.
T03 Inclined Z offset change 0310
The "inclined axis control: No Z axis com pensation" signa l has tur ned O N or OFF during th e program operation.
- Press the CYCLE START switch to resume the automatic operation.
T03 Aux axis changeover error 0330
The "NC axis control selection" signal was turned OFF while a NC axis was traveling.
- Turn the "NC axis control selection" signal ON and press the CYCLE STAR T switch to re­sume the automatic operation.
T04 Collation stop 0401
Collation stop occurred.
- Execute the automatic start to resume the automatic operation.
I - 13
I Alarms
Stop Codes (T)
T10 Fin wait 0200
Waiting for completion of G11 G11 was issued while an axis was moving.
Resume the operation after G11 has been completed.
T10 Fin wait 0ooo
The following Nos. are shown during the operation of the corres pon ding com pletion wait fac­tor. The numbers will disappear when the operation is completed. The completion wait factor is indicated with four digits (in hexadecimal). Display format of completion wait factor 0__ __ __ (a)(b)(c) Each of the hexadecimal numbers (a), (b) and (c) indicates the following details. (a) bit0: In dwell execution bit3: Unclamp signal wait (Note 1) (b) bit0: Waiting for spindle position to be looped bit3: Door open (Note 2) (c) bit0: Waiting for MSTB completion bit1: Waiting for rapid traverse deceleration bit2: Waiting for cutting speed deceleration bit3: Waiting for spindle orientation to com (Note 1) This shows the wait state for the unclamp signal's ON/OFF for the index table index-
(Note 2) This shows the door open state caused by the door interlock function.
T11 Fin wait 0010
Operation alarm display being postponed
The parameter "#1342 AlmDly" may be able to postpone disp laying a part of an operation
alarm, depending on the setting. This stop code will remain displayed while any alarm is being postponed. And it will disappear if the postponed alarm is displayed or canceled.
I - 14
I Alarms
Servo/Spindle Alarms (S)

3. Servo/Spindle Alarms (S)

3.1 Servo Errors (S01/S03/S04)

Drive unit alarms
S01 Insufficient voltage : PR 0010 (Axis name)
A drop of bus voltage was detected in main circuit.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 Software processing error 1 : PR 0013 (Axis name)
An error was detected for the software execution state.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 Init mag pole pos detect err : PR 0016 (Axis name)
In the built-in motor which uses the absolute position detector, the servo ON has been set be­fore the magnetic pole shift amount is set. The magnetic pole position, detected in th e in iti al magn etic po le p os ition detection control, is not correctly set.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 A/D converter error : PR 0017 (Axis name)
A current feedback error was detected.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 Motor side dtc: Init commu err : PR 0018 (Axis name)
An error was detected in the initial communication with the motor side detector.
- Servo stop method: Initial error
- Spindle stop method: Initial error
S01 Detector commu err in syn cont : PR 0019 (Axis name)
An error of the shared detector on the machine si de was detected on the secondary a xis of the speed command synchronization control.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
S01 Machine side dtc: Init comu er : PR 001A (Axis name)
An error was detected in the initial communication with the machine side detector.
- Servo stop method: Initial error
- Spindle stop method: Initial error
S01 Machine side dtc: Error 1 : PR 001B (Axis name)
An error was detected by the detector connected to the machine side. The error details are different according to the detector type.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop [Detector alarm (Servo drive unit)]
- OSA105, OSA105-ET2, OSA166, OSA166-ET2(MITSUBISHI) Memory alarm
- OSA18() CPU alarm
- MDS-B-HR() Memory error
- AT343, AT543, AT545(Mitsutoyo) Initialization error
- LC193M, LC493M, RCN223M, RCN227M, RCN727M, RCN827M, EIB Serie s(HEIDEN­HAIN) Initialization error
- MPRZ Series(MHI) Installation accuracy fault
- SR75, SR85, SR77, SR87, RU77(SONY) Laser diode error [Detector alarm (Spindle drive unit)]
- TS5690, TS5691(MITSUBISHI) Memory error
- MDS-B-HR() Initialization error
- OSA18() CPU error
- EIB Series(HEIDENHAIN) I nitialization error
- MPCI scale(MHI) Installation accuracy fault (Note) A driver processes all reset types of alarms as "PR". However, "AR" will be applied ac­cording to the detector.
S01 Machine side dtc: Error 2 : PR 001C (Axis name)
An error was detected by the detector connected to the machine side. The error details are different according to the detector type.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop [Detector alarm (Servo drive unit)]
- OSA105, OSA105-ET2, OSA166, OSA166-ET2(MITSUBISHI) LED alarm
- AT343, AT543, AT545(Mitsutoyo) EEPROM error
- LC193M, LC493M, RCN223M, RCN227M, RCN727M, RCN827M, EIB Serie s(HEIDEN­HAIN) EEPROM error
- SR75, SR85, SR77, SR87, RU77(SONY) System memory error [Detector alarm (Spindle drive unit)]
- TS5690, TS5691(MITSUBISHI) Waveform error
- EIB Series(HEIDENHAIN) EEPROM error (Note) A driver processes all reset types of alarms as "PR". However, "AR" will be applied ac­cording to the detector.
I - 15
I Alarms
Servo/Spindle Alarms (S)
S01 Machine side dtc: Error 3 : PR 001D (Axis name)
An error was detected by the detector connected to the machine side. The error details are different according to the detector type.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop [Detector alarm (Servo drive unit)]
- OSA105, OSA105-ET2, OSA166, OSA166-ET2(MITSUBISHI) Data alarm
- OSA18() Data alarm
- MDS-B-HR() Data error
- AT343, AT543, AT545(Mitsutoyo) Photoelectric type, static capacity type data mismatch
- LC193M, LC493M, RCN223M, RCN227M, RCN727M, RCN827M, EIB Serie s(HEIDEN­HAIN) Relative/ absolute position data mismatch
- MPRZ Series(MHI) Detection position deviance
- SR75, SR85, SR77, SR87, RU77(SONY) Encoder mismatch error [Detector alarm (Spindle drive unit)]
- MDS-B-HR() Data error
- OSA18() Data error
- MPCI scale(MHI) Detection position deviance (Note) A driver processes all reset types of alarms as "PR". However, "AR" will be applied ac­cording to the detector.
S01 Machine side dtc: Error 4 : PR 001E (Axis name)
An error was detected by the detector connected to the machine side. The error details are different according to the detector type.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop [Detector alarm (Servo drive unit)]
- AT343, AT543, AT545(Mitsutoyo) ROM/RAM error
- LC193M, LC493M, RCN223M, RCN227M, RCN727M, RCN827M, EIB Serie s(HEIDEN­HAIN) ROM/RAM error
- MPRZ Series(MHI) Scale breaking [Detector alarm (Spindle drive unit)]
- MPCI scale(MHI) Scale breaking (Note) A driver processes all reset types of alarms as "PR". However, "AR" will be applied ac­cording to the detector.
S01 Machine side dtc: Commu error : PR 001F (Axis name)
An error was detected in the communication with the machine side detector.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 Machine side dtc: No signal : PR 0021 (Axis name)
In the machine side detector, ABZ-phase feedba ck ca nnot be r etu rned ev en when t he mo tor moves.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 Grounding : PR 0024 (Axis name)
The motor power cable is in contact with FG (Frame Ground).
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 Unused axis error : PR 0026 (Axis name)
In the multi-axis drive unit, there is an a xis set to free, and the other axis detected a power module error.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 Machine side dtc: Error 5 : PR 0027 (Axis name)
An error was detected by the detector connected to the machine side. The error details are different according to the detector type.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop [Detector alarm (Servo drive unit)]
- MDS-B-HR() Scale not connected
- AT343, AT543, AT545(Mitsutoyo) CPU error
- LC193M, LC493M, RCN223M, RCN227M, RCN727M, RCN827M, EIB Serie s(HEIDEN­HAIN) CPU error
- MPRZ Series(MHI) Absolute value detection fault [Detector alarm (Spindle drive unit)]
- MDS-B-HR() Connection error
- EIB Series(HEIDENHAIN) CPU error (Note) A driver processes all reset types of alarms as "PR". However, "AR" will be applied ac­cording to the detector.
I - 16
I Alarms
Servo/Spindle Alarms (S)
S01 Machine side dtc: Error 6 : PR 0028 (Axis name)
An error was detected by the detector connected to the machine side. The error details are different according to the detector type.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop [Detector alarm (Servo drive unit)]
- AT343, AT543, AT545(Mitsutoyo) Photoelectric type overspeed
- LC193M, LC493M, RCN223M, RCN227M, RCN727M, RCN827M, EIB Serie s(HEIDEN­HAIN) Overspeed
- SR75, SR85, SR77, SR87, RU77(SONY) Over speed [Detector alarm (Spindle drive unit)]
- TS5690, TS5691(MITSUBISHI) Overspeed
- EIB Series(HEIDENHAIN) Overspeed (Note) A driver processes all reset types of alarms as "PR". However, "AR" will be applied ac­cording to the detector.
S01 Machine side dtc: Error 7 : PR 0029 (Axis name)
An error was detected by the detector connected to the machine side. The error details are different according to the detector type.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop [Detector alarm (Servo drive unit)]
- AT343, AT543, AT545(Mitsutoyo) Static capacity type error
- LC193M, LC493M, RCN223M, RCN227M, RCN727M, RCN827M, EIB Serie s(HEIDEN­HAIN) Absolute position data error
- MPRZ Series(MHI) Gain fault
- SR75, SR85, SR77, SR87, RU77(SONY) Absolute position data error [Detector alarm (Spindle drive unit)]
- MPCI scale(MHI) Gain fault (Note) A driver processes all reset types of alarms as "PR". However, "AR" will be applied ac­cording to the detector.
S01 Machine side dtc: Error 8 : PR 002A (Axis name)
An error was detected by the detector connected to the machine side. The error details are different according to the detector type.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop [Detector alarm (Servo drive unit)]
- AT343, AT543, AT545(Mitsutoyo) Photoelectric type error
- LC193M, LC493M, RCN223M, RCN227M, RCN727M, RCN827M, EIB Serie s(HEIDEN­HAIN) Relative position data error
- MPRZ Series(MHI) Phase fault
- SR75, SR85, SR77, SR87, RU77(SONY) Relative position data error [Detector alarm (Spindle drive unit)]
- TS5690, TS5691(MITSUBISHI) Relative position data error
- EIB Series(HEIDENHAIN) Relative position data error
- MPCI scale(MHI) Phase fault (Note) A driver processes all reset types of alarms as "PR". However, "AR" will be applied ac­cording to the detector.
S01 Motor side dtc: Error 1 : PR 002B (Axis name)
An error was detected by the detector connected to the motor side. The error details are different according to the detector type.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop [Detector alarm (Servo drive unit)]
- OSA105, OSA105-ET2, OSA166, OSA166-ET2(MITSUBISHI) Memory alarm
- OSA18() CPU alarm
- MDS-B-HR() Memory error
- AT343, AT543, AT545(Mitsutoyo) Initialization error
- LC193M, LC493M, RCN223M, RCN227M, RCN727M, RCN827M, EIB Serie s(HEIDEN­HAIN) Initialization error
- MPRZ Series(MHI) Installation accuracy fault
- SR75, SR85, SR77, SR87, RU77(SONY) Laser diode error [Detector alarm (Spindle drive unit)]
- TS5690, TS5691(MITSUBISHI) Memory error
- MDS-B-HR() Initialization error
- OSA18() CPU error
- EIB Series(HEIDENHAIN) I nitialization error
- MPCI scale(MHI) Installation accuracy fault (Note) A driver processes all reset types of alarms as "PR". However, "AR" will be applied ac­cording to the detector.
S01 Motor side dtc: Error 2 : PR 002C (Axis name)
An error was detected by the detector connected to the motor side. The error details are different according to the detector type.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop [Detector alarm (Servo drive unit)]
- OSA105, OSA105-ET2, OSA166, OSA166-ET2(MITSUBISHI) LED alarm
- AT343, AT543, AT545(Mitsutoyo) EEPROM error
- LC193M, LC493M, RCN223M, RCN227M, RCN727M, RCN827M, EIB Serie s(HEIDEN­HAIN) EEPROM error
- SR75, SR85, SR77, SR87, RU77(SONY) System memory error [Detector alarm (Spindle drive unit)]
- TS5690, TS5691(MITSUBISHI) Waveform error
- EIB Series(HEIDENHAIN) EEPROM error (Note) A driver processes all reset types of alarms as "PR". However, "AR" will be applied ac­cording to the detector.
I - 17
I Alarms
Servo/Spindle Alarms (S)
S01 Motor side dtc: Error 3 : PR 002D (Axis name)
An error was detected by the detector connected to the motor side. The error details are different according to the detector type.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop [Detector alarm (Servo drive unit)]
- OSA105, OSA105-ET2, OSA166, OSA166-ET2(MITSUBISHI) Data alarm
- OSA18() Data alarm
- MDS-B-HR() Data error
- AT343, AT543, AT545(Mitsutoyo) Photoelectric type, static capacity type data mismatch
- LC193M, LC493M, RCN223M, RCN227M, RCN727M, RCN827M, EIB Serie s(HEIDEN­HAIN) Relative/ absolute position data mismatch
- MPRZ Series(MHI) Detection position deviance
- SR75, SR85, SR77, SR87, RU77(SONY) Encoder mismatch error [Detector alarm (Spindle drive unit)]
- MDS-B-HR() Data error
- OSA18() Data error
- MPCI scale(MHI) Detection position deviance (Note) A driver processes all reset types of alarms as "PR". However, "AR" will be applied ac­cording to the detector.
S01 Motor side dtc: Error 4 : PR 002E (Axis name)
An error was detected by the detector connected to the motor side. The error details are different according to the detector type.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop [Detector alarm (Servo drive unit)]
- AT343, AT543, AT545(Mitsutoyo) ROM/RAM error
- LC193M, LC493M, RCN223M, RCN227M, RCN727M, RCN827M, EIB Serie s(HEIDEN­HAIN) ROM/RAM error
- MPRZ Series(MHI) Scale breaking [Detector alarm (Spindle drive unit)]
- MPCI scale(MHI) Scale breaking (Note) A driver processes all reset types of alarms as "PR". However, "AR" will be applied ac­cording to the detector.
S01 Motor side dtc: Commu error : PR 002F (Axis name)
An error was detected in the communication with the motor side detector.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 Over regeneration : PR 0030 (Axis name)
Over-regeneration level exceeded 100%. The regenerative resistor is overloaded.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 Overspeed : PR 0031 (Axis name)
The motor speed exceeded the allowable speed.
- Servo stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
- Spindle stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
S01 Power module overcurrent : PR 0032 (Axis name)
The power module detected the overcurrent.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 Overvoltage : PR 0033 (Axis name)
The bus voltage in main circuit exceeded the allowable value.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 NC-DRV commu: CRC error : PR 0034 (Axis name)
The data received from the NC was outside the setting range.
- Servo stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
- Spindle stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
S01 NC command error : PR 0035 (Axis name)
The travel command data received from the NC was excessive.
- Servo stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
- Spindle stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
S01 NC-DRV commu: Commu error : PR 0036 (Axis name)
The communication with the NC was interrupted.
- Servo stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
- Spindle stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
I - 18
I Alarms
Servo/Spindle Alarms (S)
S01 Initial parameter error : PR 0037 (Axis name)
An incorrect set value was detected among the para meters send from the NC at the power ON. In the safety observation function, an erro r was detected in the rel ation between the safety speed and safety rotation number in the speed observation mode.
- Servo stop method: Initial error
- Spindle stop method: Initial error
S01 NC-DRV commu: Protocol error 1 : PR 0038 (Axis name)
An error was detected in the communication frames received from the NC. Or, removing an axis or changing an axis was performed in the synchronous control.
- Servo stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
- Spindle stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
S01 NC-DRV commu: Protocol error 2 : PR 0039 (Axis name)
An error was detected in the axis data received from the NC. Or, in changing an axis, the parameter setting of the synchronous control was appli ed when the axis was installed.
- Servo stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
- Spindle stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
S01 Overcurrent : PR 003A (Axis name)
Excessive motor drive current was detected.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 Power module overheat : PR 003B (Axis name)
The power module detected an overheat.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 Regeneration circuit error : PR 003C (Axis name)
An error was detected in the regenerative transistor or in the regenerative resistor.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
S01 Pw sply volt err acc/dec : PR 003D (Axis name)
A motor control error during acceleration/deceleration, due to a power voltage failure, was de­tected.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
S01 Feedback error 3 : PR 0041 (Axis name)
Either a missed feedback pulse in the motor side detector or an error in the Z-phase was de­tected in the full closed loop system.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 Feedback error 1 : PR 0042 (Axis name)
Either a missed feedback pulse in the position detection or an error in the Z-phase was detect­ed. Or the distance-coded reference check error exceeded the allowable value when the dis­tance-coded reference scale was used.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 Feedback error 2 : PR 0043 (Axis name)
An excessive difference in feedback was detected between the machine side detector and the motor side detector.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 Fan stop : PR 0045 (Axis name)
An overheat of the power module was detected during the cooling fan stopping.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 Motor side dtc: Error 5 : PR 0048 (Axis name)
An error was detected by the detector connected to the main side. The error details are different according to the connected detector.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop [Detector alarm (Servo drive unit)]
- MDS-B-HR() Scale not connected
- AT343, AT543, AT545(Mitsutoyo) CPU error
- LC193M, LC493M, RCN223M, RCN227M, RCN727M, RCN827M, EIB Serie s(HEIDEN­HAIN) CPU error
- MPRZ Series(MHI) Absolute value detection fault [Detector alarm (Spindle drive unit)]
- MDS-B-HR() Connection error
- EIB Series(HEIDENHAIN) CPU error (Note) A driver processes all reset types of alarms as "PR". However, "AR" will be applied ac­cording to the detector.
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I Alarms
Servo/Spindle Alarms (S)
S01 Motor side dtc: Error 6 : PR 0049 (Axis name)
An error was detected by the detector connected to the main side. The error details are different according to the connected detector.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop [Detector alarm (Servo drive unit)]
- AT343, AT543, AT545(Mitsutoyo) Photoelectric type overspeed
- LC193M, LC493M, RCN223M, RCN227M, RCN727M, RCN827M, EIB Serie s(HEIDEN­HAIN) Overspeed
- SR75, SR85, SR77, SR87, RU77(SONY) Over speed [Detector alarm (Spindle drive unit)]
- TS5690, TS5691(MITSUBISHI) Overspeed
- EIB Series(HEIDENHAIN) Overspeed (Note) A driver processes all reset types of alarms as "PR". However, "AR" will be applied ac­cording to the detector.
S01 Motor side dtc: Error 7 : PR 004A (Axis name)
An error was detected by the detector connected to the main side. The error details are different according to the connected detector.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop [Detector alarm (Servo drive unit)]
- AT343, AT543, AT545(Mitsutoyo) Static capacity type error
- LC193M, LC493M, RCN223M, RCN227M, RCN727M, RCN827M, EIB Serie s(HEIDEN­HAIN) Absolute position data error
- MPRZ Series(MHI) Gain fault
- SR75, SR85, SR77, SR87, RU77(SONY) Absolute position data error [Detector alarm (Spindle drive unit)]
- MPCI scale(MHI) Gain fault (Note) A driver processes all reset types of alarms as "PR". However, "AR" will be applied ac­cording to the detector.
S01 Motor side dtc: Error 8 : PR 004B (Axis name)
An error was detected by the detector connected to the main side. The error details are different according to the connected detector.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop [Detector alarm (Servo drive unit)]
- AT343, AT543, AT545(Mitsutoyo) Photoelectric type error
- LC193M, LC493M, RCN223M, RCN227M, RCN727M, RCN827M, EIB Serie s(HEIDEN­HAIN) Relative position data error
- MPRZ Series(MHI) Phase fault
- SR75, SR85, SR77, SR87, RU77(SONY) Relative position data error [Detector alarm (Spindle drive unit)]
- TS5690, TS5691(MITSUBISHI) Relative position data error
- EIB Series(HEIDENHAIN) Relative position data error
- MPCI scale(MHI) Phase fault (Note) A driver processes all reset types of alarms as "PR". However, "AR" will be applied ac­cording to the detector.
S01 Sfty obsrvation: Cmd spd err : PR 005B (Axis name)
A commanded speed exceeding the safe speed was detected in the safety observation mode.
- Servo stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
- Spindle stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
S01 Sfty obsrvation: Door stat err : PR 005D (Axis name)
The door state signal input in the NC does not coincide with the door state signal in put in the drive unit in the safety observation mode. Otherwise, door open state was detected in normal mode.
- Servo stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
- Spindle stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
S01 Sfty obsrvation: FB speed err : PR 005E (Axis name)
A motor speed exceeding the safe speed was detected in the safety observation mode.
- Servo stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
- Spindle stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
S01 Drive unit communication error : PR 0087 (Axis name)
The communication frame between drive units was aborted.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 Drivers commu data error 1 : PR 008A (Axis name)
The communication data 1 between drivers exceeded th e toler able va lue in th e commu nica­tion between drive units.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S01 Drivers commu data error 2 : PR 008B (Axis name)
The communication data 2 between drivers exceeded th e toler able va lue in th e commu nica­tion between drive units.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
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I Alarms
Servo/Spindle Alarms (S)
S03 Excessive speed error : NR 0023 (Axis name)
The state that there is a difference between the actual speed and command speed continued for longer than the excessive speed deviation timer setting.
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S03 Motor overheat : NR 0046 (Axis name)
Either the motor or the motor side detector detected an overheat. Or, the thermistor signal receiving circuit of the linear motor or DD motor was disconnected. Or, the thermistor signal receiving circuit was short-circuited.
- Servo stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
- Spindle stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
S03 Current err mag pole estim : NR 004C (Axis name)
Current detection failed at the initial magnetic pole estimation.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S03 NC command mode error : NR 004E (Axis name)
An error was detected in the control mode send from the NC.
- Servo stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
- Spindle stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
S03 Instantaneous power interrupt : NR 004F (Axis name)
The control power supply has been shut down for 50ms or more.
- Servo stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
- Spindle stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
S03 Overload 1 : NR 0050 (Axis name)
Overload detection level became 100% or more. The motor or the drive unit is overloaded.
- Servo stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
- Spindle stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
S03 Overload 2 : NR 0051 (Axis name)
In a servo system, current command of 95% or more of the unit’s max. current was given con­tinuously for 1 second or longer. In a spindle system, current command of 95% or more of the motor’s max. current was given continuously for 1 second or longer.
- Servo stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
- Spindle stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
S03 Excessive error 1 : NR 0052 (Axis name)
A position tracking error during servo ON was excessive.
- Servo stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
- Spindle stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
S03 Excessive error 2 : NR 0053 (Axis name)
A position tracking error during servo OFF was excessive.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
S03 Excessive error 3 : NR 0054 (Axis name)
There was no motor current feedback when the alarm "Excessive error 1" was detected.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S03 Commanded speed error : NR 0056 (Axis name)
In the C-axis control mode, excessive speed error was detected.
- Spindle stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
S03 Collision detection 1: G0 : NR 0058 (Axis name)
A disturbance torque exceeded the allowable value in rapid traverse modal (G0).
- Servo stop method: Maximum capacity deceleration stop
S03 Collision detection 1: G1 : NR 0059 (Axis name)
A disturbance torque exceeded the allowable value in the cutting feed modal (G1).
- Servo stop method: Maximum capacity deceleration stop
S03 Collision detection 2 : NR 005A (Axis name)
A current command with the maximum drive unit current value was detected.
- Servo stop method: Maximum capacity deceleration stop
S03 External contactor error : NR 005F (Axis name)
A contact of the external contactor is welding.
- Servo stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
- Spindle stop method: Deceleration stop enabled
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I Alarms
Servo/Spindle Alarms (S)
S04 Axis selection error : AR 0011 (Axis name)
The axis selection rotary switch has been incorrectly set.
- Servo stop method: Initial error
- Spindle stop method: Initial error
S04 Memory error 1 : AR 0012 (Axis name)
A hardware error was detected during the power ON self-check.
- Servo stop method: Initial error
- Spindle stop method: Initial error
S04 Detector data error : AR 0022 (Axis name)
An error was detected in the feedback data from the position detector.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
S04 Absolute position data lost : AR 0025 (Axis name)
The absolute position data was lost in the detector.
- Servo stop method: Initial error
S04 Magnet pole pos detect err : AR 003E (Axis name)
The magnetic pole position, detected in the magnetic pole position detection control, is not cor­rectly detected.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
S04 Motor side dtc: cable err : AR 0080 (Axis name)
The cable type of the motor side detector cable is for rectangular wave signal.
- Servo stop method: Initial error
S04 Machine side dtc: cable err : AR 0081 (Axis name)
The cable type of the machine s ide detector cab le does not c oincide with th e detector type which is set by the parameter.
- Servo stop method: Initial error
S04 Watchdog : AR 0088 (Axis name)
The drive unit does not operate correctly.
- Servo stop method: Dynamic stop
- Spindle stop method: Coast to a stop
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I Alarms
Servo/Spindle Alarms (S)
Power supply alarms
S01 Pw sply: Pwr module overcurnt : PR 0061 (Axis name)
Overcurrent protection function in the power module has started its operation.
- LED display: 1
S01 Pw sply: Frequency error : PR 0062 (Axis name)
The input power supply frequency increased above the specification range.
- LED display: 2
S01 Process error : PR 0066 (Axis name)
An error occurred in the process cycle.
- LED display: 6
S01 Pw sply: Phase interruption : PR 0067 (Axis name)
An open-phase condition was detected in input power supply circuit.
- LED display: 7
S01 Pw sply: Grounding : PR 0069 (Axis name)
The motor power cable is in contact with FG (Frame Ground).
- LED display: 9
S01 Pw sply: Ext contactor weld : PR 006A (Axis name)
A contact of the external contactor is welding.
- LED display: A
S01 Pw sply: Rush relay welding : PR 006B (Axis name)
An error was detected in the rush circuit.
- LED display: b
S01 Pw sply: Main circuit error : PR 006C (Axis name)
An error was detected in charging operation of the main circuit capacitor.
- LED display: C
S01 Pw sply: Parameter error : PR 006D (Axis name)
An error was detected in the parameter sent from the drive unit.
- LED display: d
S01 Pw sply: External EMG stop err : PR 0070 (Axis name)
A mismatch of the external emergency stop input and NC emergency stop input continued for 30 seconds.
- LED display: G
S01 Pw sply: Fan stop : PR 0072 (Axis name)
A cooling fan built in the power supply unit stopped, and overheat occurred in the power mod­ule.
- LED display: I
S01 Pw sply: Power module overheat : PR 0077 (Axis name)
Thermal protection function in the power module has started its operation.
- LED display: n
S03 Pw sply: Instant pwr interrupt : NR 0071 (Axis name)
The power was momentarily interrupted.
- LED display: H
S03 Pw sply: Over regeneration : NR 0073 (Axis name)
Over-regeneration detection level became over 100%. The regenerative resistor is overload­ed. This alarm cannot be reset for 15 min from the occurrence to protect the regeneration re­sistor. Leave the drive system energized for more than 15 min, then turn th e power ON to reset the alarm.
- LED display: J
S03 Pw sply: Overvoltage : NR 0075 (Axis name)
L+ and L- bus voltage in main circuit exceeded t he allow able value. As the voltage b etween L+ and L- is high immediately after thi s ala rm, another alarm may o ccur i f this alarm i s rese t in a short time. Wait more than 5 min before resetting so that the voltage drops.
- LED display: L
S04 Pw sply: Watchdog : AR 0068 (Axis name)
The system does not operate correctly.
- LED display: 8
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I Alarms
Servo/Spindle Alarms (S)
S04 Pw sply: Memory error : AR 006E (Axis name)
An error was detected in the internal memory. An error was detected in the A/D converter. An error was detected in the unit identification.
- LED display: E
S04 Power supply error : AR 006F (Axis name)
No power supply is connected to the drive unit, or a communication error was detected.
- LED display: F
S04 Pw sply: Ext EMG stop set err : AR 0076 (Axis name)
The rotary switch setting of external emergency stop is not correct, or a wrong external emer­gency stop signal is input.
- LED display: M
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