Mitsubishi Electronics VL-100U-AUS User Manual

Before use
Using the unit
Operating Instructions
SSaa ffeettyy pprree ccaa uuttiioonnss
22 WW hheenn uussiinngg tthh ee uunn iitt 33 NNaammeess oo ff pp aarrtt ss 33
OOppeerr aatt iioonn
MMaaii nnttee nnaannccee
TTrr oo uubb llee ss hhoooottiinngg
AAfftteerr --ssaa llee ss sseerr vvii cciinngg
SSppeecciiffiicc aattiioonnss
Do not install the unit yourself. (Safety and performance can not be guaranteed, in the case.)
Before using this Lossnay Ventilator, please read through these instructions. Keep these instructions in a safe place for future reference.
Essential Safety Precautions
• Before proceeding with operation, please be sure to read “Essential Safety Precautions” as it will tell you how to operate the product properly and safely.
• The displays have the following significance.
• The graphic symbols have the following significance.
This applies to mishandling or mis­operation of the product which may lead to a fatal or serious injury.
This applies to mishandling or mis­operation of the product, which will lead to an injury or damage to your home, household effects, etc.
Do NOT disassemble.
Do NOT touch.
Use is prohibited wherever water is present.
You must follow the instructions given.
Disconnect the power plug.
Supply Power line Power Air
Noise Weight
Model voltage frequency Notch
volume exchange
(V) (Hz) (W) (m3/hr)
efficiency (%)
(dB) (kg)
230 50
HI 27 100 68 41
LO 24 59 77 30
240 50
HI 29 104 68 42.5
LO 26 63 76 31.5
Safety Precautions
• Do not turn the Lossnay's switch ON or OFF if there is a flammable gas leak.
Sparks from electric contacts may cause explosions.
Open a window and ventilate the room.
• Do not attempt to disassemble or alter the unit.
Fire, electric shock or injury may result.
• Do not let the unit get wet.Fire, electric shock may result.
• Do not use the unit in a bathroom or other highly humid location.
Fire or electric shock may result.
• Use the unit at the rated voltage and within the control capacity range.
Failure to do so may result in fire or electric shock.
• Check there is no dust on the power plug. Insert the plug completely into the socket, making sure it is not loose. Failure to do so may result in fire or electric shock.
• Make sure the outside air intake opening is positioned so that it will not take in combustion gases or other exhaust. If intake air is not fresh, oxygen may become depleted in the
• This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical,sensory or mental capabilities,or lack of experience and knowledge,unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
• Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
• Be sure to remove the power plug from the wall outlet when performing maintenance. Do not insert or remove the power plug with wet hands.
Electric shock or injury may result.
• If you smell burning, or another malfunction occurs, turn the unit off and remove the power plug. Continuing operation may result in breakdown, electric shock or fire.
• Do not place combustion equipment in the direct path of the air from the unit.
Incomplete combustion may result in accidents.
• Do not use the unit in excessively hot areas, areas of oily smoke, or near open flames.
Fire may result.
• Do not let children hang from the unit.
This may cause the unit to fall.
•A fan rotates inside the unit during operation. Never stick anything inside the unit during operation.Injury may result.
• Never attach the unit to the ceiling.It can only be attached to a wall.
• If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.
Not having the cord replaced could result in electric shock.
• Attach parts securely after maintenance.Dropping parts could result in injury.
• Check that the unit and outdoor weather covers are attached securely.
Rainwater entering the unit could result in electric shock, fire or indoor items getting wet.
• Never remove the power plug by pulling on the cord. Always grasp the plug itself.
Failure to do so could result in electric shock or fire from a short-circuit.
• Be sure to remove the power plug from the wall outlet when not using the unit for an extended period.
Failure to do so could cause insulation deterioration, resulting in electric shock or fire from a short-circuit.
After-sales servicing
Contact your dealer for service of your Lossnay Ventilator.
Air volume and noise are measured under JIS (Japanese Industrial Standard) C 9603. Noise values may be higher than those listed depending on the structure of the room.
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