Mitsubishi V19-V21, WS-55859, WS-48511, WS-65511, WS-55909 Tehnical Manual

Projection Television Technical Training Manual
T 2002
WS-55859 WS-48511 WS-65511 WS-55909 WS-B55 WS-65611 WS-65909 WS-55511 WS-65711 WS-65869 WS-55711 WS-65712 WS-73909 WS-73711
Chapter 1 ... Introduction
Features ............................................................................................................ 1-1
External Inputs & Outputs .................................................................................... 1-4
Remote Control .................................................................................................. 1-6
LED Diagnostics ............................................................................................... 1-6
Chapter 2 ... NetCommand
NetCommandTM.................................................................................................. 2-1
IEEE-1394 Devices .................................................................................... 2-1
Remote Operational Mode ......................................................................... 2-1
Chapter 3 ... Disassembly & PCB Location
Rear Disassembly ............................................................................................. 3-1
Light Box Removal ..................................................................................... 3-1
Chassis Removal ............................................................................................... 3-2
Main Chassis PCB Location .............................................................................. 3-2
Main Parts Location ........................................................................................... 3-2
DM Module Main Parts Location ........................................................................ 3-3
Chapter 4 ... Adjustments
Activation Codes ............................................................................................... 4-1
Adjustment Mode ............................................................................................... 4-2
Function Nomenclature ............................................................................... 4-2
OSD Position Mode ........................................................................................... 4-2
Convergence Mode ........................................................................................... 4-2
HD Convergence With No Signal ................................................................ 4-3
Chapter 5 ... Power Supply
Overall Block Diagram ....................................................................................... 5-1
Standby Supplies Switch Mode Regulator .......................................................... 5-2
Switched Supplies Switch Mode Regulator ........................................................ 5-3
On/Off Circuitry ........................................................................................... 5-3
DM Power Supply .............................................................................................. 5-5
DC Supply Source Locations ............................................................................. 5-7
Chapter 6 ... Control Circuitry
Overall Block Diagram ....................................................................................... 6-1
Input Command Circuitry .................................................................................... 6-2
Serial Data Lines ............................................................................................... 6-3
DC Supplies ...................................................................................................... 6-4
Reset Circuitry ................................................................................................... 6-4
V-Chip Blocking Circuitry ................................................................................... 6-5
AC-OFF Circuitry ............................................................................................... 6-6
Additional Inputs and Outputs ............................................................................. 6-7
DM Module Control Circuitry .............................................................................. 6-7
Software Update Procedure ....................................................................... 6-9
DM Module Replacement ......................................................................... 6-10
Chapter 7 ... Video/Color Circuitry
Overall Block Diagram ....................................................................................... 7-1
NTSC Signa Selection ....................................................................................... 7-2
PCB-SIGNAL Video Color Signal Path .............................................................. 7-3
3DYC/Main Decoder Circuitry ............................................................................ 7-4
YCbCr Select Circuitry ....................................................................................... 7-5
VCJ Video/Color Signal Path............................................................................. 7-6
RGB CRT Drive & Protect Circuitry .................................................................... 7-8
Monitor Out Video/Color Signal Path .................................................................. 7-8
DM Module Video/Color Block Diagram .......................................................... 7-10
Chapter 8 ... Deflection and High Voltage
Sync Block Diagram .......................................................................................... 8-1
Sync Signal Path ................................................................................................ 8-2
Deflection and High Voltage ............................................................................... 8-3
HV 12 Volt Supply .............................................................................................. 8-4
HV Regulation .................................................................................................... 8-5
X-Ray Protect .................................................................................................... 8-5
Deflection Loss Detection .................................................................................. 8-6
Flash Protect Circuit........................................................................................... 8-7
Chapter 9 ... Sound Circuitry
Overall Block Diagram ....................................................................................... 9-1
Signal Path ........................................................................................................ 9-2
AC-3 Output ....................................................................................................... 9-3
Chapter 10 ... Convergence Circuitry
Overall Block Diagram ..................................................................................... 10-1
Waveform Generator and D/A Converter .......................................................... 10-2
LPF and Summing Amplifiers .......................................................................... 10-3
Convergence Output Circuitry ........................................................................... 10-4
Chapter 11 ...Troubleshooting Tips
Using the Front Panel LED ............................................................................... 11-1
DM Module Check ........................................................................................... 11-1
NetCommandTM Control Problems .................................................................... 11-1
CRT Phosphor Protection ................................................................................ 11-1
Chapter 1
WS-55859 WS-48511 WS-65511 WS-55909 WS-B55 WS-65611 WS-65909 WS-55511 WS-65711 WS-65869 WS-55711 WS-65712 WS-73909 WS-73711
The V19 and V21 are Mitsubishi’s high end Projection TV chassis for 2 years. Specific models for each chas­sis type are listed above. Both chassis types have fea­tures not available in previous models. These features include:
• Integrated ATV Tuner
• System 5 A/V Network
• NetCommandTM Home Theater Control
• IEEE 1394 Inputs/Outputs
• HAVi Compatibility
• 5C Copy Protection
• Record Timer for IEEE1394 D-VCR
Other features include:
• Five Picture Format modes
• Picture Format Memory by Input
• IR Repeater Outputs
• PIP-POP features (V19)
• PIP-POP and Multi PIP features (V21)
• Composite and S-Video Monitor Outputs
• Sub Picture Sound Outputs.
• Analog DTV, Component and VGA Inputs.
Differences between the V19 and V21 are software related:
• Streamlined NetCommand Setup Menus.
• Multiple PIP.
• Different Service Menu Access Codes.
In addition to cosmetic differences, the main difference between various models are optical improvements in the higher end models.
Terminology Defitition
ATV Advanced TV
AV Audio Video AV/C 1394 AV Control Format DCM Digital Control Module
FAV Full Audio Video
HAVi Home Audio Video Interoperability
(Digital AV Devices, 1394 compliant)
IEEE-1394 Digital Transmission System using cables
IR Infra-red
Legacy Devices AV System 5 Compatible Components
QAM Cable HDTV Signal
5C Copy Protection (mainly used in Cable)
Table 1-1: Definititions
Due to the new added features, some terminology and abbreviations used are new. Table 1-1 lists the defini- tions for some of the new terminology.
The Integrated ATV Tuner enables reception of HDTV signals without using an external Set Top Box. The ATV Tuner and its associated circuitry is also ca­pable of receiving Cable QAM digital signals, when not scrambled.
NetCommandTM simplifiies the control of Home The-
ater System devices. It controls compatible analog, digi­tal and HAVi components using only the TV layer of the Remote Control.
When the Remote Device button is pressed an on­screen display shows all devices in that Home Theater System. An example of a Device Select Display is shown below.
The user selects the device using the Direction but­tons, then presses Enter. Compatible devices are ac­tivated and corresponding input selections are automati­cally performed. The initial NetCommandTM setup pro­cedure is described in Chapter 2.
NetCommandTM controls Home Theater components by two methods:
1) Legacy Devices (System 5 compatible) are controlled through IR Blasters connected to the System 5 IR Output Jacks.
2) IEEE-1394 compatible components are controlled over cables connect to the 1394 Jacks.
Ant A
Ant A
IEEE-1394 is a system used to transmit digital data
streams over cable. The system may also be referred to as Firewire®. Basically it can be considered a pipe- line to transfer digital information from one unit to an- other.
Device Select Display
When used with consumer Audio Video products it transfers digital data streams for DTV and Digital Cable Boxes. This includes MPEG2 HDTV data streams.
When components are 1394 compatible, interconnec­tion of the units is simplified. Figure 1-1 illustrates how the 1394 system simplifies interconnection between the DTV and a D-VCR.
Figure 1-1A shows the connections between a DTV and D-VCR when components are not 1394 compat­ible. Six cables are required to transfer analog signals from one unit to the other. In addition, control of the VCR would be from an IR Blaster signal or directly from the D-VCR’s Remote.
Figure 1-1B shows a single 1394 cable connection be­tween a DTV and the D-VCR that are 1394 compliant. There are two types of 1394 Cables:
6 wire – two wires for data transfer, two wires for timing, and two wires for power.
4 wire – two for data transfer and two for timing.
tion between conductors. 1394 cables may be up to 40 feet in length.
Home Theater components that are not System 5 or 1394 compatible can usually be controlled through
the TV by one of two methods.
1) Using the corresponding Mitsubishi remote layer, Cable, VCR, DBS or DVD.
2) Using that components Remote Control and an IR Blaster connected to the IR Repeater Jacks.
5C Copy Protection
5C Copy Protection prevents copying restricted sig­nals. There are three levels of 5C Copy Protection:
1) Unlimited Recording allowed.
Figure 1-2 shows an IEEE-1394 4 wire cable, used in consumer Audio Video. It consists of two pairs of twisted wires. Each pair is separately shielded, and then the entire cable is shielded. This minimizes any interac-
2) One Recording allowed.
3) No Recordings allowed.
At present, only QAM (Digital Cable Signals) are coded with 5C Copy Protection. When the V19 detects a Copy Protected signal, that signal is not output at the Monitor Outputs of the TV.
Monitor Output Sources
There are only two sources that output signals at the Monitor Outputs, NTSC signals and signals from the ATV Tuner (when not Copy Protected).
Timer Recording
Mitsubishi's HS-HD2000U and HS-HD1100U, D­VCRs includes HDTV recording capability and HAVi. However it must be connected to an external ATV Re­ceiver with a IEEE-1394 interface, such as in the V19 chassis. Time Shift Recording allows recording from the V19’s ATV Tuner without turning the TV On, only the TV’s signal circuits are activated. The Time Shift Recording time can be pre-programmed so the user does not have to be present to activate the recording.
External Inputs & Outputs
Analog External Inputs and Outputs are located both on the rear and front of the TV. Figure 1-3 shows the External Analog Inputs and Outputs. The DTV Inputs
are still available even though a Set Top Box is not needed to receive HD broadcasts. In the V19 these inputs are mainly used to connect a Digital Broadcast Satellite (DBS) to the TV.
The IR Emitter Repeater outputs are for connecting IR Blasters to control AV devices that are not System 5 or 1394 compatible. Signals from other manufacturer’s remotes are amplified in the TV and output from the Repeater Jacks.
ANT-DTV Antenna or Cable Input (ATSC or QAM)
Three 1394 Jacks to connect external 1394 compatible devices
Two System 5 IR Emitter Jacks for IR Blasters controlling external System 5 devices.
Digital Audio Output AC-3® digital output for connection to an external device with an AC-3® Decoder.
Digital Analog Inputs & Outputs are located on the rear of the TV and are shown in Figure 1-4. These include:
Display Formats
Figure 1-5 illustrates the Display Formats possible in the V19. Pressing the “FORMAT button on the Re- mote Control changes the Display Format. Note that
all five Display Formats can only be accessed when the signal source is 480i. When the source is 480p, only Standard and Narrow can be activated, and when the source is 1080i only Standard is available.
PIP-POP V21 has multi-PIP capabilitys. Only 480i format signals can be selected for POP/PIP main and sub pictures. POP pictures can be viewed in either the Standard or Expand format.
The Format memory is by input. When a Display For­mat is selected for an Input, that format will be activated when that input is selected again.
POP/PIP Features
POP/PIP features are illustrated in Figure 1-6. They are similar to those in previous models. In addition to
In the Standard Format main POP pictures are sym­metrical and there are dark areas at the top and bottom of the picture. In the Expand Format, the main picture is compressed horizontally and stretched vertically, re­moving the black areas.
Remote Control
The Remote Hand Unit for the V19 appears the same as that in previous models, refer to Figure 1-7. How­ever there are two differences.
The "INPUT" button is changed to "DEVICE".
There are two operational modes, Standard
and NetCommandTM.
The Remote for the V21 is physically larger but has the same basic functions. See Figure 1-8.
The Remote Hand Unit comes in the Standard Mode so the TV can be controlled in the normal fashion. To use NetCommandTM, the Remote Hand Unit must be changed to the NetCommandTM mode. Changing the Remote operational mode is described in Chapter 2.
LED Diagnostics
The LED Diagnostic Mode, used in some previous models is carried over in the V19 and V21 with some additional features. This helps isolate the source of shut­down problems by counting how many times the front panel LED flashes. For details on this feature, refer to
Chaper 11.
AC-3® is a registered trademark of Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
FireWire® is a registered trademark of Apple Computers, Inc.
Figure 1-7: V19 Remote
Figure 1-8: V21 Remote
Chapter 2
The NetCommandTM feature in the V19 and V21 is an enhanced user simplified Home Theater Control Sys­tem. It provides graphic control of an entire Home The­ater System through the TV. It controls existing analog devices along with New Digital Home Theater devices.
NetCommandTM uses System 5 to control Home Theater components with IR Blasters, and also con­trols HAVi capable devices over 1394 cables.
When a TV is first installed, the Setup Wizard automati­cally displays a series of Initial Setup Screens to config­ure System 5. It allows entry of all devices connected to the TV. When the Initial Setup is complete, NetCommandTM is automatically activated. For specfic instructions on setup and use, refer to the Owner's Guide and NetCommand Guide.
IEEE-1394 Devices
The TV automatically detects when an IEEE-1394 de­vice is connected. The user will be asked to select a name for that device that will be displayed in the Device menu.
Remote Operational Mode
Before the NetCommandTM feature can be use, the Re­mote Hand Unit must be set to the NetCommand operational mode. To change to the NetCommand mode:
• Set the Remote to the TV Layer
• Point the Remote away from the TV
• While holding the "Power" button, press "9-3­5" in sequence.
Figure 2-12 illustrates how to change to the NetCommand
mode, or to the Standard mode.
NetCommand POWER 9-3-5
Standard POWER 0-0-0
Set the Remote to the TV Layer
Press and Hold
Figure 2-12: Change Remote Operation Mode
Press in Sequence
Chapter 3
Disassembly & PCB Locations
There are no radical changes in the disassembly of V19 models. Figure 3-1 shows the cabinet rear dis­assembly for V19 models. The Light Box is still re­movable as a unit, as shown in Figure 3-1. Of course all front panel PCBs and the speakers must be dis­connected before the Light Box can be removed.
Figure 3-1 shows one major change to the Light Box assembly, the addition of the Digital Module (DM) on the left side. The ability to remove the CRTs, main chassis and DM as a unit, facilitates servicing.
Only the Light Box is needed to troubleshoot most problems. So only the Light Box can to be taken to the shop, rather than the complete set.
Accessing The Main Chassis
The Main Chassis can still be accessed as is in previ­ous models.
1) Loosen wire ties on cables to the CRTs, front panel, speakers, etc.
2) Remove the three chassis mounting screws (a), shown in Figure 3-2.
3) Release the chassis locks on the front of the chassis, shown in Figure 3-3.
4) Slide the chassis out the rear of the cabinet. The DM Module is attached and will slide back with the chassis.
5) Tilt the chassis upward to access the bottom of the PCBs.
In some cases, Cable length will not allow the DM to slide back with the chassis. If this occurs:
1) Remove the three DM mounting screws (b), in Figure 3-2.
2) Slide the DM Module out the rear of the unit.
3) Then slide the chassis out the rear of the unit.
NOTE: The DM Module must be connected to the main chassis, or the TV will not switch On.
Main Chassis PCB Locations
Figure 3-3 shows the location of PCBs that com­prise the main chassis. The following PCBs are plug in and are considered replaceable components:
PCBs SIGNAL, POWER and MAIN are not con­sidered replaceable, an troubleshooting must be to component level.
Main Parts Location
For a reference, Figure 3-4 shows the location of the major components in the main chassis. Figure 3- 5 displays the component layout inside the DM.
Figure 3-5: DM Module Main Components
Chapter 4
Chassis Option Menu Adjustment Mode Convergence Mode OSD Position
VZ5 VZ6 VZ7 VZ8 VZ9 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20
1-3-7-0 2-3-5-7 2-3-5-9 <6><5><4> Adjust Mode
"" " "
1-2-7-0 1-2-5-7 1-2-5-9 <6><5><4> "
"" " " 0-1-7-0 0-1-5-7 0-1-5-9 <6><5><4> " 1-3-7-0 2-3-5-7 2-3-5-9 <6><5><4> " 1-2-7-0 1-2-5-7 1-2-5-9 <6><5><4> " 8-2-7-0 8-2-5-7 8-2-5-9 <6><5><4> " 0-1-7-0 0-1-5-7 0-1-5-9 <6><5><4> " 0-1-7-0 0-1-5-7 0-1-5-9 <6><5><4> 0-1-8-8 2-2-7-0 2-2-5-7 2-2-5-9 <6><5><4> Adjust Mode 2-2-7-0 2-2-5-7 2-2-5-9 <6><5><4> Adjust Mode 2-1-7-0 2-1-5-7 2-1-5-9 <6><5><4> 2-1-8-8
Table 4-1: Service Menu Access Codes
The individual Adjustment Procedures for the V19 and V21 are basically the same as in previous models, and are described in the Service Manual. Therefore, they don't require repeating here. There are some changes in the Adjustment Procedure process in the V19/V21 Chassis. The changes iclude:
Change in the "Mode Activation Codes".
Change in On-screen nomenclature of some
"Adjustment Functions".
New OSD Position Adjust Mode.
Change in the procedure to activate the
"Convergence HD Mode" with no signal.
The OSD Position Mode is new. In previous models, OSD position was set in the HR Function of the Adjustment Mode. The V19/V21 uses a separate mode, with its' own activation code to position the OSD.
Activation Codes
For a quick reference, Table 4-1 lists the codes for the V21 and previous chassis types.
Adjustment Mode
Outside of the activation code, the procedure for the "Adjustment Mode" is the basically same as in previous models. Figure 4-1 illus­trates the "Adjustment Mode" procedure.
One of the changes in the "Adjustment Mode" is the on screen nomenclature used for some of the "Adjustment Functions. The changes are shown in Table 4-2
In the Adjustment Mode VC Function, pressing "3" toggles the signal mode be­tween 480i, 480p, 1080i, DM and VGA. DM is an added signal format, but is only available for possible future use. When "3" is pressed, data changes are not automati­cally saved. Therefore, press "ENTER"
save data before pressing "3".
OSD Position Mode
The horizontal position of the OSD is set in this mode. The OSD Position must be set in both the SD (Stan­dard Definition), and HD formats. The procedure for setting OSD Position is given Figure 4-2.
Convergence Mode
Like the "Adjustment Mode" the only change in the "Convergence Mode" procedure is the activation code. Figure 4-3 graphically shows the general "Con­vergence Mode" procedure.
SD OSD Horizontal Position Procedure
1) Selec t an NTSC s ignal (A nt-A or A nt-B).
2) Press "M E NU-0-1-8-8" or "MENU-2-1-8-8"
3) Use the Adjust Buttons to adjust OSDSD data to c enter the On Screen Display.
4) Press "M ENU" to s ave data and exit the mode.
HD OSD Horizontal Position Procedure
1) Selec t an HD signal (DTV Inputs).
2) Press "M E NU-0-1-8-8" or "MENU-2-1-8-8"
3) Use the Adjust Buttons to adjust OSDHD data to center the On Screen Display.
4) Press "M ENU" to s ave data and exit the mode.
Previous Models V19/V21 Chassis
Video/Chroma VC
Jungle JNGL
Main Matrix MNTS
Sub Matrix SNTS
Audio AUD
Table 4-2: Adjustment Function Changes
One additional change is the procedure on how to acti­vate the HD Convergence Mode when no HD signal is available
Figure 4-2: OSD Position Adjustment Procedure
Note: In an Adjustment Mode, if the data changes too fast ... Change the Remote to the NetCommandTM mode. (Hold "Power" and press "9-3-5" in sequence).
Caution: When adjustments are complete, change back to the Standard Mode. (Hold "Power" and press "0-0-0" in sequence.
HD Convergence Mode With No Signal
Although HD Test Patterns are required to perform Centering and Static Convergence, it is possible to per­form Coarse and Fine Convergence Adjustments when no HD signal is available.
Note: To produce the internal crosshatch with a black background:
1) Turn off Video Mute.
2) Select a source with no signal.
3) Activate the Convergence Mode. With Video Mute On, only a blue raster is pro­duced.
The procedure for activating the HD Convergence Mode with no HD signal, is easier than that used in previous models. Merely select ANT-DTV as the signal source and then enter the Convergence Activation code. The Convergence Mode comes on in the HD mode. Fig- ure 4-4 graphically illustrates this procedure.
Refer to the Service Manual for specific adjustment pro­cedures.
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