Mitsubishi Electronics UD740U User Manual

Controlling the projector using a personal computer
This projector can be controlled by connecting a personal computer with RS-232C terminal.
PC-controllable functions:
Turning the power ON or OFFChanging input signalsInputting commands by pressing the buttons on the control panel and remote controlMenu setting
Connect the computer with the projector on a one-to-one basis.Make sure that your computer and projector are turned off before connection.Boot up the computer first, and then plug the power cord of the projector.
(If you do not follow this instruction, the Com port may not function.)
Adapters may be necessary depending on the PC connected to this projector. Contact your dealer for details.
1. Interface
1.1 Pin assignment of SERIAL terminal (D-SUB 9-pin)
Pin Description Pin Description
1 NC 2 RXD 3 TXD 4 NC 5 GND 6 NC 7 RTS 8 CTS 9 NC
1.2 Communications format
This projector uses RXD, TXD and GND lines for RS-232C control.
2. Control command configuration
The command consists of the address code, function code, data code, ACK/NAK, and end code. The length of the command varies among the functions.
Address code Function code Data code ACK/NAK End code ASCII ‘30h’ ‘30h’ Function Data ‘3Ah’ ‘4Eh’ ‘0Dh’ Character 00 Function Data :N
[Address code] Fixed to 00. (‘30h’ ‘30h’ in the ASCII code) [Function code] Code unique to each control operation. [Data code] Data (value) unique to each control operation (Not always indicated.) [ACK/NAK] Code indicating the NAK return as described below
Fixed to :N (‘3Ah’ ‘3Eh’ in the ASCII code. Not added to ACK.)
[End code] Fixed to . (‘0Dh’ in the ASCII code)
3. Control sequence
Computer Projector
Send the command from the personal
computer to the projector. The projector will send a return
command after it receives an end code.
The personal computer checks the command and confirms if the sent
command has been received or not. Use the check command to see if the
projector has executed the command.
Sequence Note
If the projector does not receive commands normally, that is, if the projector is not connected physically or unable to receive commands, it does not send out a return command. The projector sends out a return command within one second at the latest. When the received command cannot be executed, NAK is returned (as described below).
This projector sends various codes other than the return code. When having a control sequence by RS-232C, reject other codes from the personal computer.
NAK return
In the following cases, the projector returns the command with “:N” added.
(1) Though the command sent from the computer is received by the projector successfully, it cannot be
executed because the projector is in the operation prohibition state.
(2) The data length of the sent command is incorrect or the command is invalid.
When a command is sent out during the following operations, it may not be executed.
(1) During signal switching (2) In the process of the auto position (3) After the power is turned on.
The projector receives no commands for about 20 seconds (or for 2 minutes at the longest if the lamp does not light up promptly as the life is expiring). In this case, the projector returns the received command with NAK added.
The return command is sent out within 1 second at the latest.When sending commands successively, wait to receive the return command of the current command before
sending a next command.
The projector may not receive a command when the splash screen is being displayed immediately after turning
on the power. Use command “00r10” to cancel the splash screen.
While using the LAN terminals, the LAN functions take precedence.For the LAN terminals, the same commands as those for connecting with the TCP/IP (port number 63007) are
available. Note, however, that the response becomes slightly slower than when using the RS-232C terminals. For the use of LAN terminals, see page 10.
[Example 1] Turning ON the power. (Values enclosed in quotation marks are ASCII codes.):
Command sent from the PC
‘30’ ‘30’ ‘21’ ‘0D’ 00!
‘30’ ‘30’ ‘21’ ‘ 00!
Status code returned
from the projector
Command for POWER ON
Command receipt confirmation (Command echo back)
[Example 2] Selecting VIDEO as the input signal during auto positioning (Values enclosed in quotation marks are
ASCII codes.):
Command sent from the PC
‘30’ ‘30’ ‘5F’ ‘76’ ‘31’ 00_v1
‘30’ ‘30’ ‘5F’ ‘76’ ‘31’ ‘3A’ ‘4E’ 00_v1:N
Status code returned
from the projector
(During auto positioning) Command for selecting VIDEO as the input signal is sent out. The command is received by the projector but cannot be executed. (NAK return)
The flowchart on the next page shows the recommended operating sequence for your reference to create a
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