Safety precautions
• When installing the unit, be sure to check and satisfy the requirements in the selection of installation location, power supply specifica-
tions, usage limitation (piping length, height differences between indoor and outdoor units, power supply voltage and etc.) and installation spaces.
• Read the “SAFETY PRECAUTIONS” carefully first of all and strictly follow it during the installation work in order to protect yourself.
• The precautionary items mentioned below are distinguished into two levels, WARNING and CAUTION .
WARNING : Wrong installation would cause serious consequences such as injuries or death.
CAUTION : Wrong installation might cause serious consequences depending on circumstances.
Both mentions the important items to protect your health and safety so strictly follow them by any means.
• Be sure to confirm no anomaly on the equipment by commissioning after completed installation and explain the operating methods as well as the
maintenance methods of this equipment to the user according to the owner’s manual.
• Keep the installation manual together with owner’s manual at a place where any user can read at any time. Moreover if necessary, ask to hand
them to a new user.
• For installing qualified personnel, take precautions in respect to themselves by using suitable protective clothing, gloves, etc., and then perform
the installation works.
• Please pay attention not to fall down the tools, etc. when installing the unit at the high position.
• If unusual noise can be heard during operation, consult the dealer.
• The meanings of “Marks” used here are shown as follows:
Ne ve r do it un de r an y
Always do it according to
the instruction.
• Insta llation m ust be ca rried out by the qu alified i nstaller.
If you install th e sy stem by yourse lf, it m ay cause serious t rouble such as
water leaks, ele ctric sh ocks, fir e and personal i njury, a s a resu lt of a system
malfunct ion.
• Insta ll the sy stem in f ull accor dance with the inst ruction m anual.
Incorrec t installa tion may ca use bursts , personal injury, wat er leaks, e lectric
shocks a nd fire.
• Be su re to use only for househol d and resi dence.
If this appliance is installed in inferi or en vironment suc h as mach ine shop
and etc. , it can cause malfunction.
• Use the ori ginal accessories and the specified components for ins talla-
If parts o ther than t hose prescribed by u s are used, It may caus e water le aks,
electric shocks, fire and p ersonal i njury.
• Insta ll the un it in a l ocation w ith good s upport.
Unsuitab le installa tion locati ons can cause the unit to fall and cause mate rial
damage a nd personal injury.
• Venti late the working area well in t he event of refr igerant leakage d ur-
ing inst allation.
If the refrigerant comes into contact with na ked flames, poisonous gas is
produced .
• When i nstalling in small ro oms, take p revention measures n ot to excee d
the density limit of refrigerant in the event of leakage, referred by th e
formula (accordan ce with I SO5149).
If the densit y of refriger ant exc eeds th e limit , pleas e consu lt the dealer and
install the ventilation system, otherw ise lack of oxyge n can occur, which can
cause se rious acc ident.
• After c ompleted installatio n, check tha t n o refrigera nt leaks from t he
If refrigerant leaks into the roo m a nd comes int o contact with an oven or
other ho t surface , poisonous gas is produced.
• Tight en the fl are nut b y torque wrench wit h specifi ed method .
If the flare nut were tig htened with ex cess tor que, th is may cause burst and
refriger ant leaka ge after a long per iod.
• Do not ope n the operatio n valves for liquid line an d gas line u ntil com -
pleted r efrigeran t piping work, air tightness test and evacuati on.
If the c ompresso r is oper ated in state of opening operation valves before
complete d connec tion of refrige rant piping wor k, air can be sucked into refrigeran t circuit, whi ch can cause bus t or personal in jury due to anoma lously
high pre ssure in the refrigerant.
• Do not put the dr ainage pi pe directl y into dra inage chan nels where poi-
sonous g ases such as sulph ide gas ca n occur.
Poisonou s gases will fl ow into the roo m through dra inage pipe an d seriously
affect t he user’s health and safety.
• Ensur e that no air enters in the re frigerant circu it when the unit is in-
stalled and remove d.
If a ir en ters in th e ref rigerant circuit, the pressur e in the refr igerant circuit
becomes too high, which can cause bu rst and p ersonal i njury.
• Do not proces s, splice the power cord, or share a socket with other power
This ma y cause fire or electric shock d ue to d efecting contact, defecting insulation and over-current e tc.
• The electrical installation must be carr ied out by th e qu alified electri-
cian in accor dance with “t he norm for elect rical work” an d “ national
wiring regulation”, and the s ystem must b e conn ected to the dedic ated
Power supply w ith ins ufficient capacit y and incorrec t functi on done by im proper w ork can c ause electric shock s and fir e.
• Be su re to shu t off the power be fore start ing elect rical wor k.
Failure t o shut off the power can cause electric shocks, u nit failur e or incor rect fun ction of equipment.
• Be sure to use the ca bles conf ormed to saf ety standa rd and cable
ampacity for powe r distrib ution wor k.
Unconfor mable cables can cause elect ric leak, anomalous heat prod uction or
• This appliance mu st be connected to main power supply by means o f a
circuit br eaker or swit ch (fuse:20 A) with a conta ct separati on of at least
• Wh en pl uggi ng th is ap pli anc e, a p lug con form ing t o th e nor m
IEC60884 -1 must b e used.
• Use the prescribed cables for e lectrical connectio n, tighten the cab les
securely in terminal block a nd relieve the cab les correctly to p revent
overload ing the t erminal b locks.
Loose conn ections or c able mounti ngs can cause anomalous h eat product ion
or fire.
• Arran ge the wirin g in the cont rol box so that it canno t be pushed up
further into the box. Inst all the se rvice pan el correc tly.
Incorrec t install ation may result in overheat ing and f ire.
• Be su re to fix up the s ervice pa nels.
Incorrec t fixin g can cause electric shocks or f ire due to i ntrusion of dust or
• Be sure to switch off the power supply in the event of instal lation, inspe c-
tion or servicing .
If the powe r s upply is not s hut off, there is a risk of elec tric shocks, unit
failure or person al injury due to th e unexpec ted start of fan.
• Stop the compressor before disconnecting refrigerant p ipes in cas e of
pump dow n operati on.
If disconnecting refri gerant pipe s in state of openi ng operatio n valves befor e
compress or sto pping, air can be suc ked, which can ca use b urst o r pers onal
injury d ue to ano malously high press ure in th e refrige rant circ uit
• Only u se prescrib ed optional parts. The in stallatio n must be carr ied out
by the q ualified installer .
If you ins tall the sy stem by yourself, it ca n cause serious trouble such as
water le aks, electric shock s, fire.
• Do not bundle, wind or process for the power cord. Or, do not deform
the powe r plug du e to trea d it.
This may cause fi re or heating.
• Do no t vent R 410A into the atm osphere : R410A is a fluor inated gr een-
house g as, cov ered by the Kyoto Pr otocol w ith Glo bal Warm ing Pote ntial (GW P)=1975.
• Do no t run the unit wit h removed panels or protecti ons.
Touching rotati ng equi pments, hot surfaces or high v oltage parts c an caus e
personal injury d ue to entrapment, b urn or el ectric sh ocks.
Do not perfor m any change of pro tective devi ce itself or its setup conditi on.
The forced ope ration by short -circuiting protective device of pressur e switch
and temp erature controller or the use of n on speci fied comp onent can cause
fire or burst.
• Carry out the electrica l work fo r ground l ead with care.
Do not connect the ground l ead to the gas line , water line, light ning cond uctor or t elephone line’s gr ound lead. Incorrec t groundi ng can ca use unit f aults suc h
as elect ric shock s due to short-cir cuiting.