• U se the cir cuit brea ker with s ufficient breaking capacity.
If the breaker does not have sufficient breaking capacit y, it can cause the unit
malfunct ion and fi re.
• E arth leaka ge breake r must be installed .
If the ea rth leakage brea ker is not installe d, it can cause elec tric shocks.
• I nstall isolator o r dis connect switch on the pow er su pply wiring in accordance with the local code s and regulation s.
• B e su re to install indo or unit proper ly a ccording to the instruc tion
manual i n order to run off the draina ge smooth ly.
Improper installa tion of i ndoor uni t can ca use dropp ing water into the room
and dama ging perso nal prope rty.
• I nstall the draina ge pi pe to run off drai nage securely according to the
installa tion manua l.
Incorrec t installa tion of the dra inage pipe can caus e dropping water into the
room and damaging personal property.
• B e s ure to insta ll the drainage pipe with de scending slope of 1/100 or
more, an d not to m ake traps and air-b leedings.
Check if the drai nage runs off secu rely during comm issioning and ensure the
space fo r inspecti on and ma intenance.
• A fter maintenanc e, all w iring, wiring ties and the li ke, sh ould be returned t o their o riginal s tate and wiring route, a nd the ne cessary c learance fro m all meta l parts s hould be s ecured.
• S ecure a space fo r install ation, i nspection and maintenanc e specifi ed in
the manu al.
Insuffic ient space can resul t in accident such as per sonal injury due to falling
from the installat ion place .
• T ake care w hen carry ing the un it by hand .
If th e unit weigh ts mor e than 20kg, it must be carried by two o r more persons. Do not carry by the plasti c str aps, a lways use the carry handl e whe n
carrying th e u nit by hand. Us e g loves to mini mize the risk of cuts by t he
aluminum fins.
• D ispose of any packi ng materia ls correc tly.
Any remaining packing materials can c ause personal injury as it contains
nails and woo d. And to avoid dan ger of suffoca tion, be sure to kee p the plastic wrap per away f rom child ren and to dispose after tear it up.
• F or installation work, be careful not to g et injured with t he heat e xchanger, piping fl are porti on or scre ws etc.
• B e sure to insulate t he refrig erant pipe s so as no t to cond ense the a mbient air m oisture on them.
Insuffic ient insulation can cause c ondensatio n, wh ich c an lead to moisture
damage o n the ceil ing, floo r, furnitu re and an y other va luables.
• W hen pe rform the air conditioner operation (cool ing o r dry ing op eration) in which ventil ator is installed in the room. I n this case, using the
air conditio ner in parallel with the vent ilator, there is the possibility that
drain water may bac kflow in accorda nce w ith the room lapse into the
negative pressur e status . Theref ore, set up th e openin g port such as incorporat e the air into the room that may app ropriate to ventilation (For
example; Open the door a little). I n addition, just as above , so set up the
opening por t if the room lapse in to negative pre ssure status due to register of t he wind fo r the hig h rise apa rtment et c.
• D o not inst all the u nit in the locations listed below.
• L ocations where carb on fiber, metal pow der or an y powder i s floatin g.
• L ocations where any substances that can affect the unit such as s ulphide
gas, chl oride gas, acid and alkaline can occur .
• V ehicles a nd ships.
• L ocations where cosm etic or special sprays are often us ed.
• L ocations with direct exposure of oil mist and steam such as kit chen and
machine plant.
• L ocations where any mach ines whic h generat e high frequency harmonics
are used .
• L ocations with salty atmospheres suc h as coast lines.
• L ocations wi th heavy snow (If installed, be sure to provide base flame and
snow hoo d mentione d in the manual).
• L ocations where the unit is exposed to chimney smoke.
• L ocations at high al titude (more tha n 1000m hi gh).
• L ocations with ammon ic atmospheres.
• L ocations where heat radiation from other heat source c an affect the unit.
• L ocations without go od air circulati on.
• L ocations with any obstac les which can pre vent inle t and ou tlet air of the
• L ocations where short circ uit of a ir c an o ccur (in case of mul tiple units
installa tion).
• L ocations where stro ng air bl ows agains t the air outlet of outdoor unit.
It ca n cause remar kable decrease in performa nce, co rrosion and damage of
componen ts, malfun ction and fire.
• D o no t i nstall the ind oor unit in the locations listed below (Be sure to
instal l the indoor unit according to the installat ion m anual for each
model be cause each indoor un it has each limi tation).
• L ocations with any obstac les which can pre vent inle t and ou tlet air of the
• L ocations w here vibra tion can be amplified due to insu fficient s trength of
structur e.
• L ocations where the infrared receiver is exposed to the dir ect sun light or
the stro ng light b eam (in c ase of the infrared specifica tion unit ).
• L ocations where an eq uipment affected by high ha rmonics is plac ed (TV
set or r adio recei ver is pl aced withi n 1m).
• L ocations where drai nage cann ot run off safely.
It can a ffect perf ormance o r function and etc.
• D o not inst all the o utdoor uni t in the l ocations listed bel ow.
• L ocations w here disch arged hot a ir or opera ting sound of the outd oor unit
can both er neighbo rhood.
• L ocations where outl et air of the outdo or unit b lows direc tly to pl ants.
• L ocations whe re vibration can be amplified and transmitte d due to insuffi-
cient st rength of structure .
• L ocations where vibra tion an d opera tion s ound ge nerated by the out door
unit can affect se riously ( on the wal l or at t he place n ear bed r oom).
• L ocations where an eq uipment affected by high ha rmonics is plac ed (TV
set or r adio recei ver is pl aced withi n 1m).
• L ocations where drai nage cann ot run off safely.
It can a ffect surr ounding e nvironment and caus e a claim.
• D o not install the unit near the l ocation where l eakage of combus tible
gases ca n occur.
If leake d gases ac cumulate around the unit, it can cause fire.
• D o not inst all t he un it wh ere c orrosive gas (suc h as sulfurous acid gas
etc.) or comb ustible gas (s uch as thinner and petroleum gases) can accu mulate or co llect, or whe re volatile combustibl e substance s are handled .
Corrosiv e gas can cause corrosion of heat e xchanger, breakage of plastic
parts an d etc. And combusti ble gas ca n cause f ire.
• D o not use the indo or unit at the place whe re water splashes may oc cur
such as i n laundries.
Since the indoor un it is not w aterproof, it can cau se electri c shocks a nd fire.
• D o not install nor use the s ystem c lose to the equipment tha t gener ates
electrom agnetic fi elds or h igh freque ncy harmon ics.
Equipmen t such as inverters , standby generators, medical high frequency
equipmen ts a nd t elecommun ication equipments can aff ect the system , an d
cause malfunc tions and breakdowns. The system can also affect medical
equipmen t a nd telecommun ication equipment, and obstruct its function or
cause jam ming.
• D o not pla ce any va riables w hich will be damag ed by get ting wet under
the indo or unit.
When th e relati ve humid ity is higher t han 80% or drainage pipe is clogged,
condensa tion or drainage water can drop and it can cause the damage of valuables.
• D o not inst all the r emote cont rol at the direct sunlight .
It can c ause malfu nction or deformati on of the remote co ntrol.
• D o not use the unit fo r sp ecial purposes s uch a s st oring foods, cool ing
precisio n instrume nts and p reservatio n of anima ls, plants or ar t.
It can c ause the d amage of the items.
• D o not install the outdoor un it in a location where in sects and small animals can inhabit.
Insects and small anim als ca n ent er the elec tric p arts and ca use d amage or
fire. In struct the user to keep the s urroundin gs clean.
• D o not use the base flam e for outdoor unit which is corroded or da maged due to long p eriods of operation .
Using an old an d d amage base fla me can cause the un it falling down and
cause per sonal injury.
• D o not use any materials other than a fuse with t he correct r ating in the
location where fus es are to be used.
Connecti ng the circ uit with co pper wire or other metal thread can cause unit
failure and fire.
• D o not touc h any but tons with wet hands .
It can ca use electric sho cks.
• D o not t ouch any refr igerant pipes wi th your hands when the syst em is
in opera tion.
During operation the refri gerant pipes be come extremely h ot or extremely
cold depe nding the o perating c ondition, a nd it can ca use burn injury or frost
• D o not touc h the suc tion or al uminum fin on the outdoor unit.
This may cause inj ury.
• D o not put anything on the out door unit and opera ting unit .
This may cause dam age the o bjects or injury du e to falli ng to the object.