Mitsubishi Electric Netcom 2 User Manual

Netcom 2
User Manual
Version 3
Table of Contents
1. What is a Netcom?.................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Who do I Contact For Technical Support?............................................................................................ 1
3. What are the System Requirements for Netcom?.................................................................................. 1
4 How do I Configure the Netcom?............................................................................................................. 2
4.2.1 HyperTerminal Setup example .................................................................................................... 2
5 How do I Update the Netcom Firmware?................................................................................................ 3
6 How do I Install the Netcom?................................................................................................................... 5
7 Netcom Web Server................................................................................................................................... 5
7.5 View Events Page.............................................................................................................................. 10
7.6 UPS/Configuration Page.................................................................................................................... 11
7.7 UPS Nominal Values Page................................................................................................................ 12
7.8 UPS Shutdown Setup Page................................................................................................................ 13
7.9 Network Setup Page .......................................................................................................................... 15
7.10 Setup/IP Configuration Page ........................................................................................................... 16
7.11 HTTP Setup Page ............................................................................................................................ 17
7.12 Setup/LDAP Servers Page............................................................................................................... 18
7.13 Setup SNMP Page............................................................................................................................ 19
7.14 SNMP Receivers Page..................................................................................................................... 20
7.15 Setup/Users Page ............................................................................................................................. 21
7.16 Setup/Email Alerts Page.................................................................................................................. 22
7.17 Setup/Time Page.............................................................................................................................. 23
7.18 Syslog Servers Page......................................................................................................................... 24
7.19 Preferences Page.............................................................................................................................. 25
7.20 Restart Page..................................................................................................................................... 26
8 Remote Shutdown Agents....................................................................................................................... 27
8.1 Installing the Remote Shutdown Agent............................................................................................. 27
8.1.1 Windows.................................................................................................................................... 27
8.1.2 Linux.......................................................................................................................................... 27
8.1.3 HP-UX ....................................................................................................................................... 28
8.1.4 Solaris ........................................................................................................................................ 28
8.1.5 AIX ............................................................................................................................................ 28
8.1.6 Netware...................................................................................................................................... 29
8.1.7 Mac OS X .................................................................................................................................. 29
8.2 Configuring the Remote Shutdown Agents from the Netcom........................................................... 30
9 Netcom Forwarder .................................................................................................................................. 30
9.1 Installing and Configuring the Forwarder Agent............................................................................... 30
9.2 Configuring the Netcom to send shutdown messages to the Forwarder Agent ................................. 30
9.3 Configuring the Forwarder Agent to Shut Down Remote Computers............................................... 31
9.4 Configuring the Remote Shutdown Agents to Receive Messages from the Forwarder Agent.......... 31
Appendix A: RJ45 to DE9 connection ......................................................................................................... 32
Appendix B: MIB file................................................................................................................................... 33
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Mitsubishi Netcom User Manual
1. What is a Netcom?
A Netcom is a standalone UPS peripheral used for UPS monitoring, event management, SNMP interfacing, and critical event notification. It consists of a small computer with a serial interface for connecting to and communicating with a UPS, and an Ethernet interface for connecting to your local network. The Netcom has its own embedded web server to allow you to monitor the status of the UPS using a Web browser. Event management is also configured and performed on the Web Server. It supports the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) for integration with a Network Management System and Telnet for configuration.
You can configure the Netcom to perform appropriate actions when an event is detected including email and remote computer shutdown. The included Remote shutdown agent runs on one or more remote computers and communicates with the Netcom to allow remote shutdown of up to 24 computers powered by the UPS. An optional component, the Netcom Forwarder, runs on a remote computer to allow the Netcom to shut down additional computers.
2. Who do I Contact For Technical Support?
Contact the Technical
Support group for help configuring and using Netcom or any Mitsubishi UPS product
Phone 724-778-5111
Fax 724-778-3146
3. What are the System Requirements for Netcom?
The Netcom runs as a standalone unit. It includes a 120-volt AC power source, and a DE9 to RJ45 communications cable for connecting to the UPS. A standard network cable for connecting to the local Ethernet network must be provided.
3.1 Operating System Requirements The remote shutdown agents will run on the following operating systems:
Windows 2000
Windows 2003
Windows XP
Linux Red Hat 7.3, 8.0
Red Hat Enterprise 2.1 ES (update 5), 3.0 ES (update 4)
SLES 9.0
HP-UX 11.0, 11i v1, 11i v2
Sun Solaris 8
Novell Netware 6
IBM AIX 4.3, 5.2
Mac OS X
3.2 Web Browser Requirements
Supported web browsers include:
Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
The Netcom requires Macromedia Flash 6.0 or higher.
3.3 Special Requirements for Web Browsers
In some instances, the caching on a Web Browser can cause the current page not to be updated while navigating on the Netcom user interface. For example, while viewing the Event Log Page you might click on the Variables menu option but still see the Event Log page. If this
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happens, follow the steps to correctly configure the caching for your Web Browser to reload each page upon each visit. Below is the example procedure for Internet Explorer v6:
Open Internet Explorer and select the Tools menu option.
Select the Internet Options submenu.
Under the Temporary Internet files section, click the Settings button.
Click the Every visit to the page radio button.
Click the OK button.
Close the Internet Options dialog box.
3.4 Special Requirements for Firewall Access
Firewalls installed on the network must allow for the Netcom communication. Ensure that the web server port and all SNMP ports are allowed. When Windows XP Service Pack 2 is installed on a computer it will turn on the personal firewall. Below are the steps to open up the web port for Netcom in Windows XP Firewall:
Select Start Menu > Control Panel.
Select Network Connections and right click on the connection that is being used.
Click on Properties and click the Advanced tab in the Properties dialogue.
Press the Settings... button to bring up the Firewall dialogue.
Go to the Exceptions tab and click the Add Port button.
For Name enter Netcom Web Port and for Port Number enter 80. Press the OK
You now will be able to access the Netcom web port through the Windows XP Firewall.
4 How do I Configure the Netcom?
4.1 Installing the Netcom Utilities The Netcom CD contains the following:
Netcom Quick Start Guide (PDF)
Netcom User Manual (PDF)
Netcom Utilities
Netcom Setup Utility
To install the Netcom Utilities or access any of the documents, place the Netcom CD in the CD drive. The Netcom Utilities CD should automatically start. Follow the instructions provided on your screen.
4.2 Configuring the Netcom
The initial network settings must be made by connecting the Netcom to a serial communication program using the included configuration cable.
4.2.1 HyperTerminal Setup example
1. Connect the 9 pin connector to the PC and the 9 pin receptacle labeled “Serial RS232”
on the Netcom.
2. Open a HyperTerminal session by selecting (Installed location may vary)
Start > All Programs > Accessories > Communications > HyperTerminal.
3. Select an available communications port from the drop-down list.
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4. Select the following port settings:
Bits per second: 19200 Data bits: 8 Parity: None Stop bits: 1 Flow Control: None
5. Cycle power from the Netcom by pulling out the power connector and reinserting.
6. Wait for > and type test, this must be done within five seconds. This will disable the
time out function and allow the IP address to be changed.
7. Type setup and enter.
8. The default IP address, IP mask, and IP gateway will be displayed.
9. Enter your IP address and press enter.
10. Enter your sub net mask and press enter.
11. Enter your IP gateway and press enter.
12. After the IP gateway is entered it will ask to save the changes, enter y.
13. System will now reboot and is ready for Internet connectivity.
5 How do I Update the Netcom Firmware?
Configuration Upgrade.
The upgrade will need to be performed on ALL Netcoms.
The Netcom firmware is uploaded on the unit before it is shipped, but this is only a base
1. Open “SineticaTFTPclient.exe” on the Netcom CD.
2. In the 'File Settings' group select 'APPLICATION UPGRADE' from the 'File Transfer
Type' drop down list.
3. In the 'Download File Name' edit box select the name of the file, XX.XX.X.bin,
supplied on the Netcom 2 CD.
4. In the ‘TFTP Settings’ group enter the required IP address of the unit to be upgraded in
the ‘IP Address’ box.
5. Click the 'DOWNLOAD TO DEVICE' button. A blue task bar will flow from left to right
and data information will be displayed in the information box. When “connection closed”
appears the firmware installation will be complete.
6. The new configuration data will be written to the EEPROM in the Netcom2 unit
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7. If the Netcom is going to be communicating with a 2033A or 9700 the protocol will
have to be selected. This is done in the HyperTerminal session by typing ups m.
Figure 2 SineticaTFTPcliet.exe
The Netcom is ready to be connected to the UPS.
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6 How do I Install the Netcom?
The Netcom connects to the RS232 connector of the UPS. Please refer to the UPS
owner’s manual for the location.
** For the 9700 and 2033A UPS the special MIT RS232 connector kit must be used for the connection between the UPS and the Netcom. This connection consists of the 25 pin to 9 pin cable, a gender adapter and a network patch cable.
The DE9 to RJ45 cable is used to connect the Netcom to the UPS. The RJ45 connector is inserted into the terminal identified as “UPS”. A network cable must be inserted into the “Network” receptacle.
The Netcom requires a 120-volt AC power outlet that is UPS protected. If this is not available an internal DC power supply can be purchased from Mitsubishi for the 9800, 2033G and 9900 series, all other UPS’s must use a external power supply. Please contact your sales representative for full details.
7 Netcom Web Server
After completing the initial Netcom IP address assignment, software installation, cable and Ethernet connections, and power connection, the Netcom will be ready to be accessed.
7.1 Login Page
The default password for the Netcom is:
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Figure 3 Login Page
Mitsubishi Netcom User Manual
Username: admin
Password: admin
This Login Page shown in figure 3 is used for logging into the Netcom. The default Username is admin, Password default is admin. This can be changed at the Setup/users page along with several security options.
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7.2 UPS Status Page
Click on UPS in top right corner and UPS Status to view UPS input voltage, output voltage and output load.
Figure 4 UPS Status Page
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7.3 Identification Page
Figure 5 Identification Page
Click on the Identification menu option to display the UPS serial number, UPS serial number, contact name, contact email, contact phone number and battery information. This information is input at the Agent Setup menu (see figure 8).
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7.4 Variables Page
Click the Variables menu option to display the variables page. This page displays a list of the available UPS variables. There are some variables that will not be displayed depending on the unit that is being monitored. The list of variables will vary from unit to unit.
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Figure 6 Variables Page
Mitsubishi Netcom User Manual
7.5 View Events Page
Figure 7 View/Events
Click on the Event Log menu option to display the View/Events page. The event log will hold the latest events received from the UPS. The events can be sorted by month, year and order of occurrence by selecting the View Event.
When an event occurs, it will be written to the event log with a date/time stamp. When the event is cleared (alarm removed), it will be written to the event log in the format “event removed”, where event is the name of the event being cleared. Click the Clear Log button to clear the event log.
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7.6 UPS/Configuration Page
Figure 8 UPS/Configuration Page
The Agent Setup (Netcom) page is where the UPS name, serial number, contact name, contact email, and contact phone number can be inserted. The battery install date is inserted into this field for battery age calculation that is available on the
UPS/Identification page.
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7.7 UPS Nominal Values Page
Figure 9 UPS Nominal Values
The UPS/Nominal Values page is were the UPS nominal values can be changed. This information can be found in the UPS Owners/Technical for nominal values.
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7.8 UPS Shutdown Setup Page
Figure 10 UPS Shutdown setup
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The UPS/Shutdown setup page can control 24 devices to be shut down when the battery capacity reaches the customer’s preset limits. The Battery capacity percentage and estimated runtime can be changed by selected the box and changing the default value if available. The Agent IP Address is the IP address of the item that will be shut down when the present values are reached. Click the Shutdown Setup menu option to modify the shutdown configuration. Test button can be used to test the shut down function. This button allows the user to test the shut down function of the IP address entered.You can set the following values:
Send Shutdown Message You can configure the shutdown of remote computers
to be initiated on one of the following three conditions:
-Battery Capacity – Click the Battery Capacity radio button and enter a battery
capacity threshold (in percent). When the battery capacity falls below the threshold value, a shutdown message will be sent to all listed systems if available.
-Estimated Runtime – Click the Estimated Runtime radio button and enter a
runtime threshold (in minutes). When the estimated runtime falls below the threshold value, a shutdown message will be sent to all listed systems.
Note: Not all UPS support the estimated runtime variable.
-On Battery – Click the On Battery radio button. When the UPS goes on
battery, a shutdown message will be sent to all listed systems.
Shutdown on Low Battery
Click the Enable check box to enable shutdown of remote systems based on a
UPS reported a low battery condition. Enter the delay (in seconds) from the time
the low battery message is sent to the remote system until the remote system
should initiate its shutdown.
Systems to Shut Down
You can send shutdown messages to up to 24 computers. For each system to be
shut down enter the following information:
-IP Address – Enter the IP Address for the computer to be shut down. Contact your network administrator if you are unsure as to what value to use.
-Delay (min) – Enter the delay from the time the message is sent to the computer until the system should initiate its shutdown. For example, a delay of 2 will send the message to the remote shutdown agent that it should initiate its shutdown in 2 minutes. If the utility power returns before the delay time as elapsed, a message will be sent to the remote shutdown agent to cancel the shutdown.
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7.9 Network Setup Page
Figure 11 Network
The Network Setup/Overview page displays the systems name, MAC address,
serial number, firmware version, System uptime, IP information and user information.
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